Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1081 Tomb of the Tusi King (33)

Radium tube? Radium tube?

On the way next, Wang Pengpai had a dazed expression on his face. Hearing An Xuefeng say that Wang Yushu turned thunder into radium, it was like hearing some fantasy joke.

radium? The one discovered by Marie Curie? ? No, how did this change? The two are not the same thing at all! What the hell are radium tubes? Are they pure radiation or can they also explode? No matter how you say it, it’s outrageous!


Lu Shucheng, who was following him, frowned and lowered his wolf ears: "If the explosion of this radium tube produces radiation, then the attitude of the mountain god will change."

Radiation and simple explosions have completely different levels of damage to the land. Yi Zero said that the mountain god does not care about explosions, nor the life and death of the Li family, but if this land is filled with radiation from now on, the mountain god will definitely be angry.

"Radiation is also a form of energy."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "Corpse poison can mutate people, and the power of the God of Salt can spread and contaminate the entire village. The darkness we experienced last night is a terrible pollution."

"Adding radiation is just one more kind of energy, and it may not even be able to defeat other pollution. The worst-case scenario is that radiation will also be swallowed up by the energy of the Salt God."

"Of course, it may also break the balance of the current land. In any case, just find the zero guide and test it... surging."

Wang Pengpai was immersed in my grass. Not even the muffled "Puff" sound coming from the front could bring him back to his senses. It wasn't until An Xuefeng patted his back without leaving any trace that Wang Pengpai suddenly became excited and looked at him as soon as he reacted. The land in front rose up half as high as a person, like an earth dragon arching up the land underground. The traces of the land bulge were coiled like mosquito coils, and a huge bright yellow worm head poked out from the middle.

The corn shoots were so huge that they could only stand a hundred meters away due to the coiled and raised land, watching its long, tough and powerful tentacles spread softly in all directions like scattered slime molds. Sitting on top of the worm's head was a man wearing a black and red cassock. He stepped on the worm's tentacles, broke off the worm's fangs with his hands, and threw the thunder tubes into it with great interest. Seedlings sprouted on the raised land not far away. Fang Fei stood nervously, holding a spare small detonator in her hand, and flipped the switch when Yi Ling waved at her.

"Bang bang!"

A muffled sound came, and the earth shook violently. The uplifted land burst and shattered. A large number of wet soil and stones were stirred up and suddenly shot out in all directions like fountains. There were also streaks of yellow lightning among them - under attack The worm's tentacles suddenly exploded in all directions, swishing around like steel cables. The sharp tentacles instantly penetrated the earth like steel spears, and several tentacles pierced An Xuefeng and the others!

But before Wang Pengpai and Lu Shucheng could take action, An Xuefeng grabbed their hands from left to right and let the tentacles fall. Mud flew across the ground with a muffled sound, and a giant cocoon with mud on its surface suddenly appeared where An Xuefeng and the three of them were standing.


The sound of sticky mud falling was heard, and the giant cocoon quickly disintegrated, and it turned out to be made of those worm tentacles. Inside the cocoon, An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai and Lu Shucheng were protected so tightly that they didn't even get a trace of mud. Although they were not physically injured, judging from the frightened looks in Wang Pengpai and Lu Shucheng's eyes, they were really mentally shocked.

However, An Xuefeng's expression did not change, and he nodded to the guide sitting on the worm's head: "Zero Guide."

"Tsk, it's amazing. It's actually unscathed. It's not even stained by mud."

Yi Ling said with a surprised smile. He held the side of his face with one hand and put the other hand on his knee. His fingertips were wrapped around the tentacles of corn shoots. The corners of his mouth were raised. He didn't look like a good person.

"Haha, with Zero Guide here, we are not afraid."

Wang Pengpai has a very strong self-recovery ability. He was still in shock just now, but now he can compliment people smoothly. But after listening to his words, Yi Ling smiled and shook his head: "No, all of this is the corn shoot's spontaneous choice and its instinct."

"I didn't let it protect you, because I believed that nothing would happen to my family. After all, if an accident of this magnitude happened, they would definitely die in the chain reaction of blowing up the Li family. "

"When you designed this plan, the goal must be for everyone to survive, not to become self-destructing infantry. There must be means of self-protection."

Yi Ling smiled and said: "It's true that Captain An had already expected that the corn shoots would protect you, so he held his companions to prevent them from dodging?"

"With this level of danger, nothing will happen to us."

An Xuefeng responded with Yi Ling's words and raised his eyebrows: "So this is a good opportunity and worth the risk."

An Xuefeng could see with his eyesight that if they had stayed put, only two of the tentacles shooting out at that time would have threatened them. One will brush against Lu Shucheng's shoulder, and one will penetrate his right abdomen. So he put one hand on Lu Shucheng's shoulder, and the other hand turned into a tiger claw and pressed on his abdomen. With his recovery power, there would be no problem at all. At most, they would be splashed with mud.

But this was the most cost-effective way to test Yi Zero. Yes, An Xuefeng thought that the tentacles thrown by the corn shoots were too deliberate. They were standing at a safe distance and would not be affected at all normally. It must be some kind of temptation from Yi Ling. An Xuefeng also wanted to take this opportunity to see Yi Ling's attitude.

...However, An Xuefeng had thought about the possibility that the tentacles would curl up into cocoons to protect them at critical moments, but the tentacle protection was a spontaneous behavior of corn shoots. He really had not thought about this possibility, which made An Xuefeng difficult to understand.

Why does the worm regard protecting him as an 'instinct'? It is better to say that the corn shoots are 100% absolutely obedient to Yi Zero. Does it really have the term "instinct"? What's more, even if it still has instinct, if Yi Zero's goal is to "injure them to see its strength", It's impossible for the worm's instinct to go against Yi Zero's order.

So Yi Zero definitely doesn't want to hurt them. Maybe it's like the cat pushing down the glass, tilting its head to curiously observe the human reaction, but not really wanting to kill anyone. An Xuefeng warned himself not to be gullible, to stay alert, and not to use a cute creature like a cat to compare Yi Ling, as this person is too mysterious and dangerous.

But from yesterday to now, he has been observing and examining, using experience to evaluate and test, and he has indeed reached this conclusion.

It would undoubtedly be to their advantage if this attitude was maintained until Yi-Zero actually showed his fangs. An Xuefeng looked at Yi Ling from a distance. Even though he was hundreds of meters away, Yi Ling's expression was still very clear under the tiger's eyes. As if not satisfied with his answer, Yi Ling curled her lips and sulked unhappily, staring at him silently. There were few people here, and the straps that blindfolded his eyes were pulled loosely, hanging down around his neck, exposing his eyes.

No matter how many times I look at him, I will always be captivated by those inhumanly magnificent blue-purple eyes. Even though the image of Yi Ling's face is always vague in my mind, An Xuefeng feels that he is very young. Perhaps because he has been out of touch with society after staying in the mountains for a long time, Yi Ling has a wild innocence between species and between beasts and humans. It is very dangerous, but contradictory enough that people want to get close to him.

So beautiful.

"How powerful is the current detonator tube? It has zero conductivity?"

An Xuefeng asked. He grabbed a tentacle that was wilting beside him and pulled it. The tentacle wrapped around his arm like a vine. He lifted it up and swung it, bringing An Xuefeng to the corn shoots. Falling in front of Yi Ling. Wang Pengpai also followed An Xuefeng's pace with the lead box in his hands, constantly making mistakes in his mind.

Team An seemed to be laughing just now. What a ghost! It was so scary! Don't let Leader Ling laugh angrily, they can't afford to offend this giant Buddha now.

But what reassured Wang Pengpai was that after landing, he found that the team leader and Director Ling had a good atmosphere when communicating.

"The power is pretty good. If you plan to detonate more than a hundred of them at the same time, you can definitely blow up the Li family."

"It can hurt the corn shoots, but the damage is limited. A few thunder tubes alone are like popping candy to the corn shoots. At most, the taste is a little more exciting."

【Popping candy, popping candy! 】

The cheers of corn shoots sounded in Yi Ling's mind, noisily: [Father, it's fun, popping candy! A little bit delicious, painful...spicy, popping candy is spicy! It’s not too spicy, I want to try it! 】

"Of course, those villagers cannot be compared with corn shoots. But if you just use detonators, some fish will definitely slip through the net. What are you going to do then?"

"We also have a new type of detonator, and we want Zero Guide to help test its power."

An Xuefeng follows the good path.

"Oh? Is there a new thunder tube?"

Yi Ling showed some interest, put aside the tangled tentacles of the corn shoots, and naturally opened his hands to An Xuefeng. Wang Pengpai smiled and Diandian stepped forward to put the lead box into Yi Ling's hand. Who knew that Yi Ling stretched out his hand and grabbed An Xuefeng's tiger claw and pulled it in front of him. Wang Pengpai's hand holding the lead box was hanging in the air, which was really embarrassing.

"Your claws have gotten bigger."

Yi Ling was very interested. He grabbed the tiger paw that An Xuefeng's right hand had turned into with both hands, looked at it over and over, and compared it with his hands. Yi Ling's hands are not small, with slender fingers, but compared with the huge tiger claws, they are only half the size of tiger claws. They can cover his entire face, which makes Yi Ling like it even more - his aesthetics are very simple, and big is good. , long hair is beautiful! I wonder if the tiger that An Xuefeng turned into would also grow fur in winter. The white fur on the tiger's paws is thick and clean, plush and slightly curly. The black flesh pads feel leathery, and when you press the hook-like point, The nails stick out, and the big hooks are black, like jet.

Sure enough, a live tiger is better, Yi Ling sighed in his heart. The processed tiger claws hanging on his chest were incomparable to live tiger claws. When he became interested, he leaned over, buried his face in the tiger claws, and took a deep breath.

There's no weird smell, it's a warm, clean, plush smell, great! Moreover, An Xuefeng seemed to be frightened. The tiger claws exploded into flowers, which were as fluffy as big dandelions. Sucking on the tiger claws completely offset the stress caused by the bugs in his heart throughout the day. Feeling that An Xuefeng wanted to stop, Yi Ling grabbed the tiger's claw and said naturally: "So, what kind of new type of detonator is it?"

"It would be difficult to kill the believers protected by the Salt God if we rely on explosions alone."

"You know the Salt God?"

Sure enough, An Xuefeng's eyes changed instantly, and the tiger claw that he originally wanted to withdraw stopped moving, and instead suppressed Yi Ling's hand - really good, Yi Ling continued to hold the tiger claw with satisfaction, and said in a long voice: " certainly--"

Of course, the tentacles of corn shoots buried in the ground of the main room transmit messages in real time, and of course he can hear Li Jun and Wang Pengpai talking about the Salt God and the like. Although Yi Ling didn't know much about the Tujia mythology, he had sensed the power of the Wuluo Mountain God. Compared with the Wuluo Mountain God, the Salt God was smaller and had fewer types of pollution. 'God'.

Therefore, Yi Ling behaved very confidently, as if he was talking about little Karami casually. Even Wang Pengpai and the others felt at ease, and An Xuefeng looked more relaxed. He simply let Yi Ling hold the tiger paw, and took the lead box from Wang Pengpai with his other hand, placed it in front of Yi Ling, and introduced the 'radium tube'.

"Team An, this, this hand..."

Wang Pengpai's tangled voice came from the headset, but An Xuefeng said nothing. He also knew that the current posture of him and Yi Ling holding hands seemed a bit strange, but...hey.

It's okay, Wang Yushu is not here anyway, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't live broadcast it.

An Xuefeng comforted himself by thinking that he felt Yi Ling grasping the tiger's paw, and he pressed it in response.

The author has something to say

Let An Xuefeng send 500 red envelopes to the babies today, bam bam!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-12-0923:06:40~2023-12-1023:13:49~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: Ran, for stealing 1 of Xun’s pancake cats;

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: Ran 5; Stop 3; Ultramarine 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 4 stopped; 62609613, Xin Yao Xi Mao Tou, Yuan Mi, Xishui Huolin 2; 64773049, Fatty Lost La, 1 San, Bai abd, Nan Chi Wei Yu, Jushu, Ran, Zhibi Duanqingsi, Little Fox Tietie, Liang Three, Ximo, 467610901;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Ye Huaiming 392 bottles; Kuijian 122 bottles; Kuangzhi 108 bottles; Jiangcheng May Luomeihua, Fanxing, Xiaoyejiang 100 bottles; Xingcha 21,488 bottles; Su Muli 80 bottles; Fuxi 66 bottles ; 56 bottles of Yahu; er3~54 bottles; 50 bottles of Xuanyu, Chalilili, and Yin-Shang; 40 bottles of Jiuqiyi, Psyche's Tears, Yeluo, and Siying are doing; 36 bottles of Xiao; 31 bottles of Xuan; 30 bottles of Andersen's Perfect Love; 28 bottles of Suihua; 24 bottles of Yuan Shui Key; Who, Gu Gu Gu Lu Lu Lu, Zhai, Yu Mo, llcr, Jiang Songke, Tu Jiu, Ula Ula, Online 20 bottles of Jingengeng, Erqiqi, and Qiyu; 18 bottles of black sesame-flavored paste, Xiao Nie will never stay up late, and Wallace loves burgers; 17 bottles of firework passed down, virtue is immortal; 12 bottles of Mufan Moo, Yunxi Bottles; 10 bottles of Jungejin, Wenqiu, Faith, Jujuju, Little Transparent~, Mao Tuaner, Golden Pig, 46467209, Yan Wuqing, Ran, Alice's Hat; 9 bottles of Xiaoyu; 8 bottles of Lujiang Entertainment Bottles; 7 bottles of strawberry-flavored donuts; Colorful Falling Flowers, Half Dream, Xiu Xiu is Lovely, Hoshino, Come Back for a Long Time, This is a Nickname, See 5 Bottles; I Want the Moon? Come to Me, Conspiracy 4 bottles; soul cabbage, 3 bottles of Cezhou; 53270746, save a pocket of Xinxin, sunny and cheerful rat, summer meow,. , Miracle Stops No Hair 2 bottles; Sheng Lingyuan, Qingxiao, Huayu in the Small Town, Xiao, Jiangshan Old Woman, Silver-winged Yuyu, Shuo Ye, No Nickname, Yan Chenchen, Hot Dry Noodles, Yilin, Xiaoxi I was teased by Xunxun, Xihua, Ye Xuan and the top ten in grade always want to go to school, Yu Nanxue, Ruimu Mu, Qu Feiqing, Mumuzi, Tingyun, 3927 Summer Garden, Little Girl, You Yun Buji Return, Ten Eight-year-old stranger, Xishou Huolin, Ling Lingzi., (ーー゛), Nao San Dao Si 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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