Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1126 Tomb of the Tusi King (70)


When the motorcycle was lifted into the air, Wang Pengpai still tried to stabilize the front of the car and landed on the ground. You know that he had driven over the cliff like an action movie. This height should have been a piece of cake for a motorcycle. However, what made him sweat profusely was that the invisible force blocked the front of the car, leaving no room to adjust the direction!

This is how to do? ? Wang Pengpeng was anxious. At this moment, he felt the seat behind him light up, as if someone had stood up. That's right, there is Director Ling here, Director Ling - whoops, Wang Pengpai watched helplessly as the corners of his cassock fluttered and fell from his side, Director Ling actually jumped out of the car with the little tiger in his arms! At this moment, Wang Pengpai's mind went blank. He was gripping his heart with fear. The moment before he realized that the motorcycle had begun to fall, Wang Pengpai gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. He turned over from the motorcycle like a kite, regardless of the height of more than three meters. The distance jumped down bravely.

He had only one thought in his mind. The fact that the zero motor jumped meant that there must be something wrong with the motorcycle. Not to mention that he might break his leg and suffer internal injuries. He would definitely die if he stayed in the car any longer!


Sure enough, the moment Wang Pengpeng fell out of the car, the sky and the earth darkened, as if something was covering him. Wang Pengpai felt a chill in his head. At that moment, he seemed to see his deceased biological father waving at him. Fortunately, at the next moment, Wang Pengpai's waist tightened, and a huge force suddenly pulled him down, causing him to fall to the ground with a bang. Wang Pengpai fell hard. Fortunately, he had muscles wrapped in fat and no bones were injured. Moreover, the ground was like rubber and seemed to be somewhat elastic... But now is not the time to think about that!


Wang Pengpai, who fell to the ground, slapped himself twice. Without getting up, he just lay on the ground with his head buried in his mouth and said very fast: "Master Mountain God, Wang Pengpai, I shouldn't discuss your private affairs! I will give you and yours a favor when I get back." My daughter-in-law burns incense and offers sacrifices every year. The mountain god taught me the right thing. I, Wang Pengpai, swear that I will never do this again. If I break my oath, my mouth will rot!"


When he swore a poisonous oath, he only heard the sound of the wind, something heavy fell from the sky, and the wind pressure reached Wang Pengpai's head. But Wang Pengpai still leaned forward with his forehead close to the ground, holding his breath and remaining motionless. It wasn't until the two gusts of wind blew past him, one on the left and the other on the right, that he fell, making two "bang bang" sounds. Wang Pengpai breathed a sigh of relief and bowed three more times before standing up tremblingly. His fat face was pale, as if he was born. He looked like he was seriously ill, with cold sweat all over his face.

He wiped it with lingering fear and found that it felt wrong. When he looked up, he was horrified. He wiped off a layer of translucent skin with sweat! The whole person seems to be shedding another round of skin! Wang Pengpeng was so frightened that he didn't dare to move anymore and froze in place.

"Wang Pengpai, come down."

It wasn't until Director Ling's call came that Wang Pengpai wanted to return to the human world from the underworld. The voice was more pleasant than the gospel. Wang Pengpai rolled and fell to the ground. Only then did he realize that he had fallen on the corn shoots that were half-surfaced. On the body, no wonder the ground feels like rubber. When he landed, he saw a large pit next to him, as if it had been exploded by gunpowder. The bottom of the pit was charred and black, with some twisted and shapeless parts scattered around.

"It was blown up by a motorcycle."

Seeing Wang Pengpai's eyes fixed, Yi Ling kindly raised his chin and signaled the corn shoots to arch their bodies and expose a gap between the ground and Wang Pengpai, so that Wang Pengpai could see the other side: "There is a pit over there."

After they jumped off the motorcycle in mid-air, the motorcycle was cut in half by an invisible blade from the air. Originally, the two halves were hitting Wang Pengpai's head - Yi Ling grabbed his waist and pulled him aside with a whip to stop him. The motorcycle smashed his head flat.

But like a curse, Wang Pengpai fell to the side, and the motorcycle that split in half fell on him as if being blown by an invisible wind! This looked unusual. He might have offended the mountain god. Yi Ling had a thought in his mind and was about to let the corn shoots resist with their tentacles to get a feel for how to deal with the mountain god. Unexpectedly, Wang Pengpai succeeded in saving himself. The motorcycle that split in half automatically fell to both sides before falling on his head, creating two large dustpan-like pits, but no one was injured.

This made Yi Ling interested and walked over to Wang Pengpai. The little white tiger in his arms had already stood up and paid close attention to Wang Pengpai. Now he broke out of Yi Ling's arms and jumped to Wang Pengpai's side.

"Setting down the team, setting up the team."

Wang Pengpai hugged the little white tiger tightly, with an expression on his face that seemed to be crying but not crying, but also smiling but not laughing. His life was almost sealed here, and he still hasn't recovered from the breath yet.


The little white tiger exhaled, slapped Wang Pengpai's face with his claws, and peeled off the skin hanging on his face without mercy. Wang Pengpai screamed in pain, but he knew that he was in trouble and did not dare to move. He let it go The tiger's paws fiddled with his face.

When the little white tiger finally retracted its claws, Wang Pengpeng opened his eyes miserably and saw Miao Fangfei and the others had already come over, each of them in shock.

"Brother Wang, you look five years younger."

Wang Yushu said worriedly, externally these words were good words to compliment people's youth, but to them it was tantamount to a declaration of misfortune. Wang Pengpai's face was full of tears, and his eyebrows were droopy. The two sides of his face were swollen purple and red, which made him even more miserable. He didn't hold back when he slapped himself to save himself. It was a real slap, and the corners of his mouth were bleeding.

"Brother Wang, what's wrong with you..."

Miao Fangfei, who has the softest heart and really treats Wang Pengpai as her elder brother, worriedly handed over a tissue and asked Wang Pengpai to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth. She whispered uneasily: "Could it be the mountain god..."

"Hey, sister, good sister, your brother Wang violated a taboo by not keeping his mouth shut this time."

When Miao Fangfei mentioned the mention of Mountain God King Pengpai, his scalp became cold. The little white tiger pressed the paw on his arm with force instantly. The stinging pain caused Wang Pengpai to interrupt quickly: "My dear, this is the face I slapped myself, but It's not the mountain god. I feel guilty. It's me who punished me. This way I can remember! The mountain god is so powerful. How can a big man be as knowledgeable as a little guy like me? He must have treated me like a fart. ”

After saying this, Wang Pengpai felt that the chill that made his heart tighten slowly disappeared, and his whole back was covered in cold sweat.

"So this is ah."

Everyone is not stupid, they all see that there is something wrong with the situation just now. The more Wang Pengpai said this, the more it became clear that it was the mountain god who had done something just now. The mind that had just relaxed a little in the past few days suddenly became tense. Yes, they had passed through two mountains, and Wuluo Mountain, which was far away in the horizon, was now right in front of them! The tunnel they just passed through was even specially built by the mountain god for his bride. From now on, they are already acting under the "watch" of the mountain god, and they must be careful in their words and actions!

"Remember the oath you swore. If you break it, there will be no second chance."

Bai Feibai said softly. He walked to the two sides of the big crater made by the motorcycle and looked at it. Then he returned to the car and took out his luggage. With the help of Lu Shucheng, he lifted an extremely heavy luggage bag and unzipped it. It was filled with gold. They are all gold bars brought from Wuba Village.

The gold bars suspected to be left by Taoist Master Kongkong and the others were brought over by Bai Feibai in three luggage bags. Lu Shucheng was also surprised that this man didn't seem to be greedy for money, so why did he bring so much gold? But after seeing Bai Feibai did not hesitate to dump half of the gold in the duffel bag into the deep pit on the left, and then handed the duffel bag to Wang Pengpai and asked him to pour the remaining gold into the pit, just enough to fill it up. Enter the pit on the far left.

Travelers will know why, gold is the best sacrifice. Judging from the golden statues on both sides of the mountain tunnel, the mountain gods must like gold.

"I've paid tribute to you with gold and silver. I've sent you a lot of copper coins. I've sent you a lot of silver coins—"

This was considered a small sacrifice. Mao Xiaole lit the incense to worship the gods. Wei Xun held the sword in his left hand and the octagonal copper bell in his right hand. He sang a song to worship the gods amidst the rustle of the bell and the iron ring on the sword. After filling the pit on the left with gold, Wang Pengpeng carried another bag of gold to the pit on the right. However, he threw a piece of gold down, and the gold disappeared in the blink of an eye, as if it had never appeared before.

He thought about it for a moment and suddenly understood something. He turned back to the motorcycle and took off the big mountaineering bag containing food and took something. When he came back, he carefully held two bottles of canned oranges in his arms.

When Wang Pengpai carefully placed the orange can in the pit on the right, the can no longer disappeared like a gold bar.

"The left side is dedicated to the mountain god, and the right side is dedicated to the mountain god's wife."

Wang Pengpeng whispered to Bai Feibai, but hesitated: "Feibai, otherwise you..."

"I know."

Bai Feibai nodded and went back to the motorcycle to get a small pile of sealed bags, which contained samples of soil, luminous bacteria and insects that he collected from the mountain tunnel, and carefully placed them in the pit on the right.

The mountain god loves his bride so much that he waits for her deep in the mountains, always watching the tunnel, looking forward to the day when the bride can come out of the tunnel again. Everything in this tunnel is a gift prepared by the mountain god for the bride, and no one can take away any of it.

Wang Pengpai knew it well. They talked about the 'Mountain God of Wuluo Mountain' countless times when they were at the B\u0026B. They even mentioned the mountain god in Wuba Village, which is very close to Wuluo Mountain, but they were never punished. Probably Mountain gods don't care about names.

It is more likely that he was punished because he whispered to Taoist Master Kongkong and called her "Beautiful Kundao". This undoubtedly seems to be a bit out of bounds. The mountain god is not happy about it, so he should be punished.

It can even be said that the intensity of this punishment is not high. Considering the importance the mountain god attaches to his wife, he deserves to be punished to death. No matter how young she is by five years old, it would be like drizzle.

So what causes the Mountain God to impose lighter punishments?

On the way to the B\u0026B at the foot of Wuluo Mountain, Wang Pengpai had been thinking about this issue. Out of nowhere, he suddenly thought of Miao Fangfei, thinking about how little she shed along the way, how the zombies attacked her, and the mountain god was watching her the next moment. Director Ling said that the mountain god valued golden silkworm Gu, and when Miao Fangfei mentioned the mountain god just now, he was inexplicably behind his back. The coldness that came, and the coldness that dissipated when he and Miao Fangfei said good things about the mountain god——

Could it be that Miao Fangfei is the reincarnation of Taoist Master Kongkong? ! Is he the reincarnation of the wife of the mountain god? !

Wang Pengpai's breath was stagnant, and for a moment he felt like he was enlightened!

The author has something to say



Wang Pengpai [Seriously]: There is a Taoist Master Kongkong among us!

Wei Xun:?


Yi Ling:?

Mountain God:?

Qingcheng father-in-law:?

Wang Pengpai [Conclusively]: That’s right, it’s Miao Fangfei, she is the reincarnation of the mountain god’s wife!


The initiation is very good, don’t do it next time (x)

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