Thriller Tour Group

1197. Tomb of the Tusi King (134)

If death comes one day——

The moment the dark orange sword light enveloped Taoist Feng, the breath of death had already arrived. Feng Taoist is also a man who has experienced hundreds of battles, and his instinct is to run away quickly, but... should he escape? Guide Ling and the top travelers on the way home are sitting on it, and Team An is raising the knife in front of it. Can it escape? Where can I escape? There's no way to escape, right? Hasn't everyone recovered their memories on the way home? So what happened to their tacit cooperation just now? No wonder Wang Pengpai and the others burned him and bit him even after he was lying flat. Taoist Feng suddenly realized, but he finally decided not to escape, it was useless.

He should be able to survive. The guide at Zero should not be killed. But the trip to the 30th North Latitude is not controlled by the hotel's rules. An Xuefeng has also killed countless so-called "immortal" tour guides. No one can escape from the light of the return journey. This is a sharp blade that can cut off the rules and cut off the return journey... Taoist Feng thought of his first encounter with Director Ling, of his brand-new life in the past six months, of the bees he grazed for the Mutual Aid Alliance, of Dao Ling's favorite purified magic honey - countless memories emerged from Taoist Feng's mind.

oh! Taoist Feng suddenly realized that this was a revolving lantern!


With a loud noise, the blade of the blade was close to Taoist Feng's head and chopped off. The tomb bricks around its head cracked like butter. The overflowing sword energy stung Taoist Feng's head and caused severe pain. His eyes turned black and his face was wet, like It's a piece of blood. Its heart stopped beating for a moment, and then slowly resumed beating after a few breaths. A feeling of weakness and exhaustion spread throughout the body. Taoist Feng's eyesight went black, and it took him a while to regain his sight again.

Is he... dead?

He's not dead!

Team An didn't kill him, he wasn't dead!

Is he really not dead? There was no ecstasy in the heart of the Taoist Bee who had escaped from death, only an empty feeling. His brain, which had been corroded by pollution for too long, had slowed down. He casually scratched through some scattered words: "It is indeed the right thing not to run away." Running away will definitely lead to amnesia. Thoughts like "Team An killed him", but he couldn't think more deeply. Thinking seemed to become a burden, and he could only passively receive the information he saw. Taoist Feng saw King Anhu step forward after being intimidated, leaned forward, and took the Moon Fox Linggui from its back.

Ignoring everyone who was returning home, the Fox King held the moon fox in his mouth and walked to the edge of the tomb in a lonely and cold manner. He lay down on the spot, buried his head on the moon fox and began to suck the fox gruntingly. Captain An's body was too murderous and polluted. The inhuman aura when he approached made all the foxes instinctively freak out. In this case, no one dared to disturb Captain An's rest and relaxation. The foxes on their way back cleaned up the iron cabinets and then lay down on their backs.

Captain An and Director Ling have gone to relieve themselves, so this place should be safe for the time being. The foxes have not rested at all since the battle with the wax corpses. Their bodies have been severely eroded by pollution and they are still fighting. Their physical strength and spirit have long been exhausted. They should take a rest now. Being tense all the time will only do bad things.

It seems that I still haven’t regained my memory on the way home.

Ghost Butterfly, who was also tired and spread out like a caterpillar, thought to himself.

The peak passengers were as energetic as monsters, and the passengers on their way back were the best among them. Their mental state was particularly beautiful, and they were very excited when killing monsters. They only became more and more excited as they killed. It is said that An Xuefeng led the team there. I didn't sleep for fifteen days when I was exploring Daxi Continent. After I went into the sea and found Atlantis, I took the return knife and killed him from beginning to end. The blood from the killing dyed the sea red, and Atlantis turned into a terrifying place. Meat grinders, mermaids and sea monster corpses were piled all over Daxizhou. Just like this, An Xuefeng got more and more energetic in killing, until he finally cut into pieces and became the person in charge.

Being able to rest is actually a good thing. Being unable to sleep for a long time and being energetic is pathological. Your spirit is already on the verge of collapse. But An Xuefeng managed to carry on the way home until now and still not completely out of control. One can imagine what kind of terrible and extremely mental state his mental state was in the end. Not to mention just killing the Wax Corpse and the Mutated Queen Bee, even if he fights the Mountain God and the Chieftain King for a month, I'm afraid he won't feel tired. It is a real war weapon.

The fact that he was so sick and sick and went straight to the rescue with Zero Guide was really amazing to Ghost Butterfly. He felt that the dark clouds were just like this. He had to relieve himself after killing two games, and his combat effectiveness was not sustainable at all.

But this is the state of a normal peak traveler. The more inhuman you are, the deeper it is eroded by pollution. Guide Ling has only been connected with Guidu for a few months. Now everyone on the way back can fall asleep after the fight. This kind of chosen tour guide really makes Gui Butterfly sigh. He is indeed Guide Ling. He will definitely be able to relieve An's worries very quickly. The pollution on the team!

……Does not. Yi Ling nestled in An Xuefeng's arms, the fox king moaned and hummed against him, and the moist black tip of his nose tickled him. The moon fox held the big head of the fox king with its small paws to prevent him from rubbing it. It looked at him with wet eyes, then stuck out its tongue and started licking it.

Don't lick it, you'll eat fox fur! Even Moon Fox Zero's fox fur was dry and fragile after being invaded by corpse pollution, and it was all gone when the Fox King licked it hard! Yi Ling was so angry that he howled with laughter. When the fox king lay down on his side and exposed his belly, with his front paws curled up in front of his chest and looked at him expectantly, hoping that the moon fox would lick him back, Yi Ling coldly rejected him.

The fox king's body is covered with honey-gold insect blood, and he won't lick the insect blood!

Rejected by his partner, the fox king became depressed, his plush ears drooped, and he whined like a wounded puppy in his throat. But Yi Ling's heart was as strong as fox's. He just held his neck and refused to lick it. He only sent Die Da and Corn Bamboo Shoots to suck the pollution from the King Fox's body. It's strange to say that when we were at the Salt Lake, the bugs were severely suppressed, and it was difficult to even release them. But here, the bugs have been strengthened, and everyone is chattering and trying to figure it out.

It’s not surprising, after all, the pollution in the two places is different.

The wax corpses, mummies, and the things that were suspected to be insect figurines at the first glance should all belong to the corpse pollution in the tomb of the first generation Lin Jun, wax corpse pollution, mummy pollution and insect corpse pollution.

But is the golden pollution stained on the tomb wall and splashed on An Xuefeng's body, causing the mutant queen bee's distortion, really insect corpse pollution?

No, this is not insect corpse pollution, but a brand new and extremely dangerous pollution. The mutated queen bee eroded by it can completely resist corpse wax. This is probably a kind of pollution that can rival the power of the first generation Lin Jun and the Wuluo Mountain God!

Why is there so much pollution in the tomb of the Tusi King? Even Yi Ling felt a headache, complaining in his heart that this first-generation Linjun had done so many evil things to be so unlucky, why not quickly lift his butt and give up his seat to my big tiger, who might still be able to turn around transport.


The fox king, who was bullying Corn Bamboo Shoots and Dieda with his eyes and venting his anger on them, found that his partner was distracted, and immediately leaned over again, calling his partner with a long coquettish cooing sound in his throat. This is very effective. Yi Ling can't stand the big fox snoring so much, not to mention that King Anhu is very thoughtful and asked Corn Shoots and Die Da to clean the head first. Now it has a clean fox head again. Moon Fox looks at it. His eyes were obviously much relaxed, but he was still a little hesitant when he smelled it——

An Xuefeng knew what he was hesitating about, but the fox king was confident. He held out his chest and let the moon fox wrinkle his nose and sniff around. His big tail swung happily, and from time to time he would slap the dog to scare him, trying to come up and lick the pollution. A big slap in the face of the corn shoots. Corn Shoots particularly liked the smell of pollution on his body. After being released, he opened his mouth wide open to swallow and lick it. Yi Zero is so mysophobic. If his body was covered with worm saliva, how could Zero get close to him again?

Therefore, An Xuefeng did not let the corn shoots use the most efficient licking method, but only let it clean the pollution with its tentacles. The butterfly also used its curled mouthparts to suck the pollution. It is guaranteed that after the cleaning is completed, it will be a clean fox king. I won't let Zero dislike it even more.

Sure enough, Moon Fox felt relieved after sniffing it, and finally leaned into the Fox King's arms, squinting and letting the Fox King lick its fur, and licking each other's mouths from time to time. The fox could only kiss, but it was just one kiss... After ten kisses, An Xuefeng felt that he was invigorated. The fatigue from the fierce battle with the mutated queen was gone, and he was eager to think of something else to make his partner and him happy. Get close to. The contamination of the queen bee is very useful to Ling's bugs. After eating the corn shoots, the skin on his body is bright and his whole face is radiant. The same goes for the butterfly. The entire butterfly's flying movements are lighter.

Since Yi Ling has raised so many bugs, he must like this kind of pollution. As long as Ling wants, he can kill ten more queens, no problem!

'The back of the tomb is full of beeswax. It must have been nested by mutated bees. The pollution is very strong. ’

The King Fox held the Moon Fox in his mouth and said to it in his heart: "Are you going to clean those hives?"

Yi Ling asked: ‘Have you ever felt the pollution core like the wax brain before? ’

‘There is very pure pollution, but it shouldn’t be the kind of core pollution’

An Xuefeng carefully sensed it several times and confirmed.

That's weird. Yi Ling took out the wax brain from his arms, hugged it and smelled it carefully: "It's just part of the pollution core."

The pollution in the Tusi King's Tomb is generally the total pollution related to corpses, and the wax corpse pollution core is only a part of it. In Yi Ling's view, the different types of corpses that appeared in the tomb of the Tusi King should all have corresponding pollution cores. For example, the pollution core of the mummy, the pollution core of the insect corpse, etc., when collected together, it should be considered a complete pollution core.

It is said to be pollution, but it is actually power. The core pollution that controls various corpses should have been the power controlled by the first generation of Linjun. Now the core of power is scattered throughout the Tusi King's Tomb to defend against this honey-gold pollution that invades the Tusi Tomb. ?

The tomb of the Tusi King is really full of dangers, but this is also their opportunity. There are wax corpses and mummies on the other side of the salt lake. If there are core pollutants in mummy pollution, they should be there too.

But unlike the wax brain, which is very easy to sense, neither he nor An Xuefeng could sense the pollution core of the mummy. The insect corpse... I don't know whether this is an insect corpse area or an insect area caused by the honey-gold pollution erosion. .

But no matter what, you have to look for it. How can we strengthen the induction? Tsk, in fact, Yi Ling has always had a faint instinct in his heart. Moon Fox stared at the wax brain in his arms. The more he looked at it, the more it looked like a ball of orange jelly. As long as you eat the core pollution of a wax corpse, you should also be able to feel the core pollution related to other corpses. After all, they are originally one, yes, that's the case——


The little fox face of the moon fox was directly held by the fox king. When he saw it opening its mouth to chew the wax brain, the fox king was shocked.

This is not fun to eat!

Why is there no mysophobia at this time? Are the standards for mysophobia so flexible?

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