Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1094 Tomb of the Tusi King (43)

Sharing food can indeed build a relationship, and by the time the meal is over, the vague sense of defensiveness between them disappears. Yi Ling, who had successfully fed ham sausage, was very satisfied. He raised his eyebrows proudly and sat next to An Xuefeng. He lazily watched him wash pots, wash lunch boxes, and boil new hot water. From time to time, he hinted at some embarrassing suggestions. For example, 'I'm missing a cushion, it would be great if there was a white tiger to lean on', 'Let's think of a way to learn the shadow clone, so that the human and the tiger can appear at the same time' and so on.

An Xuefeng did not meet those unreasonable demands. He just piled up the quilts for Yi Ling to lean on, and then transformed into a tiger's tail, tickling Yi Ling from time to time like a funny cat, which made Yi Ling have a great time. .

Seeing that the fed Yi Ling was very relaxed and the atmosphere was just right, An Xuefeng chatted with him a few words.

"No schedule for this afternoon? No need to send Lao Linjun up the mountain anymore?"

"no, I'm fine."

Yi Ling waved his hand generously: "Those are your trophies, you can do with them as you wish."

"Then I'll take Wang Pengpai and the others to find the statue of the Salt God this afternoon. I've already smelled it."

"Okay, I believe you."

"Do you want the statue?"

"Take a look and tell me. If it doesn't work, I'll let you play. White Tiger should be able to increase his strength by killing the Salt God statue."

Yi Ling gestured: "Be cruel and boil it into a pot of salt water!"

An Xuefeng laughed and asked insinuatingly, "Then where should we go tomorrow?"

"I'm going to Wuluo Mountain tomorrow, and I might sleep in the mountains at night."

Yi Ling lay down holding a pillow and playing with the tiger's tail, and said casually: "The road is not smooth, and we have to go around a lot of places. It may take two or three days, and we will have to camp in the mountains."

"But don't worry, someone will come to take us into the mountain."

"Who? Is he also the guide of the Baishan Cult?"

"No, I heard that he is a newcomer who is very much appreciated by the leader of Baishan Sect."


An Xuefeng's heart trembled, but his face remained calm. He noticed that Yi Ling had turned over at some point, holding his face with his hands, looking at him with a smile, as if he was examining him, but An Xuefeng didn't show any signs of strangeness, and said deliberately: "Newcomer? Is he also a member of Ling Dao's family? "

"That - not necessarily."

Yi Ling deliberately prolonged his voice. Seeing that An Xuefeng's expression didn't change, he lost interest and said boredly: "He doesn't look like my type. He's short and thin. He also plays with bugs. His skin is so white. Maybe What kind of believers of the Salt God are they? They are so boring.”

"But Wuluoshan doesn't seem to reject him. Maybe he will be useful in the future."

Short, thin and fair-skinned, he must be Wei Xun.

An Xuefeng felt relieved. Although Yi Ling's attitude was unclear, since Wei Xun was useful and could help them enter the mountain, Wei Xun should not be in danger in a short period of time.

"Leader Ling, do you know that someone disappeared in Wuluo Mountain before? His name is Zhou Xiyang."

After asking about Wei Xun's current situation, An Xuefeng remembered what Tong Hege and Lu Shucheng had told him about their companions who were missing in the mountains, so he helped them find out the news. But Yi Ling had lost his patience and just said perfunctorily, "Really, maybe, I don't remember it well," and said nothing more. However, he had revealed enough information. An Xuefeng did not ask any more questions, and instead talked about some of his feelings when he transformed into a white tiger, and his own changes after absorbing faith.

Yi Ling liked hearing this, and soon he was coaxed into happiness again. After cleaning up, An Xuefeng wiped the floor next to the fire pit, picked up the phone that fell on the edge, and was about to return it to Yi Ling. He casually glanced at the screen, but was surprised to find that the phone was no longer live broadcasting, but The screen is already black.

"This is?"

"This is my cell phone."

Yi Ling pretended not to hear what An Xuefeng meant and said innocently. Seeing that his expression became more and more dangerous, he laughed and teased: "Didn't Captain An realize that this is my mobile phone?"

"The battery has been out for a long time. After all, I gave Wang Yushu the mobile power supply."

Only Wang Yushu's mobile phone has the live broadcast software. Yi Ling has not started the live broadcast from the beginning to the end. In fact, he doesn't care much about the mountain worship, which is open all the time. When he pulled An Xuefeng in front of the camera, he just randomly clicked on a live broadcast room and deceived An Xuefeng. It was because An Xuefeng was too impatient at the time and still had some residual influence from White Tiger. He focused on the photo of White Tiger. Later, he was Yi Ling's words attracted all the attention, but the problem was never discovered.

Those photos of white tigers are just some of Lao Linjun's private collection. It would not be wrong to say that they are photos of white tigers from the Mountain Worship Sect.


An Xuefeng snorted coldly, the warmth of the hot soup still lingering on his body. He was emotionally stable and was no longer angry at all. When Yi Ling said that he had not started the live broadcast from beginning to end, he did not feel dissatisfied at being teased, but felt kind The pleasure of being respected. This may be Yi Ling's routine, as long as he wants to win the favor of anyone.

"So, don't be angry anymore."

Yi Ling was still smiling at him, smiling very nicely: "There has never been a live broadcast."

An Xuefeng deliberately imitated his tone: "You're not angry."

As long as Yi Ling doesn't make any principled issues in front of him, why would he be angry with Yi Ling?


The wanderer is like sitting on pins and needles.

He has always been a steady and calm person, and he never thought that he would have such a restless day. The chair seemed to be covered with nails, and he was sweating. He was watching the live broadcast, but his eyes were empty. Everything around him seemed empty. It melted, but the whispers of discussions by others were as deafening as thunder.

"Oh! He ate ham!"

A scene of Yi Ling holding ham sausage to An Xuefeng flashed on the small screen of the live broadcast.

The low exclamation of Chen Zhi'an, the little Taoist boy next to him, made You Ziming put on the mask of pain again and couldn't breathe. What on earth was Yi Ling thinking? Did he know that their every move was being broadcast live? You Ziming found that he couldn't understand it at all. Maybe his friend never cared about this. After all, he always went his own way - damn, in this case, he didn't need to feel uncomfortable for his friend. Why did he still feel like there were ants on his back? Climbing!

"You team, the radium tube used by Captain An..."

A Taoist priest came over to ask. You Ziming immediately showed a decent smile and whispered to the old Taoist priest about radium. Just now, An Xuefeng and his team used radiation to fight pollution, which made the real-life audience suddenly enlightened. It simply opened the door to a new world. The Taoist priests who were invited to watch the live broadcast were not old-fashioned old men who followed the rules. They had a broad vision and also Be willing to accept new things.

They were even more shocked and impressed by Mao Xiaole's exquisite operation of the Five Thunder Techniques to detonate radium tubes. They couldn't help but chat with the young special police around them and discuss the so-called "radiated substances". After An Xuefeng's transformation, the White Tiger vs. Li Jun human skin was even more shocking. Let the Taoist priests say how wonderful it is. At that time, there was no small screen in the live broadcast room dedicated to shooting zero-direction angles. The entire live broadcast screen was a white tiger fighting a human skin. It was scary, weird and exciting. It was more exciting and exciting than a movie blockbuster full of special effects, and it captured everyone's attention.

Everything was fine when we got here, and You Ziming was excited to see it. While chatting with the Taoist priests around him, he also noticed that Chen Zhi'an was rubbing his eyes tiredly and yawning from just now.

It was about four o'clock in the morning when they came over, and now it's noon. The special police officers were in good health and did not feel hungry, and the Taoist priests were also in high spirits and showed no sign of fatigue. Only Chen Zhi'an was still a child who was easily sleepy at a young age, especially since he had been overusing his eyes. Even if the hotel had the support to eliminate the pollution, Chen Zhi'an was still young and could not keep his eyes open around the clock. Over time, the pain would swell and the nerves in his eyes would throb and ache along with his brain, which was very unbearable. If it is overdrawn again, the Eye of Heaven will be out of control and it will be difficult to close it.

The Heavenly Eye can see into the distance through obstacles. Simply closing your eyes cannot turn off the Heavenly Eye with a thin layer of eyelids. Chen Zhi'an must control it himself. Once the Heavenly Eye is out of control and cannot be closed, his soul will be burned out in a day or night at most - his Heavenly Eye does not rely on a pair of eyes, the eyes are just a medium. Even if the eyeballs are gouged out in the future, as long as his soul is immortal, he can still use the Heavenly Eye.

But this is all in the future. Now Chen Zhi'an is still a child who will suffer unbearable pain after using the Sky Eye for seven or eight hours. You Ziming is a careful person. When he noticed something was wrong with Chen Zhi'an, he immediately asked in a low voice, and then took a gourd and helped Chen Zhi'an apply some eye drops - the gourd that the little Taoist boy had been holding in his arms was filled with rootless water, which was very beneficial to him. It's like eye drops for the heavenly eye.

After that, Chen Zhi'an lay down on the table and took a nap. You Ziming put his coat on him and continued watching the live broadcast. It's a pity that the live broadcast from the zero-direction perspective has not been started again. The main live broadcast perspective cannot capture the scene of An Xuefeng turning into a white tiger and jumping on the corn shoots. However, the various strange items unearthed from the ruins of the Li family are enough to shock people's hearts, especially the The broken corpse that was half human and half tiger really made people feel heavy. The old Taoist priests all sighed.

This has gone beyond the scope of crooked ways and has reached a terrifying realm that is difficult for them to touch. Chen Zhi'an's master, Zhang Tianshi from Longhu Mountain, seriously reminded everyone several times during the live broadcast that even though An Xuefeng and his team could jump up and down in the Li family and turn the tide, they were not ordinary people. Even if normal people like them had magic weapons to protect their bodies, they might not be able to survive once they enter the main hall of the Li family.

They are all mortal bodies, unable to resist pollution and unable to exert the power of magic weapons. Don't just watch the live broadcast and think you can do it. You won't know how you died when the time comes.

"Don't worry, we are all self-aware."

Some people smiled bitterly and said that the viewers who were summoned by the country to watch the live broadcast were all famous people from various families. They all had power and had dealt with some supernatural incidents. But the more I come into contact with these things, the more I understand my own insignificance and the horror of supernatural resurrection. The Tao skills used by Mao Xiaole in this team are the most familiar to them, but whose Five Thunder Technique can really attract such a level of thunder, and whose paper figures are so flexible, they see Mao Xiaole using Tao skills. The technique is like reading a book from heaven. People from Maoshan didn't dare to recognize Mao Xiaole when they came. The special policemen nearby exclaimed, "The Taoist Master is so strong!" ’, they all wanted to hide their faces. The old Taoist in his fifties and sixties felt ashamed that he really had no talent and was not good at learning.

If it hadn't been emphasized in advance, the participants in this live broadcast were all experienced peak travelers from the strongest echelon there, and the itinerary was also the most dangerous unsolvable itinerary. I don't know how many people would have died of shame.

But if ordinary people watch the live broadcast, they may have some unrealistic delusions. You Ziming has an internal group related to the live broadcast incident. I heard that Zhangjiajie has set up a blockade to stop some people trying to enter the National Forest Park (some of them actually saw the live broadcast and thought that a Hollywood blockbuster crew was filming there. Went to check it out.

This is a relatively bad situation. As expected, the live broadcast was still seen by ordinary people. It is really hard to say what kind of impact it will have. However, they have discussed this situation and it is still under control.

Just do your best to obey fate.

The live broadcast lasted until about one o'clock at noon, and Wang Yushu and others closed it after returning to the B\u0026B. People on the journey need to rest, and those in the audience can finally relax their nerves. The Taoist Association sent meals, but those who were too excited and nervous didn’t have much appetite. Most of the Taoist priests only took some vegetarian dishes and rice, and they all discussed tiger corpses, salt gods, Tujia people, ** and radium tubes. For example, Wang Yushu was asked whether there really were radium tubes in their system.

However, this relaxed atmosphere disappeared after Chen Zhi'an woke up. To be precise, shortly after Chen Zhi'an woke up, the live broadcast started again.

And it’s actually a live broadcast from a zero-guided perspective!

The author has something to say


Architect You Ziming, after a live broadcast, has dug a townhouse and a century castle for An Xun.

Live broadcast, bad, You Ziming, good!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-2123:34:15~2023-12-2221:55:50~

Thank you to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 mutes; 1 concentric circle, miracle stop and no hair;

Thank you to the little angel who threw the landmines: Xin Yao listens to Xun Mi’s praise to Xi Mi, the shrimp hair is a perfect match, don’t hit me, the miracle stops without a hair 2; Xiyan, Chi Nai, Concentric Circles, Sun Tao Source Stone Three Hundred 1 piece of pill and pill;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 438 bottles of concentric circles; 100 bottles of Cancan’s simple ignorance; 91 bottles of the hippie that steps on An Xuefeng; 60 bottles of Lu and Aye; 4752158251 bottles; 46 bottles of Sanskrit poems; Tu Su When using wine for external application and nine rings, 33 bottles;? , Return to the Ruins 30 bottles; A Lovely Passerby B 25 bottles; Delicious Xiugou Let Me Come 21 bottles; (o`3?o), Zuijiuyan, Don’t Want Lulu, Erbei, Nanping 20 bottles; sev1314 , 19 bottles of silver glutinous rice; 18 bottles of Erald; 17 bottles of Mu.ic; 16 bottles of Pinellia sinensis; 15 bottles of Busi Shisi; Ximi's sweet tea, leaves falling back to their roots, hibernating black cats, some cat bugs, Mudansheng, fallen leaves , ATOBE, Mingnan Qu, 108 ways to die in Orange Sauce, Qu Feiqing, 12345, Qingxiao, Honeydew is not sweet, Leng Lingyu, Fengdong 10 bottles; Wow Ou ⊙ω⊙ 7 bottles; San, Yan Chenchen , 5 bottles of Attack of Pipi Miao, Yanwuqing, and Su Sui; 3 bottles of Tingyun; 2 bottles of You Are the Cat Girl, Jiangshan Old Woman, Hube Shangshu, Qianyu; 52095666, Xiao, Youyun Bujigui, (ーー゛), 3927 Summer Garden, Ye Lingxue, Huayu in the Small Town, Callia, Ruimumu, Orange Road, Miracle Stops Without Hair, Ji'an, Little Hipmi Was Played by Xunxun, Ta Liu's Marriage Certificate ( Little Hipmi, Carbohydrates that Are Always on the Way to Lose Weight, Nao Si Tao Si, Xiu Xi, Go Lai, Ban Meng Fu Sheng, Be careful, . , 1 bottle of age mirror;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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