Thriller Tour Group

328. Death Sahara (14)

A pale light ignited from the skeleton's eye sockets, very dim, as if it would go out at any time. A tooth-grinding sound of bone friction sounded, and a skeleton raised his arm with difficulty. His arm was all white bones, and only the upper left corner of the skull still had a little human flesh.

"I dreamed that... Hongniang brought me peach blossom luck."

The skeleton laughed hoarsely, which should be a laugh, but it sounded very weird and scary.

"A little elf...ah, it's really beautiful. Green, how long have I not seen green.

"You're almost losing your brain, and you still dream? "

Someone nearby was woken up by him and sneered impatiently. A pool of rotten things on the ground gradually gathered into a human shape. The man was like a mummy in a coffin. The bandages all over his body had decayed, revealing his terrifying body. Most of his flesh and skin remained in a rotten state, and his internal organs could be seen. The blackened heart beat sluggishly, like a shrunken black apricot.

"Of course, I think you envy me."

The skeleton retorted, and the rotten man snorted gloomily. The sound of the two quarreling was rare and lively in the unbearable silence, and finally woke someone up.

"Save some energy. "

A sharp light flashed by, it was a sword that flashed with a cold light. It was forged from ice crystals, with a snow-white pattern in the middle of the dark blue sword body, like a snow mountain, beautiful and cold.

The sword body reflected a faint figure, he seemed to be sleeping in the sword, and when he woke up and came out of the sword, he was like a ghost, with only a faint outline and shadow. His voice was very cold, like ice and snow.

"Rest for a while, the pollution torrent is coming again."

"It won't recover much physical strength if we rest for a while, we will be exhausted sooner or later. Feihong is more dangerous, they are almost dead, and there has been no news from the people in the west for too long. I didn't expect that in the end, the three of us would still be alive in a mess, haha."

The skeleton played with his bones boredly: "Let me calculate, is it almost another decade? ”

“No wonder the pollution torrents come more and more frequently. It means new people are going to the battlefield… Maybe we can see some old faces. Oh, I almost forgot about it after so many years. Let me think… Yes, Cen Qin, the next captain of our metaphysics is called Cen Qin, right?”

“It’s Wan Anpin, you idiot.”

The rotten man sneered: “Cen Qin lost half his life, have you forgotten?”

“Wan Anpin, Wan Anpin… Damn, why don’t I have any impression of it? Oh, my memory is getting worse and worse. Didn’t he learn my bone control?”

“Wan Anpin was ordered in a critical moment.”

The man who came out of the sword said lightly: “I left an opportunity, but it may hurt them more. ”

The half-life Taoist who had been carefully cultivated lost half his life. Wan An, who was appointed in times of crisis, was more than capable of defending the achievements, but his talent... was not outstanding.

"Who knows? Anyway, I don't care now. It's too long ago."

The skeleton laughed, like an old man who likes to recall the past, and talked about Cen Qin again: "Do you think Cen Qin has recovered his strength?"

Then he changed his words: "Forget it, it's better not to recover his strength. Die directly on the battlefield, and save yourself from coming to this ghost place."

"We want to live and continue to live."

Chen Cheng finally ended this discussion caused by the dream: "Take a rest. "

The ghost fire in the skeleton's eyes went out, Cheng Tianbao turned into rot again, and Chen Cheng returned to the Hanshan Sword. What he didn't say was that he had just had a dream.

But what he dreamed of were blank posters.

Dreaming of posters is not a good sign, and blank posters mean that people will never come back. So he didn't say these. But Tang Shuang's dream tonight made Chen Cheng think of many past events.

After ten years, will anyone still remember them, and will anyone still expect them to come back?

Chen Cheng thought of the last divination he made before he left. The Yin-Yang fish lost its eyes, which was a dead hexagram without any hope. Blank posters are unlucky, but when their dark figures appear on the posters again, it is not a good thing.

Perhaps after struggling in pollution for ten years, they can't escape the final fate.

Chen Cheng Close your eyes, sleep in the sword, accumulate little power, and wait for the next pollution flood. However, Chen Cheng dreamed again in his sleep. The dream was still the same, the dark poster gallery, the blank posters, and the ominous black shadow was getting closer and closer, as if the monster in the paper was about to break through the paper, and pollution would come to the world.

There was nothing special about the dream, just like usual. When Chen Cheng thought so, he suddenly heard the voice of a young man.

‘Black is unlucky? ’

The man made the final decision: ‘Then let’s dye this thing green, full of vitality’

Chen Cheng:?

In the dark, Chen Cheng woke up from the sword. When he woke up, others woke up as if they heard a rooster crowing, and then wondered.

“This pollution flood hasn’t come yet. Does the monster also know to be late? "

Tang Shuang yawned, and Cheng Tianbao asked worriedly, "Captain, what happened?"


Chen Cheng said: "It's just a nightmare, go to sleep."

* *

At the Metaphysics Hotel, Wan Anpin came out of the poster gallery holding a tortoise shell in his hand, with a solemn expression.

"Has the poster changed again?"

The gloomy and indifferent man leaned against the corridor waiting for him. Every time Wan Anpin entered the poster gallery, the ghost king Li Hongxue would wait outside. This poster gallery is becoming more and more evil. Since the past two years, no one can enter alone. There must be someone outside to support.

With the orange title of the ghost king, Li Hongxue has a keen sense and can detect the changes in the evil pollution in the corridor the fastest, so he often guards the door, but this time-

"The poster corridor is not polluted much tonight, Captain Wan, you..."

Why do you still have this solemn expression? Obviously he feels fine.

"Is there still no footage of Bai Xiaosheng and Banming in the live broadcast room?"

Wan Anpin asked first.

"No... What's wrong? Is there really something wrong with the corridor?"

Ban Ming Dao Ren and Bai Xiao Sheng are the ones who know the poster corridor best. The previous generation captain Chen Cheng almost handed over all the inheritance to him. Wan An Pin was appointed in a critical situation. Even though Chen Cheng did not hide anything from him in the end and taught him everything he knew, many things still needed to be guided by hand, but there was no time at that time.

So far, even if Wan An Pin has become the captain of the metaphysics team, some things still need to be solved by Ban Ming and Bai Xiao Sheng.

"It's not an accident. I'm not sure whether it's good or bad."

Wan An Pin sighed, and was a little entangled: "Forget it, watch the live broadcast."

At this moment, the live broadcast room of 'Exploring the Sahara' is still very lively, especially because the few people who can block the live broadcast are not there, the audience has a very good viewing experience, and the audience in the forum and the live broadcast room are mainly discussing these topics.

The first is that An Xuefeng, Bai Xiaosheng, Dream Chaser, and Zhang Xingzang who just left were not in the live broadcast room. Although Zhang Xingzang is a shielding man who brought mosaics to the entire live broadcast room, there is still a difference between shielding and not appearing.

Zhang Xingzang disappeared just two minutes ago, and it was still warm.

[Did Zhang Xingzang really go to find Dream Chaser? Where did Dream Chaser go?]

[I don’t know, but it’s probably more dangerous than the Death Sahara]

[Maybe some special trial scenes? The hostel live broadcast can’t be involved, so it should be the core of the 30 degrees north latitude scenic spot]

[Hehe, I think the West District Dog is a waste of time]

[Don’t say it, don’t say it, it’s scary to think about it. The Lizard Duke has never shown up, maybe he went there too! ]

[It doesn’t matter, Captain An and Bai Xiaosheng also went there, they will definitely be fine! ]

One group of people are discussing serious topics, while another group of people are not focusing on this.

[Hey, I think Wei Xun has great potential to become the next generation's strongest traveler. To be honest, it's better to be single]

[No, no, although I have no problem with celibacy, but you are too rude to say it here. Wei Xun and An Xuefeng are very good, why separate them!]

[No... I'm just saying this weakly, don't you think this is actually not conducive to the internal harmony of the next generation's return journey? The strongest new traveler and the strongest new tour guide, Wei Xun and Bing Yi are obviously the next generation's strong combination, but now... cough cough cough]

[That, someone's character is impeccable in terms of strength and other aspects, but this point is indeed handled generally, anonymous anonymous]

[Laughing to death, butcher tour guide is talking on a big account, don't belittle An's character here, I say An is very good! He has made a choice!]

[Yes! An has disappeared, leaving the space for Wan Xiangchun and Wei Xun, what else are you talking about! ]

[...You said that Captain An made the choice to give up this relationship and match Wan Xiangchun and Wei Xun? ]

[This is the best choice, after all, the ten years are about to end, and Captain An can't accompany Wei Xun for longer. I am crying. Captain An is really a responsible and good man! ]

[But this is unfair to Wei Xun, can you just give in to feelings? Besides, Wan be honest, he is a bit greasy. So the big guy is so greasy when flirting with people, Wan Xiangchun looks like a cold male god! ]

[Haha, confident straight men are like this. If I ask you, Bingyi is still caring. Look at how tightly Yin Yang Butterfly protects Wei Xun along the way, and even gives him a little butterfly. If Bingyi hadn't specifically instructed, Yin Yang Butterfly would never do this. Look at how cruel his killing methods are]

[He, a rising star tour guide, is willful and mysterious, but because of an accident, he is forced to become addicted to someone and cannot escape. He, a rising star traveler, is kind and strong, but because of his innocence, he falls deeply in love with someone. An accident, a bad fate, when someone leaves, they really find themselves and really discover - I can't make it up anymore, continue downstairs]

[It tastes like the queen and the concubine are together! Come on, you can come on!]

[What queen and concubine, this decade is over and the new captain ascends the throne (no), the stepmother literature of forcibly marrying the queen mother!]

"What is stepmother literature?"

Wan Anpin couldn't help asking.

"You still read this?"

Li Hongxue gave him a strange look, with an expression of 'How weird, brother'. Wan Anqian was just asking casually, but looking at his expression, he subconsciously defended himself: "I see people are discussing this on the barrage. Hey, there are more and more young people."

At the end of the decade, it was another time for hotels to collect people intensively. With the influx of new blood, the popularity of discussions among Rising Star Tour Guides and Rising Star Tourists is gradually rising, and they will eventually be surpassed. And these old people are like replaced blood, disappearing silently on the battlefield.

“What is beyond the battlefield?

Li Hongxue couldn't help but ask: "Do you think the old captain and the others are still alive?"

"Not sure."

Wan Anpian sighed: "If I could become the person in charge or join the parliament, I might be able to know more, but..."

He shook his head and said no more: "I just hope that if I have the opportunity to meet Captain Chen and the others again, I won't regret my original choice."

Xuanxue dropped from the first brigade to the third. As the captain, he has a heavy responsibility. It doesn’t mean that you don’t work hard, and it doesn’t mean that you don’t risk your life to take risks, but talent is such a thing that people can only smile helplessly. Some people are like light, even if it is temporarily dim, they will attract people to follow.

Wan Anpong understood this when Yu Xiangyang, a very talented traveler at that time, followed Taoist Taoist Ban Ming to Laoshan Tour Group, but Wan Anpong could not persuade him to come back anyway. Team Wu has been recommending tour guides to Xuanxue for ten years, but Xuanxue still has no tour guides on duty until now. Those powerful tour guides have their own choices, but they will not choose Xuanxue today.

Just like even if the journey back home doesn't accept new people for a few years, those good prospects would rather go to the Sunset Brigade, the Crimson Brigade, or the Phenom Brigade.

Powerless? defeat? Over the past ten years, Wan Anpong has long since learned to face everything with a calm smile, just to have a clear conscience and do his best.

"You're fine."

Li Hongxue was not good at words, so she could only shake Wan Anqian's hand hard and try to change the subject: "What happened in the poster corridor?"

Speaking of the poster gallery, Wan Anpian's expression changed again. It was an expression that he couldn't laugh or cry, and he didn't know how to mention it.

"Maybe you think I'm joking, but you know, everything I say is true."

Wan Anqian said helplessly: "I saw the poster of the former deputy Tang team, it was a bit green."

Li Hongxue:?

* *

"So the elf is interested in your rainbow caterpillar and not you at all?"

In the desert oasis, Chen Cheng found Tang Shuang back from the date palm forest. His depressed and empty expression could not be concealed at all, and he would complain when asked, only to be laughed at mercilessly.

"Don't be depressed, Tang Shuang. This at least shows that the matchmaker is really lucky."

"Yes, Tang Shuang, maybe it will recruit you after it recruits itself!"

"To be honest, if the elf is really that good-looking, it would look pretty cool together with the caterpillar."

"Strange XP increase!"

"The owner of this oasis is Boss Wei, and this elf is also raised by Boss Wei. Feed Tang Shuang, does it really say, 'Master likes it?'"



Someone took a breath of air and murmured: "If it were the elf raised by Mr. Wei, would his aesthetics suddenly become normal?"

"But I have a question."

Cheng Tianbao asked very inquiringly: "The rainbow caterpillar... must be in a larval state. Can it be with other elves?"

This question made Tang Shuang's expression suddenly freeze.

Yes, the matchmaker is still a child!

* *

"Wow, I really didn't expect that."

Xiaocui cried angrily, and the cry of an elf was really pitiful. He sobbed and said: "I just, I just want the babies to have rainbow hair."

It's just a bug, not to mention that the matchmaker can't even be considered a low-level devil bug. For Xiaocui, simple is not enough. Tang Shuang agreed, Xiaocui took the matchmaker away and ripened it, and also advanced it a bit, turning it into a low-level devil insect. Returning it at that time would be regarded as giving back to Tang Shuang.

Who would have thought——

Who would have thought that the matchmaker would turn green after ripening! It lost all its hair and turned into a big ugly green moth! Xiaocui is also green, just like emerald, but this big moth is like a rotten apple, and it also emits an unpleasant smell of fertilizer.

Xiaocui's mentality was shattered. He never wanted to be picky. When he saw the big ugly green moth, he couldn't eat it. He just wanted rainbow hair! What made Xiao Cui even more depressed was that when he returned, he found that the owner had taken in another female insect, and even gave her a nice name, Little Rose!

"Huh? Has the matchmaker changed?"

But Xiaocui's complaining words caught Wei Xun's attention, and he put down the little rose - it was the giant rose ruby ​​spider. There was a shadow floating on its body, which had obviously absorbed the butterfly tattoo. After bleeding, she is trying hard to release her spirit. This is the case with wild female worms. Without the high energy of the abyss, most of them cannot have a mental state when they are the lowest level Falala female worms.

Wei Xun was previously curious about the current state of the desert oasis. If he could conquer the little rose, could the little rose become an alienated state here?

But the matchmaker's changes made Wei Xun even more worried.

Little Rose felt a faint pressure. She crawled down, shivering and trembling. It was another female insect that was stronger than her. Especially after discovering that the new master immediately diverted his attention as soon as the other party arrived, Little Rose knew more about his status. She quietly raised her eight eyes, looked at the other person, and was immediately glared at severely.

But Little Rose firmly remembered the other person's appearance. She understood that the master liked this!

"Half life, do you remember the matchmaker?"

Wei Xun pinched the wings of this big ugly green moth and held it in his hand for observation. The matchmaker cannot take it away, it belongs to Tang Shuang, which Wei Xun has confirmed before. So what does it mean that it has transformed early because of Xiaocui?

"I remember the matchmaker."

Taoist Ban Ming said firmly, not only did he remember it, but he also had a deep impression. When he first joined the team, he could not forget what Mr. Tang Shuang said about the matchmaker, accompanied by a long sigh. At that time, he thought that the matchmaker was Deputy Tang's dead lover or something like that, and he did not dare to mention his sad story, so he lamented on the anonymous forum that the deputy was really affectionate.

As a result, the waistcoat was not put on properly and someone took it out. I thought, ‘Shocked! Tang Shuang, the vice-team member of the metaphysics team, has been in love with the colorful foreign hotpot for ten years, and the new team member calls the deputy team affectionate! 'The joke spread throughout the hotel, and Tang Shuang'er, who was half-dead and frustrated, asked him to give up his life. After a good education, he didn't know what 'matchmaker', 'duck duck', and 'baobao' were. , they are all insects raised by Tang Shuang! No, it’s a one-stop shop for wives, babies, and pets.

"But I haven't really seen it. The matchmaker died of old age a month before I joined the team. I heard from Deputy Tang that it seemed to have been a colorful spiciness all its life and never turned into a moth form."

That's strange.

If the matchmaker never turned into a moth throughout her life, she shouldn't have changed much now. Low-level demonic insects can live for at least forty or fifty years and will never die of old age.

Unless it will return to its original state after the scene replay ends, but...

"It would be nice to see the poster."

Half Life Taoist lamented that if there are some changes in the future, it will definitely be reflected on the poster.

But even without the poster, Wei Xun had other ideas.

"I quite like Rainbow Fluffy."

Wei Xun praised: "Xiao Cui, you are serious."

He personally fed Xiao Cui a drop of purified magic honey, which made Xiao Cui, who was angry, aggrieved and angry, feel as sweet as if she had eaten honey. She shyly replied: "If the master doesn't mind, the future babies will have it." If there is a certain chance that it will inherit the earthy green color instead of the rainbow color, Xiaocui, Xiaocui will be fine.”

He is mainly afraid that the earth-green baby will not be liked by his owner!

"I like it. I like everything you give birth to."

Wei Xun said that he really wanted to know if Xiaocui could get a group of matchmakers.


Just when Wei Xun was about to collect the honey bottles, a snakehead suddenly approached him. An Xueshe, who had won the stage victory in the snake-dragon battle, slowly spat out the message and clicked some honey bottles—— The snake also wants to drink.

Wei Xun is really good at sweet talk. If An Xuefeng usually wouldn't care about a bug, but now his wild instinct still has some influence, An Xueshe thought. When Wei Xun fed him honey and rolled off two snake scales, he slowly turned sideways, revealing the incision on his heart——

If it were exposed later, the wound would have healed naturally.

But Wei Xun still noticed it and asked Tong Hege to help on the spot. Tong Hesinger pointed out that even the ginseng whiskers were not used. Hey, the wound healed immediately!

An Xueshe:.

"Where did Dream Chaser go?"

Wei Xun asked, and then saw An Xue Snake tapping the back of the rock wall with the tip of its tail - the angry Dream Chaser Xiaolong couldn't help it, and went to beat up the infected person, this person was also very... Hate!

"Captain Chen and the others are also a butcher tour guide in the West District, right?"

Wei Xun stood up, and An Xueshe, who was lazily trying to lie on his lap, rolled down. He wanted to climb up again but Wei Xun raised his hand to refuse - snakes are really heavy.

"Don't go, he might recognize you."

From An Xuefeng to now, the infected people have never seen him. Although the infected person is only A4 and cannot turn over An Xuefeng's palm, Wei Xun still likes to keep one hand.


The aggrieved, jealous and sad young dragon was really deadly when he beat the infected person, which can be seen from his face that was swollen into a pig's head. The infected person has troubles that he cannot tell. He just said that he was seriously injured and could not participate in the battle. Wouldn't it be revealed if he really fought back? No, this is definitely a temptation from Dream Chaser and his group——

But he was beaten so badly! Could it be that this dragon wanted to beat him to death directly? ?

The moment the infected person decided to fight back, the young dragon stopped, and then the infected person heard Zhang Xingzang's voice. At this moment, the infected person didn't feel angry, but felt happy - haha, luckily he held back. Sure enough, these people just wanted to test him!

"Longlong, don't be angry with me, okay?"

Wei Xun got a Angry Dragon, but fortunately he had reached the full level of coaxing people, and he quickly coaxed the Dream Chaser. Indulging Xiaolong in leaving various auras on his body, Wei Xun half-smiled but looked at the infected person with false concern: "Are you okay? It doesn't matter. I have hot water here."

Wei Xun felt that the infected person was too deep-minded and too intolerable, and even had more potential than the other insect masters he knew. He had been wary of the infected person's counterattack, but he didn't expect that this person could actually endure it until now!

"If this happens a few more times, I'm afraid I'm really going to die."

The infected person smiled helplessly and said calmly: "But if I die, Toxoplasma will contaminate the entire earth, and then all the monsters will be me."

Don't try to kill me. You can't bear the consequences.

The infected can no longer take such beatings, and the infected must change their strategies.

"Don't you want to get some information from the butcher tour guide in the brigade?"

"I'm just a little butcher tour guide. With Dream Chasing here, I want to know why he can't hide things at all."

Wei Xun pretended to be disdainful, but when he saw the infected man smiling, he said meaningfully: "This is different. He is a tour guide in the West District. I'm afraid the methods of you people in the East District will not be very effective."

"And I can feel that danger is approaching. I see in the stars that this oasis will soon turn to scorched earth, and the ruthless giant will sweep everything away."

What the infected person said actually caters to the changes in Half-life Taoist tokens! During the hunting season of the desert giants, the giant snakes gathering outside their oasis may be one of their prey!

Wei Xun was surprised in his heart, but he still had to suppress this person verbally: "What stars? You are pretending to be magical. Is it possible that an astrologer can teach you something?"

Haha, the infected person is too lazy to talk about the many efforts he has made secretly to join the occult. These people simply don't understand his ambitions.

But in any case, the news revealed by the infected finally allowed him to stop living like a prisoner for the time being. After Tong Hege treated him a little, the infected was allowed to move around the crevices of the oasis.

At the same time, Wei Xun found Taoist Ban Ming again and asked, "Do you know what treasures there are in the ancient oasis?"

The desert giant hunt is imminent, and Wei Xun must add more means. Although the title "Thriller" is good, it can only be used for one and a half minutes, and it is still not safe. Wei Xun thought of the "Treasure Hunter" series of titles.

The progress of this title has been reached. If nothing happens, as long as Wei Xun obtains the title of treasure hunter, he can directly obtain the orange title of 'Explorer' for starting a journey through the 30th degree of north latitude.

But the problem is that although the progress is full, Wei Xun still failed to obtain this title. He asked An Xue Snake, and Snake Snake told him that treasure hunters not only discover relics, but more importantly, hunt for treasures.

The largest and most precious diamonds in the mines, the oldest bronzes in the tombs, the black pearls in the deepest part of the ocean, and the gold in the sunken ships are all the targets of treasure hunters.

It sounds simple, but with the word ‘most’, the difficulty becomes subtle.

"The most precious treasure in the ancient oasis? Of course it is in the Red Sand Giant Tribe!"

After listening to Wei Xun's request, Taoist Ban Ming subconsciously said: "Team Chen told me that the Red Sand Giant Tribe has the most beautiful treasures in the desert. And the Red Sand Giant Tribe is also the easiest to be exploited. The first one to conquer! The captain conquered this place first, and then blended in to show off his skills. We can also attack first!"

"What is the most beautiful treasure?"

Wei Xun thought about it and felt that Taoist Ban Ming's words were not reliable, but he still asked one more question.

"What else? Of course she is the daughter of the Red Sand Giant Chief."

The half-life Taoist takes it for granted: "The most beautiful treasure, the most beautiful giant bride!"

Wei Xun:?

The author has something to say: Wei Xun [said]: Chen Cheng turns out to be good at this.

Chen Cheng, who was feeding dates to the little giant:?

There are still 3,000 words left before 1:30, so the little angels can get up and read it tomorrow, bah-bah-bah!

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2021-10-28 17:50:50~2021-10-28 23:33:52~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: Cang, Tiantian, Sui Liuwangzi, Xiao Ximi, Bai Riyou, and Zisu Xiaxue;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Linger 270 bottles; Yang Fan 159 bottles; Fiona xxx 119 bottles; Xiaohei Dabai and Miyuki 110 bottles; Posu Baozi 80 bottles; Qiwei 70 bottles; (?_?), Xiao 60 bottles of Zou; 50 bottles of Gun_Tuza, Qinchuan, Chuangxiang Bingtan; 48 bottles of Winter Solstice; 40 bottles of Almighty Salted Fish, Aiko; 39 bottles of Yin Han; Yan Xuanyu, Brown Sugar Bingfen, Xianghe Zhu Yilong Driving Girl, Shushu You, Ajing, Soft Father, Hi~~ 30 bottles; Yebai Baibaibai 25 bottles; Reikoooooo 21 bottles; 20 bottles per year; Lu Zhi, Mo Kan, the peach blossoms wet with drizzle, squeezed eggs always make a small face, boiled wine warms Juhan, sharp knife, peanuts are not peanuts?, Chujiu, Yawei, 34343722, flowers fade at sunset, and convulsions also occur 10 bottles of Mengmengda, Alai, and Xiaoqian from the grocery store; 9 bottles of Mo Mengmei; 7 bottles of Sanshui Riyue, Yuandong; 6 bottles of Dawn White Peach Flavored Sparkling Water, Xiqi, and Juncheng; Nanfang Youmu, Qianyue , 5 bottles of Fish Catching Guest; 4 bottles of Tingtailouxie, April, and Cute Girl; 3 bottles of Xun, Ye Buyu; 2 bottles of Home Qiaoqiao, Ami; Beibei, Ningyu, Chenjian Lianchiyue , 42436327, Spades is the cutest child! , It Doesn't Matter Snow, Hiding the Wind in My Arms, Rice Rice, The Inverse Cross of White Willow, Snow Ling at Night, Gradually, A Lake Swan, Mu Xianzhi, No matter how much sleep I get, I can't get enough 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard.

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