Thriller Tour Group

Chapter 1023 Three Tour Guides

The infected person is missing?

Wei Xun was stunned. It seemed that a lot of things happened while he was sleeping. This is why he hadn't fully digested and mastered the new power yet. He was in a safe place, but he still only slept for less than a day before waking up. s reason. This was the time he had set for himself. Even if something happened within one day, with An Xuefeng in charge, it would not be irreversible.

As for the disappearance of the infected person, Wei Xun was not very surprised except for being stunned at the beginning. He had already made it clear that after the carnival dinner, he was going to actually open the tomb of the Tusi King. Wu Laoliu was still in the tomb. No matter what the evil insect master's plan was back then, as long as he wanted to be resurrected, he would never miss the Tusi King's tomb. Open up this absolutely difficult opportunity.

Just like Black Widow, even if she was wanted on a hotel warrant, she would force the Tower of Babel to come down in order to resurrect George. For a person like George who the hotel does not want to resurrect, if he wants to be resurrected, he must be in a place where the hotel cannot interfere.

For example, the journey to 30 degrees north latitude.

However, the disappearance of the infected is not necessarily due to the gathering of pest masters. Others may also take advantage of the opportunity to take action. After all, Wu Laoliu is in the Tomb of the Tusi King and has established a certain small force, and the other evil insect master Slice is essentially the same person as him. The people who robbed the infected people are likely to invade the Tusi King's Tomb through him. And it is indeed possible.

If someone knew that the infected person was sliced ​​by a pest master, and knew that Wu Laoliu was now in the tomb of the Tusi King, it was not impossible for him to use this method.

The Lizard Duke apparently thought so too.

"I checked the letter from the infected person, and it is indeed his handwriting. Either someone forced him to write it, or someone confused my perception - there are not many people stronger than me."

The Lizard Duke was not interested in the tomb of the Tusi King, but he was relaxed. He was still secretly quarreling and irritating: "The Devourer and the Life-seeking Man must be related to these two people. You can figure it out."

The Lizard Duke is very proud, but rarely admits that anyone is stronger than him. Even the Dream Chaser is just a "thin dragon that can fight" to him. The Black Widow is lower than him and older because George is crazy, which makes the Lizard Duke sneer.

The only people among the tour guides who could make him say that they were better than him were the Devourers and the Life-seekers. but……

“Why only consider tour guides?”

Wei Xun said: "It may have been taken away by travelers, or the person in charge. It's not impossible to stay in the hotel."

After all, George had set a precedent, so it was normal for the hotel to be under strict supervision.

"Who knows how the astrologer took advantage of it? Anyway, the disappearance of the infected person is related to the tour guide. If it's not him, it's someone else. More information should be sent by the astrologer to An Xuefeng——"

"Why, An Xuefeng didn't tell you?"

Seeing Yi Ling's acquiescence, the Lizard Duke clicked his tongue, gritted his teeth, leaned back on the chair impatiently, took off his glasses and played with them in his hands: "I told you, you trust the passengers too much. Is this the influence of deep connection? "

"Deep connection does allow us to know some of each other's inner thoughts."

Wei Xun said objectively: "The spiritual distance will be very close, and you can feel it even in different spaces."

"Some? How much is some."

The Lizard Duke leaned forward and said in a serious tone: "Can you know your inner thoughts? Can you block it? How can you block the other party?"

"If you don't want him to know, he won't know."

Wei Xun also pretended to be serious, looked at the Lizard Duke who relaxed and leaned back in his chair and smiled: "What, you plan to have a deep connection with Silver Moon Killer?"

"If you have this plan, you can't cut it into pieces and then join them again."

Lizard Duke exchanged information with him happily and said nonchalantly: "Actually, I don't care. I have been used to it for so many years. It feels strange to have to switch to a deep connection."

"But Yin Yue can't live without me. The hotel's attention will never be outside all the time. When it turns around and notices Yin Yue's soul fusion and takes him away, it will be difficult to handle."

After they are deeply connected, their spirits and souls are completely tied together, and the hotel cannot take away the Silver Moon Killer alone. To be honest, compared to Silver Moon, Lizard Duke, the S2 tour guide who is in charge of the West District Butcher Alliance, is more "valued" by the hotel. If he disappears for no reason, it will definitely have a bad impact on the West District. He has a very close interpersonal relationship with the Black Widow who does not manage his power well. Compared with the Silver Moon Killer, the price is completely different. In order to stabilize the hotel, it is impossible to easily issue a wanted notice to the Lizard Duke.

After being an S2 tour guide for so many years, and having explored the core rules of the hotel, Lizard Duke is still very capable of predicting the logic of the hotel's rules. Therefore, a deep connection will not have any big disadvantages for him. It is also good to have a wolf that will not betray and is completely his own. Especially the appearance of the dealer and her natural attitude towards the wolf makes the Lizard Duke even more dissatisfied.

It's just that after taking ninety-nine steps out of a hundred, the Lizard Duke still has a little worry in his heart.

There was no other reason. The deeply connected tour guides he knew were almost crazy. People like Dream Chaser and Black Widow who lost their minds and wanted to die just for being a tourist really made Lizard Duke's stomach twitch.

He is confident that he will not be like this, but he also has subtle doubts about whether the deep connection will cause problems in the spiritual soul of the tour guide, causing all normal tour guides to begin to distort.

Both Black Widow and Dream Chaser are so crazy that Lizard Duke can't help but wonder if there is some big conspiracy behind the hotel's admiration for the connection between guides and travelers. For example, after a deep connection, the souls of the guides and passengers will gradually merge and mutate, thereby creating a more powerful, capable person. A new human being that endures more pollution.

So before the deep connection, Lizard Duke wanted to dispel this concern. In this regard, the only person he knew who was reasonably sane and could talk about such issues, and whose words were more credible, was Yi Ling.

But now it seems that Yi Ling's condition is not very good.

Thinking of the trust he had shown to An Xuefeng just now, the Lizard Duke smoked a cigarette angrily and bit it in his mouth. The wolf's nose was so sharp that he just took a cigarette and slept in front of the fireplace. The little wolf rolled around and turned around. Come. It was still asleep, with its eyes not open, but the tip of its nose was already sniffing everywhere, and its four paws were pawing the ground as if dreaming.

Presumably once the Lizard Duke lights the cigarette, the sleeping wolf will probably wake up immediately to regain its energy. So he just held his cigarette in his mouth and said expressionlessly: "I have been smoking for more than ten years. I love tobacco and I don't plan to quit smoking for anyone."

"So - deep connection, will it affect this?"

What he asked was whether a deep connection would highly affect the spirit and habits of the two people. For example, werewolves did not like the smell of smoke, causing his own preferences to change.

"That's not true."

Wei Xun pondered, and seeing that he stopped talking, the Lizard Duke took the initiative to tell him that the letters from the infected and some things left at the West District Butcher Alliance station were all with him. If Yi Ling wants it, he can give it to him.

Anyway, these gadgets are of no use to the current Lizard Duke.

Wei Xun agreed with satisfaction, and felt more relieved that there was a deal with the Lizard Duke. He listened solemnly to the important information about the deep connection that Yi Ling was going to reveal next.

"The deep connection has not yet reached the level of affecting each other's personalities and souls."

Wei Xun simply said: "Captain An and I have been in deep contact for some time, and it hasn't affected my brother and I's recognition of each other."

If the connection would really affect the emotions, anger, sorrow and joy, considering the unequal strength between him and An Xuefeng at that time. After he made the connection, he became addicted! If it really affects something inside the soul, he will definitely be affected by An Xuefeng's attitude towards life-seeking people. But at present, this kind of influence does not exist. On the contrary, because of him, An Xuefeng has not been too tit-for-tat with the life-seeking people on many occasions——

"What you said is true - but is it possible that you were not influenced by An Xuefeng, but that you influenced An Xuefeng?"

"Don't say that you were weak and couldn't influence An Xuefeng. George was weaker than Black Widow, and Zhang Xingzang was weaker than Dream Chaser. But it happened that the more powerful people were affected."

The Lizard Duke said in an academic tone: "It is possible that the deep connection set up by the hotel will allow the strong to be influenced by the weak, thereby gradually bringing the strong's mental and soul defense to the same level as the weak, making it easier for the hotel to control Or let them merge.”

Wei Xun:?

What control? What fusion? No, wait...

Wei Xun suddenly felt that what the Lizard Duke said made sense!

After knowing the essence of some hotel rules, let’s look at the connection. From shallow to deep, it is the process of completely binding the tour guide and the tourists/brigades together. Deep connections are extremely difficult to break. Even if the connection is broken, the feelings established in the past will never become shallower, but will become deeper and deeper. Like Black Widow and Dream Chaser, although one of them is obsessed with resurrecting his lover and the other is obsessed with rescuing his best friend, it is quite in line with their characters.

But judging from the results alone, after the deep connection was broken, the feelings seemed to be permanently imprinted, and even deeper. It won't change even if it's sliced ​​into pieces - it's the Dark Clouds and a series of Insect Masters.

So what is the purpose of a hostel? It may be that the upcoming changes in the world will cause the difficulty of the journey to increase dramatically, so promoting the connection between tour guides and tourists instead of fighting among themselves will help improve the survival rate of tourists and the completion of the journey.

But the point put forward by the Lizard Duke is also very reasonable. Maybe in the end, the pair of tour guides and tourists will be indistinguishable from each other, and their souls will eventually be compatible, becoming a more powerful being that breaks through the limits, thus facing the most dangerous changes in the world. disaster.

Of course, these two ideas can also exist at the same time, promoting the connection between tour guides and tourists, easing the relationship between guides and tourists, reducing the mortality rate of most tour groups during the journey, and improving the completion of scenic spots. At the same time, the more powerful the tour guides and tourists are, the easier it is for them to achieve deeper connections. When their connection reaches a certain level, their souls will merge. If the hotel uses some tricks, it will gain the most powerful and loyal thugs.

Isn’t this more useful than a principal?

"You're right, I want to give it a try. My connection with Xuefeng hasn't reached its deepest level yet."

The more Wei Xun thought about it, the more excited he became. He always felt as if he had touched some new road. After he recovered from the brainstorm, he saw the Lizard Duke looking at him with a bewildered expression, as if to say, 'Friend, you have a lot of monsters.'

"Wait a minute, if there is such a danger in deep connection, why would you want to dive deeper?"

The Lizard Duke found it difficult to understand and justified himself: "Could it be that the spiritual influence brought about by the connection is so subtle that people ignore the dangers involved?"

"Tsk, Yi Ling, I suggest you stay away from An Xuefeng and see if you become more rational."

The Lizard Duke sincerely suggested: "This way you can also test whether the connection will have any mental impact, and it is relatively safe. I don't want you to become a lunatic like them."

"Stay away?"

At this moment, Wei Xun heard the slightest sound of the door opening, and someone came in. The smile on his face deepened, but he followed the Lizard Duke's words and looked like he was deep in thought: "We will go to the Tomb of the Tusi King together soon, it's not far away."

"Tsk, why don't you know how to adapt now?"

The Lizard Duke pointed out: "You should be able to understand this without me having to explain it. The deep connection between you and An Xuefeng is about feelings. Since the distance cannot be far away, wouldn't the relationship be farther away? Anyway - ah?!! "

"Idiot, shut up."

The familiar force suppressed him, and An Xuefeng suddenly appeared in the video, piercing the Lizard Duke with evil eyes and real murderous intent. This was so terrifying that the Lizard Duke's heart stopped and he screamed in embarrassment. Then, with his pupils shaking, he saw Yi Ling on the other side of the video smiling and wrapping his arms around An Xuefeng's neck. The two began to kiss as if no one was watching, and the sound made people blush.

No, he doesn’t want to see this!

Lizard Duke was shocked and stunned at that time. He watched for half a minute before he suddenly came back to his senses and closed the video with a snap. Before closing the door, he seemed to hear Yi Ling say something with a smile: "Xue Feng and I are in love and deeply connected. You can ask Dream Chaser. He and Zhang Xingzang are like-minded partners, which is more suitable for you and Yinyue." Regarding the relationship with the killer, I will ask him to talk to you.'

Before he could finish the words, Lizard Duke crushed his cell phone - why talk about deep connection with Dream Chaser, ah, help, the scene of An Xuefeng and Yi Ling being together was still replaying in Lizard Duke's mind, He felt guilty about being caught and ruined his relationship, and when he recalled the embarrassing scream he was frightened, he also felt mad with embarrassment. Then he had a flash of inspiration. Yi Ling and An Xuefeng had a deep connection. He was sure I know An Xuefeng has entered the house! In this case, he still followed his words and watched him enjoy himself. Yi Ling is really a bad guy! The Lizard Duke only felt that it was stupid for him to go to Yi Zero to discuss this matter. What is normal and unaffected? Can normal people be with connected passengers? ? Yi Ling is the most abnormal one!

ah--! !

The Lizard Duke pinched his nose and delivered the items to Yi Ling for the infected person through the hotel as agreed. During the process, his brain was uncontrollable and he thought about it several times. Finally, he went crazy with anger and said indiscriminately: "Disgusting, so disgusting!"


On the way home, Wei Xun hugged An Xuefeng and kissed him enough, and finally couldn't help laughing. It was so fun to tease the Lizard Duke! He smiled so happily that his joy infected An Xuefeng, and An Xuefeng, who had originally planned to punish the Lizard Duke, finally lost his anger, helplessly rubbed Wei Xun's hair, and finally laughed too. He stood up and said half seriously and half complaining:

"Wait, one day I meet the Lizard Duke again, and I will make him understand what it means to "stay away from love."

"This feeling can't be far away."

Wei Xun smiled and stretched his hand in, touching his extremely comfortable abdominal muscles: "After all, we are pure love."

After a while of fussing, the two got down to business. Following the news mentioned by the Lizard Duke before, An Xuefeng talked to Wei Xun about the missing infected person. Before he received the news, long after the carnival dinner was over and Wei Xun's cat was having fun, An Xuefeng On the pretext of a meeting of the Mutual Aid Alliance, Daoist Feng, Wuyun and Silverfish were all invited to Homecoming as 'guests'. Currently, they are all under the protection of Homecoming and have not encountered any danger for the time being.

"Even if we can protect it now, others can do it when we go to the Tusi King's Tomb."

Wei Xun rolled his eyes and thought of something: "Xue Feng, the hotel must have a pair of tour guides to lead the group."

"Huh? Do you want to-"

An Xuefeng understood Wei Xun's thoughts and his face became serious.

"That's right."

Wei Xun smiled and said: "The hotel must support the trip to 30 degrees north latitude. If this is the case, then I will form a three-tour guide to lead the team, and the hotel has no reason to object."

Since someone was targeting the infected, like Wu Lao Liu and the Tomb of the Tusi King, Wei Xun wanted to include Silverfish and Feng Taoist in the team and go to the Tusi King's Tomb with the three tour guides. Follow other people's paths and leave others with nowhere to go!

The author has something to say

There are more than 4,000 words updated today, which is the sum of today’s update and yesterday’s update of more than 1,000 words! The outline inspiration has been sorted out, go go!


Wei Xun/An Xuefeng [Thumb]: We are in pure love!

Lizard Duke: Disgusting Bala!

Life-haunting person: Disgusting Bala.

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