Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1115 Tomb of the Tusi King (61)

If Wei Xun's brother really disappeared in Wuluo Mountain, then Yi Ling would have to plan ahead, such as sending corn shoots into Wuluo Mountain to explore the bottom.

However, An Xuefeng's answer surprised Yi Ling.

"Wei Xun has an older brother, although I haven't met him yet."

An Xuefeng glanced at the crowd, which was some distance away from the two of them. They were talking quietly here but could not be heard over there. So An Xuefeng whispered: "It's just that his brother didn't disappear in Wuluo Mountain. He just wanted to integrate into the team as soon as possible."

"Wei Xun is my team member. This time we go into the mountains with the team. Our goal is the same."

Yi Ling's long hair, which was simply tied up, was blown a bit messy by the cold wind. An Xuefeng raised his fingers and smoothed it down, and said in a lower voice: "Lei Dao knows about it, right?"

"Are they all a bodyguard team here to escort Professor Yu?"

Yi Ling said deliberately, as soon as An Xuefeng's fingers touched his hair, a cold shiver ran down his spine, as if he was electrified. He simply leaned back and pressed An Xuefeng's hand, raised his head and looked at him with a half-smile: " Captain An is a young and talented man with extraordinary skills. He must have been a soldier or a special police officer."

He had already seen that An Xuefeng and the others had impure motives for entering the mountain, but it didn't matter to Yi Ling. It is unknown how long these people can live. Even if they live in the mountains, Yi Ling is not a believer in the mountain god. If this group of people can really fight with the mountain god, he might even have to stand beside him to fight with the mountain god. Killing the god, how interesting it is.

So now An Xuefeng doesn't plan to act anymore and is going to have a showdown with him?

But Yi Ling doesn't want him to show off his cards so quickly and talk about cooperation. He is very satisfied with the current state of the brigade. It would be fun to scare the passengers from time to time. If they really want to cooperate, it will be boring. So he just made an understatement, and without waiting for An Xuefeng's answer to 'soldier' ​​or 'special police', he continued to make things difficult: "You said that Wei Xun's brother is not here in Wuluoshan? You are not here either." I haven’t seen him before. I think Wei Xun is a smart man. Who knows if he has lied to others?”

"Unless you tell me his brother's name and where he is currently."

Yi Ling seems to have some prejudice against Wei Xun, and is also slightly displeased.

An Xuefeng thought to himself that Wei Xun had sent a message before, saying that he had got the opportunity to meet the leader. The information An Xuefeng got from the hidden pile about the leader of the Mount Bai sect only had the word "zero" on it. Coupled with the reactions of Li Jun and others yesterday, he was basically certain that Yi Ling was the so-called leader of the Mount Bai sect. .

It's just that Yi Ling seems to have never seen Wei Xun before. Did Wei Xun not have time to meet the leader that day, or did something go wrong? You have to find time to exchange information with Wei Xun in private, so this task will be left to Bai Feibai. The most important thing at the moment is not this. Of course An Xuefeng believes in Wei Xun, but now he can't say anything like 'Wei Xun is trustworthy' to Yi Ling. This will only make him more disgusted with Wei Xun.

Only by answering Yi Ling's questions directly can he feel less wary.

"Wei Xun's brother is Wei Xuechen, and he is not in Wuluo Mountain at the moment."

An Xuefeng's voice was very low, only the two of them could hear: "It is said that he is traveling outside. He just went to Gannan a few days ago."

Wei Xuechen?


After hearing this, Yi Ling not only did not feel reassured, but also felt deeply hesitant.

This name and this tourist destination sound so familiar.

Not to mention the names of the people, it seems that Yi Ling's own elder brother, who has the blood of the Indian Sunbird, is also traveling in Gannan. It is such a coincidence that he is in the sacred mountain of some Tibetan area? He bumped into Wei Xun, and his brother bumped into Wei Xun's brother?

"If you go to Gannan this season, there won't be much to see."

Yi Ling felt that this matter was even more strange and bizarre. Something was very wrong. If his mental big cat hadn't been sleeping, Yi Ling would have wanted to ask his brother through the big cat if he had seen a man named Wei Xuechen in Gannan. people. It's impossible for the Wei brothers to just bump into them... Well, what's your brother's name?

"It must be snowing over there in winter... What are you doing?"

Just as An Xuefeng was saying this, he suddenly saw Yi Ling raising his hand and tapping his forehead with considerable force, making two "dong-dong" sounds. He grabbed Yi Ling's wrist, frowned and asked, "Headache? Is it because you are exposed to too much pollution? Do you need relief?"

"It's okay, we are so close now, we have been relaxing."

Yi Ling smiled and felt better: "I just remembered something."

He just remembered his brother's name. He really has a bad memory at such a young age. He can forget even this. When the name came to his lips, he was stunned until he reacted and finally remembered it. His name is Yi Ling, and his brother's name is Jia Yi. Of course, this is just a name, both of them have the last name Hong.

Red Yi is zero, red A is one.

This surname sounds very popular. Thinking of such an important thing, Yi Ling felt better. He stopped tormenting An Xuefeng and asked Wei Xun weirdly, and directly drove him back to the team on his motorcycle. Bai Feibai had already convinced the others people.

Without wasting any more time, the group agreed to meet at the bottom of Wuluo Mountain at 5:30, and then left a large-capacity mountaineering bag filled with equipment and a parcel containing a single camping tent for An Xuefeng and Yi Ling. and a fully fueled motorcycle. Amidst the buzzing sound of their motors, the four motorcycles flew away, turning into small black dots in the blink of an eye. The wilderness became quiet, and only An Xuefeng and Yi Ling were left.

An Xuefeng picked up his hiking bag, got on his motorcycle, and took Yi Ling to ride along the river to the place where Wei Xun's folk song stirred up the whirlpool of the river just now.

"The river is the deepest here."

An Xuefeng supported the car with one leg and pointed it out to Yi Ling. The river here is extremely wide, and there is a thin layer of black worms floating on the water, and you can't see the bottom at a glance. Even though there were waves of several meters high, the river bed was not exposed. It is different from other sections of the river where the water is so shallow that the bottom of the river is exposed.

"The two places where the copper coffin is most likely to be are the place where we cross the river, where there are stone figurines and stone tiger tomb beasts."

But the water there was shallow and you could see the bottom at a glance. There was no trace of the coffin under the river except for the silt.

Although the coffin was probably buried in mud for a long time, An Xuefeng still believed that it was more likely that the coffin was in the deepest side of the river. He doesn't know anything about Tianxing Feng Shui, and he doesn't look at the terrain. He just relies on intuition.

As the White Tiger God of the Tujia people, his intuition about the coffin that came out of the tomb of the Tusi King was basically 100% accurate.

"I will set up a tent here and put all my luggage here first."

An Xueli quickly set up the single-person camping tent and put it on a moisture-proof pad. It was so cold that he had to go into the water. The most important thing was to prevent the body from losing body temperature. Even if there is not much time left for them to get into the water, they must be well prepared.

"Zero, will you wait for me in the tent, or go to the river together?"

An Xuefeng began to sort out the equipment he would bring into the water, but Yi Ling hesitated. The river was full of bugs, dirty and cold. He didn't want to go down, but it was boring to wait for a few hours - An Xuefeng's little tiger power incarnation followed Wang Pengpai's convoy, and he stayed there There's not even a little stuffed animal to play with.


In the end, mysophobia conquered everything. As soon as Yi Ling opened his mouth, he wanted to embarrass An Xuefeng and ask him to divide his strength to get him a snow leopard to play with. Before he finished speaking, he looked at An Xuefeng - An Xuefeng was there. After changing clothes, he took out a one-piece diving suit and oxygen bottle diving goggles from his mountaineering bag, which Yi Ling had never used before!

“I—want to dive too.”

Yi Ling immediately changed his voice and squatted down next to An Xuefeng with great interest to look at the equipment. He stroked the slippery and tough diving suit and said reservedly: "It looks interesting."

"This is a Poseidon wetsuit."

Sensing Yi Ling's interest, An Xuefeng introduced him while tidying up. The Swedish brand Poseidon is a diving equipment brand designated by the British Royal Navy. The three sets of diving suits they brought this time were specially customized. It is said that they were blessed by Aegir, the Nordic god of the wild sea, when they left the factory. In the UK It has also been maintained with holy water enchantment.

When they got here, they even performed rituals in Taoist temples, which can be said to be a fusion of things. An Xuefeng had once worn this wetsuit down Daxizhou, and now he was dealing with a small ravine. It was as safe as anti-aircraft cannons against mosquitoes.

All three sets of diving suits were left with him. The diving suit Yi Ling, which corresponded to Wang Pengpai's physique, would definitely not be suitable for him. An Xuefeng got him the Baifei Bai one, and personally made various accessories such as diving goggles and flippers for him. Ling brought an underwater spotlight, and An Xuefeng brought two waterproof bags. He planned to lift the entire copper coffin from underwater to the ground, but if the copper coffin was connected to the river bed and could not be separated, he would have to bring back all the potentially useful things underwater.

An Xuefeng packed up the remaining things and left them in the tent, asking Yi Ling to keep an eye on them with bugs. Then he carried Yi Ling and walked down the river beach - the river beach was full of mud and dense black insect pupae. Yi Ling would never go down to the ground, and he didn't want An Xuefeng to touch these dirty things. So in the end, the corn shoots were stretched out to form a bright yellow bridge. They walked over the corn shoots until they reached the middle of the river.

An Xuefeng finally tied up Yi Ling's long hair, pulled up the hood that came with the diving suit, put on the diving goggles and checked the oxygen bottle. When everything was ready, he put his arms around Yi Ling and made a gesture to him, leading him towards Leaning back, they heard a splash and the two of them fell into the cold river water.

The underwater world is completely different from that on land. Yi Ling was so excited when An Xuefeng took him into the deep water, just like a primary school student's long-awaited spring outing. When he actually fell into the water and felt weightless, Yi Ling's heart skipped a beat. He seemed to have never swum before, and he didn't know if he could.

But with An Xuefeng here, everything will be fine. When newbies dive, many people don't even know how to dive, and they always float up unconsciously. But An Xuefeng pulled Yi Ling, and he was more agile than a fish in the river. I don't know how he swam, and he took him right away. Yi Ling dived down for more than ten meters, leaving all the insects on the water behind.

The river fruit that can cause whirlpools here is really deep. In addition, the river water is turbid and the visibility is low. It takes a dive of more than ten meters to see the bottom of the river. There is a patch of undulating stones at the bottom of the river, which is denser in the middle and becomes sparse toward the outer circle. The light from the spotlight had very weak penetrating power in the turbid river water, so I had to dive down a few meters before it could illuminate clearly - these stones were all stone figurines.

Decapitated, chopped in half, fallen - countless stone figurines were silently disposed at the bottom of the river, mostly buried in the mud, and covered with a layer of black and slippery algae...or maybe insects. Yi Ling swept around the water with a spotlight, and occasionally saw a few complete stone figurines with heads. Their facial features were hollow, and their dark eye sockets and wide-open mouths were covered with black and greasy mucus. , the expressions are all painful and distorted, like the whine of being sentenced to death, which makes people unconsciously feel panic and fear, and the whole body is chilled.

But Yi Ling was born not to know what fear was. He only felt a little nauseous. The light of the searchlight moved away from the stone figurines and swept across their centers. Soon Yi Ling found out and excitedly tugged on An Xuefeng's wrist.

In the middle of this pile of stone figurines, there is an 'open space' without any stone figurines. The mud on the river bed is raised like a tomb bag, and something seems to be buried. You can vaguely see pale bones scattered in the mud, and there are a very large number of them. At first glance, it looks like a huge pile of bones buried in river mud.

There will be an extra update tomorrow, bum bum bum!

I'm a little stuck today. I'm sorry for the late update. Let the brothers Hong A1 and Hong B0 send 500 red envelopes to the babies. Take a bow!

Red is the red of the red guide!

This aspect of memory has been inculcated in daydreams before!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2024-01-1222:41:37~2024-01-1400:34:12~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: Tang 6; Rich Woman’s Day 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the grenades: Ye Weiliang, 09212; whaleL, Maomao Wants to Go to Heaven 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: Yi Jue Jue Jue Jue, 67507030, Xin Yao Ting Xun Mi Xiang Ximi Kuan, whaleL, Chaka 2; Lin Shuyue., 0921, Wuyu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 219 bottles for Wen Wenli; 144 bottles for Mr. No Money; 100 bottles for Lan Liyue; 84 bottles for Asuka Ti and Ling; 78 bottles for Xie Fangchen; 73 bottles for Chaka; 67 bottles for Otaxira; 63 bottles for Beijing Qian ; 60 bottles of 茳茳茳; 59 bottles of sweet rice dumplings; 50 bottles of Soft Mianmian, Singing of Cicadas, Silfra-Silver Girl, Big and Sweet Pomelo; 45 bottles of ink bottles; 44 bottles of Yu Changqing; 36 bottles of Taiou Turtle ; Covet for floating life and dreams, 32 bottles of Li Min; 31 bottles of Mijiu; 30 bottles of Miyu; 28 bottles of Bamboo Leaves and Green Leaves; 27 bottles of the advent of the Son of God; 21 bottles of Mo Yuan Changli; Mo Lan, Oh My God, 41122192, Water droplets, the setting sun, Mu Ai’s life will never fade, Yun Che Laobai 20 bottles; my 1n17 bottles; Mu Muxi 16 bottles; Ran Jun 15 bottles;. _. , Wangzi eats steamed buns, soft father, grandma Yinger, Ainth, Xiyan years, poisonous Wei, poisonous Wei, 3927 Summer Garden, Jiuhuan Shi°, Yun., Yuzhi, lperfes, 26652289, Lazy Cancer Association and Cramming for the moment, There is no tower in the Seven Pagodas, Wandering Circus, Sleeping is the life plan, 10 bottles of Ling Miao; 9 bottles of flat vector, Is there anything wrong? 8 bottles of Xinxin in a pocket; The Empress is in my arms, 46467209, 5 bottles of Jinmin ; What a big moon boy, 4 bottles of Midsummer White Porcelain Plum Soup; 3 bottles of Yes; 2 bottles of Yiyu, Xiaoxingzi, Nidhogg; 52095666, One Flower, One World ℡, Nine-width Sideburns, The Crying Medium Doesn’t Cry, Qiqi , I am not me, Refuse to Accept a Sick Son-in-law, Rui Nao Xiao Jin Shou, Bai Qiuchun (Wen Nian Shu), Xin Xin Bu Keng CP, Nagging, Luo Yue, Qingmeng Xinghe, Xitang, Yan Wuqing, Silence , 05, "Xu Bai", no one can refuse oranges, 42698619, Xianyu, wandering clouds without knowing home, little hippie is played by Xunxun, Huayu in the small town, Tingyun, Callia, the miracle of Tingting has no hair, Ling Ling Zi.1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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