Thriller Tour Group

1097. Tomb of the Tusi King (46)

Hearing the sound of the sickle getting closer and closer, Cen Qin felt frightened. He simply closed his eyes and tilted his head on the big demon bull's head, pretending to be asleep.

"Director Xi, you..."

Yu Xiangyang's voice came from not far away, and his voice was deep. As soon as Cen Qin heard this, he knew that the life-seeking man was really coming towards him, and he couldn't help but burst into tears. At the end of the day, he already knew that the Mingxi people were definitely not up to anything good when they came to him. Yu Xiangyang also knew that and stood between him and the Mingxi people. But no one can stop the man who wants to do something - at least no one in their team can stop him, and he will never give in.

"Step aside."

When the cold voice of the life-seeking man sounded, Cen Qin immediately jumped off the bull's head nimbly, swung his slightly bald whisk and stepped forward, faintly blocking Yu Xiangyang, who was frowning and refusing to give in. He resolved a conflict before it arose. Looking at the life-seeking man in front of him, Cen Qin felt bitter in his heart, and the smile on his face became more enthusiastic. The person standing in front of him was not a real tour guide, but a black and red blood shadow, like a person cut out of paper, a bit illusory. But it doesn't lose its momentum at all, it's mysterious and dangerous. Compared with him, the sickle dragged on the ground was more real, continuously absorbing the flood of dirty blood on the ground.


Cen Qin treated the blood shadow the same way he treated the life-seeking man. He made a hoarse ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. My throat is broken and I can't use it for the time being.

But Xueying didn't care what he meant and directly ordered: "Determine the location of Princess Zhumu's tomb before dawn."

After saying that, without giving Cen Qin any room for negotiation, the black and red blood shadow twisted and transformed into a black crow as big as a calf. It stared at Cen Qin with its scarlet eyes for a while, then fluttered its wings without clumsiness and flew back to the sky like a dark shadow. It wasn't until the crow was completely gone that Cen Qin coughed twice and stood up leaning against Yu Xiangyang. It was also a tacit understanding between the two of them. The moment Yu Xiangyang held Cen Qin's shoulders, the huge demon corpse at their feet, like a deformed black yak, shriveled up and collapsed, its fur dried up and its bones shattered, as if everything had been sucked away. of energy, leaving only a pile of garbage.

There was not much blood left around him that was originally taller than a person. Even the insteps of his feet could not get past him when he stood on the ground. This is not the first time. In the fierce battle that has been like a meat grinder from day to now, the Mingren have sucked up countless demon corpses and absorbed countless dirty blood. Even his sickle had a faint trace of blood on it, and the horrific bloodiness in it was truly chilling. One can't help but worry about the purpose of the life-seeking person.

But for Cen Qin, worrying is in vain. The Mingxing people obviously only regard them as cheap and easy-to-use automatic demon-killing/demon army tools. They don't even know where he is. Since arriving at Lianbao Yeze, the only person they have interacted with is this guy with a sickle. Cen Qin has also seen two blood shadows appear on the battlefield at the same time. No one knows how many such shadows there are, and no one knows where he has gone and what he is busy with.

Their brigade is full of top travelers, and their comprehensive strength is considered to be the top of the return journey. If only one side, or even two sides, of the demon kingdom's gates are open, they can kill demons and demon armies very easily. The problem is that the gate of the Demonic Kingdom opens at the same time, which vaguely affects the sacred mountain of Lianbao Yeze. Under the aura of the terrifying demon army covering the Tiandi Mountains, the mountains of Lianbao Yeze are filled with a frightening atmosphere. There is a sense of filth and danger, and the rolling dark and steep mountains seem to be coming to life. Even the snow on the mountain peaks that should be pure and white has a sticky and inconsistent texture like pale paint.

This reminded both Wan Anqian and Li Hongxue of Qingcheng Mountain. Lianbaoye could not have a bad incident like Qingcheng Mountain's fall. They had no one in charge and no pioneer of the tenth northern latitude journey. Once Lianbaoye fell, , the death rate in the team will definitely increase linearly! No one would doubt that the Mingxi man could really influence Lianbao Yeze to the point of collapse - there was nothing he wouldn't dare to do!

For this reason, the peak passengers fought with all their strength on the first day under heavy psychological pressure and the shadow of life-seeking people. Everyone was so tired that their brains were turned into dogs. In order to suppress the pollution hidden deep in the sacred mountain, minimize it as much as possible. Regarding the influence of the demon army on the sacred mountain, Cen Qin has basically been chanting the Jingjing Sutra from morning to now, and occasionally uses Tianwen to shout and ask questions to stop the big demons who are trying to destroy the sacred mountain. No one dared to stop even if they found the blood shadow of the life-seeking man carrying a sickle walking across the bloody battlefield, absorbing a large amount of bloody corpses, and seemed to be just feeding the knife.

Especially Cen Qin.

He was targeted by those who wanted to kill him.

Obviously there were Captain Wan Anpian and Wu Yun, Captain of Fengdu, in the team, but the blood shadow of the life-seeking man came to him when he had trouble. The first time he came, Yu Xiangyang stopped him and received a sickle in the chest. Although his body was not cut in half and he did not even bleed much, Yu Xiangyang was extremely unlucky in the next period of time. He had already evolved from a drought demon into a jiao, and he could even slip on dirty blood, just like Qi Qi. It's like someone sucked your luck.

Cen Qin also felt that every time the blood shadow came to him, he had a shuddering feeling. After a few times, the whole team knew that this was a target, and the people who wanted to kill him were openly targeting Cen Qin.

They all felt that it was because of the relationship between Cen Qin and Yi Ling that the Xi Ming people were dissatisfied, or that Cen Qin cut out the person in charge and the Xi Ming people wanted to use him as a sacrificial knife. Cen Qin was also nervous, wondering if the life-seeker had discovered the mobile phone he carried with him. Before departure, the hotel gave Cen Qin a live broadcast task. He has part of the small butterfly eye and can use it as a medium to observe the journey. As long as it is connected to the mobile phone , you can live broadcast anytime.

However, under the pressure of the life-threatening people, Cen Qin did not dare to touch the mobile phone at all, for fear that something would be discovered. Especially today at noon, when Xueying had just left, he secretly took out his mobile phone and watched the live broadcast. When he saw Captain An and Director Ling hugging each other and rolling on the ground, he was so frightened that he turned off his mobile phone. Then only half a minute passed. Before his heartbeat could recover, the blood shadow of the life-seeking man suddenly appeared like a ghost.

Cen Qin couldn't even imagine what would happen if the life-loving people saw the live broadcast scene on the opposite side. He didn't know whether Captain An would be finished, but he, Cen Qin, was definitely finished.

"Oh, my brother and I are all debts."

Cen Qin sighed hoarsely and dusted off his Taoist robe: "Ling Dao bless you, Ling Dao bless you."

Hehe, the Taoist robe blessed by Zero Dao is not broken yet, it’s okay, it’s okay. Fortunately, he sent all the Taoist robes and other things to him before setting off to try his luck. After this day of fighting, most people's luggage has been lost on the road. Now Wan Team and Wu Team each lead half a team. Two ways, one to find as much luggage as possible lost on the road, and the other to find a place to stay tonight.

According to the itinerary, their residence tonight is in Hongyuan County, but it takes an hour's drive for Lian Baoye to get to Hongyuan. The battlefield has not been cleaned yet, and the orderliest people asked him to find the residence of Princess Zhumu. , they might have to sleep in the open tonight.

Maybe it's not just tonight, but the whole trip will be nothing good.

"Let's go and find the princess's tomb."

Cen Qin patted Yu Xiangyang's arm: "It's up to you this time."


Yu Xiangyang responded calmly, and his body shape changed from human to animal. The majestic red-haired giant stood next to Cen Qin, bending his front legs and lowering his body to let him ride on his back. Then he carried the half-lived Taoist on his back and ran through the sea of ​​​​blood in the corpse mountain. The terrain here had been almost destroyed by the fierce battle, but every peak traveler was a living map, and he could still remember the general direction.

Their current location was probably near Panyangping. Yu Xiangyang carried Cen Qin on his back and continued running upwards until he reached the man-made 4520 viewing platform. This is the highest point that visitors to the Lian Bao Ye Ze scenic spot can reach. Standing on the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the surrounding undulating mountains. Cen Qin is not a professional Taoist, but Taoist priests know some Feng Shui. Princess Zhumu is the most beautiful princess of King Gesar and the most beautiful person in the world. She fell in love with King Gesar and made an appointment for a lifetime. Finally, after King Gesar conquered the demons in the world and accomplished his merits, she returned to heaven with him.

Her luck is closely connected with King Gesar. If there is a tomb left by Princess Zhumu here, it must be in a place with the best Feng Shui. There are no stars in the sky now, so we can't use the stars to locate the position. We can only look at the trend of the mountains. Cen Qin took the compass and looked up. He saw a circle of dark and rugged peaks beside Zhagartso Lake covered with red snow, like the devil's mountain. Holding a bloody ruby ​​in his hand.

"At the bottom of the lake?"

Noticing the focus of Cen Qin's gaze, Yu Xiangyang asked.

"Probably not."

Cen Qin shook his head: "In the epic "King Gesar", when King Gesar was away on an expedition to the Demonic Kingdom, the White Tent King of the Hall Kingdom coveted King Gesar's Ling Kingdom, and under the pretext of marrying Princess Zhumu, invaded Lingguo."

"It is also said that the White Tent King of the Hall Kingdom wanted to marry the most beautiful woman in the world and sent out four black crows to find the most beautiful woman for him. One of the crows discovered that the most beautiful person in the world was in the Ling Kingdom. It was Gesar. The king’s princess, so King Baizhang invaded the Ling Kingdom and took away the princess. Of course, in the epic, King Gesar later rescued the princess and conquered the Hor Kingdom.”

But the journey often does not exactly correspond to the epic, because the epic also has its own different versions, and it will be affected by pollution.

If the orthodox epic of King Gesar is about King Gesar conquering the world and pacifying the demonic kingdom, then now that pollution has invaded the sacred mountain and the number of demonic soldiers is uncountable, it is likely to be another direction of the balance between strength and weakness. 'Epic', for example, the demon country is powerful and King Gesar is powerless.

Why do people think there is the tomb of Princess Zhumu here?

Then it is very likely that King Bai Zhang really took away the princess, and King Gesar failed to rescue the princess, and she eventually died in the mountains of Hor Kingdom.

"There are brothers, the White Tent King, the Yellow Tent King, and the Black Tent King in the Hall Kingdom. This is the gate to the Demon Kingdom."

Cen Qin pulled out Hongyuan's soft and thick long ears: "Do you still remember the location of the gate of the Demon-faced Kingdom?"

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