Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1088: Tomb of Tusi King (38)


Angry and shrill screams that were not human-like came from the huddled human skin, as if several people were roaring viciously at the same time. The chaos was mixed with a thick and muddy sound like the bursting of swamp bubbles, mixed with the roars and screams. It's like an evil sound coming from another world. It makes people feel dizzy and nauseated. The SAN value drops sharply, and there is a drowsy hallucination like a double image in front of the eyes.

The white tiger who was attacked by the sound froze for a moment. At this moment, Li Jun's huddled human skin suddenly expanded and spread out, like a poisonous and rotting net that suddenly wrapped around the white tiger, like a flytrap devouring insects and trying to completely wrap up the white tiger. In human skin. But the next second it opened and became thinner, the white tiger suddenly recovered from the stiffness. The eyes of a pair of tigers were full of animal cunning and cruelty. The huge claws firmly stepped on the middle part of Li Jun's human skin. He raised his head ferociously, and there was a tearing sound. With a bang, this huge piece of rotten and dirty human skin was violently torn in half by the white tiger!


Li Jun, who fell into the trap and was at a disadvantage, roared and screamed again, but it was completely unable to have any impact on the white tiger. A huge white tiger and a piece of human skin broken into two sections, elongated and twisted like a python, were fighting madly in the ruins, like a scene from a myth. The tiger's roar and screams were chaotically intertwined, and the torn rotten skin was like an octopus. He struggled like crazy in an attempt to cover the white tiger's mouth and nose, and wrap up the white tiger's body, but before the dirty mud could stain the white tiger's fur, it was completely blocked out by a burst of light.

The white tiger is glowing, and the faint light clings to the white tiger's vellus hair and claws, like a layer of glow, like the light blooming from a tiger marrow oil lamp. This thin layer of light was like the sharpest blade attached to the white tiger's claws, causing every vicious bite and every slap of the white tiger to cause huge damage to Li Jun's human skin. Soon the human skin was torn and riddled with holes. It was so broken that it cracked and shattered even more. It could no longer maintain its relatively complete form. Several pieces of skin shattered and disintegrated, and were smashed to pieces by the white tiger's slap.


The chaotic and harsh roar exploded again, and the human skin was struggling and twisting like crazy. But unlike before, the people who heard this shrill roar seemed to understand the meaning of the shout. Li Jun called him his younger brother. . What Bai Hu smashed into pieces was the human skin of the brothers from the Li family that he had originally fused together.


Yi Ling, who was watching the battle not far away, frowned and covered his ears, but the chaotic and noisy roars continued to echo in his ears. Li Jun has been completely polluted for a long time, and being able to 'understand' its roar shows that the people around him are also polluted to a certain extent. It should be over soon, Yi Ling thought displeasedly, as Li Jun's roar kept echoing, as if he was calling him 'brother'.

It's disgusting, not just any muddy guy can be his brother.

But contrary to expectations, the skin of the Li brothers was shattered and Li Jun was stimulated. With the fierce bite of the white tiger, the ugly and dirty skin twisted and surged, and two gray-white balls as big as a baby's fist fell out from the layers of rotten skin. salt stone.

These are the grains of salt from the Salt God! The white tiger had been on guard for a long time, and its long tail swept across like an iron whip, smashing two salt rocks into pieces in the air! Most of the broken salt grains were wiped out by the light attached to the tiger's fur, but many of them fell into the ruins at their feet.


The aftereffects of the explosion were still there, the roar was endless, and the earth shook violently. The moment the salt grains fell, the mud on the ruins where the white tiger was standing began to stir like a living thing. A large amount of gelatinous mud expanded and bulged. This was the explosion of the radium tube. The radiation and pollution in the bodies of countless rogue villagers were devouring and fighting each other like crazy, and the resulting mud was like a crater that continuously spewed out a large amount of thick magma. The expanding mud lifted the white tiger to a height of more than ten meters in an instant.

But this is not just a simple mud hill, its mud surface is extremely smooth. Any debris such as broken bricks, stones, etc. will be quickly melted and turned into the same smooth mud. At a quick glance, the mud hills seemed to be covered with a film of water.

No, that's not a water film.

"Then, what kind of monster is that?"

After running wildly and escaping two hundred meters away, Wang Pengpai and others looked back. Their pupils suddenly shrank, their throats became dry, and even their breathing stagnated.

On the extremely smooth surface of the high and raised mud hills, piles of sticky mud flowed down like the slurry of a bursting cake at all times. The falling mud chunks disintegrated in the air and turned into a handful of filthy mud. The gray-white mist is made up of countless densely packed insects. The insects gather in groups and rush to the surface of the mud hill. They spread out and become a smooth and white water film.

The radiation is killing bugs continuously, and the gelatinous mud produced keeps sliding down, but like a huge ant ball encountering a flood, only the bugs on the outermost periphery die, while the bugs inside are still safe. Large swarms of gray-white insects flew up and lingered around the mud pile, like a misty mist. More and more insects clung to the surface of the mud ruins, gradually becoming like a layer of dirty gray-white salt crust. , countless bugs have sealed the radiation inside, and its surface is no longer smooth. The sunken gray-white pits are like human facial features, looking hollowly into the distance.

Like a swarm of insects condensing into a huge and terrifying giant, the air is filled with a moist salty smell. The giant covered in gray-white salt shell is still expanding and getting taller, blocking the skylight, bringing extremely terrifying oppression. Only The top is still not salted, and the white tiger has completely torn Li Jun's skin into tatters, but the light on its body has been severely corroded by the salt worms, leaving only a thin layer. The tiger's claw pads have even been covered with mud mixed with crushed salt. Wrapped up, it looked a bit embarrassed.


Li Jun, who had almost given up his resistance and let the white tiger bite him, still roared lowly from time to time. People who were seriously polluted could hear him laughing maniacally, cursing angrily, and crying sadly, like a madman, and he was really mad. , a lot of confusing thoughts were stuffed into everyone's mind, making everyone dizzy and nauseated. Li Jun seemed to have little consciousness left, and An Xuefeng turned into a white tiger and really recognized him as a Tujia people in the mountains and forests. The white tiger of faith has been worshiped for generations.

He laughed, laughing that the explosion and destruction of the Li family finally attracted the tiger in the mountain, but so what if the white tiger was still defeated by the Salt God and would eventually be killed by the Salt God. Sure enough, the white tiger is just a beast, completely incomparable to the gods;

He was furious, and the people who messed up the situation spoiled his plan. After this battle, Zimata Village was destroyed, all the villagers and the Li family were ruined, the white tiger would die, and the salt grains reserved by the Salt God were also consumed. His plan It's all over, no one can change the coming danger.

He cried bitterly, why did the white tiger come just now? If the white tiger had appeared earlier, more than ten years or decades ago, when his sisters were born, when he was born, everything would not have ended like this, and he would not have suffered in pain for so many years.

He cursed the ignorant villagers, his reckless and greedy father, his blindly obedient and weak mother, his stupid sisters, his brothers who had no independent opinions, and everything in this world. Everything was so ugly, and there was nothing worthy of human beings. Something to keep in mind.

And his laughter, crying, rage, and curses were all drowned out by the deafening thunder. The hunting wind blew up Mao Xiaole's Taoist robes. Hundreds of meters away, he held the seal and the Five Thunder Techniques in his hand. After the salt shell was completely and stably revealed, he flicked his fingers at the monster-like tall salt mound from a distance, and a thunder suddenly struck from the sky. Next, the dazzling white lightning tore through the sky before hearing the continuous rumble of thunder, but this was not just thunder.

The radium tubes and thunder tubes that were set up by An Xuefeng and others but were not detonated in the first round were detonated by the thunder caused by Mao Xiaole. There was a sudden explosion around the ruins. The salt dome that had just been cracked by the thunder was blown to pieces by the detonator. The stone cracked, and the dirty salt crust that splashed down was soaked by radiation and turned into puddles of gelatinous mud in an instant. The mud could not support such a high mound, and it overflowed in all directions. It was vaguely visible that there were large and small corpses wrapped in the mud.

Those were the stumps of the villagers in Zimata Village that had not been destroyed by the first round of radiation. After the second round of radiation, they quickly turned into gelatinous mud, dark in color like festering mold spots, and containing strong resentment.

But when the white tiger walked across the land biting the last remnant of Li Jun's skin, the black resentment naturally dissipated.

White tiger, white tiger.

The villagers of Zhimata believe fervently in the White Tiger, which they have worshiped from generation to generation.

It finally appeared, and it killed the 'sacrifice' and saved them all from the terrible contamination.

How lucky they were that they could finally find relief through the White Tiger.

This is the blessing of the white tiger.

White tiger... white tiger...

The huge white tiger bit Li Jun's human skin and walked through the mud-like ruins with its tail hanging down. Under its claws, the black resentment dissipated and turned into a thin light, covering its fur. That was faith. The stained mud, cracked wounds, and traces corroded by salt gradually disappeared. The white tiger The fur is thick, clean, and free from dust, and the villagers' regrets are satisfied. The cold wind is cold, and the mourning songs of the Tujia people can be faintly heard in the whimpering wind, which is ancient and rich, with joy.

‘If the first month doesn’t come and February comes, the leaves will be scattered, and the flowers will bloom only when February comes;

If the first month does not come, it will come in February. When February comes, the flowers will bloom.

In March, during the Qingming Festival, white paper is hung and leaves are scattered; in April, few people plant seedlings;

In March, white paper is hung during the Qingming Festival, and in April, few people plant rice seedlings.

In May, the dragon boat is dragged into the water, and the leaves are scattered——*’

The joyful and satisfying funeral songs floated in the air, lingering on this ruined land, but it made Wang Pengpai and others shiver, and a chill ran down their spines, which made their hair stand on end for a moment.

The ignorant villagers were still ignorant when they finally died and their souls were scattered.

Their operation in the Li family was vigorous, and in the end it could only be said that they saved themselves and could not change anything.

If there are still surviving villagers who continue to live and continue the old traditions, will such a tragedy still happen on this land in many years?

No one can answer this question because all the villagers in Zimata Village are dead.

Wang Pengpai and the others felt a little heavy, as if they were being pressed down by a stone. Yi Ling didn't have so many unnecessary emotions. He just stared at the white tiger walking towards him. Amidst the faint mourning songs, the white tiger was like It walked majestically across the earth like a mythical beast, quickly jumped onto the huge winding insect body of corn shoots, and climbed to the highest point in a few clicks. Only at a close distance can you feel how big the white tiger is. Standing on its four paws, it is even taller than Yi Zero, as if it wants to cover him.

It's so big. If people in ancient times saw such a big white tiger, they would definitely think it was a mythical beast. Yi Ling couldn't suppress his smile. He smiled and stared at the pair of amber round tiger eyes that still had the evil spirit. Bai Hu also stared at him closely. Under the thin light of faith, the tiger eyes seemed to have a little more indifference and coldness. The divinity looked very fierce. It looked at the white-haired young man who looked at him with a smile, as if he was looking at his own sacrifice.

Then the white tiger came over, silently, and rubbed against Yi Ling like a cat. Yi Ling could clearly feel the white tiger's strong and hot body under the thick fur pressing against him. After passing by, the white tiger coiled around like a python. After passing a corner and getting close to him, the tiger's tail as powerful as a steel whip wrapped around his waist again. The huge tiger head rested on Yi Ling's left shoulder, and his beard rubbed against his cheek.

Snap, the white tiger let go and presented the spoils of war.

Yi Zero:! ! !

The last piece of Li Jun's limp skin fell to Yi Ling's feet like a dead mouse, successfully making the smile disappear from his face. Before the bubbling and dissipating mud could get on his shoes, Yi Ling jumped back, clinging to the white tiger behind him and stepping on the white tiger's thick front paws. At the same time, he pushed the white tiger away with a slap. The big head posted here.

"What a dirty tiger."

Yi Ling gasped and cursed: "Get your head away from me - don't stick your tongue out to lick me, get out of here!!"

The author has something to say

Yi Ling [pushing the tiger's head desperately]: Get away, don't lick my dirty tiger!

An Xuehu [Don’t listen to the butterfly chanting]: prprprpr!


The big tiger has come back from hunting and specially brought you prey. Say thank you tiger!


Li Jun also has a small piece of information about the funeral and other matters in the next chapter~


This is one of the lyrics of the Tujia people’s mourning dance. They sing and dance at the same time. Sayeerhao means dancing for mourning. If you are interested, you can search BV1d5411G753 on Bizhan. There is a Tujia Sayeerhao from 2003. A collection of competitions.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-1602:37:25~2023-12-1622:59:59~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: Giottse 2;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 partridge living in Africa;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 3 partridges living in Africa; 2 Xinyao listened to Xunmi praising Ximi; I really want to rua play the little Ximi, Qiu Ciyuan.,??, whatever the name is, 1 new fire;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Yan Chun 595 bottles; Huai Ge 528 bottles; Shen Miao and Qiu Jie 215 bottles; Yan Xin 112 bottles; Kaibe 100 bottles; Qianmu 55 bottles; Luo, Elk, and the cake cat who stole Xun , 50 bottles of Zuijiuyan; 30 bottles of Guguglululu, Meowji, Clam Store Manager Fan, Blue Dragon Demon, Ju; Obox Soul Lamp, Lizhou, Super Invincible Exploding Dragon Warrior, Aspri, Dishi Yunchu 20 bottles; Yi Ran 15 bottles; Qian Yu 13 bottles; Ultimate 12 bottles; Wilderness Xuanri, Mu Dansheng, I'm talking nonsense, you have less faith, Tuanzi Control, Committed to Falling into the Pit, Xiao Ximi, ax_Abyss Butterfly Can Dream See small, sentient beings in front of Buddha, all wishes come true, Afu Z, love eating hamburgers, Wallace, life-loving husband, Baili, knowing the crane to return, not seeing Qingshan old 10 bottles; falling dye 9 bottles; Tianxin Nuo Yu, P106 bottles; any name, Bailiu Qian, Not Hungry, Xiao Xiao Le, Reduced Ink Like Smoke, Words Dye Nishang, Yan Wu Qing 5 bottles; Lovely Missing Day, Huali Whistling, A Scoop of Orange Juice 4 bottles ; 3 bottles of Scarlet, Hee Hee; Miracle stopped without hair, 52095666, A Xu, all for me 99, Jutu 2 bottles; Little Hippie was played with by Xun Xun, Hua Yu in the Town, Du Lulu, Nidhogg, Ruimumu, Jiujiu come back for a look, Yilin, ckily, Silver-winged Fish, Lagrange, Manya, Xiaotou_jj,. , (ーー゛), nagging, Lang, be careful, Biyu Zhuang, sweet tooth lover, Xiao Qi, wandering in the clouds without knowing home, Xiao, the crying medium does not cry, Yu Nanxue, Go Lai, Chu Xia Yue , 1 bottle of Shuoye;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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