Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1065 Tomb of the Tusi King (20)

At around four o'clock in the morning this morning, many people who were either packing their things or exhorting their companions received emergency calls. These people are old and young, live in cities, rural areas, and even in the mountains, and have different temperaments. But after receiving the call, these people all showed solemn expressions and set off as quickly as possible to the nearest gathering point.

The gathering points include requisitioned armed police camps, village committee activity rooms, old cinemas, Taoist temples, Sanqing Hall, etc., all over the country, and are arranged according to the situation, and local special armed police units are assigned to them. Before five o'clock in the morning, everyone at each meeting point had arrived. There were only five people at the gathering point with the smallest number, and a small auditorium was filled with people at the largest number, and it was completely dark.

"Master Zhang."

The largest conference room of the Chengdu Taoist Association was brightly lit. Three old Taoist priests walked into the room. The leader of the Taoist priests had a pale face, white beard and hair, and a solemn expression. He wore a white jade lotus crown, purple robes, and a whisk in his hand, followed by others. A young, childish and cute Taoist boy was holding a dark red gourd.

The two Taoist priests behind the old Taoist and the Taoist boy looked older than the old Taoist. They wore blue Taoist robes and Taoist scarves. Kun Dao on the left is holding a magic sword in his hand, with seven stars engraved on the scabbard and a fiery red magic bell hanging from it. The old Taoist on the right is holding a dark purple ancient seal with two broken corners.

As soon as the three of them entered, the Taoist priests who were sitting and discussing in the conference room all stood up and solemnly saluted. The special armed police guarding the conference room also breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly stepped forward to help with the arrangements. The conference room had already pulled a red rope and hung a peach charm. When the dark purple seal was placed in the formation, an invisible force filled the air. The originally cold conference room seemed to have an electric heater turned on. The temperature It picked up quickly.

"Master Zhang."

You Ziming walked up to Zhang Tianshi and saluted him solemnly. After the Qingcheng Mountain disaster and the appearance of Qingcheng's father-in-law, prestigious Taoist temples from all over the country sent people to Rongcheng to investigate the situation. This Zhang Tianshi came from Longhu Mountain. He is one hundred and eight years old this year. His seniority, status, Taoism, and strength are all outstanding. Extremely high, in order to suppress the evil spirits caused by the earthquake in Qingcheng Mountain, he specially brought the Guanzhong magic weapon here, and it is still in Rongcheng.

As soon as the live broadcast came out, the higher-ups quickly issued instructions and assigned viewing tasks to various places. Since the live broadcast there would be polluted and it would be too dangerous for one person to watch it alone, meeting points were set up all over the country. The first batch of 'audiences' were chosen to be talented people and strangers near the meeting point, and they went to the meeting point to gather together. Watch the live broadcast. If there are no exceptions in the next period of time, they will stay at the assembly point to prevent accidents.

It's just that this photo preview came too early. It has only been more than an hour since the notice was sent to everyone. Most people are still packing their things and rushing to the meeting point immediately after receiving the emergency call. This seems a bit... Busy.

The Chengdu Taoist Association, located in Qingyang District, is the gathering point for the 'audience' in Chengdu. Since most of the Taoist priests on Qingcheng Mountain have been successfully rescued and have experienced pollution incidents at close range, they are more tolerant, so the ones selected here are There were a large number of spectators, including the special armed police brigade stationed by You Ziming and the others, a total of ninety-eight people. It seemed that most of the old Taoist priests were in their sixties and above, and most of the young faces were armed policemen.

There are also dangers when too many people are in the same place, and the fear of crowds can also resonate with contamination. Therefore, these ninety-eight people were divided into two adjacent conference rooms, watching and helping each other. Kun Dao and the old Taoist holding the magic sword went to the conference room next door, while Zhang Tianshi and Tao Tong stayed here.

"Who is this……"

After saying hello, You Ziming's eyes fell on the Taoist boy next to Zhang Tianshi, asking him. He had seen the list of ‘audiences’ in Chengdu, and there was no such young audience in it.

"His name is Zhi'an, Chen Zhi'an, Pindao's adopted child, he is nine years old this year."

Zhang Tianshi stroked his beard: "Zhi'an, taken from the Tao Te Ching, 'Hold the elephant and the world will go. Go without harm, Anping Tai'. Zhi'an had his eyes opened when he was born. He was able to sing the Tao Te Ching at the age of three. He was struck by lightning nine times when he was young. His parents and brothers disappeared when he was young. Some of the disciples who were close to him after arriving at Longhu Mountain also disappeared.

"The poor Taoist divined that Zhi'an's life will be full of troubles. There will be disasters every three years, and there will be a catastrophe when he is nine years old. It is beneficial and harmless to bring Zhi'an to Chengdu. Officer You is also a destined person for Zhi'an."

"So that's it."

You Ziming was in awe, Zhang Tianshi said something cryptic, but people around this little Taoist boy have been disappearing frequently since he was a child. According to the rules, he is obviously a talented child who has a high probability of being selected! In this case, his talent may be higher than everyone present, and watching the live broadcast can stimulate his power even more.

"I'll leave it to Captain You to take care of it."

Zhang Tianshi took his seat, and the responsible armed policeman taught them how to register an account and log in to the live broadcast platform. And this little Taoist boy who was 'destined' with You Ziming was left by his side. You Ziming brought a chair over and asked the little Taoist boy to sit next to him. The child's sitting posture is very upright and he looks well behaved. It is rare to see such a beautiful child. Chen Zhi'an's little face looked like it was carved out of snow, with the corners of his mouth pursed, looking a little serious. It's just that I'm so small that my feet can't touch the ground when I sit on the chair. He was said to be nine years old, but You Ziming thought he was only four or five years old.

And Chen Zhi'an's eyes are very special.

His eyes are big and his eyelashes are thick, and they are actually white eyelashes and purple eyes! He looks like a cat when he stares at people, with a strange and inhuman feeling. I heard Zhang Tianshi said that this was not born, but was struck like this by thunder from the sky. Although Chen Zhi'an's hair was black and he was not white-haired, the color of his eyelashes and eyes made You Ziming look a little hallucinated at his friend, making him even more concerned.

Such a young child...

You Ziming felt heavy and confused. Zhang Tianshi said that Chen Zhi'an was in trouble at the age of nine. Could it be that the child would be selected this year? His friend is also 'missing' this year. If Chen Zhi'an is selected this year, it will be considered as 'one year' with his friend, and maybe he will be a teammate, but nine years old is really too young.

Thinking that people close to this child had disappeared one after another, and that he had been struck by lightning nine times at the age of six, You Ziming felt a little distressed. He looked at the poor child a few more times, and then found that the little Taoist boy was also looking at him - the hand in his hand. The phone, that serious little face only showed a bit of curiosity in his deep purple eyes when he looked at You Ziming's phone, making him a little childish as he should be at this age.

"This is a mobile phone. I will give it to everyone after they sit down. You and I can watch it together."

You Ziming thought that the child was curious about the mobile phone, so he said to him warmly. Since the live broadcast will have an impact on mobile phones, when the 'audiences' were summoned to the assembly point, special mobile phones were also transferred from the special armed police warehouses in various places, and all the stocks were distributed as a unified tool for watching the live broadcast. It is also convenient for many talented people. For example, there are many old Taoist priests here who do not use mobile phones, or they still use mobile phones for the elderly with only the most basic functions and cannot watch live broadcasts. It is very convenient to issue mobile phones uniformly.

"Of course I know it's a cell phone."

Chen Zhi'an said suddenly, his voice was very tender, but different from his serious and cold face, his tone sounded a bit arrogant like a child. This was not an illusion, because You Ziming found that the little Taoist boy glanced sideways at him: "I'm looking at the 'sun', You Ziming, didn't you see it?"

"Also, don't look at me like that, it's so disgusting."

The child wrinkled his face, shook his dangling calves unhappily, and emphasized: "I am nine years old, and I am very powerful."

It's awesome, not pathetic at all.

You Ziming understood what the child meant, but didn't know what to say for a moment. This child was very sharp and sensitive, with a strong sense of self-esteem and a somewhat difficult temper. He shouldn't look at him with "poor" eyes. But this kid is too polite. You should at least call him uncle...

"Is this what you're talking about?"

Thinking too much and not knowing where to start, You Ziming simply picked what he cared about most. He asked, taking out the sun fragment Yi Ling gave him.

"This is also the sun, but I'm talking about the one on the phone."

The child glanced at the sun fragment for a few times, then returned to You Ziming's mobile phone, urging: "Open it quickly, I want to see it."

Chen Zhi'an was a small audience member who didn't report it. You Ziming asked Zhang Tianshi if he wanted to give him a mobile phone. Anyway, he had a spare one. But Zhang Tianshi shook his head and said that it would be fine if Chen Zhi'an and You Ziming watched together. The little Taoist boy unexpectedly listened to Zhang Tianshi's words. Although he now showed his true colors after leaving Zhang Tianshi, with a very unpleasant little face, he did not ask for the mobile phone again, but just urged the wanderer to open the mobile phone and take a look.

You Ziming wondered why there was 'sun' in his mobile phone? While turning on his phone, he saw the follow notification - the anchor he followed, Outdoor Wang Xiaole Adventure, had just posted another latest update.

It was a self-portrait of eleven people standing together under dim light, uniformly wearing white linen on their heads and a red belt around their waists. The lighting was dim, giving the face an indescribable weirdness, as if it had been filtered through an old photo, making people feel very uncomfortable, as if the person in the photo was not a living person, but a dead person.

Only the white-haired man standing at the front, taking a selfie with his mobile phone, had a lively expression. His eyes were blocked by the straps and his face could not be seen clearly, but he smiled very cheerfully. He had a biye in one hand and a few strands of white hair fell by his ears. .

【It’s time to go! 】

This is the caption that goes with this photo.

Heading out?

You Ziming's breath was stagnant and he clutched his phone tightly. Even his friend's cheerful smile could not suppress the worries that kept rising in the deepest part of his heart. Switching from the dynamic to the live broadcast room, the live broadcast has not started yet, but someone is already posting comments, what [so looking forward to it! 】【Should we start? 】【Is it dangerous? ] and the like, these barrages passed by Youzi Ming's eyes, but they left no trace at all. He felt like he was back in junior high school, when the running competition was about to start in the sports meeting. He was nervous, worried, anxious, and wanted to fire the starting gun quickly, and wondered if there would be any accidents.

Even before the live broadcast started, his heart was still hanging on his chest.

"Cut back, I want to look at the photo again."

It wasn't until the child's voice rang again and seeing that You Ziming was still dazed, Chen Zhi'an urged him to push his arm, which finally brought You Ziming back to his senses.

"Is he the sun you are talking about?"

The author has something to say

This chapter is mainly off-site, so I will update another chapter soon to promote the plot of Xun Xun. Today is a double update!

I’ll post the next update as soon as it’s finished. Darlings, wake up tomorrow morning and read it. Don’t stay up late. Be careful!


If things develop normally, You Ziming and Chen Zhi'an will both be Xun Xun's teammates~

【Keywords to become Xunxun’s friend! 】

He is small, nine years old looks like he is four or five years old, unlucky, does not speak human language, and can sing sutras——

Taoist Half-Life: I, Taoist Sack, claim my real name!

I have become a Taoist priest, what do you want me to do?

Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2023-11-2503:59:51~2023-11-2523:41:51~

Thanks to the little angels who threw the rocket launchers: An Jiang, Qian Xuan, and Watanabe;

Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines: Xin Yao licked 6 cat heads; Yu Mo 2; Song Jiujiu a, ate 300 source stones, hee hee, this is a nickname, all wishes come true 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: Shushu 222 bottles; ; 75 bottles of Lylia; 74 bottles of Qian Xianyan; 60 bottles of Maoyu; 48 bottles of Junge Jin; 40 bottles of Bunepre and Yahu; 38 bottles of Meow a Woof; 33 bottles of Today's Poetry; 30 bottles of Xinyiwu and Luo Mu Shi Feihong; Autumn Leaves 29 bottles; Xiantan 28 bottles; 25 bottles; Short-legged Orange Cat Never Gives Up, Dugu, Xiaolou Tingxue, My Wife and I Live Longer, I Was Scammed from 8 Million in Online Dating with Bai Liu, Philoni, Clam Store Manager Fan , European heather, I never eat grain (stop the grain, stop the book, zero, the black cat that hibernates, Yuemengxi, hold the hippie on the left and the cub on the right, come to learn romance, eat 20 bottles of fish tonight; waste little Fairy daughter?, 15 bottles of moonlight; 12 bottles of brilliance; Wanli, xuan, strawberry-flavored donuts, a chestnut, Awu, Wang Lanlan wants to sleep, Qianchen, Taiou turtle,..., Shaoling 10 bottles; 8 bottles of Tianbao Jiurusu Muqiu; 6 bottles of Murphy's Law; 5 bottles of Qiqiqi, Xiaotou_jj, by-Muchi, Wheat, Hejiye, Xue Jindaohua, and Li Xiaobai drinking without sugar; save a pocket 3 bottles of Xinxin, Jinyu, Lagrange; 2 bottles of Xiyan Years, Tiantian; Sheng Lingyuan, super-packed piggy bank, Jingyun, Yinyi Yuyu, Yilin, Xinxin Bukou CP, Miracle Stop No hair, Nuyoah, Talking nonsense, Refusing to accept a sick son-in-law, Jiangshan old woman, I want the moon? Come to me, Shuoye, Half-dream floating life, Sweet tooth lover, All I see is meat dregs QAQ, Spiritual practice, Manya, 18-year-old stranger, Soul Cabbage, Zingyun, Carbohydrates that are always on the road to losing weight, P10, Lisu, 50545239, 52095666, G protein-coupled receptor, Ziyu, Yanchen 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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