Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1025 Peace of Mind

Since the end of the competition, Devourer seems to have been quite peaceful, and he didn't get into any trouble at the carnival celebrations. Although a lot of the blame was thrown to Devourer at the beginning, and only Devourer was shackled by the hotel when he was in the parliament prison. He was obviously targeted by the hotel, but Wei Xun didn't think this would have much impact on Devourer.

After all, he is the chief director of S1. He has a close relationship with Abyss and is still able to sit in this position. His ability cannot be underestimated. The blue-and-white slime that was fused with Wei Xun's "gene" was still locked up in the backyard on the way home. Even such a cult thing could be made. Who knows what Devourer is planning these quiet days.

"The Devourer has been closely watched by the inn lately."

Hearing Wei Xun mention this, An Xuefeng smiled and said meaningfully: "He hasn't even been released from prison yet."

"You're not out of jail yet?"

Wei Xun originally just asked casually, but now he became more interested: "Did he not even participate in the carnival celebration?"

"of course not."

An Xuefeng wrote lightly: "He is a very busy man now."

How come the Devourer isn't out of prison yet? What is he busy with? Wei Xun is so curious! But after Police Officer An piqued his interest, he refused to continue talking. Ren Weixun just laughed but kept silent no matter how aggressive he was. It wasn't until Wei Xun glanced at him angrily, then took the initiative to get dressed and go out to eat with him, that An Xuefeng was willing to continue.

"He was left in a council prison to deal with the contamination."

You never worry about running out of food or drink when you are on your way home. Today there is wild mushroom and native chicken soup stewed by Lu Shucheng in the kitchen. An Xuefeng used the chicken soup to cook a bowl of noodles and added some chopped peppers made by Lu Shucheng himself for Wei Xun. Season. Although Wei Xun deliberately kept a straight face from the bedroom to the kitchen, he was still very honest when eating. After all, he didn't eat dinner last night or breakfast today. Digestion and fusion consume more physical and mental energy, and he is very hungry.

Wei Xun was immersed in eating noodles, and An Xuefeng sat opposite him and talked about the Devourer.

"On that trip, *** not only captured the Dragon Triangle, but also some other mountain gods and water gods. Although there is no pollution at the level of Qingcheng Mountain in Japan, there are many mountain gods and water gods with problems, large and small. *** captured Many have returned and are now in parliamentary prisons.”

The nature of the pollution in the mountains is at the same level as the pollution in the abyss and battlefields. Of course, the hotel will not put such dangerous things in the virtual hall where the tour guides and tourists live. It will only place these polluted mountain gods and water gods in the abyss or the parliament. The hotel has a manager stationed in the abyss, which can be regarded as a stronghold. In comparison, the Parliament is 'closer' to the hotel, and the Parliament has not been peaceful recently, so it is not a good place to place pollution.

But now the person in charge of the hotel is ***. He personally went out to capture the Dragon Triangle and a series of polluted mountain gods and water gods, and perfectly completed the hotel's mission. So he can still decide where to imprison these pollution gods.

"The Parliament Prison is the most defensive and closed, and is very suitable for imprisoning the God of Pollution. It happens that the Devourer is also in the Parliament Prison, and he is very good at dealing with pollution."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "Whether it is sneaking into the competition or plotting against the source of pollution, it is worthy of the hotel to charge him with a felony. Now that he is staying in the parliament prison to strip the gods of pollution and atone for his sins, it can be regarded as labor reform, and Qingcheng's father-in-law will also Go to him for a few more rounds of contamination stripping.”

Wei Xun understood immediately that the Devourer's release from prison had been postponed indefinitely, and Qingcheng's father-in-law, the new peripheral person in charge, was one of the 'guards' responsible for keeping an eye on him.

And the main culprit that caused Devourer to fall into this situation——

*** is very vengeful, especially since the power of rules he possesses is more biased toward the abyss. Abyssal creatures have a strong sense of territoriality. His hostility and disgust towards that little slime kid is much stronger than An Xuefeng himself.

From the time he brought back the Dragon Triangle until now, He has been secretly making trouble for Devourer. Don't underestimate the power of a rotating leader. After all, there is only one such unlucky leader who is dead and unlucky like...

Wei Xun stopped talking and glanced at An Xuefeng. Feeling his gaze, An Xuefeng looked over and noticed the empty bowl in front of Wei Xun. Then he naturally stood up and filled him with another bowl of noodles.

"So it seems like the Devourer won't be able to come out in the short term?"

Wei Xun continued to talk and asked tentatively.

"Yes, after all, there are really many polluted mountain gods and water gods around the world."

An Xuefeng said calmly: "And even if he didn't come out, he is still highly suspected of the missing infected person. The man who ordered his life did not go to the West District, where his strength could be better than that of the Lizard Duke, and what he could not perceive was the Devouring Man. He can control the ghost captain and command from a distance - I have reported this to the hotel. In conjunction with the previous crimes, the hotel will temporarily freeze all his property until he is released from prison. "

After Wei Xun listened silently, he looked at An Xuefeng with a strange, inquisitive look, and then pretended to say casually: "What are you going to do with that slime? Leave it alone at the station after we all go out. It's not safe.

"I'll take care of it, don't worry about it."

An Xuefeng smiled: "I will seal it and temporarily sink it to the bottom of Daxizhou. With Raleye's seal, the *** will also keep an eye on it."

...It sounds like the slime is going to be buried in the Huangpu River. Sure enough, you still care about it!

"I am full?"

"That's about it. My brain is still a little tired."

Wei Xun no longer ate the noodles, but picked out the bright red chopped peppers and ate them. Upon seeing this, An Xuefeng got up and went to the refrigerator to bring something over and put it on the table. It turned out to be a five-inch black forest cake with a rich chocolate flavor. In addition, there were some cheesecake, caramel pudding and the like. , all placed on the table.

"The best food to replenish your mental energy is sweets."

An Xuefeng saw Wei Xun's lack of interest and handed him a fork to persuade him. However, Wei Xun grabbed his hand, and following his strength, An Xuefeng walked to Wei Xun's side. He then took his hand and placed it on his lower abdomen.

how? An Xuefeng subconsciously touched Wei Xun's stomach and found that he was indeed full. Then his hand was pulled down by Wei Xun and placed on his lower abdomen again. Wei Xun straightened his back. He had just finished eating noodles. His abdomen arched a little. He grabbed An Xuefeng's hand and touched it a few times. After seeing that he was confused, Wei Xun flashed a smirk in his eyes and used his other hand. He pulled An Xuefeng over by his collar and laughed softly:

"Can't you feel it clearly? It's because the month is still shallow."

"Your baby."


For a moment, An Xuefeng's pupils trembled, and the hand pressing on Wei Xun's lower abdomen froze. All the things that were originally on his mind were thrown away. At this moment, his ears were ringing and his eyes were blank. It was as if there was a big explosion in the universe. Countless fragments of thoughts flashed through - real or fake? Baby? Is Wei Xun a boy? Can butterflies be pregnant? Mixed race? Is he wearing safety gear? Which time? ?

It wasn't until he felt the abdominal muscles under his hands trembling from holding back laughter that An Xuefeng's frozen eyes rolled around and he could regain his senses. However, Wei Xun couldn't help it any longer and burst out laughing, followed by An Xuefeng's They put their big hands on their lower abdomen and smiled at him: "This is our chicken noodle soup baby!"

"What chicken noodle soup baby..."

An Xuefeng laughed angrily. He knew Wei Xun was joking just now when he saw that he was holding back his laughter. He really blindsided him. He was so funny for a moment that he gritted his teeth. He grabbed Wei Xun's wrists with his backhand and pulled them above his head. A hand tickled his waist and asked viciously: "What chicken noodle soup baby? Where is it? Where is it? Is it here? Wei Xun was tickling until he screamed with laughter, his eyelashes were filled with tears and he was out of breath. After taking a breath and begging for mercy, An Xuefeng let him go, but Wei Xun held his face again, staring at him with those blue eyes with a wet smile, making him feel like he was drunk in this blue sea.

"Just because something smells of my power doesn't mean it's my cub."

Wei Xun smiled and kissed An Xuefeng's chin, put his hand back to hold the back of An Xuefeng's head, and stroked his short hair with his long fingers: "That slime is nothing."

Wei Xun saw that the Devourer used Wei Xun's power and slimes to 'breed' blue and white slimes, and brought them to the front to make a fire. An Xuefeng always had a grudge in his heart. He had known that An Xuefeng was always serious at heart, and this kind of thing was definitely not a joke that could be brushed off. And what the Lizard Duke said just now, 'Emotions are far away', only added fuel to the fire.

As a tour guide with deep connections, Wei Xun was keenly aware of some dark emotions in An Xuefeng's heart. They were evil beasts trapped in the depths of his soul, and they were also some of the emotional fluctuations that would naturally occur after being in close contact with pollution for a long time. . Wei Xun fell asleep that day, but An Xuefeng was so busy that he never closed his eyes.

But now, those dark mood swings have dissipated. An Xuefeng stared at him, his dark eyes filled with infinite tenderness. He sighed softly, put his big hand on the back of Wei Xun's head, and twirled his white hair with his thumb and index finger. The atmosphere between the two was extremely harmonious and harmonious, like a space isolated from the outside world. No one else could interfere with such a good atmosphere.

"Their tour guide in the West District really needs to be dealt with."

An Xuefeng said, with a gentle tone that could make the Lizard Duke's hair stand on end: "But what the Lizard Duke said, the close mutual influence between the deeply connected guides must indeed exist."

"But if I don't want to connect, there's nothing the hotel can do to me."

"It's me who wants to be with you."

The deep connection they have now is because they 'wanted' to have a relationship with each other from the beginning, which is why they finally reached this point. Rather than having sex for the sake of deep connection. An Xuefeng resolutely resisted one-night stands, and his words seemed particularly solemn when he said them. Is connection important? Maybe, but An Xuefeng believes that even if the connection is broken, they will not be separated. Just like those tourist guides who lost contact in the past, the distance between our hearts will only get closer, not farther.

"No matter what you want to do, I will cooperate with you."

An Xuefeng promised.

But now is not the best time to explore what ultimately happens when you connect deeply to the extreme. It would be best to wait until Wei Xun completely opens up the Tomb of the Tusi King and obtains the first-level rank, so that they can be more evenly matched and more compatible with each other in a deep connection. Now there are people behind to start to muddy the waters, and they will speed up.

In the evening of the same day, everyone on the way home gathered and held a pre-brigade combat meeting to open the tomb of the Chieftain King in the station conference room!

The author has something to say

Today's update is a bit late! Let the previous page chapter table of contents lead to the next chapter

Chicken Noodle Soup Baby, send five hundred red envelopes to the babies, take a bow!

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