Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1053 Supplementary Update

After the carnival dinner ended, the hotel was lifted and most of the guides and tourists were able to return to reality normally. The number of travel tasks that were suspended due to the competition increased. For a time, almost half of the guides and tourists were doing tasks outside. The live broadcast sections in each area of ​​the APP were also extremely lively, with new hot spots every day.

But there are only two live broadcasts that all the audiences in the East and West areas pay the most attention to and look forward to.

That is the Gannan Grand Loop, which is led by Ximingren and has a luxurious lineup of top tourists, and the opening of the Tusi King's Tomb, which is led by Yiling and is all on the return journey.

Normally, these two journeys should not be live broadcasted. Ximingren is very powerful and has countless titles and props to block live broadcasts. The hotel cannot interfere with the 30 Degrees North Latitude journey and it is difficult to live broadcast.

Therefore, when the pre-heating promotion of the live broadcast of these two journeys appeared on the hot homepage of the live broadcast section, it immediately aroused the strong interest of the audience. The forum was full of related posts, and hot posts followed one after another. There are even many people who swear that this is fake and it is impossible to live broadcast!

But it did not prevent the audience from rushing into the two live broadcast rooms that were still black, posting bullet comments and screenshots of the live broadcast room titles as a souvenir. Maybe the hotel will take down the live broadcast room at some point, and this unprecedented screenshot of the live broadcast room can be regarded as a souvenir!

However, when the two live broadcast rooms were on the homepage for a day and did not disappear, the audience's mentality changed subtly, from doubting and watching for fun to believing and doubting, and some viewers who were sure that the live broadcast would be broadcast became less confident.

If it was not broadcast, the live broadcast room should have been gone long ago.

But if it was broadcast, why was it still black for a day?

[The live broadcast of the Gannan Grand Loop Line is probably a mandatory requirement of the hotel]

There are also various speculations in the forum posts. The main poster of the return post, Bai Xiaosheng, joined the journey, and the Maoshan Navy was also worried about the captain who joined the Ximingren team. For a while, there were not many people who controlled the situation, and there were all kinds of mixed people saying all kinds of things. Later, there was a post that said it with a solemn oath, which sounded very reliable.

[That person hasn’t led a team in person for five years. This is the first trip after leaving the Sun Gate. The hotel must have live-streamed the entire trip to reacquire, record, and improve his various data.]

[After all, the hotel’s tentacles can hardly reach the 30th degree north latitude. That person has been in the Sun Gate for five years. Who knows what he has done? The hotel will never feel at ease if it does not broadcast live. Considering various means of blocking live broadcasts, I boldly speculate that the Gannan Grand Loop is not directly broadcast by the hotel, but indirectly broadcast with the help of a certain traveler to bypass that person’s blocking means.]

[That is to say, the possibility of Xuanxue Cen Qin live-streaming the Gannan Grand Loop with a mobile phone is the highest!]

This hot post is currently occupying the top of the forum. I don’t think Cen Qin can broadcast live under the eyes of the Ximing people. They don’t know that the new person in charge is Cen Qin, and their impression of him is still on the ‘very powerful deputy head of the Laoshan Brigade’.

[Although the deputy leader of Half Life loves taking photos, let’s be honest, if he does a live broadcast in Gannan, he will be criticized by the sickle olive bar] This reply has received thousands of likes. If there is really someone in this team who can live broadcast on the spot with a mobile phone, then the possibility of the metaphysical captain Wan Anpin... Well, it doesn’t seem high, and there are many funny jokes. [The case is solved. It was Yi Ling who descended on Half Life to broadcast live! ] [The case is solved. It was Yi Ling and the twins who exchanged identities and led the team to broadcast live] [Laughing to death, the twins with a ten-year age difference in the new century] [The great Zero Director arrived in his loyal Gannan! ] However, the top travel guides who participated in the Cloud Peak War and witnessed Cen Qin Slice becoming the person in charge all have their own ideas. If there is really someone in the Gannan Grand Loop who can broadcast live with a mobile phone, it must be Cen Qin. Only he Slice is the person in charge and has the ability! But the problem is that some special titles and props can block live broadcasts, which is considered a hostel rule. All live broadcasts related to the hostel should abide by this rule. Whether it was the hotel broadcasting directly, or someone brought a mobile phone into the travel to broadcast live to the hotel APP section.

So how did Cen Qin bypass the rules?

Most of the low- and middle-level tourist guides could not think of this aspect. The discussions between these strong people were not revealed, and there were not many related posts. However, unexpectedly, at four or five o'clock this afternoon, a post attracted the attention of the audience.

[Shock! Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole live broadcast! ]

This shocking title immediately deceived countless people to come in. As a result, after reading the main post, the audience scolded the host for the title deception. What Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole started broadcasting? The host transferred two small anchors from a small live broadcast platform that is unknown in reality. The number of fans is zero, and the name is also very stupid, called "Outdoor Wang Xiaole Adventure".

Clicking it, I saw that this account is a duo, with Wang Shuren and Xiaole Taoist priests. It is a host combination that specializes in tomb exploration in tombs all over the world.

To be honest, after entering the hostel, the guides and tourists have more or less become estranged from reality. When they occasionally return to reality to relax, they are like office workers, resistant to anything related to the supernatural. There are already enough real supernatural things in the journey! Most people even sneer at the various live broadcasts of ghost hunting in reality. If they want to watch the real and exciting live broadcasts, they can choose any hostel. What's so good about those things in reality?

And there are more psychics, exorcists, etc. who have a lot of fans from abroad. There is not much traffic for these things in China. After all, they are feudal superstitions, thrillers and supernaturals that need to be limited in traffic. Not to mention the big anchors, I don’t know where this poster found this small platform and how he found these two small anchors. He may also be a crazy viewer waiting for the live broadcast, so he searched randomly with keywords. Come out.

But apart from the words "Wang Shu" and "Xiao Le" in their names, this group really has nothing to do with Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole!

[I’m so speechless. I thought Tomb of the Tusi King was on. What the hell are you doing, sir! 】

[Reported, title fraud, you really deserve to die! 】

[The experience level has arrived, and you, the poster, are gone! 】

[Hahahaha, this is such a cool name. It actually matches up with those two big guys. I’ll pay attention! 】

[Laughing, what kind of hotel if line is this? The top traveler is actually a small anchor with zero fans, right? I rushed]

[Don’t tell me, really don’t tell me, this live broadcast group also announced that they will live broadcast tonight, and they also said that they would call the police for him before the broadcast, ‘Screenshot.jpg’]

[Wang Shuren: Family members, the anchor wants to do a big job. Today we will broadcast live to infiltrate the evil cult organization that makes human sacrifices! If there is no live broadcast before ten o'clock tonight, veterans, please help me call the police! 】

[Oh my god, this is too dangerous. Even if it’s not a journey, it’s still dangerous... Get ready to call the police]

[Dear dear, our hotel is an inhumane gangster organization. It’s not a good idea to call the police. It’s better to report it to the security team]

[Team Security has entered the 30th North Latitude and won't take any real cases - I'm really scratching my head, it's his grandma's fault, whether the Tomb of the Tusi King will be broadcast or not? I've been squatting all afternoon and the screen is still black! 】

[Reasonable discussion, it is a hotel rule that those title props block the live broadcast, and what is blocked is the hotel live broadcast. So if someone brings a mobile phone to live broadcast on the real-life live broadcast platform, and the hotel then broadcasts the live broadcast, can they bypass the rules? 】

[Laughing to death, just go crazy and live broadcast in reality, right? Start going crazy! 】

[Don't say it, really don't say it, it smells bad. Moreover, these two accounts are too new, as if they were just created, and they have not signed a contract with the platform... Anyway, I will pay attention first! 】

[Look what I found! There is also a new anchor on this platform named ‘Pindaozhong Taiyang’, who is also a new anchor with zero fans. Do you think he is——】

[Shut up, this discussion is getting more and more dangerous! But I choose to pay attention first! 】

[Laughing, it’s okay if this is fake, but if it is really live broadcast tonight, our hotel audience will rush to this small live broadcast room, and we will not directly make it a hit]

[I just took a walk around. This small platform is full of hot dances. If a horror and supernatural live broadcast room suddenly appeared in the middle of the night, how popular it would be, hahahahaha]

As this hot post became popular, the number of fans of the two anchors Outdoor Wang Xiaole Adventure and Pindaozhong Taiyang gradually increased to 1087 and 783. After all, many people talked about it, but even more people just thought it was a coincidence. , most of the people who follow it are casually following it, and not many people in the West District know about the posts discussed in the East District.

Until ten o'clock in the evening, the live broadcast room of Tomb of the Tusi King, which had been black for a day, was officially launched. The faces of Wang Yushu, An Xuefeng and Miao Fangfei appeared in the live broadcast footage one after another. When the audience cheered, some viewers thought of that while they were excited. The 'Wang Xiaole' live broadcast room was also going to be broadcast tonight. When I planned to make a joke with my companions, I was shocked to find that this Wang Xiaole live broadcast room was also launched!

And in the live broadcast, this extremely scary big bright yellow worm eating leftovers from a pot looks familiar!

[This, this is not, this worm, I mean, I don’t know what to say, no way]

One or two incoherent barrages floated across the screen of the live broadcast room. There were not many people in the live broadcast room at this time, only more than a hundred people. In addition to the hotel audience, there were also a few people who came in blindly, all asking "Brother, what is this?" what? 】

But when a handsome man wearing a black and red cassock with loose white hair and bandages around his eyes walked up to the yellow worm and occupied most of the screen, the audience in the hotel fell into a state of shock and disbelief!

This, this momentum, this white hair, this worm...

Wouldn't it be zero-guided? !

Not only are the names of the anchors in this live broadcast room very similar to Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole, but also the person in the mirror... No, this is impossible..."

In the live broadcast room of the Tomb of the King of the Chief Hotel in a serious hotel, Wang Yushu's sneaky and low voice sounded. What appeared in the camera was corn shoots strutting out of the mud. He inserted himself into the live broadcast very forcefully and shocked Wang with his big head and curiosity. The live broadcast screen in front of Yushu’s mobile phone. Live broadcast room barrage

It’s all a series of [233333] [Hahahahaha, the corn shoots are here, can zero guidance be far behind! 】【Zero-derivation, let me see zero-derivation quickly! 】

At the same time, the viewers who were in the real-life live broadcast room were numb and turned back to see Director Zero, who was standing next to the corn shoots, walking towards the camera. He seemed to be curious about Wang Yushu's live broadcast, and even came closer to take a look. The very high camera captured his face without any blind spots, and saw him casually raising his hand and brushing the shiny white hair behind his ear that had just taken a bath.

"Why can't I see the barrage?"

When that familiar, soft voice sounded, the hotel audience could no longer deceive themselves.

This is zero lead!

It’s the sound of zero conduction!

Help, is the hotel really doing this in real life and then rebroadcasting it? Moreover, it actually has a rebroadcast delay! The live broadcast room of this small platform is faster than the live broadcast room in the hotel, and the zero guide has not even appeared in the hotel live broadcast room!

The audience was too shocked for a moment. Although the number of people in the live broadcast room soared rapidly, no one dared to post a barrage. They were cautious, as if they were afraid of breaking some barrier.

Until three or two passersby barraged past.

[Male or female? Monk? spy? 】

[Take off the bandage and take a look, I will reward you with a fan card, don’t be pretentious]

[Hurry up and dance, don’t be too chatty, it’s wasting my time]

Audiences:! ! !

Help, what a hot dance! This is our zero guide. What the hell are you posting? Show some respect!

[This is a serious supernatural adventure live broadcast room, no hot dancing! 】

Finally, some die-hard Yi Zero fans couldn’t help but post comments.

[If you want to watch Hot Dance, look elsewhere, don’t post random comments here! 】

As he spoke, the audience casually asked for a guardian in the live broadcast room. The most indispensable thing for travelers in a hotel is money. The colorful special effects of rewards flashed across the entire live broadcast room. The silver treasure chest guarded by Krypton was displayed on the entire small platform. Floating above all live broadcast rooms. Many platform viewers opened the treasure box and clicked in. After seeing the live broadcast content and mainstream comments inside, they became silent.

Platform local viewers:?

But isn’t this just a small live broadcast platform for casual dances?

The author has something to say

It’s broadcast, it’s a hot dance (?)

The hostel just does this saucy routine of first reality and then broadcasting the hostel!

Wang Yushu and Mao Xiaole think they are big anchors, but in fact they are just daydreams (sad), they are just a small anchor group with 0 fans (silent silence)

The polluted mountains are causing shock and supernatural resurgence all over the world. Ordinary people will know about these things sooner or later. This live broadcast in the hotel is also a test of the water. A small platform is specially selected to build an anchor account with zero fans, and it will be broadcast on a small scale first.

I envy the viewers of the small platform. They only eat food as good as Ximingren Gannan Grand Ring Road and Yiling Tusi King Tomb (?)

Small platform audience:? ? ? No, there is something wrong with these two live broadcast rooms, what about the hot dance? !

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