Thriller Tour Group

345. Nutrient Solution 650,000 plus more

How will the giant in Lily's mouth arrive? No one can know right now. Wei Xun noticed that the faces of the people in Chen Cheng's brigade did not change much. They were just worried and nervous. He focused on Zhu Yuande and the Yu family brothers and sisters who were killed by the old giant in history. None of them had any special expressions.

It seems that the results of Lily's fortune-telling just now were carried out in private, and were not told to them by the Taoist Half-Life Taoist.

"Guys, let's not sleep tonight."

David suggested: "Look where the damn giant came from and figure it out... Bah, this meat is inedible, it smells like pollution and rot!"

After David took a bite of the lizard meat skewers, his expression immediately changed. He frowned and sighed, and finally threw the whole meat into the fire and burned it.

"Is there contamination in monster meat?"

Zhang Xingzang took a piece of unroasted meat, frowned and sniffed: "It's true, eating it will make us more susceptible to the pollution of the ancient oasis."

Zhang Xingzang had also roasted some meat, and the Dream Chaser next to him opened his mouth. When he saw Zhang Xingzang’s prodigal son throwing the barbecue into the fire, it got angry and slapped his tail hard, then blinked and looked towards him. Wei Xun in a wheelchair.

Wei Xun was a little regretful. The meat in his hand was roasted by An Xuefeng over low heat. The outer skin had been roasted to a crispy honey color. It looked crispy on the outside but tender on the inside. Only some chopped dates were sprinkled on it to smell. It was sweet and delicious - very sweet. David said that there was contamination in the meat. Wei Xun knew why the meat was so attractive to him, but he really wanted to try it.

It's a pity that David ruined his good deeds, and he will definitely not be able to eat it now in full view of everyone. Wei Xun put away the barbecue, while David was borrowing dates from Chen Cheng.

“Hey bro, can you give us some dates?”

David approached.

"These dates all belong to Bai LaoDa. If Bai LaoDa has no objection——"

Chen Cheng glanced at Bai LaoDa in the wheelchair and asked for his permission before throwing a small sack of dates over. Everyone did not attend the dinner of the red sand giants. There was not much food in the tower. These whole or divided meats were sent by the giants. They were more cautious and did not dare to touch the meat of those giant monsters and kept eating. All are Bai Laoda dates.

Unable to eat meat and without storage tools, they could only eat dates here for the time being. Fortunately, they picked many at that time.

"Fortunately, Bai Xiaosheng had the foresight."

Half-Life Taoist praised. The task that Wei Xun casually gave Chen Cheng's team was to pick dates, the more the better. Chen Cheng and others in the brigade were all very agile, and they picked several hundred kilograms of dates in total. Boss Wei didn't ask for them, so they kept carrying them on camels, but now they came in handy.

Ripe dates are golden, glutinous and delicious. The taste is different from other dates, but closer to the best golden candied dates. Nuonuo and sizzling, sweet but not greasy, extremely delicious.

David ate a few and was still unsatisfied, but the dates were too sweet and eating too much made people thirsty. He went outside and brought back a stone. With the help of a small fire dragon that breathed fire, he quickly dug a small stone pot with his hands and feet. , set on the campfire to boil water.

It was difficult to boil water in a stone pot, but with a small fire dragon breathing fire next to it, the water in the pot boiled very quickly. At first, there was almost a cup for each person. It's not that people in the West have the habit of boiling boiled water for drinking, but it is common sense to boil the water you want to drink when venturing into the wilderness, especially when most of this water comes from oasis streams and is not considered pure water.

Seeing that the stone pot was empty after boiling water, Chen Cheng politely borrowed the pot from David, then boiled water and put a lot of dates into the pot.

"Do you want to cook dates?"

Knowing that people like Chen Cheng were the 'protagonists' of the reenactment, David approached him professionally and sat next to him, directing the Charmander to help heat it up and asked curiously.

“Can dates be cooked and eaten?”

“Dates are called desert bread.”

It was Wei Xun who answered him. This kind of talking about various background data is Bai Xiaosheng's unique skill. Wei Xun basically repeated what Chen Cheng said before, what is the relationship between date palms and Arabic mythology, date palms It sounded like Phoenix in Greek, and it looked very skillful. It made David feel dizzy. He yelled to stop, and then laughed and joked.

"With Ann and Date here, tonight will definitely be Christmas Eve."

He pretended to raise a marching kettle filled with water: "Let us salute the dates!"

There was only a sparse response, but Bai Xiaosheng's words made everyone present subconsciously eat more dates, even for a good omen. Even the astrologer ate a few dates, and tasted them unexpectedly. I tasted the date soup cooked by Chen Cheng - of course, Chen Cheng scooped out the first cup of cooked soup and cooked dates and donated it to Bai Lao Da.

The cooked dates were glutinous and chewy, sweet and tasted good. Wei Xun ate a few and then put them down. He then picked up his own honey water and drank it one after another. The purified magic honey that can be returned to the SAN to eliminate pollution is now available to Wei Xun like Jianweixiaoshi tablets, but the effect is not significant.

Wei Xun was not hungry. He had not fully digested the pollution he had eaten before, and was even a little full. His body was full of energy, but his stomach was empty. It felt strange. Wei Xun knew that he had to eat something, but he still felt He still wanted to eat grilled lizard meat more than dates. But it seems a little unworthy to leave because of this——

"Boss, I have something to tell you."


As soon as Wei Xun melancholy took a sip of honey hot water from a cup, he saw the infected person walking towards him.

He had just seen the infected person chatting in a low voice for a while with the Western District Butcher Tour Guide of Chen Cheng's brigade. The infected person should have come to report the situation, but Wei Xun had never expected that he would come on his own initiative. After all, the infected person had always been there before. They all acted extremely passive.

What made him change so much? Was it the arrival of the occult or the time when he fought against the old chief... did the infected have some changes?

Wei Xun was very interested, and the infected person came at the right time.

"bring it on."

Wei Xun was rarely pleasant, and even smiled slightly at the infected person.

"Let's go over there."

The infected person did not expect that things would go so smoothly. For a moment, he even felt that the person in the wheelchair had seen through his heart. Ever since he met the Mysterious Society and the infected, he felt like he had become a marginalized person. The arrival of this group of powerful travelers made him useless. These people gathered together, the Vampire Baron and Rex. Unless you go crazy, you will never attack.

There is nothing wrong with being low-key. Those who were infected before would have liked to keep a low profile, but now the situation is different.

He looked at his arm and recalled that moment in the afternoon, when the skin on his fingertips cracked and the gaps between his fingers were soaked with blood - this was not an injury, this was his alienation, the mutated Toxoplasma gondii in his blood. . The infected prefer to call it the 'Insect God'.

The infected person clenched his fists to hide his bleeding fingers. It happened that the battlefield contamination invaded, and Chen Cheng and Dream Chaser did not notice his vision. The mutation ended quickly, and the infected person no longer bleeds. However, this incident stirred up a storm in his heart. This change occurred in a place where mutation was not possible. It was because the Insect God felt something, and it was because the Insect God heard something. A certain call came, and this call——

From the abyss.

From the man in the wheelchair right now!

Is it Zhang Xingzang, Wei Xun, Bai Xiaosheng, Bingyi, or...

A life-haunting person?

No matter what, the infected person is now eager to get close to him and want to know him. This creepy feeling of being controlled and the excitement of regaining power are intertwined, making the infected person completely give up their originally timid plan. ! The infected person knew what he had to do to show his value, so he took the initiative to approach the Western District Butcher Tour Guide of Chen Cheng's brigade to obtain information.

Now is the time to show value.

They went to the nearby Chief's Tower, where the temperature was very low, but Wei Xun had a Phoenix hand warmer and was not afraid at all. The key was the infected.

Wei Xun found out that the infected people were not pale from the cold, and he knew what was happening.

This person is very likely to be slightly alienated.

But for the first time of close communication, with An Xuefeng present, the infected person said nothing private and just reported honestly.

"B125, alienated in ghost state, belongs to the Ferryman Alliance. After his serious injuries were reduced to zero, he was seriously injured again. He has a strong smell of pollution on his body and is already a living dead."

B125? The half-dead comatose tour guide of Chen Cheng's team was actually ranked the same as the devil businessman from the funeral palace in the suburbs of Beijing, and they were both ghostly and alienated. This coincidence really surprised Wei Xun, but the infected person's next sentence Wei Xun raised his eyebrows even more.

"They're hiding something from you."

The infected person said: "This tour guide will also die before the end of the journey. There are eleven damn people in Chen Cheng's brigade, not more than ten."

The infected people believed that there were nine people in total with the astrologers (including An Xuefeng and Zhang Xingzang, eleven people), not the eight people they said, and they concealed one person!

"Then who do you think that person is?"

Wei Xun became interested. They had discussed the tour guide of Chen Cheng's brigade before, but Taoist Ban Ming believed that the tour guide was from the West District and had nothing to do with them in the East District or Chen Cheng's brigade, so he should not be included. Zhang Xingzang also felt that although the tour guide was still alive, he was seriously injured by someone in the alienated state after returning to zero. He was basically dead and should not be included in the reenactment of this scene.

But Wei Xun wanted to hear what the infected people had to say.

"I think the black werewolf who infiltrated is most likely the Silver Moon Killer. If it is really him, the extra person is the Lizard Duke!"

The infected person's tone was unusually sure: "I have learned about Silver Moon Killer. Rumor has it that he likes to raise geckos, especially golden-orange ones. I suspect that this has something to do with the Lizard Duke. The Lizard Duke may sneak in under other identities. , in a similar capacity to Slice... but that's just speculation on my part."

Most of the infected people who ranked high on the Western District passenger list were ‘understood’. The relationship between the Silver Moon Killer and the Lizard Duke was also kept relatively secret at the time. It was he who followed the clues and found out, so he made a guess.

Although it is far-fetched to conclude that the Lizard Duke has other identities and can infiltrate with Silvermoon Killer based on Silvermoon Killer's fondness for raising golden-orange geckos, the infected person did not say anything more and just said:

"The astrologer can definitely tell whether the black werewolf is the Silver Moon Killer and whether the Lizard Duke has infiltrated."

So why don't the astrologers mention this at all?

Maybe it's because they're not sure yet, maybe it's because the Black Werewolf has nothing to do with the Silver Moon Killer, but in fact the most important purpose of the infected is just to hint that 'Bai Xiaosheng' and An Xuefeng, the occult Nor can it be absolutely trusted. His infected people are still very useful!

"What do you think?"

After the conversation, the infected person left in a low-key manner, but Wei Xun did not go back. There was no one around. He took out the meat skewers and asked An Xuefeng to help heat them up over a small fire. When he took a bite of the meat, it left a fragrance on his lips and teeth. The texture was just like Wei Xun's. Just as wonderful as imagined. He sighed contentedly and asked An Xuefeng.

"Silver Moon Killer is a traveler and has never made a journey to the 30th degree north latitude. He will be stronger than the astrologer here."

An Xuefeng said seriously, meaning that even if the Silver Moon Killer really disguised himself as a black werewolf, the astrologer might not be able to tell, but...

‘Be careful with the astrologer, he is a very eccentric person. Whoever's fate is on his side, he will help.'

An Xuefeng thought for a while and told Wei Xun some details about the past events when astrologers made important predictions and people were there to watch.

'The astrologer later said that the fate-seeking person deceived him and made him see his destiny wrong. He and the fate-seeking person did not have a good relationship.'

If from? ? ? It would be a big mistake to be controlled by a life-loving person to judge whether the astrologer has a good relationship with the life-loving person. An Xuefeng seriously warned Wei Xun: "I know you are very interested in him, but you need to pay more attention to it." Be careful, astrologers. This person is very vindictive and very vindictive.'

* *

"Captain, captain."

After eating the dates, David was bored with his Charmander. Suddenly he saw the infected person coming back alone with no trace of Bai Xiaosheng behind him. Xiaosheng really didn't come back, so he enthusiastically used his arm to lift the astrologer twice, who was resting with his eyes closed.


After the astrologer opened his eyes impatiently, David made two sounds and pointed there with his eyes.

If Bai Xiaosheng didn't come back, he must be waiting for you, boss! Didn’t you just agree to talk in detail for a while?

"What are you 'slurping'? Am I a puppy?"

Although he was criticized again, when he saw that the astrologer really got up and walked over there, David hummed happily, waved his hands in the face of Chen Cheng and the others' curious eyes, and laughed softly: "You have to know , Xingxing has a hot temper——"

But before he finished speaking, David stopped laughing, because he was seeing Bai Xiaosheng's wheelchair coming back this way, and happened to collide with the astrologer!

God, didn't Bai Xiaosheng go there specifically to wait for the astrologer? Just have something to talk about with them?

God, that would be embarrassing. The astrologer will definitely twist his head off when he comes back!

David raised his eyebrows in fear, but the astrologer and Wei Xun who actually met face to face were not as embarrassed as he imagined. The astrologer leaned down - he originally wanted to lean down, but somehow, the astrologer finally knelt down and his eyes were level with Wei Xun in the wheelchair.

He didn't look at Fengniao. Wei Xun could feel the astrologer's eyes always on him. But their meeting has attracted the attention of everyone around the campfire. This is not a good place for conversation.

"We will have a formal conversation at the end of the year celebration warm-up match."

"I just want to say a word to you."

But before he could speak, the astrologer spoke first. His voice was very soft, like the sound of breath, lingering in Wei Xun's ears. Only he and An Xuefeng could hear it.

And when the astrologer stared at the phoenix bird and signaled with his eyes, Wei Xun understood that the astrologer wanted to talk to him alone.

Is there anything you want to say to him alone? Do you want An Xuefeng to leave? Wei Xun was really curious, but he did not lose caution. Fengniao flew away from the wheelchair and stopped at a distance where he could not hear the conversation but could help at any time, but the astrologer did not pay attention to him.

He stood up, leaned over Wei Xun's ear, and whispered like a whisper, but the words he said made Wei Xun's breath hitch!

"I thought he was you at first."

The author has something to say: more than 4,000 words of additional updates, akimbo!

Will update normally in the evening, bam bam!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-11-08 23:12:45~2021-11-09 18:37:56~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Erald 1;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Raise a Wild Dazai~, Tourist, A Dust in B612, Sid Chiye, 23583956, 53507799, lianyuyu, Tiantian Sui Liuwangzai 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 97 bottles of Xiao Zan and Little Cutie; 68 bottles of Lu Yusheng; 50 bottles of Jing Xiaoshi, Raising a Wild Dazai~, Nanming Nanming No Fish; 40 bottles of a small koi and bean cake. ;uu 39 bottles; sour, dry rice is the most important, Mr. L’s Miss A 30 bottles; Yangui, Send Voice to the Clouds, Dong Buyan, 23583956, Yu Ci La La La La, Feng Yi Yi, Cotton Wood, Jiali, Please Call 20 bottles for Mr. I Doichi; 18 bottles for Cat Story, Higashida; 15 bottles for Kaguya Bunjin; r, a cat, 22303363, Gardenia Beauty, Vanier, Angel, Moon?, Oreo was eaten, Yaya, two fried dough sticks, glutinous rice feathers, oranges that don’t like coriander, 18028820, ten years, visiting relatives, xglgqd 10 bottles; 24639554 6 bottles; 32987915, lianyuyu, Xixi acridine, there is a cat named Pan 5 bottles; Peach Blossom The Other Side 3 bottles; Su Nuo's Twenty Fingers, Zhang Yuze, L, Grape Climbing the Wall Every Day, Judge, and Most Liangfeng 2 bottles; Liaolan Lanlan, Wu Zhixue, Ye Lingxue, Haiden, Ayuan, Mo 1 bottle of Li, Huomei, Chuyue, and Red Date Elf;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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