Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1035 Terrible Shock

It is very simple to verify whether the responsibility demon insect will affect Taoist Feng, just bring the demon insect in front of him. But at present, Wei Xun doesn't know what Taoist Feng's mental state is like, and what's going on with his memory. If the seal is already shaky, it's just a matter of time. If they conduct an experiment to completely create the memory of the evil insect master, then Not so good.

After all, the tomb of the Tusi King is right in front of you, so it is best to avoid unnecessary complications. Especially since there is no deep soul contract between Wei Xun and Taoist Feng, it is impossible to accurately perceive Taoist Feng's situation.

So they did the experiment on Butterfly University.

This research is very important. Except for Wang Yushu who went to communicate with the arms dealer about the refining situation of Wei Xun's Fanatic's Knife and Gambler's Dice, and Wan Xiangchun who continued to follow and process the information, all the other returnees went to Bai Xiaosheng's. In the laboratory, two female insects, Xiao Cui and Little Rose, were on Wei Xun's left and right shoulders, watching closely. Such a luxurious defense lineup directly eliminated the possibility of any accidents. Wei Xun not only took out the Big Die and the Golden Circle of Responsible Demon Insects, He also took out Little Golden Butterfly and other demonic insects related to Die Da, and experimented on them one by one.

The results are somewhat subtle.

Die Da and Jin Huan had no problem getting along normally. Only when Jin Huan used power against Die Da at close range, Wei Xun felt keenly that there seemed to be some strange fluctuations in the depths of Die Da's soul. But the fluctuation range was extremely small, just like the ripples of water ruffled by the breeze. The humanoid and mental eyes of the butterfly were just blank for a moment, and then immediately returned to normal, still looking up at Wei Xun with half uneasiness and half trust.

When Wei Xun asked Die Da, he found that it was indeed completely unaware that it had been at a loss for a moment, nor was it aware of any fluctuations in the depths of its soul.

In comparison, Xiao Jindie's reaction was even greater than Die Da's. This golden butterfly was conceived by Xiaocui and mixed with the genes of butterfly and golden silkworm Gu. It can break through space. When the golden circle exerts its power, its soul fluctuates obviously, and it actually seems to be showing its spiritual state! But it was born not long ago, and its lack of strength was a flaw. In the end, there were no special changes, except that the patterns on the golden wings deepened, and its strength seemed to increase.

"Little Jindie lost her memory for forty-three seconds and twenty-two seconds."

Bai Xiaosheng timed it accurately: "Die Da only lost fifteen seconds of memory."

"Die Da is stronger than Little Jindie, but I don't think this is the impact of strength."


An Xuefeng nodded and said thoughtfully: "The last time Dieda pupated and transformed was in Iceland. The pupa it pupated at that time was a peculiar human-shaped pupa. The human face made me feel very much like Yiwu."

The tour guide's face is shielded by the power of the hotel, so it is difficult to leave any specific impression in the minds of tourists, but the feelings and memories are still there. It is difficult to identify the wrong person by changing a mask or a cloak. In particular, An Xuefeng was even more unlikely to admit the wrong person. Die Da's human-shaped chrysalis at that time was a sign of changing into a Yiwu temperament.

But Wei Xun, who had lost his memory at the time, hated this change and thought it was the conspiracy of "Yiwu", and almost let the corn shoots eat the butterfly chrysalis.

Under this situation, the butterfly's pupa changed again, and its human face retracted and degenerated back to the pupa state. When the mental state finally appeared, its mental state did not look like B-5 at all, but instead looked like a pupa. More like a smaller version of Wei Xun.

"Die Da was originally just one of the countless maggots that made up the Insect Master. After Wei Xun's blood mutation and evolution, he then went through many transformations, and his connection with the Insect Master eventually weakened."

Bai Xiaosheng said calmly: "In comparison, I am more curious about Xiao Jindie."

Little Golden Butterfly was not cultivated from Die Da's flesh and blood, but was bred by Xiao Cui extracting Die Da's genes. In this way, its soul will still fluctuate when it gets along with the golden circle. Is the memory of the evil insect master attached to all his genes?

After saying hello to Wei Xun, Bai Xiaosheng borrowed Little Golden Butterfly and Little Rose to go to another laboratory to do research, and Lu Shucheng helped him. Only An Xuefeng, Wang Pengpai, Mao Xiaole and Wei Xun were left in this research room.

"It's a bit scary, this guy."

Wang Pengpeng sighed, and the flesh on his cheeks trembled: "This can't even be called a human being. Every gene carries memory... If he gave birth to a child, wouldn't every child be considered a slice?"

"I'm afraid it's still different from normal slicing."

An Xuefeng said solemnly: "I don't think the hotel will really let the many slices of the pest master serve as tour guides and climb to high positions. Maybe we have been wrong all along."

"My dear, what do you mean is that Silverfish and the others were judged by the hotel as normal tour guides, but they only integrated part of the evil insect master's soul power?"

Wang Pengpai and An Xuefeng have been partners for many years. He understood what he meant in an instant and was stunned: "Is it the same as swallowing the fragments of Tianhu inner elixir?"


The hotel will recycle the corpses of tourist guides and put some of them in blind boxes or trading houses for sale. What is being sold is not an ordinary prop. Blood, meat, bones, inner elixirs, feathers, etc. are all trading items. The corpses of tour guides and tourists contain too much polluting energy and cannot be buried normally. Their destruction also requires a purification process. The hotel simply recycles and resells these bodies for contemporary tourists and tour guides to digest and absorb. From a purely rational perspective, it is the best of both worlds for the hotel. .

And if someone buys and absorbs the Tianhu inner elixir, of course it cannot be said that he is the sliced ​​incarnation of Yu Hehui. Similarly, if the Bee Taoists have merged part of the insect master's legacy to become like this, then from the hotel's perspective, they cannot be regarded as pure insect master slices - of course, the hotel's detection can be deceived, so what exactly is it? From the very beginning, he was sliced ​​up by the Insect Master, or he was an 'unlucky tour guide' infected by the Insect Master's legacy. This matter cannot be summed up in one word.

"Purchasing or opening a blind box to reveal a legacy is too random. The insect master has a careful plan, so the possibility is not high."

"But Taoist Ban Ming and Wei Xun said that Taoist Feng and the others all have complete souls, which are different from ordinary slices."

While speaking, An Xuefeng glanced at Wei Xun. It was rare that he did not participate in the discussion. Instead, he sat on the sofa playing with butterflies with great interest. Xiao Cui, who had transformed into a human form, sat respectfully beside him and listened seriously to Wei Xun's arrangements. . His eyes rested on Wei Xun for a while, An Xuefeng subconsciously raised the corners of his mouth, regained consciousness and continued:

"The slices are different. If the Insect Master were to be resurrected and fused, it would be different from the current situation."

Maybe it won't be that all the people and bugs are fused together, but the soul power of the evil bug masters in their bodies will be extracted, and then new people will be fused. In this way, it won't be considered a resurrection, and it will be able to pass the surveillance of the hotel, making it more difficult to guard against.

"It's good that Master Die Dafeng and the others won't disappear."

Not willing to participate in this kind of topic, Mao Xiaole, who had been wandering away from home, said: "Teacher Sanshui likes that butterfly very much, and also likes to drink honey water."

"This old boy Wu Yun is so dishonest."

Wang Pengpeng cursed and complained: "You are really causing trouble for us on our way home!" As he spoke, he looked at Wei Xun: "This is really an unreasonable disaster for our Director Cui - Director Cui?!"

Wang Pengpeng's voice suddenly changed its tone and he let out a scream, and Wei Xun unexpectedly sprouted a pair of blue-purple butterfly wings behind him! This sight scared Wang Pengpai and almost caused his heart to stop. Mao Xiaole's face turned pale. Only An Xuefeng was stunned for a moment and came back to his senses.

"Are you trying to merge with Die Da's mentality?"

"That's right."

Wei Xun said with a smile, seemingly unaware of the mental impact his current form had on Wang Pengpai and Mao Xiaole: "After all, the person I led the group to the Tusi King's Tomb mutated after being bitten by the Wuluo Mountain mutated Gu insect. , I want to take revenge on the evil tour guides of society. After all, Xiao Cui and Xiao Rose are female insects, so it is more suitable for me to merge with Die Da’s mental state.”

Wei Xun's leading character can be called a hotel version of Spider-Man, a tour guide who was bitten by Xiao Cui, a spider, or a butterfly and was poisoned to obtain a mutated form. Wu Laoliu has been around in Wuluo Mountain for many years. Dieda itself can be regarded as a bug native to Wuluo Mountain. After merging with its alienated form, the aura will be closer to that of Wuluo Mountain, and it will be able to integrate into the local environment more quickly.

"Oh, you almost gave me a heart attack, Director Cui, I thought you were going to turn into a butterfly man."

Wang Pengpai clutched his chest with a grimace, masked by pain, and slumped on the sofa screaming. To be honest, at that moment he really thought that Wei Xun was some kind of Maria butterfly with an upper body about to activate the abyss rampage mode. For a moment, Wang Pengpai seemed to have seen Wu Lecheng far away in heaven. He really felt like he was going to be scared. The feeling of sudden death is too strong.

To be honest, when the butterfly-like green guide stands out, he can really scare away all the top-level tourist guides who are more or less aware of their sincere thoughts!

"Can you feel the problematic soul more clearly after fusion?"

An Xuefeng had already walked to the sofa. He saw the evil smile in Wei Xun's eyes and knew that he was playing a prank. An Xuefeng couldn't help showing a helpless and indulgent expression. He naturally changed the topic and acted seriously, as if Wei Xun was doing something serious.

"Okay, after merging with the mental state and letting the golden circle exert its power on me, I can clearly feel the fluctuations in my soul."

Wei Xun smiled and cooperated with An Xuefeng to talk about business: "If I want to, I can cut it off with a spiritual knife, but it would be a pity."

"I am becoming more and more interested in the Insect Master. I really want to know where his limits are."

Wei Xun smiled, his eyes shining with interest: "Tell me, what is the limit of his ability to control slices? Dozens, hundreds, thousands, or... more?"

"what you up to?"

An Xuefeng's heart suddenly shuddered, and he had some ominous premonitions. Then this premonition came true, and Wei Xun wrote lightly: "You know, I still have some nurturing power of 30 degrees north latitude. The nurturing pollution plus Xiao Cui can use Die Da's genes in one day. Breed millions of demonic insects.”

"The human soul should always have limits. If he really transmits his memory through genes, genes are attached to the soul, and every gene is attached to a soul - I really want to know, after infinite reproduction and infinite inheritance, what will his soul be like? Will it break because it can’t bear it?”

Wei Xun started laughing as he spoke. Every time he was excited, his blue-purple eyes would become more intense in color. They were too beautiful and too dangerous, just like poisonous and beautiful butterflies, dangerous and charming, and also made people laugh. An Xuefeng was fascinated. He heard Wei Xun laugh and say:

"It's already here, haven't Dark Clouds seen the situation clearly yet? He said he would bring someone over before departure... You tell him."

"If you don't want to see the Million Evil Insect Master, bring it now and we'll finish today."


A quarter of an hour later, the dark clouds that had just left for home came back again, and we sat in the living room again. His face was blank, as if he had been shocked by something terrible.

The author has something to say

I have a cold, so I am not in good condition today so I am writing slowly. Sorry!

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