Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1059 Tomb of the Tusi King (15)

The hall was speechless for a moment. An Xuefeng's aura calmed everyone. He said that he wanted to be the captain. This statement passed through everyone's hearts and they took it for granted.

An Xuefeng is responsible, looks decent, looks serious and reliable, and sounds sincere, among other bonus points. He is definitely the only person who can pass through the darkness without lights and successfully arrive at Tujia Amei B\u0026B. The strongest in the current team.

In particular, he also possesses the key identity of the 'White Tiger'. Skin and bone marrow oil can be used to refine lamp oil to expel darkness, which holds the key to his destiny. Yi Ling, the local guide, currently has an unpredictable temperament and a bit of a bad taste, which really makes tourists feel insecure. In this case, it would be more reassuring if someone on their side could stand up and reach some kind of balance with Yi Zero.

It's just that An Xuefeng's position needs to be put in quotation marks. When he traveled through the darkness, he was carrying Yi Ling. When he was studying lamp oil tonight, he was with Yi Ling. Director Ling did have a familiarity with him that was different from others. At this time, An Xuefeng proposed to be the captain, and Yi Ling did not object. , it’s really hard to tell whether they are the same group...

"Team An, I support you!"

Miao Fangfei was extremely excited, her cheeks flushed with excitement, and she was the first to raise her hands in support.

She originally thought that with the current unharmonious situation in the team and Yi Ling's secret ignition, she would at least have to wait until tomorrow for the funeral. Everyone would be truly oppressed by the dangers from the outside world and unite to escape and survive. Only after life and death could they cooperate. opportunities and possibilities.

Even so, the remaining lamp oil in the shrine is like Pandora's box, and may become the trigger for division within the team at any time.

Miao Fangfei firmly believed that they would be able to unite in the end. In her memory, her companions were all tough-willed people who would never back down from the bottom line. Even if they had conflicts at that time, Lu Shucheng fought with Tong Hege and Captain An, and plotted against each other. Mao Xiaole only cared about him and Wang Yushu at first, ignoring the life and death of others, but in the end he was still treated absolutely by Captain An. Strength and faith were integrated together, never abandoning each other, and lived and died together, and finally escaped from the curse of Wuluo Mountain.

Now, although everyone has lost relevant memories, everything is back to where it started. But Miao Fangfei believes that as long as the most essential things in everyone's hearts remain unchanged, they will all be united in the end when encountering catastrophic danger.

The only variable is that this time there is an additional guide Yi Ling. In addition to the security team, it seems that you can also choose Yi Ling's side. This made Miao Fangfei feel a little uneasy. The spotted snake that was repeatedly played with by corn shoots tonight and the resentful spirit of minced meat she saw by the fire pit all made Miao Fangfei feel some instinctive fear of Yi Ling, just like a little Gu insect. I had a big bug, I really didn’t know what to do, and I couldn’t sleep at all.

But——it’s Team An as expected!

He actually used himself as a bargaining chip and his strong strength as a guarantee to issue a captain's declaration on the first night! Miao Fangfei was so excited. She even felt reassured when she looked at An Xuefeng. Ah, Captain An is really reliable and strong. It would be great if she could grow to 1.9 meters.

Except for Miao Fangfei, Wang Pengpai and the others stood together with smiles and hinted their support for An Xuefeng, but they did not speak. Wang Pengpai, Bai Feibai, Yu Hehui and Wan Xiangchun were originally from their group, accounting for the majority. Apart from Miao Fangfei, the only ones who needed to be won over were Wang Yushu, Mao Xiaole, Lu Shucheng and Tong Hege.

Since we have the upper hand and Team An is very appealing, there is no need to be aggressive. There are people with ideas here. Being aggressive will only arouse the resentment of others. Miao Fangfei's first expression of support is enough to serve as an introduction.

"You are the strongest, I recognize you as the leader."

Lu Shucheng said coldly that as early as when she and An Xuefeng looked at each other at the forest park gate, she knew that she was not as strong as An Xuefeng. He wants to be the leader, and Lu Shucheng will not object. The only question is what attitude Yi Ling, the most dangerous guide in the team, will have.

Now An Xuefeng had issued the captain's declaration on the spot, but Yi Ling just looked at him with a smile and did not interrupt. Lu Shucheng understood.

She and Tong Hege were together, and everyone agreed that this was their attitude. The only ones present who had not expressed their stance were Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole, who were still hesitant.

"Brother An, can you really recover with the power of nature after being injured?"

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Yushu felt an invisible pressure, but he still did not agree directly. Instead, he asked hesitantly, but hesitated to speak.

In fact, Wang Yushu wanted to follow An Xuefeng, so he felt safe! The problem is that on the way to the B\u0026B tonight, his good brother Mao Xiaole was saved by Yi Ling. This life-saving grace must be repaid. Moreover, Director Ling on his side personally told him to let him broadcast live on the road ahead - Yi Ling even gave him his power bank.

A zero-conduction power bank! After Wang Yushu returned, he tried it with awe and fear, and was shocked to find that this power bank consumed no power when charging. What kind of nuclear power bank was this? It was an absolute good thing!

At this point, Wang Yushu had already acquiesced that he and Mao Xiaole were going to join forces with Ling Dao, but now that Team An was about to build a team, he was really in a dilemma.

It would be a lie to say that I didn’t feel relieved after learning that there was a substitute for lamp oil. Director Zero is so scary. The corpse appearing by the fire pit will really become Wang Yushu's nightmare for the rest of his life. If anyone other than Zero Guide can master the crucial lamp oil, then Wang Yushu will support him with both hands and feet! But the 'lamp oil' had to be made from human flesh and blood, which was difficult for Wang Yushu to accept. However, An Xuefeng said that he could use the power of nature to recover from his injuries... Alas!

Countless contradictory thoughts collided in Wang Yushu's heart. He sighed in resignation and complained to himself with a bitter smile: "Hey, this sounds so hypocritical. I feel sick. Captain An, I -"

"I think you are quite suitable to be the captain, but let's forget about using flesh and blood to boil lamp oil." Before he could finish his words, An Xuefeng's movements interrupted Wang Yushu's words. An Xuefeng's left arm turned into a tiger's arm and claws, and then the sharp nails on his right hand actually tore and twisted his left forearm!

At that moment, blood spurted out, and everyone was stunned, and even vaguely wondered whether this was reality or a nightmare? But in the next moment, An Xuefeng's left arm was broken and bloody flesh and meridians spread out. A bone-breaking creaking sound was heard. The bones were reborn, the flesh and blood grew rapidly, and then the skin wrapped it. In just ten seconds, An Xuefeng's left arm was covered with blood. The forearm is now intact! The fingers that returned to their human form were long and strong, and their agility remained intact. It was like a miracle, and Wang Yushu and the others were dumbfounded.

If An Xuefeng hadn't been holding the broken arm that turned into a tiger, they would all have doubted whether An Xuefeng had broken his arm just now!

"Brother An, big brother, I'm stupid."

Wang Yushu said incoherently: "You are so awesome, you are so strong that I am fooling you, you are invincible!"

This scene was so shocking that Wang Yushu was completely conquered! He excitedly pulled Mao Xiaole and wanted to go to An Xuefeng's side, but the person behind him remained motionless.

"Xiao Le?"

Wang Yushu was stunned for a moment, then fell silent, and the excited smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Brother An, Director Zero saved my life."

Behind Wang Yushu, Mao Xiaole said solemnly. He released Wang Yushu's hand and pushed Wang Yushu towards An Xuefeng, but failed. Mao Xiaole frowned and was about to say something more, but was interrupted by Wang Yushu.

"Brother An, you are right, we need a captain, and it would be great if you were the captain."

Wang Yushu kissed and kissed her warmly, but it was not as warm as before, more like an adult's tact. Under the eyes of everyone, he scratched his hair in embarrassment and said with a smile: "It was just before, I just agreed with my chest. Ling Dao, we have to live broadcast the wild things happening in the B\u0026B in the mountains to promote Ling Dao’s Mountain Worship and his hometown, Wuluo Mountain.”

"Other times, Brother An, I will do whatever you say, but when it comes to live streaming, I have to discuss it with Ling Dao."

"Zero guide, you think so."

Behind the scenes, Mao Xiaole wanted to say something, but Wang Yushu pulled his hand. It is said that this silly boy has never received any compulsory education in the mountains. He is too straightforward and stupid. How could he leave Mao Xiaole and go there alone? This is too despicable. What if Mao Xiaole alone offends Yi Ling? Well, I've offended Captain An, what should I do? He has to do this kind of negotiation between adults.

But when he looked at Yi Ling, Wang Yushu was still heartbroken. Director Ling has a very bad taste. Although Wang Yushu feels that the split in the team is what Director Ling wants to see, but what if Director Ling feels that he will reject Wang Yushu again after Wang Yushu politely rejects An Xuefeng? It’s interesting and interesting, so wouldn’t he just make wax?

Fortunately, Yi Ling didn't really say that. After a moment of deliberate silence, seeing Wang Yushu getting more and more nervous, Yi Ling finally smiled and said to An Xuefeng: "Captain An, you know this is the case."

"Times are changing, and our mountain worshiping sect is also promoting. This time, the Yushu family is a rare talent. I will need his help at some points during the next trip. I also need the support of my family to shoot the material."

"In this way, let Yushu be the deputy captain. In the next few days, as the captain, you will organize your family to participate in various local folk activities, including hiking in the forest. Yushu and Xiaole will assist in shooting and recording our beautiful Wuluo Mountain."

"no problem."

An Xuefeng responded in a deep voice, and looked at Yi Ling tacitly.

After all, tonight was as Yi Ling imagined. An Xuefeng was not able to win over everyone. After all, Yi Ling made the arrangements first. However, this was what An Xuefeng expected. He was even prepared for Wang Yushu, Mao Xiaole, Lu Shucheng and Tong Hege to all lean towards Yi Ling.

Now it's better than he expected. Yi Ling personally called him 'Captain An', confirming his identity. An Xuefeng serves as the captain, and Wang Yushu, the newly promoted B-0 spokesperson, serves as the vice-captain. This way the team will be more stable and safe, and at the same time it will not lack the 'interest' that B-0 wants to see.

In fact, it is best for them to put someone next to Yi Ling who can obtain information at any time, but Wei Xun's situation is currently unknown. Wang Pengpai and Bai Feibai are not strong enough to deal with the darkness, so the detachment is looking for death. An Xuefeng could only go the extra mile and go in person, trying to find a way to get more information from Yi Ling.

"Captain An, give me your broken arm and I'll process it into lamp oil."

An Xuefeng gave him a surprise performance tonight. Yi Ling was very satisfied and naturally wanted to give him more awards.

Once he spoke, it was finally settled that An Xuefeng's flesh and blood could be turned into lamp oil.


An Xuefeng directly gave the severed tiger claw arm to Yi Ling, feeling relieved in his heart. He smelled the smell of grease and ashes in the lamp oil, which resonated with his power, so he guessed that the lamp oil was most likely refined by White Tiger.

But there was no time to do more experiments, so Yi Ling woke up. He calmly came up with this set of unconfirmed speculations in the face of danger. He said it plausibly and finally calmed down the situation. In fact, he had always been worried, always feeling that Yi Ling would expose his performance at some point. Have some more exciting fun.

However, Yi Ling did not do this in the end, which made An Xuefeng feel like he had punched the air, and he was inexplicably concerned.

But no matter what, it is really great that the oil of his flesh and blood can be refined into lamp oil.


At 4:30 the next morning, everyone gathered in the main room half an hour early after simply washing up. Almost everyone's eyes were a little blue and black, and no one could sleep well.

The door of the main room was open, and the bedding beside the fire pit had been packed away, but the guide Yi Ling was not here. The cold wind blew by, bringing a few wisps of rain from outside the door. Today's style was cold outside.

"It's still dark right now...Hey, I don't know if the sun will shine during the day."

Wang Pengpai had a grimace on his face, looked outside the door worriedly, and then said "Hey", why did the rain falling in from outside the door look a little black?

No way, Wang Pengpai's heart skipped a beat and he poked An Xuefeng without leaving any trace. An Xuefeng, who was originally talking to Wang Yushu about today's live broadcast mission and easing the relationship between the main and deputy teams, followed Wang Pengpai's gaze and saw Yi Ling walking in from the door. He was still wearing that cassock, and his eyes were covered with straps. He came from the darkness, but he was not contaminated by any darkness, nor was he contaminated by any rain.

But An Xuefeng's eyes fell on Yi Ling's chest and he frowned.

"The family arrived really early."

Yi Ling held his sleeves and walked into the main room with a smile. Everyone's eyes fell on it. Not only An Xuefeng, but also everyone else noticed the strange-looking necklace hanging around Yi Ling's neck. It is made of white beads tied with a red rope and hangs down to the chest. The pendant is a paw that looks like a beast. It has been processed until only the bones are left. The joints are inlaid with silver. It is very large and heavy. It also has these white soft fluffs on it.

It looks like the kind of jewelry worn by shamans.

Wang Yushu thought to himself, could it be that Director Ling was also invited to the funeral to play a figure like Tu Laosi and preside over the funeral?

However, Mao Xiaole, who was more knowledgeable, recognized what it was and hesitated: "Is this... a tiger claw?"

"Yes, these are the claws of the white tiger, which are more precious than lamp oil."

Yi Ling smiled and raised the tiger claw and waved it in front of everyone: "You can't light the lamp once you get to the paper horse tower, which will disturb the souls of the dead. However, the tiger claw is more powerful and can also protect the family from the pollution of darkness. "

What he said should have made everyone feel safe, but for some reason, a strange mood floated in everyone's heart. Everyone lowered their heads and couldn't help but glance at An Xuefeng's face with the corner of their eyes.

Could this tiger claw be...

"Thanks to Team An for his dedication."

Yi Ling covered his heart as if he was very moved, and said emotionally: "If there were no tiger claws and only relied on lamp oil, everyone would have to dance in the dark. Fortunately, Team An is here!"

Everyone's pupils were shocked:! ! !

really! This tiger claw is really the hand that Captain An tore off yesterday, and it was worn on the chest by Yi Ling like this!

What a perverted guide!

The author has something to say

It’s more than 4,000 words, hey, so it’s a little late!

Today is a perverted little earth butterfly~

Yi Ling [Emotional Confession]: Baby, you are a small necklace!


It’s a big necklace!

Tiger claws are really big!

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