Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 143 Clay Figurine Zhang【2】

The ringtone of the cell phone was distorted and intermittent, sometimes ethereal and sometimes noisy, sounding like some kind of music that can pollute people's nerves.

When the ringtone sounded, the dream chaser and An Xuefeng met. With the blood and bones of eighty-one blood pagodas as sacrifices, the Puruogangri Glacier cracked a crack, which was the passage leading to the legendary "non-existent" ghost glacier, the Laplange Glacier.

This place is full of strange and mysterious power. When entering the passage, An Xuefeng and the dream chaser got separated and finally met after half a day. This is a deep blue, huge mountain range with no end in sight. Although it is called a glacier, there is actually no ice or snow on the mountain, only deep blue rock formations.

And they are now in the middle and lower sections of this mountain range. The legendary Demon Kingdom is at the top of the Laplange Glacier. They have to continue climbing up. But this place is full of strange monsters. They are like huge giant shadows, quietly standing everywhere in the deep blue mountains.

On weekdays, they are like giant rocks, but at dusk, they will riot and turn into sticky semi-liquid and semi-solid monsters like oil.

They can easily blend into the glacier and attack from the inside of the rock. The splashing black sticky "oil" can melt anything it touches. They will not stop rioting until the entire glacier turns black, and return to silence.

It is dusk now, and all the black oil monsters are wandering outside. But they can't break into this small ice cave anyway, because there is a dark orange scimitar and a dark black dream catcher stuck in the ground in the middle of the ice cave.

When the ringing sounded, the dream chaser was closing his eyes to rest.

"Your mobile phone."

An Xuefeng sat at the entrance of the ice cave and drank, his two long legs bent and stretched, a bit casual. He held a military wine pot in one hand and a special silver pistol in the other, and easily repelled all the black oil monsters that rioted and attacked the ice cave because of the ringing sound.

"Not many people know your number."

An Xuefeng said lazily: "It's not your old subordinate who called at this time, tsk."

He still remembered the teasing about "dating" from the dream chaser before, and raised his eyebrows and said: "Are you... in trouble?"

But before An Xuefeng finished speaking, his phone rang. It was also a specially set text message alert tone. An Xuefeng frowned, shot all the black oil monsters close to the ice cave, then put away the wine pot, turned on his phone, and replied to the message.

If it were normal, the dream chaser would definitely tease back easily, but now he answered the phone, hung up the call after listening to the other party's words, folded his hands on his nose, and fell into deep thought.

"Xingzang's situation is even worse."

Dream Chaser suddenly said without thinking: "He may... not be able to wait for us to return."

"I said it a long time ago."

An Xuefeng did not raise his head, biting a cigarette, typing a reply with one hand, and said lightly: "You are too soft, too sentimental, but too stubborn. If there is any difference, it would not have dragged on until now."

"Captain An's vision is still so sharp."

Dream Chaser joked, but his mentality was okay, muttering: "You are right, I have persisted for so many years, and many people who believed in me have died, but I have not been able to give them hope. This is indeed my dereliction of duty."

Hearing a sense of helplessness and self-mockery in his tone, An Xuefeng did not speak again, only said: "Kill them?"

"Let me think about it again."

After a moment of silence, Dream Chaser whispered.

He closed his eyes and sorted out his thoughts. The puppet master's solicitation did not start recently. She promised a long time ago that if the dream chaser joined, she would change the name of the alliance to Hope Shepherd Alliance.

Hope is in front, shepherds are behind, one alliance and two governances, she will not interfere with the dream chaser, the only purpose of establishing a unified alliance is to jointly fight against the butcher alliance that shows the ambition of hegemony.

But the dream chaser hates the butcher alliance, but also dislikes the shepherd alliance. What is the essential difference between the two? It is just a hypocritical coat, called shepherding, but in fact it is exploiting tourists. When it comes to a critical moment, tourists are just cheap victims.

However, it is interesting that many tourists are severely exploited, but they believe that the tour guides who have taken benefits will protect them with their heart. But when you show pure kindness, they have many suspicions about you.

Maybe this is human nature, the dream chaser has seen it clearly. He has insisted on his beliefs for many years, but now he is a little confused.

The way forward... is there really a way forward?

This time, the puppet master told him about Zhang Xingzang's bad recent situation through the silverfish, maybe it's time for him to make a decision.


The phone vibrated again, and the dream chaser opened his eyes with some annoyance.

So anxious to get his reply, not willing to wait a moment?

But when he looked at the phone again, he opened his eyes wide in surprise.

[Let's talk]

This message actually came from a name that had long been obscured ten years ago! The dream chaser never thought that one day he would receive a message from the other party again.

In shock, the dream chaser remained calm: [Prove yourself]

The other party said: [Ten years and six months ago, I disappeared in reality. But I deliberately cut off contact with reality, and that person targeted me]

Seeing this sentence, the dream chaser's tense nerves relaxed, yes, it was this person. This message is almost a rule, only he can type it out. Others can't communicate with outsiders even if they know it.

He asked: [Are you resurrected? ]

[Yes. The person who resurrected me is Bing 250]

[It turned out to be him? That's right...]

Dream Chaser murmured that he had also watched the live broadcast of the beautiful Xiangxi, and he could tell at a glance that something was wrong with 'Bingjiu'. Later, "Passenger" was on the homecoming list and Bing250 was on the top of the new star list almost at the same time, which made the dream chasers even more aware.

But what the dream chasers are most concerned about is not the journey to the 30th New North Latitude, but the survival of all the people brought out by Bing250.

All the same members survived, but Bing250 took a different path from him. He is not the kind of tour guide who takes care of and protects tourists. He is not the kind of tour guide who follows the brigade closely and will not let any accidents happen.

It can be said that he has always been away from the brigade, often doing his own things. He didn't specifically take care of or help anyone, but the average rank of this tourist was very low, and the group that was supposed to be destroyed before the first attraction actually survived.

This makes dreamers pay attention and make them think.

How can more people survive the journey?

Is it to turn the tide and provide absolute protection?

No, no, Dream Chaser himself has long verified that this is wrong.

The flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the cruel storm, and the airtight protection is actually a life-killing poison.

If he was Bing250, he would have made a choice when going up the mountain.

Based on the situation at that time, no matter what the reason was, he would provide shelter to those who chose to stay and help Miao Fangfei. But he will no longer give preferential treatment to those who turn around and run away because of cowardice or indifference and selfishness.

Although some people may die, those who survive will understand how important his protection is, and will tend to choose the one he approves of when making choices in the future.

Use your own strength to let your own tendencies become the code of conduct for passengers.

This is what the dreamer does. He has many puppets who are executing the idea. Success counts as success, and failure counts as failure.

Because it's false and doesn't really come from the heart. When it comes to life and death, no matter how well you disguise yourself, your true nature will eventually be revealed.

But Bing250’s approach is different.

He didn't care about the intrigues within the brigade, nor the subtle divisions between camps. He was also very strong, but he did not let his ideas become the rules of the brigade. Instead, he stayed outside the brigade. When it was time to let go, he let go and gave more rights to the captain Miao Fangfei.

The strange thing is that without the over-involvement of the tour guide, the brigade has united on its own. Almost everyone has subtly changed by the end. They will take the initiative to help teammates, work together, and also respect and trust the tour guide. .

why is that?

Is this a coincidence, or can it be replicated?

The dream chaser had many doubts and some unspeakable expectations. He wanted to see it again.

But he really didn't expect that Yu Hehui would be in the hands of Bing 250 and be revived by him!

Dream Chaser thought that Yu Hehui was taken away by Wang Pengpai.

But it's normal to think about it. The probability of Yu and Hui being revived on the way back... is probably not as good as the new tour guide Bing250 who has created infinite possibilities.

【Do you need my help? 】

The dream chaser came back quickly, and Yu Hehui sent a message to find him. It was not just a chat. There must be something he can't solve and he needs help. Dreamers will understand if they think about recent events.

[I don’t have a low-level puppet, but maybe I can be his guardian]

Dream Chaser's meaning is very clear. He does not have a puppet of the same level as Bing 250, so he cannot become the other tour guide in the double tour guide. But he himself can become the guardian of Bing250.

【If so, that would be great! Let me first say thank you on behalf of my little tour guide! Hey, he's just too young, and he doesn't think as carefully as you do. He doesn't even think about guardians. 】


The dream chaser chuckled, and realized that Yu Hehui originally wanted to find him not because of the guardian, but because he followed the stick after he asked. But he didn't say much. After all, he was really curious about Bing250 and wanted to see with his own eyes whether he could create another miracle in the next group.

[Tianhu is so cunning, tell me what's going on. 】

He replied with a smile, but also sighed in his heart. Yu Hehui has always been smart and cunning, almost astonishingly intelligent, but this time she was willing to come to him for Bing250, shamelessly only thinking about this little tour guide.

Not to mention the relationship between the resurrected and the rescuer, the resurrected is the rescuer's property, the rescuer is the master, etc. With Yu Hehui's personality, is it not easy to fool a little tour guide?

His behavior just now seemed like he was sincerely considering plans for Bing250. Also 'my little tour guide', hey, is this little tour guide really so charming?

[That’s it, I need a puppet here. It’s urgent and I need Captain Zhang to take action]

The dream chaser's smile dimmed, and yes, Yu Hehui probably didn't know Zhang Xingzang's current situation. If Zhang Xingzang was still there, there would be no problem taking action based on their relationship.

But if he agrees to the puppet master and joins forces with her to rescue Zhang Xingzang, it should only be these two days...

Dream Chaser thought about it and was about to reply when he saw another message from Yu Hehui.

This information made his pupils shrink suddenly.

[That’s right, because I’m really in a hurry, I plan to go to the Butcher League to rescue Captain Zhang]

[Now I’m asking you, where exactly is Captain Zhang being held? Is there anything I need to pay attention to? 】

dream Catcher:? !

* *

"Oh, I knew it."

Yu Hehui glanced at the series of messages sent by Dream Chaser and the last sentence: "Do you... really love him?" ], covering his face with his hands and sighing helplessly.

This old friend of his is good at everything, but he has a bit of a love brain and often makes all kinds of things seem to be related to true love.

But from the perspective of a dreamer, this is incredible! In order to be a puppet for Bing 250, Yu Hehui decided to join the Butcher Alliance and rescue Zhang Xingzang himself!

To be able to make even the shrewdest Sky Fox give so much... It is said that male foxes are actually the most infatuated. If they fall in love, they don't even need to think. The dream chaser can only think like this, "Do you really love him?" 】 actually also mixed with "Are you stupid?" ''Are you serious? ''Wake up, you fool! ’ something like that.

Yu Hehui glanced at Wei Xun and saw that he was concentrating on chatting with An Xuefeng and not looking at him at all. He wiped his face helplessly and simply ignored this sentence and went straight to the dream chaser:

[Tell me, if I sneak into the Butcher Alliance in disguise, will the Life-haunters interfere with me? 】

"He's crazy……"

Dream Chaser murmured, with a complicated expression.

"The life-loving people are really crazy."

An Xuefeng agreed and snorted coldly. Dream Chaser thought he also knew about this, but after waiting for a while, he realized that An Xuefeng was actually chatting with the person opposite him.

Dream Chaser: ...Okay.

[The life-loving people are trapped in the Inca Sun Gate and cannot leave before the year-end celebration]

Dream Chaser tiredly returned: [But even if he is not here, you can't infiltrate successfully. Even if you are a Sky Fox and can disguise the aura of a butcher tour guide, you cannot enter the abyss node in the Butcher Alliance without the life-seeking person]

[Captain Zhang is locked up in the abyss node? 】


The dream chaser returned: [It’s the abyss node that turned into the abyss bell in the Butcher Alliance Hall]

He has been in business for so many years, and although there are not many people under his command, they are all extremely loyal and willing to fight and die for his ideals, even if there are spies planted by Dream Chaser in the Butcher Alliance.

But even if he found out where Zhang Xingzang was imprisoned, he alone would not be able to rescue him, because only a life-haunting person could open the abyss node within the Butcher Alliance.

[Not only that, the Mingxi man may have partially merged that node with his journey to the 30th degree north latitude]

The dream chaser said again: [Without the breath of the journey to the 30th North Latitude, there is no way to enter...]

Wait, this should be fine.

Dream Chaser was thoughtful. On this side of the journey at 30 degrees north latitude, he was the only one on the East Side. An Xuefeng and Ximingren were on the return list, but there was something wrong with Sahara of Death, and Dream Chaser himself couldn't do it.

Therefore, he has been cooperating with An Xuefeng. If he wants to successfully sneak into the Abyss Bell, An Xuefeng is the key.

But the Mingren guard An Xuefeng defended deeper. It can be said that the entire Butcher Alliance has restrictions on An Xuefeng. They have tried several times before, and the most successful one almost opened the Abyss Bell. In the end... there was no way. Return with success.

It was because of the battle between An Xuefeng and the Hideers that An Xuefeng's condition worsened, and the Hies were temporarily trapped in the Inca Sun Gate and could not leave.

Although An Xuefeng didn't say anything and took the failure on himself, the dream chaser felt guilty. This time it might be the information about the journey to northern Tibet at 30 degrees north latitude. He shared it with An Xuefeng. In fact, there was compensation. mean.

But now... Bing250 is also on the return list.

He also has the aura of Thirty Degrees North Latitude, and Yu Hehui, his 'property', will also have this aura.

As for the breath of the life-seeking man, his crimson cloak should be enough. Dream Chaser remembered that he must have collected one on his way back.


Dream Chaser's heart moved, but he frowned again. He clearly remembered that Bing250 had just arrived to replace Bingjiu. Dream Chaser wouldn't care if it were anyone else, but Bingjiu was so special that he had to think more about it.

But Yu Hehui obviously believed deeply in Bing250. If he told him about this matter...

[You know he just entered the journey and was replaced by Bingjiu]

Before the dream chaser mentioned it, Yu Hehui mentioned it first. He complained: "It's really unlucky. The hotel was attacked that day. I don't know what happened. My tour guide, a newbie, went on a dangerous journey. Went as a tour guide. You also know that the bus is purely for passengers, so he can only ride on it]

[This is unfortunate. Because of this, he was targeted by the puppet of the life-seeking man]

The hotel was attacked?

A puppet of a life-seeking man?

The dream chaser frowned. He didn't fully believe Yu Hehui, but asked An Xuefeng.

"Team An, do you know that the life-haunting man has a puppet again?"

"The others are at the Gate of the Sun, and those who act outside will only be puppets."

An Xuefeng was still sending a message to the other party, with a slightly cold tone: "I don't know when he prepared someone who can wear a cloak, and also opened an abyss node... His ability is just okay, but his bad behavior is the same."

You dare to engage in spiritual contamination.

[Wei Xun: I’m not afraid of nightmares, it’s just...]

【Peace of mind】

There was silence for a moment, and then a message came. An Xuefeng replied instantly.

Wei Xun was embarrassed to say it, but An Xuefeng understood.

Just now Wei Xun sent a message saying that he had a nightmare as soon as he returned to his home in reality. He kept dreaming of a crimson cloak and a lot of insane gibbering.

If he wasn't really afraid and felt something was wrong, he wouldn't have sent a message to An Xuefeng.

As soon as An Xuefeng thought about it, he felt that it was spiritual influence. The Mingming people always used this trick to make puppets. And Wei Xun really had close contact with Crimson Cloak in northern Tibet, and the other party let him go... It was inevitable that this was not his intention.

The body of the Mingximan is still at the Inca Sun Gate, which An Xuefeng has confirmed.

The one who appears in northern Tibet, wearing a crimson cloak, and taking away the abyss node, will only be a big puppet of the life-seeking man. His strength should not be weak, at least among the second-class elites.

There has been no movement from the Butcher Alliance these days. The puppet probably hasn't returned to the Butcher Alliance yet. It turned out that he wanted to attack Wei Xun. Moreover, An Xuefeng felt that the reason why the life-seeking people would target Wei Xun in this way may also be related to the mark of *** and his own brand.

In this case, he must take responsibility for the crisis Wei Xun encounters.

[If you wear it, you won’t have nightmares anymore]

An Xuefeng comforted him and said: [The best way to go home is actually the safest way]

[But Xiaole and the others seem to be very busy recently]

Wei Xun was embarrassed: [Too disturbing]

Very busy... indeed.

Even though he was on the Laplange Glacier, An Xuefeng knew about the recent Bing 250 Incident. Wang Pengpai and the others must be busy inserting people into it. It was such a mess that they might not be able to take care of Wei Xun if he went there at this time.


An Xuefeng let out a breath, coldly walked to the ice cave entrance with the knife in hand, and observed the situation outside. Those sticky oil-like monsters did not diminish at all. They almost covered the entire dark blue glacier, and the glacier that turned completely black began to vibrate, like an earthquake, or like a huge sleeping monster... gradually waking up.

This vibration is very much like its heartbeat.

"solve quickly."

An Xuefeng said coldly: "This place doesn't feel like the journey to the 30th North Latitude to me, but it feels a bit similar to Raleye."

Since it is not a potential journey to the 30th parallel north, there is no need to waste time here.


But this time the dream chaser raised objections: "We are better able to contain the life-seeking people here."

An Xuefeng was silent, what the dreamer said made sense. Looking at the Eastern District at present, he, An Xuefeng, controls two journeys to the 30th North Latitude, one is controlled by the Dream Chaser, and one is controlled by the Life-seeker.

But now An Xuefeng's situation is extremely bad, Dream Chaser is not in good shape either, and the three parties can barely maintain a balance.

However, if they really join forces to explore a new journey this time, then he and An Xuefeng's status will be greatly improved, the balance will be broken, and in the eyes of others, they should be completely aligned.

The Life-Hitting People will not sit back and let this happen. Even if they are trapped in the Inca Sun Gate, the Life-Hitting People are still very strong.

As long as they are still in the Laplan Glacier, they can attract most of the attention. Now we have fallen into a situation of mutual restraint.


An Xuefeng was confused: "Aren't you worried about Zhang Xingzang?"

"I'm sure he'll get through it."

Dream Chaser said calmly: "I believe him."

"You're calm."

An Xuefeng sighed softly, remained silent for a moment, pinched the bridge of his nose, calmed down, and laughed at himself: "I'm not calm enough."

He paid too much attention to Wei Xun... Although it seemed like a small impact that was innocuous and wouldn't last long, it really affected his nerves now. An Xuefeng even felt that if he went out, he would find Wei Xun immediately and let him stay by his side.

This is not okay, this is not good.

An Xuefeng thought as he sent Wei Xun many props and some points... He restrained himself and only played 150,000 this time.

See, you can always overcome it gradually.

An Xuefeng relaxed slightly, but couldn't help but paddle up to read Wei Xun and the message he sent.

The dreamer was right, he should calm down in the iceberg.

The dreamer's hands were shaking.

When An Xuefeng said, "You're calm," he almost yelled.

Damn it, he's not calm at all!

Look at the good work your team members are doing!

After closing his eyes, the dream chaser opened his phone with slightly trembling hands and swiped through a photo sent by Zhang Yu and Hui.

First there were three crimson cloaks.

[This is the cloak I captured. Take a look. Does it belong to the Life-haunting Man? 】

Then there was a dark black demon bat wing that was artificially pulled apart, glowing with a mysterious and luxurious silver glow under the light.

[This is the alienated puppet I captured. Take a look, does it look like the alienated puppet of the Life-haunting Man? 】

At the end is a dark red stone that looks like half a heart.

[I found this from the puppet. It looks like an abyss node carrier. Can you take a look? 】

[Someone exerted spiritual influence on my little tour guide. He was not prepared for me and was caught by me in a sneak attack. My little tour guide said that there seems to be a first-class tour guide named Xi Mingren wearing a cloak of this color, or is it the head of the Butchers' Alliance or something like that? 】

This was Yu Hehui's explanation. Looking at the pictures he sent, the dream chaser felt dizzy and confused for a moment, with countless messy thoughts entangled together.

Yes, when Yu Hehui died, the name Ximingren had not yet emerged, so it was normal for him to be unsure.

Yes, Yu Hehui is good at hiding and assassinating. If the opponent is not wary of him, the possibility of Yu Hehui succeeding is indeed very high.

Moreover, the life-seeking puppet mentioned by Yu Hehui completely coincides with the one mentioned by An Xuefeng.

Cloaked, abyssal node carrier. Bing250 has replaced the journey of Bingjiu again, so it is normal for the other party to pay attention to it.

But all this is such a coincidence!

[You have just been resurrected, how can you defeat me? Even if it’s a backstab, it shouldn’t be...]

right! That's the problem! Yu and Hui just came back to life, and this life-haunting puppet can wear a cloak, so it must be at least a second-class elite level. How could he possibly beat him!

But the next moment, the dream chaser was speechless. Yu Hehui sent a photo, which showed a badly broken piece of pure white.

[Look, this is my broken Tianhu inner elixir. My little tour guide was so kind to me. He used all his points to buy me this and let me eat it like jelly beans. Now I have regained some strength. 】

Fragments of Tianhu inner elixir! One piece costs at least 100,000 points, and it gets more expensive the more you buy it!

Eat it as jelly beans? Dream Chaser didn't believe it, but Bing250 must have been bought for Yu Hehui, otherwise he would not have recovered so quickly. In addition to the piece he took, at least two pieces, that is, at least 250,000 points...

Where did he get so much money!

[Don’t worry about so much, just one sentence, I wear this cloak, wear these wings, and pretend to be a puppet of a life-seeker, how successful is it to sneak in? 】

It turns out that’s what Yu Hehui thought! No wonder he asked, 'If I disguise myself and sneak into the Butcher Alliance, will the life-haunting people interfere with me? ’

When did he become so adventurous!

Those who are popular in chasing dreams want to laugh: [Is it very successful? You dare to think! Sneaking in as a puppet pretending to be a murderer, this is a success——】

This sentence was typed, but Dream Chaser did not send it out.

He thought about it carefully and realized that the success was indeed very high.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the three crimson cloaks can basically establish success. The Life-Happy Man has many puppets, but only the one who can wear a crimson cloak will be regarded as the Life-Happy Man himself by all the butchers and worship him.

What the dream chaser had thought before, the breath of the life-seeking person, the breath of the 30th North Latitude, could indeed be solved if Yu Hehui put on a cloak and went in.

I have to say that Dream Chaser is really excited.

According to Yu Hehui...the possibility of this plan succeeding is indeed very high.

Especially when he and An Xuefeng were diverting the attention of the life-seeking people on the Laplange Glacier!

But the problem is——

[You know, if you put on his cloak, you will most likely be mentally contaminated and become his puppet]

Dream Chaser said with complicated emotions that even though he wanted to rescue Zhang Xingzang very much, he would never hide this information. Yu Hehui was also an important companion to him.

[Don’t worry, I’m measured]

Yu Hehui made an understatement: [But at most I can open the Abyss Bell, but not enter it]

[No problem, leave everything to me. Opening the Abyss Bell... is the most difficult. The Abyss Clock will chime at 12 a.m. and 12 noon. At this time, as long as you approach wearing a crimson cloak, it should be able to be opened]

The dream chaser subconsciously returned, but after sending it out, he smiled bitterly. Sure enough, he still couldn't be completely fair. When he saw the opportunity to rescue Zhang Xingzang, he couldn't help but...

[By the way, don’t tell Captain An about this]

Yu Hehui said: [After Captain An finds out, he won’t let me take risks]

Indeed, Yu Hehui was right, but Dream Chaser felt even more guilty. After his repeated questioning, Yu Hehui finally got impatient and sent him a photo of a colorful ladybug.

[Don’t worry, I won’t be imbued with the spirit of a cloak. This is the magic insect from 250, I will carry it with me]


"What's wrong?"

The dream chaser gasped and stood up suddenly, making An Xuefeng look back in shock.

"Hey - it's my legs, my legs are numb..."

Dream Chaser's painful expression was obscured by his dark orange cloak, but it could be seen from his slightly trembling body that he was indeed in pain. After dealing with An Xuefeng, he quickly looked at the picture again.

Yes, this is the emotional bug! The dream catcher has seen it before, so he can see it at a glance, but the emotional bugs have different colors, and the dream chaser doesn't know what kind of bug they are. He can only be sure that this colored one is a positive emotional bug. .

According to Yu Hehui's previous attitude and performance... this is probably a 'love' demonic insect!

Among the seven emotions, only love is the positive and inseparable bond between two people. No wonder... After knowing this, Dream Chaser suddenly understood. He had figured out all the doubts before!

Indeed, Yu Hehui and Bing250 themselves are closely connected. If they carry Bing250's 'love' demonic insect with them, they will indeed be able to withstand the spiritual influence of the cloak for a period of time!

Dream Chaser glanced at An Xuefeng complicatedly.

No wonder Yu Hehui didn't want him to know that this was not just a matter of adventure, but also the fact that the team members had 'fallen in love' under the influence of the demonic insects.

Taking a deep breath, the dream chaser felt certain that this ridiculous idea had a high chance of success!

He closed his eyes and controlled the avatar... He was going to have a serious talk with the puppet master.

* *

"Dream Chaser said he could not only send the Max Avatar there, but also bring the Puppet Master with him."

Yu Hehui reported to Wei Xunhui: "Just turn on the Abyss Bell, and you don't have to worry about anything else."

"The most difficult point is after entering the Butcher Alliance. When the Abyss Bell chimes at 0:00 in the morning, the aura of the abyss will overflow. There will definitely be many butcher guides in the hall to feel the aura of the abyss. If there are more people, it may be more troublesome..."

"Just zero o'clock."

Wei Xun said: "It's already early. Mao Xiaole will ask me to have breakfast tomorrow."


Compared with the relaxed confidence when communicating with Dream Chaser, Yu Hehui's eyes were full of worry, he hesitated to speak, and whispered that he would learn from the Dream Chaser, some information about the Butcher Alliance and some Dream Chasers. All the spies who planted the rebellion were told to Wei Xun.

"Feng Taoist is also the spy of Dream Chaser?"

Wei Xun was surprised that he heard the name of an old acquaintance.

"Not entirely... Taoist Feng is ambitious and cunning. He has no faith and is not a loyal butcher. He will lean towards whichever side is stronger."

Yu Hehui shook his head: "But don't expect him to do anything big... But when you go in, it's okay for him to step in and shout, 'I've seen you, sir!' and kneel down."

When there are many people, it is easy to have a group effect. The first person's attitude and actions usually trigger the behavior of those who follow.

"The Mingxing person usually doesn't speak. He is very arrogant and does not communicate with the people below him. He can only say a few words to the Yin-Yang Butterfly. But it is normal not to say anything."

Yu Hehui babbled: "All you have to do is wear a cloak, join the Butcher Alliance, and walk to the Abyss Bell. That's enough."


Wei Xun was looking at the jacket in his hand. It was a "*** jacket" sent to him by An Xuefeng. He was afraid that Wei Xun would not accept it, so he solemnly explained that it was only temporarily loaned to him.

[Name: * * * Jacket]

[Quality: unknown]

[Function 1: Protection]

[Function 2: Keep out the cold]

[Function 3: Hidden]

Not to mention the first two functions, the most important one is function 3: Concealment. As long as Wei Xun puts on this jacket, he can completely conceal his aura. It is concealment on any level. His body and spirit will be well hidden, and he will no longer be able to hide his breath. Influenced by spiritual impregnation.

If Wei Xun puts on this jacket and a crimson cloak, he will only smell like a cloak. Of course, it's okay for Wei Xun to want to reveal some kind of aura.

For example, the smell of the journey to the 30th North Latitude. After all, there is a contract, and Wei Xun, as the deputy master, can fully use this jacket.

"It's a bit big."

Wei Xun rolled up his sleeves. The black jacket was very wide, and the hem of the short jacket stretched across Wei Xun's thighs, making it a bit baggy.

"I need to be taller."

Yu Hehui inquired about the height of the life-seeker from the dream chaser. Although the crimson cloak was long when he wore it, it was only as long as the tail end just touched the ground, and there was no tail at all.

Wei Xun is not short, but Yu Hehui estimates that Wei Xun needs to be about 1.9 meters tall to fit this cloak.

"Wei Xun."

Seeing Wei Xun enthusiastically putting on his jacket and a crimson cloak, roughly changing his body shape, for some reason, the worry and anxiety in Yu Hehui's heart became heavier. He couldn't help but say:

"Otherwise I'd better go."

That's right, although they all said to the outside world that Bing 250 went to meet the devil merchant and Yu Hehui went to the Butcher Alliance to cause trouble, they were actually transferred here.

Yu Hehui (Xiao Cui) went to meet the devil merchant, while Wei Xun went to the Butcher Alliance.

Wei Xun said it was convenient, otherwise it would be too much trouble to negotiate with Dream Chaser. He might believe that Tianhu Yu and Huineng could capture the puppets and infiltrate the Butchers' Alliance, but if a small tour guide from Bing250 could infiltrate the Butchers' Alliance, it would be a big joke, and it would probably cause deep trouble.

Swipe and pull——

The wide, pitch-black demon bone wings spread out behind Wei Xun. They were extremely beautiful and majestic. The surface of the wings was like fine velvet and should feel great to the touch.

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