Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1028 Creating Gods

"How do you pronounce this code name?"

Wei Xun had just contacted the person in charge of Cen Qin's slice, and was a little confused for a while after learning the code name he had obtained. Although the code name is more like a regular power that refers to the principal and distinguishes them, it can also be said to be the "real name" with power. It does not mean that their code name is really a symbol.

But for people like Wei Xun who often get along with the principals, there must be a title to call them. You can't just call them by their real names every time. The pollution is too serious.

So Wei Xun usually refers to him by code names, such as ***. Wei Xun sometimes calls him Xingxing in private, and sometimes deliberately calls him Sanhua. However, because of the deep connection, it doesn't matter if he communicates directly with ***. , by the way, the pollution was relieved on the spot.

and? ? ? And... these two principals, the former Wei Xun mostly calls him Sanwen or Astrologer Slice, and the latter is three points. Similarly, the principal whom I met at the battlefield orphanage before, ¥¥¥, is Sanqian.

But Cen Qin’s code name is still very strange. Should we call him Three Arrows? Also, I don’t know how to put it. Wei Xun always feels that his codename is a bit out of place compared to the other principals. He has an indescribable emotion when he looks at it - after looking at it for a long time, it really feels like an emoticon. In fact, It’s really quite Cen Qin!

[Call me Cen Qin, don’t call me by my code name]

→→→ emphasized that He was sitting on a long stone covered with moss, and a free-range chicken walked past the long stone, cooing, and nearly stepped on his cloak when its claws were probing around——→→ →He wears the principal's black cloak with Fuxi Bagua pattern on it, which looks a bit like an improved Taoist robe - everyone knows his identity, so there is no need to hide it.

At this moment, they are behind Qiyun Mountain, in the real residence of Half Life Taoist. Wei Xun rested here before going to the battlefield orphanage last time. Normally, the current reality is still in turmoil, and hotels do not allow tourist guides to travel to reality at will, let alone the person in charge. But Taoist Ban Ming's residence is just like the safe house on the way home. It is essentially at the junction of 'attractions' and reality, so it can still be a temporary place to stay.

"Okay, Cen Qin."

Wei Xun followed Shan Ruliu and went with Cen Qin to the cemetery behind the residence to sweep the graves of Master Ban Ming and his senior brother. Then Cen Qin brought back a wooden box and gave one of the gourds carved from peach wood to Wei Xun. When Wei Xun came to Qiyun Mountain for the first time, Taoist Ban Ming showed him the peach gourds with the birth dates of him and his senior brother Song Feixing carved on them.

Seinfeld's parents were from a hotel. He was originally supposed to enter a battlefield orphanage, but was sent back that year and did not enter the hotel again until he was in his twenties. At that time, An Xuefeng doubted whether his mahogany gourd could be hidden from the 'hotel', as it was almost a life-changing item. I specially took some peach wood fragments and secretly sent them for inspection without telling the hotel.

Later, it was indeed discovered that this peach wood contained a lot of vitality and aura, which was very extraordinary. However, these two wood-carved gourds cracked after Cen Qin and Song Feixing (Cen Xiao) entered the hotel. The energy loss effect was far less than when it was intact, and it could not be compared with the one Wan'an Qianli Hongxue took when he sneaked into Qingcheng Mountain, which could shield the hotel. Black goods compared to tortoise shell.

But it was enough to hide Cen Qin and Wei Xun in a short period of time, allowing them to sneak back to reality and enter the orphanage.

"There is probably a person in charge guarding the orphanage. If we are exposed, it will be up to you."


Cen Qin flicked the sword in a cool way. The sword buzzed endlessly, and the fighting spirit was aroused. He looked like he was capable of fighting, just like a gangster with strong fighting ability, which made Wei Xun feel at ease. Unlike the last time when she dragged her family and a group of people to the orphanage, this time the Black Widow failed to get an invitation letter to the battlefield orphanage, and was severely restricted by the hotel. Her life was only slightly better than that of the Devourer.

However, according to the message she sent to Wei Xun, the Black Widow had sneaked into the battlefield orphanage quietly under such restrictions, and had some power in it, and could pull Wei Xun and Cen Qin in at any time.

"Now I'm basically sure that she should be sectioned by someone in charge."

As the appointed time approached, Wei Xun sighed to Cen Qin. Everyone in this hotel is really hiding something. The Black Widow either has someone in charge who is under her control, or she slices it up herself, otherwise she would definitely not be able to do what she is doing now.

[She may want to take the child out of the orphanage]

Cen Qin said lightly: [Too risky]

"Who knows, it's quite interesting, isn't it?"

Wei Xun smiled with interest and said: "I also want to know how secret the deal she wants to negotiate with me, the so-called secret information about the Devourer, is before it is worth my while."

At five o'clock in the morning, when the battlefield orphanage was not open, Wei Xun and Cen Qin responded to the black widow's 'call' and sneaked into the battlefield orphanage. Familiar buildings, familiar small buildings. The black widow wearing a tour guide's cloak stood in front of them with a smile, holding in her arms a little daughter with deformed flesh wings on her back, who snuggled obediently in her arms.

Poor little Emily, after not seeing her for so long, the pollution on her body has become even more serious. The high bulge on the back was cracked and suppurating, and a rotten smell filled the air. The deformed white bones with rotten flesh protruded from them and extended to both sides, like a pair of bony hands that stretched out the girl's back, and like a pair of overly deformed wings. Little Emily's back was suppurated in many places and was almost rotten. a line. There are many large pus holes on the entire back that are so rotten that the bones are visible. Through the pus holes, you can faintly see the spine that is winding like a white snake. It rises and falls with little Emily's breathing, like a dying white snake. Apparently, the contamination in little Emily was out of control.

The 'Father George' whom the Black Widow had talked to her about for many years time and time again aggravated little Emily's admiration and yearning for her 'father', making her also desire to be an angel, hoping to be more like her father, thus exacerbating her original illness. , now it has reached the point where her young body cannot bear it.

No wonder the black widow was so guilty and didn't dare to let George see little Emily. Wei Xun sighed in his heart and took out the human skin map. The person in charge of guarding the orphanage on the battlefield may notice something strange and rush over at any time, and must fight quickly. Having experience in absorbing the contamination from the money plague, the human skin map began to absorb the overflowing contamination as soon as it was attached to little Emily's back.

For a moment, little Emily's whole body tensed up. The pollution had eroded her body. The process of removing the pollution was like ripping out bones and flesh, and it was extremely painful. But she seemed to have gotten used to it. Apart from the instinctive trembling of her body, she didn't cry out in pain or struggle. She just kept trying to look back and look at her back. When she saw the bone wings shrinking due to uncontrolled pollution, she finally couldn't help but shed tears.

"Mom, mom, my wings are gone."

Little Emily sobbed and lay in Black Widow's arms.

"These are bad wings. You will grow good wings in the future."

Black Widow Ann stroked her daughter's long flaxen hair, and scratched her back with her fingertips. The trace amount of black widow toxin paralyzed little Emily's entire back, so that she would no longer feel the severe pain caused by the pollution removal. But the black widow's toxin was her strength and her pollution, and it was quickly removed together with the human skin map. The human skin map caressed little Emily's back and passed through the abscesses all over her back. Wei Xun found that although she looked miserable, her entire back was strangely clean, with no pus on the flesh. It must have been that the Black Widow knew about Yi Zero's mysophobia and had cleaned it for her in advance.

Speaking of pollution that was not digested and devoured by butterflies on the spot, in the future when Wei Xun enters the tomb of the Tusi King, it will flood into the Tusi King's tomb. However, if there are too many lice, don't bite them, and if you have too many debts, don't worry about them. Not just any little dirty pollution can be there. Now Wei Xun is alive and well in the tomb of the Tusi King who is like a poison.

"I can only remove the contamination from her back, but I can't treat her wounds."

The human skin map is very efficient, absorbing all the pollution spilled from little Emily's body in just half a minute. It's just that the rotten flesh in the wound and the pus pits that are so rotten to the bone cannot heal automatically after the pollution is absorbed. If Wei Xun had the four maggot brothers at his disposal, he might be able to help him deal with the carrion, but now he is helpless.

"That's enough, thank you."

Black Widow said softly, touching Emily's little face lovingly, and gently pushed her to Cen Qin.

"Good girl, can you go and play with this uncle for a while? He will tell a lot of funny jokes. Mom wants to talk to this big brother about something important."

"Okay mom, when you come back, will you tell me the story twice about how your father fell from heaven and became the devil?"

"no problem."

After leaving little Emily to Cen Qin to take care of, Wei Xun followed the black widow outside the small building.

"She looks better than before."

Wei Xun leaned against the wall and spoke with interest. He still remembered that the last time he saw little Emily, the child could only laugh, could hardly speak, and his eyes were dull. But this time, little Emily has sharp eyes, can communicate fluently with people, and can even act coquettishly to the black widow. Although her body was severely deformed, her mental state was much better. It must have been something done by the Black Widow.

However, even though Wei Xun had already had a foreboding, he was shocked by what the black widow said the next second.

"Because I took back her illnesses—most of them."

The Black Widow made an astonishing statement and said with a smile: "I transferred part of the pain to myself so that little Emily could get better as quickly as possible - of course, this is what I did before sneaking into Iceland."

"'Most children born to tour guides will inherit their mother's diseases and will become tour guides in the future.' This seems to be a wise saying, but in fact, as long as the mother is strong enough, she can transfer her diseases to her children at the cost of death. Or transfer the child's illness to yourself."

"If a child is talented enough, strong-willed enough, and can endure the horrific pain of transfer/deprivation of illness, he or she can create the most powerful tour guide or the most powerful traveler in the future."

Speaking of this, Black Widow's eyes showed a complex fanaticism: "If you can completely strip away the disease and completely give the disease, this is creating a god."

The author has something to say

Let little Emily send five hundred red envelopes to the babies today, okay!

Tomorrow I have to go to the hospital to see an elderly person, and after that I will go to my grandma’s place to accompany her. I will be late getting home, so I’ll take a day off first, and there will be a double update the day after tomorrow!


Hei Cenqin: First, my name is not →→→, my name is Cen Qin; second, my code name is not an emoticon; third, I am now posting with Zero Guide, and it is clear at a glance who the real Cen Qin is!

Half-Life Taoist:?

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