Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1056 Tomb of the Tusi King (13)

White-haired guide, Rongcheng inspector?

You Ziming, who came here late at night, tightened his grip on the mobile phone he was handed over, but kept a calm expression on his face and said seriously: "Except for you, have any other police officers on duty seen the video?"

"No, it's just me."

Liu Hao quickly said: "This matter, this matter should be kept secret."

"Yeah, well done."

You Ziming patted Liu Hao on the shoulder, and did not go to watch the video immediately, but said: "Let's go, take me to see Wang."

The police station has a questioning room, an interrogation room and an interrogation room. Wang, who saw a ghost while watching, is not considered a suspect and does not need to go to the interrogation room. You Ziming saw Wang in the interrogation room who was still frightened and holding a paper cup of hot water. You Ziming walked to the table and asked the policeman accompanying Wang in the interrogation room to leave, while he looked through the record book left on the table.

Wang, whose name is Wang Chong, was frightened at this moment. He cooperated with the police and told all his recent evil experiences, including that he lived next to No. 27 Middle School, was unlucky to be infected with the epidemic, and went to Qingcheng Mountain to worship, only to encounter Feng Feng. Shan, watching the live broadcast, saw the ghost live broadcast, and even recorded the bloodiest part of the live broadcast. This series of unfortunate events made Wanderer Mingdu sigh in his heart.

This person really has encountered everything. Being unlucky like this is not just bad luck. Just like the older generation said that some people are easy to see ghosts because they have light shoulders and weak fire. This Wang Chong should also be a 'talented' person. , or in other words, he is the kind of person who is easily 'contaminated'. Not only Wang Chong, but also Liu Hao, the policeman who just received him.

When You Ziming patted Liu Hao's shoulder just now, he had a talisman that could absorb 'pollution' hidden in his palm. He just patted it and the talisman was full. The pollution on Wang Chong's body was even stronger than that of Liu Hao.

What happened to that live supernatural broadcast? You Ziming did not receive the order to go out on the mission. Is it a supernatural event that happened in other areas, or is this a "supernatural resurgence" on the Internet, left to the Internet police to handle?

"Police, comrade police, do you think I can be saved?"

Seeing that the new tall policeman who came in said nothing but his face became more and more serious, Wang Chong made a lot of things in his mind and almost cried out of fear, so he asked tremblingly.

"Mr. Wang, you are indeed in some danger recently."

You Ziming, who came back to his senses, said seriously: "But please don't worry, I am the special police responsible for related matters in this area, and I will definitely protect your personal safety and mental safety."

As he spoke, You Ziming stretched out his hand to Wang Chong. Wang Chong opened his eyes wide, and grabbed You Ziming's hand with both hands in excitement. He wanted to say something incoherently, but he screamed out in surprise at the next moment:

"This is……?!"

The moment he held the police officer's hand, Wang Chong felt that the cold air in his body that could not be dissipated was pulled away by the policeman's hand as if it was attracted by a magnet! This feeling was actually not good, it was too exciting, as if a dementor was sucking his brain. However, the warmth that spread from the depths of his soul after the brief discomfort made Wang Chong's stiff body completely relax, and his whole body relaxed. Everyone is very comfortable.

Grandmaster! This police officer is truly a master!

"Comrade, comrade policeman, you saved my life, saved my life!"

The anxiety and fear that had accumulated during this period finally broke out when Wang Chong finally relaxed his nerves. He burst into tears and held You Ziming's hand tightly, as if he had grasped some life-saving straw. He almost cried so hard that he could not bear it anymore. Get angry. You Ziming comforted him with a few words, and then solemnly ordered Wang Chong to calm down quickly.

"All kinds of strong negative emotions are most likely to attract dirty things. You are fine now, but you must be careful in the future."


Wang Chong was so frightened that he immediately covered his mouth. His emotions hadn't calmed down yet, but he didn't dare to cry anymore. He asked pitifully: "Officer, officer, what should I do in the future? I feel like I was hit." It’s like evil, I can’t live this life.”


You Ziming pondered for a moment, tore off a page of recording paper, and left his work phone number of the Armed Police Special Forces to Wang Chong. This person's experience alone deserves the army's attention.

"But maybe you have some emergencies and you don't have time to make the call, or in some cases, there's no signal to make the call."

Wang Chong, who eagerly grabbed the phone paper as if grabbing a life-saving talisman, was stunned, looking helplessly and fearfully at this very reliable police officer. Then I heard him say in a deep voice: "If you encounter this situation, just remember the warm feeling just now and visualize a sun."

"Visualization...what is visualization?"

"Just imagine, imagine there is a sun in your soul."

"Just, just imagine it, okay?"

Wang Chong asked anxiously: "Should I just imagine that kind of sun planet, or a big light group? Or should I think of that three-legged golden crow? What if I am thinking of a cartoon sun? What if my mind goes blank? Do you want to say "Taiyaiya" aloud? I..."

"Or you can just pray to the sun."

You Ziming said simply: "Pray to the sun. The sunshine will drive away the cold evil, giving you a chance to survive, giving you enough time to call me, or directly dispelling the pollution."

"Just like that."

Like, just like that...

Obviously what the police officer said sounded like fantasy and did not sound very reliable. However, when he thought that the police officer could easily dispel the lingering coldness just by shaking hands, Wang Chong felt a little more trust and confidence in his heart. .

Sun, sun.

Wang Chong recited silently in his heart, and even impulsively wanted to watch the recording next to the police officer, getting chills, and then saw that the solar energy he silently recited could not dispel the pollution, and whether his prayers were in place - with Officer You by his side, he felt that There is a bottom line!

It's a pity that Officer You said that he would immediately investigate the problem with his mobile phone. He hoped that Wang Chong would leave his mobile phone at the police station for the time being, and Wang Chong agreed immediately.

"To be honest, I don't want this phone anymore..."

Wang Chong was crying and wanted to quickly buy a new mobile phone, transfer the data, and then hand the old mobile phone directly to a reliable policeman. He was extremely tired and was in a state of ups and downs. At this time, the deputy captain who had just received the news from You Ziming rushed over. , You Ziming handed Wang Chong over to him, and he chose an unoccupied interrogation room and entered. After carefully locking the door, he spread his right hand.

He saw a bright yellow strange creature that looked like a vine or a small snake wrapped around You Ziming's hand. There was a section in the middle of it that was bulging, like an insect gall, and it was still faintly shining.

You Ziming touched the bulging ball and felt it became even hotter. When you peel back the twisted and twisted tender yellow 'vines' here, you can see a small red round feather on one side, emitting scalding heat.

This was something left by his friend before he left. The bright yellow tentacles can swallow pollution, and the red round feathers are said to be 'sun fragments' that can remove pollution. You Ziming gave the gun to his friend, who also left these two things for him to defend himself.

When encountering a danger that cannot be solved, the yellow tentacles can be thrown out to swallow up the pollution. If there is a victim corroded by pollution that cannot be solved by swallowing alone, use sun fragments to eliminate it.

It's just that the pollution swallowed by the tentacles has a capacity limit, and each use of sun fragments will make it smaller.

‘Within a month, I’ll be back to reality. This sun fragment is connected to me and I can feel it if something happens. "

My friend said at the time that it would be more than enough for the bright yellow tentacles and sun fragments to last for a month.

But looking at it now, You Ziming feels that they won't be able to hold on for that long.

There are more and more supernatural incidents.

You Ziming thought seriously that not only had various ghost epidemics appeared in reality, but there were also many "horror stories" spreading on the Internet. His friend once said that human thoughts are powerful, and those thoughts, consciousness and beliefs will give birth to ghosts and gods. , especially after a major disaster, the negative emotions of the group are a huge and terrifying energy.

In the past, these gods, ghosts and monsters were restricted to places where ordinary people could not see them, and were dealt with by "inspectors" like them. Strong people with abilities and talents would also be taken in by special organizations and assigned tasks uniformly. In this way, the vast majority of ordinary people can live a normal life.

But the situation is different now. It will become more and more chaotic in the future, ordinary people can also see ghosts, and there will be more and more capable people. But it is very likely that they gained abilities not because of the awakening of their own talents, but because of 'pollution'. Once you encounter pollution, you are more likely to become a new monster than to gain strength, unable to withstand the pollution.

My friend couldn't say this directly. He used a metaphor from a classic doomsday novel to You Ziming. After being contaminated by the virus, some people will be able to awaken their 'powers', but most of them will become zombies.

"So where does the 'virus' come from?"

You Ziming still remembers that he asked carefully at the time: "Is it the mutation of an ancient underground virus, or the arrival of an alien meteorite? Is it related to the reversal of the magnetic pole? Is it related to some mad scientist's experiment?"

His friend just shook his head and smiled at him: 'Anyway, we will solve everything. ’

‘Protect yourself before this happens, don’t die, Zi Ming’

So now, is his friend solving this damn problem? The live broadcast suddenly appeared in the reality that ordinary people can see. Did the forces behind my friends decide to gradually make everything public? Is it impossible to hide it any longer? The situation is starting to get worse and worse.

After the money epidemic incident, You Ziming was promoted. Although he is still leading the front-line team on missions, he has very high internal authority, especially responsible for taking over and overseeing all matters with Inspector Bing-1. Like tonight's emergency, as long as you keep good records, You Ziming can handle Wang Chong's mobile phone with full authority.

He turned on his special mobile phone and sent his current room number to the deputy team, as well as the command to 'stand by outside the door for support at any time'. Then he turned on the recording function of the mobile phone, stood next to it, and adjusted the angle to ensure that he could capture Wang Chong's mobile phone. All screens. Then he opened Wang Chong's mobile phone, pulled out the video he had recorded, and watched it attentively.

His good friend said that he was a tour guide, in charge of the brigade, and everyone in the brigade listened to him. But You Ziming still couldn't help but worry that the tour guide was at the front of the group, so he should be the most vulnerable to danger, and why were the people in their team divided into tour guides and tourists? What are the different selection criteria? ? Could this be a worse and more difficult situation for friends...


You Ziming looked at the live broadcast recording and was stunned. In the video, the friend wearing fancy clothes was blindfolded with a bandage, opened his arms, and showed a comforting smile. But his smile looked eerie under the dim light), and he didn't look like a good person in the world.

"Family members... deal with..."

"Taboo...eating on the table...offence"

"Souls...feed to the dogs...tear them to pieces and chew them..."

"I don't understand the rules...hey..."

Wang Chong didn't dare to watch the video he recorded, and didn't know that the video had changed. In the video, the white-haired tour guide smiled, his mouth opened and closed, but his words were intermittent as if the signal was bad, accompanied by a crackling sound, and the sound seemed distorted and weird, as if it came from a very distant dark place, very scary, and his face became gloomy.

Suddenly the screen went completely black, and when it lit up again, the horrifying bloody and torn corpse suddenly appeared in the center of the video! The broken fingers twitched between the pieces of flesh and blood, the broken internal organs slipped, the round eyeballs turned, and suddenly looked straight at the screen, looking at You Ziming outside the screen! In an instant, a chill came from the depths of You Ziming's soul, as if he was stared at and locked by something dirty and terrifying.

There is indeed pollution on this phone! And because of the screen recording, a subtle connection is established with the existence of the "danger" in the distance!

If it was Wang Chong who watched this video, I'm afraid he would have died suddenly in his bedroom. But now the one watching this video is You Ziming who has been prepared. Almost at the moment when the eyeball looked at him maliciously, he pressed the sun fragment on the phone at an astonishing speed.


The phone exploded directly! The fragments that should have been scattered and splashed in all directions were intercepted and entangled by the tender yellow tentacles that were so fast that they left afterimages. After a long pause, You Ziming picked up the sun fragment again, frowning and a little suspicious.

He seemed to have really pressed something with the sun fragment just now... It didn't feel like pressing a phone, but more like pressing something smooth and cold skin.

But the strangest thing was that he seemed to hear the voice of his friend at that moment! You Ziming thought carefully, it seemed to be two sentences-

'Tsk, it's the middle of the night, where did the sun come from, it woke me up? '

'Wow, Mr. An, what are you doing standing in front of the shrine... It's so late, are you trying to do something bad? '

You Ziming:? !

The author has something to say

I will return to the main line of Zero Guide tomorrow! There won't be too many separate reality chapters later, and the main thing is to start the journey!

I will try to update more tomorrow, 啾咪啾咪!


Director Zero [suddenly sat up]:? How did the sun suddenly shine on my face in the middle of the night?

An Xuefeng, who was quietly getting the oil for the shrine lamp:!!!

I jumped like a leopard (X) or a tiger (√) on the spot!

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