Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1067 Tomb of the Tusi King (21)

You Ziming couldn't see the crack in Xiao Xun's words, but when asked again, Xiao Xun refused to say anything. He just smiled very happily and said with confidence: "I must be the winner this time!"

...Then he really won. In that hide-and-seek game, You Ziming couldn't find Xiao Xun no matter what. Like some kind of nightmare, he searched all kinds of places, including the place where Xiao Xun said there was a 'crack', but he couldn't find any trace of him.

'You win! ’

You Ziming gradually panicked. He loudly admitted defeat and called Xiao Xun's name, but received no response. Did Xiao Xun go home? He has never been so abiding by the rules. Maybe after he goes home, when he runs back anxiously, he will jump out from behind the door and scare him? How about he go back and take a look first?

"I...I still thought it was strange that Xiao Xun said there was a crack there, so I didn't go back."

As You Ziming narrated, the eldest brother looked at him with more and more sinister eyes. The child with strong intuition was extremely scared, and his heartbeat was so fast due to fear that it made him want to vomit. You Ziming curled up into a ball, lowered his head deeply, and spoke a little. Keba: "I decided to look there again. Maybe Xiao Xun has learned Earth Escape. He doesn't listen to me, but I know that he is very obedient in front of his brother."

So You Ziming shouted again on the land. He was almost crying at that time, but he still remembered this. He was afraid of saying something like 'your brother is very angry', which made Xiao Xun want to hide it longer, but instead he shouted something like 'your brother asked us to go back', 'he prepared the spicy strips you like to eat' .

"I, I'm just saying."

You Ziming received another blow, and the eldest brother in front of him seemed to be even more angry. He quickly explained: "Xiao Xun listens to you the most. He, he wants to eat spicy sticks like those on TV commercials, but he has never eaten them secretly. ”

You Ziming babbled that since he met Xiao Xun, his father thought it would be great if they could make friends, and encouraged him to go and play with Xiao Xun. But basically Xiao Xun wouldn’t go out. He would say, ‘You can’t go out, my brother won’t let me.’ Then they would read various comics in the house. You Ziming also knew that Xiao Xun liked to eat spicy food, but he was very weak, so he said, 'I want to eat it, but my brother won't let me.'

Sometimes Xiao Xun would nudge him to sneak some delicious food over, but You Ziming refused every time. Therefore, when he shouted like this, he didn't have much hope in his heart. He didn't think he could really trick Xiao Xun out. After all, he had never promised in the past.

But fortunately, Xiao Xun really appeared, just like a dream.

‘Is it really like the one in the ad? Did my brother buy it for me? ’

Xiao Xun's voice suddenly appeared, just like the land lord in Journey to the West. You Ziming turned around in surprise, but the surprise turned into fright in the next second. Xiao Xun was covered in blood and injuries. His blue-purple eyes were glowing like a cat in the dark, but the most terrifying thing was that there were dark cracks around his eyes, like the cracks of a wooden stake.

After just saying these words, he fainted, and then You Ziming was so frightened that he went crazy and brought him back in one breath.

"Is Xiaoxun okay? Is he really okay? Has he been sent to the hospital now?"

After You Ziming finished speaking, he couldn't help but ask. He was extremely worried, but the eldest brother just said perfunctorily: "There is a family doctor here." Then he looked at him with a strange look for a long time, and even grabbed his hand. Turning over and over like checking something. The elder brother's hand was cold and strong. You Ziming felt a deep fear, as if he was caught by a predator, but he did not dare to hide. There was a trace of confusion in the fear, not knowing what was going to happen.


The memory has become blurry at this point, like fruit puree being stirred into a ball in a wall-breaking machine. Sharp pain hits from the depths of the brain, accompanied by illusory sounds like nightmares, buzzing, and extremely profound, like It was the blade that carved lines of black writing in his brain. It was what his eldest brother once said to him.

'My brother was seriously injured and almost died. You are at fault'

'……My fault'

‘You need to make up for your mistakes, you should understand’

'……I see'

‘What did you hear just now? ’

'What? ’

'You heard, someone asked you if you want to save your friends, right?'

'Yes! I can promise...'

‘Even if it wants to sign a contract with your soul? ’

‘What soul? I don’t understand, but I can—’

‘No need, I can save my brother’

'Very good! That's great--'

‘So you have to sign a contract with me and dedicate your strength’

'……ah? ’

‘Why, could everything you just said be a lie? You don’t want to give even a little bit, sneeze, I just know——’

'no! I did not lie! As long as Xiao Xun can get better, I have no problem! ’

‘I will come and get it when I need it’

So he signed a contract with Xiao Xun's eldest brother, and You Ziming voluntarily donated his power and lost a lot of memory. Yes, he has power. He had been exposed to invisible 'cracks' in his childhood, and had close contact with Xiao Xun in that state. He did not die, nor was he out of control or deformed. He was still the same as a normal person. At that time, You Ziming's natural power had already emerged.

Xiaoxun's eldest brother took a fancy to his strength. Because of the existence of the contract, the power that You Ziming has grown stronger over the years has been suppressed and accumulated in his body. It has not been released and has never attracted the attention of others, making him just like an ordinary person.

Until now, because of the long-term stimulation of pollution, because Chen Zhi'an's white eyelashes and strange eyes still reflect his age, because he is about to die, and because of various reasons, You Ziming was stimulated to recall some sealed memories. , and also felt his own active and boiling power. Under the stimulation of strong pollution, this power even transcended the contract and leaked out a little.


His head hurt more and more. You Ziming opened his eyes and frowned. He put one hand on his forehead and pressed the other hand on Chen Zhi'an's little face. He lightly wiped the child's eyelids with his fingertips, and some dark and fine characters floated up. Then the black pus and blood shed by Chen Zhi'an turned into fine black mist and dissipated in the air. Even the cracks on his face have been significantly reduced and no longer look so obvious.

Immediately afterwards, the tiny black characters on the pads of You Ziming's fingers disappeared, like a power supply with poor contact. His power was restricted by old agreements, and all he could use was this little bit that overflowed.

But fortunately, Chen Zhi'an survived, and there seemed to be an influx of life at the same time, making his originally pale face quickly turn rosy, and his breathing became much smoother. All the cracks and remaining pus and blood on his face disappeared, and there were not even traces of corrosion. Only the shallow tear grooves on both sides of the bridge of his nose remained, which were proof of the crisis that almost killed him just now.


After confirming that Chen Zhi'an was fine, You Ziming looked at his hand and pointed out that this was his innate power——


His power can bring imbalanced things into balance.

For example, rebalancing a body that was nearly collapsed and out of balance due to pollution, could only act on himself when the power was not strong enough. Therefore, when he took his friends back all the way, he did not die because of the existence of 'balance'.

After accumulating for so many years, his power can no longer only be exerted on himself, but can also work on others, just like he did on Chen Zhi'an. This is not to remove pollution or swallow pollution, but to balance the pollution that Chen Zhi'an could not bear with his body. Excessive pollution will be excluded by the balance.

As for how long this balance can be maintained, how to deal with the unbalanced energy that is expelled to the outside, and whether it will have other effects - You Ziming doesn't know. The nearly boiling power just now has calmed down, completely dormant back into his body, and continues to be under the contract. After that, his power will continue to accumulate in his body until it is taken away by the contractor.

It's like a long marathon with no end in sight.

Leaning back on the chair, You Ziming focused his eyes on a point in the void. Will he die after his power is taken away? Could his body be out of balance? What will the other party do with his power? Many problems arise, but the strange thing is that You Ziming is still calm and does not regret the decisions he made in the past. He didn't think about 'how powerful he could be if he could mobilize all his power', he just thought 'fortunately this little bit of power saved Chen Zhi'an and didn't make him regret it'

The strength has been suppressed and accumulated in his body, and he has no regrets.

'You look like a normal person'

A steady and powerful voice sounded, and what appeared in front of You Ziming's eyes were eyes full of complex meanings. The eyes were heavy, as if they had weight, and there seemed to be flames burning in the dark pupils.

Those are Captain An’s eyes.

The memory in this aspect is also incomplete. You Ziming only vaguely remembers that he seemed to have talked a lot with Captain An. In the end, he shook his head and said that he had no regrets.

‘Then continue to be an ordinary person’

Captain An said seriously: 'As an ordinary person, everything you have now will not be lost suddenly.'

Captain An was standing in the cemetery, with so many tombstones behind him, and he was walking on that road.

As an ordinary person, You Ziming's parents would not suddenly disappear, and his comrades would not die mysteriously. Occasionally, when he goes home, he can have dinner with his eldest brother who inherited the family business, meet his sister-in-law, and see his lively and lovely nephews and nieces. If he takes another path, everything he has now will be lost. Even if he is just 'selected' by the path in advance, misfortune will befall him.

Just like little Chen Zhi'an.

"...Brother You."

Some uneasy sounds were heard. You Ziming looked down and found that Chen Zhi'an was awake. The child was lying in his arms. There was still panic on his face, but his eyes were bright, as if he was excited about something. He looked at You Ziming who was hesitant to speak, as if he couldn't wait to share something with him but couldn't. The conflicting expression was very interesting.

"Thank you for saving me. I owe you my life."

Finally, Chen Zhi'an thanked him first, his tone sounded a little awkward, but he was very serious: "When we go out, we will make a formal Taoist oath. We can also worship and become true brothers!"

You Ziming didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was about to speak but was interrupted by Chen Zhi'an. The child couldn't hold back his excitement and glanced around a few times like a thief. Seeing that no one was paying attention to them, he hurriedly wanted to share it with his newly recognized big brother: "I just survived. Apart from my brother saving me, there was actually another reason! There was a voice in my head... It wasn't pollution!"

Chen Zhi'an saw the horrible dark pollution that he shouldn't have seen. When he was about to die, he vaguely heard a voice in his mind, asking him "Do you want to live, do you want to really see what happened in the darkness of Zhangjiajie?"

Chen Zhi'an is not afraid of death. It's not that he is too young and has no concept of death. He can remember things since he was born. People around him have been leaving since he was a child. Parents, elders, fellow disciples, and many others, as long as he has some close relationship with him. None of them ended well. Chen Zhi'an is not afraid of death. On the contrary, he still has some expectations for death. It is best to reincarnate as soon as possible in the next life, so as not to harm others while alive.

Compared to death, Chen Zhi'an really wanted to see what happened in Zhangjiajie! He was almost there. Not only did he see the white-haired weirdo like the sun, but he also saw the tiger claws hanging around his neck that were brighter than the sun. This tiger claw seems to be closely related to the humanoid tiger carrying the white-haired weirdo on its back. There seems to be an inextricable connection between the weirdo and the humanoid tiger like a marriage thread.

How strange, a new world seemed to open before Chen Zhi'an's eyes! Although there was a terrifying darkness surrounding that area, Chen Zhi'an was almost killed by the pollution after just one look at it, but he was stubborn and really wanted to look again to find out what was going on over there.

So he agreed to the voice in his head and signed the contract. The power called "Thriller Global Hotel" will protect him from pollution and treat him. What Chen Zhi'an has to do is to continue to "see", and what he sees with his eyes will be displayed as a supplement to the new live broadcast perspective.

Hey, there are a lot of terms anyway. Chen Zhi'an is really excited. Not only can he continue to 'see', he can also get in touch with the brand new world over there! In Chen Zhi'an's view, You Ziming, who can resolve some of the terrible pollution, is obviously a fellow traveler with him. They should all be selected and have connections there!

But the 'hotel' asked him not to disclose the relevant information to others, which made Chen Zhi'an extremely uncomfortable. He hesitated to speak. He really wanted to find a way to match the secret code with You Ziming to see if they could communicate smoothly. He really wanted someone to talk to!

Chen Zhi'an's gaze was too straightforward, and the straightforward You Ziming could understand it at a glance.

But he just patted Chen Zhi'an on the head and said seriously: "You should listen less to the sounds that you shouldn't listen to, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

"I can't save you a second time, you have to be careful."

To establish contact there requires a soul contract. As for You Zi Ming Zao, his soul has been controlled by Xiao Xun's eldest brother since he was young. He will never be 'selected' again, nor will he go to 'that place' again.

But his family members are still alive, and so are his relatives and friends. Friends occasionally return to reality, and they can go out to eat and chat together. The bond with reality is not broken.

This was enough. You Ziming looked at Chen Zhi'an's wrinkled little face, held his nose with evil intentions, and pressed a little pig's nose. Chen Zhi'an seemed to have never played with someone like this since he was a child. He was stunned. When he saw You Ziming quickly taking pictures with his mobile phone, he slapped his hand away angrily, his eyes bright with anger.

It's a bloody road with no end.

You Ziming stood on the side of the road and watched. Behind him were his family and friends, as well as countless team members and comrades who were close to him. There were also many people on the road in front of him, including his good friends, Captain An, his best friend, and his acquaintance Chen Zhi'an. .

Because of the contract, You Ziming was nailed to the side of the road. He could not move forward on that road, nor could he take a step back. He became a completely ignorant ordinary person. His voice could not be transmitted, and his actions could not affect the road. He could only stand on the roadside and watch, fearful, and could only pray - praying that people he knew and people he did not know would be there. Go on the road safely and live.

If one day the power he has accumulated is needed, as long as it is beneficial to the world, he will contribute it without reservation.

"Okay, okay, stop making trouble."

You Ziming's tone was brisk. He smiled evilly and held up his mobile phone so that Chen Zhi'an, who was riding on his lap and was furious, couldn't reach it. When the beeping sound of the reminder sounded, You Ziming grabbed Chen Zhi'an with his arm and turned him to the chair next to him. Before the other party spoke, he put the phone in front of the two of them and said seriously with a straight face:

"The live broadcast is about to start, watch it quickly, haven't you always wanted to watch it?"

The beeping sound of Didi is the prompt sound for the anchor to start broadcasting, and Youzi Ming's stern face is also very bluffing. Chen Zhi'an stopped making trouble. He couldn't wait to see Zhangjiajie, but he also wanted to watch the 'live broadcast'. Finally, his excited and expectant eyes fell on the mobile phone screen first. At the same time, in this conference room, and in the conference room next door, people from all over the country gathered. Countless people were nervous and anxious, and their hearts beat rapidly as they opened the live broadcast room that suddenly started broadcasting.

Then I saw a 'person' being torn to pieces alive among the elegiac couplets of wreaths soaked by the rain under the dim light.

You Ziming subconsciously covered Chen Zhi'an's eyes, and Chen Zhi'an opened his eyes behind his hands - his see-through eyes allowed him to see the live broadcast through You Ziming's hands.

Chen Zhi'an saw the black-red internal organs, which were filled with insects and exploded like water balloons, splashing out a handful of dirty blood and a ball of blood worms. They were soaked in the blood and shot out in all directions with malicious intentions, trying to invade the human body. Dim light, rich blood, torn people, densely packed insects, numb executioners, pale elegiac couplets - the extremely impactful picture exploded in front of Chen Zhi'an and all the audience, taking away people's breath in an instant.

And when the camera turned to the other side, greater horror came. The crowd whose faces were covered by rain hats stood silently, their faces covered by rain hats blurred and soaked by the rain and blood. The damp disposable rain hat clung to the face, almost outlining the features.

But there was no expression on their faces, as if they were just watching a sacrifice. When the eerie voice of "This is our Great Beauty Mountain Worship Cult" sounds, the fear and trembling originating from human instinct hit the soul, making people choke in the throat and unable to speak. They want to look away, but they can't avoid it at all.

Until the camera flickered, it seemed like someone else had taken over the live broadcast mobile phone. Accompanied by the incomprehensible words, ‘Are you just doing propaganda like this? ? ' Complaining, a face suddenly appeared in front of the camera.


Some viewers were so frightened that they gasped, and a face suddenly flashed on the screen. It was a classic scene from horror movies! But his heart, which was about to burst out of his throat under the extreme tension, finally slowly returned to its real place as the bright smile of the man in front of the camera slowly returned.

"Hello everyone, viewers, I am Yi Ling, the most handsome guide in the Baishan Cult!"

He pulled off a bit of the straps in front of his eyes, and the blue eyes he revealed suddenly broke the attention of all the viewers from the bloody nightmare. This is not like eyes that humans can have, but more like a bright gem, an unparalleled and inimitable miracle, so magical and magnificent that it is fascinating.

Until Yi Ling covered his eyes, the audience was still unable to come to their senses for a long time, but their attention was completely transferred, and when they came back to their senses, they were a little scared. Those eyes are so beautiful, it seems a little evil. Yi Ling actually has such a pair of eyes under the bandage that blocks his face. He looks more like the leader of an evil sect...

The audience was scared and wanted to watch, their eyes fell on Yi Ling's face in the camera, and they heard him laughing enthusiastically: "Haha, the audience was not scared just now, right? Don't be afraid, we are not the ones tearing people apart. Followers of the Mountain Sect, my family members are all good people... Come, come to me."

Yi Ling waved his hand, as if calling someone over. Soon another person appeared in the camera. The person seemed to be taller than Yi Ling, because he was currently broadcasting vertically with his face close to his face. If that person wanted to be in the frame with him, he could only bend down and stand close to him. Yi Ling was very close, and there was almost no distance between them. When the bloody rain hat appeared, the audience was almost frightened to PTSD again, but the next second Yi Ling pulled off the rain hat covering the other person's face. .

"This is my most trusted captain, An Xuefeng. He is the incarnation of the white tiger and has an extraordinary steed. All family members who join the religion can get his protection."

Yi Ling smiled sincerely, and without explaining much, he broadcast An Xuefeng's face live at close range.

I have to say that An Xuefeng's face is very punchable. He has a plump face, dark and straight eyebrows, and scorching eyes. At first glance, he looks very handsome and upright. Even criminals will cry for help when encountering supernatural incidents. That kind of person. And he looks very mature, not as impulsive as a young man, making people feel calm and reliable at first glance.

There are people in this world who can reverse the reputation of being a "pervert" just by showing their face. This is just facade. Especially when Yi Ling and An Xuefeng were face to face, the contrast became even stronger.

A barrage floated across the live broadcast room.

[He really looks like a special policeman who has been undercover for a cult for three years, but the higher he is, the higher he is, and finally he is next to the cult leader, haha! 】

The author has something to say

This chapter has 5,900 words, so it’s a two-part update today!

I originally wanted to update one chapter at 1 o'clock and another chapter at 3:30, but I just finished writing it in one go, so I am updating now. Let Captain An send 500 red envelopes to the babies to express their gratitude!


There is no deputy CP except for the official partner. You can do anything except the official partner. You can't do anything for the official partner!

There is no connection between You Ziming and the good brother, they can only be regarded as the good brother’s treasure chest of Destiny’s Child Cookies [Thumb]

The hotel has taken a fancy to Chen Zhi'an. After all, it can't fully count on Yi Zero's nuclear power bank to support the live broadcast!


【Some if】

[What if Xunxun and Youyou entered a hotel at the age of nine]

The good brother was so anxious that his plan was completely disrupted. He hadn't entered the hotel yet, had no layout, no plan, and no one was available. When entering the hotel, he had to find his brother as quickly as possible, and he also had to be vigilant about the hotel to be on guard against anyone who might have ulterior motives.

In the end, the good brother will choose An Xuefeng to cooperate

Director Red and Director Huang have a very good relationship. According to some information left behind, the good brother knows about An Xuefeng and is continuing to pay attention to the investigation.

19-year-old An Xuefeng is attending the Special Police College (SPC) of the Armed Police Force. He is strong, talented, upright, responsible, and has a strong sense of responsibility. He is of the same age group as Big Brother, so he was pre-selected. One of the "collaborators" is just a good lone wolf who has not yet decided whether to contact An Xuefeng.

But there is no other choice. The good brother will find An Xuefeng as the son of an old friend, take out the token that the red director and the yellow director made, and entrust An Xuefeng to investigate the disappearance of his younger brother. Then 19-year-old Captain An and the 19-year-old My dear brother, we went into the hotel together.

After finding Youxun and Youyou, they formed a small group tour. Xunxun’s situation was not very good. Brother Hao didn’t trust outsiders, so it was just the four of them playing together. Team An’s brother, Youyou, was the tourist and Youxun was the tour guide. An Xuefeng won again and again in Xunxun's heart because of his furry hair!

That era was the fifth year of Lao Chen’s generation. The situation in Xunxun was not good. It is estimated that the final problem will not be solved in five years and will not be solved until the next ten years. It was almost finished halfway through, because Xunxun 18 was in a hurry to finish things and fall in love! After all the problems are solved, 28 An and 18 Xun will go back to their hometown to get married, and then An will be resented by his good brother for the rest of his life (bhi)

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-2602:57:59~2023-11-2702:42:42~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: 534069304; Mian and Yunqi, 3; Erqiqi, 2; can we order new dishes, Piolo, I'm talking nonsense, don't believe me 1;

Thanks to the little angels who threw grenades: 2 from 277; 1 from piolo, 53406930, and Ximo;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines: 3 drizzles, piolo, Xin Yao and xi cat heads; 2 sunsets, Nandu Yanying; Chu Xia Yue, Yue Chen, 48662101, don’t like carrots, Feng Yu Jun, wow wow wow wow, it’s meow meow, infatuation returns beauty 3, 67769242, white abd, Tenghe volcano, Chyue month 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Qiaoqiaozi 292 bottles; Muzhi 176 bottles; Mian 174 bottles; Qingwanyue 160 bottles; Xingxuan 116 bottles; Yejia Xiaoji 80 bottles; Yuanyu 66 bottles; Mo Yuxi 60 Bottles; Wang Wang Wang Wang, Wang Xiao, really 50 bottles; 48 bottles of Bin Zhun; 46 bottles of Ning Ning Ning Ning; 40 bottles of Yunjia Jiu and Xian Knocking the Pieces and Falling Denghua; 39 bottles of Little Jam; Ruimu Mu 31 bottles; 30 bottles of fire passed down from generation to generation, immortal virtue; 25 bottles of Chenxi, Yiwei Xianyu, Daxiao; 24 bottles of alia; 22 bottles of Nandu Yanying; Mo, Yun Miaomiao, TISAB, Yunche Laobai, 53406930, Ran Juan, 20 bottles of Wang Xingxing; 14 bottles of Lu Yanzhao; 11 bottles of Xiao Sazi who read pirated articles; and Chunshan Tour, Long Live Cuimen, Zhu Yan, Anita, Lin Ran, Ling Ling Zha Ling, Cang Lan, San 9. Bailiu...My Bailiu..., 10 bottles of ★★★★★; 8 bottles of Good Drink, Murphy's Law; Xin, ⊙▽⊙, Su Mou, Moumou, 68682363, 5 bottles of chocolate ice; hot dry noodles , 3 bottles of Tu Ge; 2 bottles of Chatter, Chang'an, Ji, Xiyan Years; Wandering Clouds Do Not Know Return, Half Dreaming, Manya, Gu Xingmian, Pirates, Sky Yun Nai, Miracle Stops Without Hair, Xi Houhuolin, Yiran, Hejiye, 37468677, Yilin, and 1 bottle of carbohydrates that are always on the road to losing weight;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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