Thriller Tour Group

1021 Carnival Celebration【End】The best brigade limited edition commemorative...

The posters for the best brigade are larger than those for the best tour guide and best traveler, and unlike posters that highlight individuals, the brigade posters always pay more attention to the background of the journey, and often have a sense of grand epic, with people in this background. On the contrary, it will be very small, only the back/the front face cannot be seen clearly, which is a common thing.

The poster of the best brigade this time is also shocking when unfolded. On the left side of the black-red sky is the Nordic main god and the giant who are fighting fiercely. Odin, the King of the Gods, holds a spear, the God of Thunder roars angrily, the God of War with a broken arm holds a sword, the Valkyries charge into battle on Pegasus, the Sun Goddess prays solemnly - there are many gods in the surging black and red clouds, This is an unprecedented battle of Ragnarok.

The huge Fenrir wolf on the right side of the sky has blood-red eyes, raises its head and roars angrily, and the body of the giant Jörmungandr snake crosses the entire sky, setting off raging waves in the sky. In the waves, giant ships built with dead man's nails are carrying the giants. After crashing into the gods, the evil god Loki stood on the bow of the ship, laughing with open arms, and the death god Hela stood behind him, with his black lips slightly open, seeming to be singing for this epic battle.

Under the battlefield of the gods in the sky are surging black and red clouds, the aurora cuts through the sky like lightning, and heavy snow falls. The snowflakes closest to the sky are dyed with ominous black and red, and when they fall into the human world, they are stained with the blood of gods. The old black and red has not completely dissipated, turning into dark red dirty snow, falling on the top of the highest snow mountain in Iceland in the lower right corner of the horizontal poster. The scarlet guide flag stained by blood is rolling in the cold wind, and the white-haired tour guide is standing on the peak. On top of a sharp rock pillar that stood up like a machete, the guide's flag was waved high. The black tour guide's cloak was raised like the shadow of death in the cold wind. Behind him were ten fully armed tourists. Looking closely, they each transformed into their strongest fighting form and gathered at the highest peak.

The shadows under their feet are specially outlined with silver lines. The rock pillars under the explorers' feet reflect the shadow of the white cat. The shadow under the feet of the werewolf Walker looks like a huge black wolf. The human figure and the shadow of the beast indicate that they have just emerged from the old dream. resurrection. But generally speaking, the portraits only occupy a very small part of the poster, and the specific facial features of each person are not even depicted, only the movement and momentum are accurately captured. Walker, the tallest and strongest werewolf, raised his arms and roared. Miao Fangfei, who had a body with a snake tail, guarded the tour guide vigilantly. Lisa and Maria looked at the dark clouds in the distance, and the aurora reflected in Shao Yuan's eyes. Di Feiyu leaned forward to pull the climber to the top of the mountain. Yin Guangyuan, Dan Lin and Yao Jinghe were praying and chanting sutras, while Heydrich looked at his feet and seemed to notice something.

The audience who looked at the poster knew what he was looking at - a giant dragon with skeletons on its wings entrenched in the dark void. The so-called snow-covered mountain top they climbed to was the top of the dragon's head covered with frost and snow. The tour guide stepped on it. The hanging rock pillars are actually the curved horns of the dragon. It turns out that the world has been destroyed with the Ragnarok a long time ago. There is no highest peak. The poisonous dragon Nidhogg is covered in ice and snow. Everyone in the brigade stepped on the dragon's head!

Nidhogg does not show his whole body. Only half of his body appears in the lower right corner of the poster, which shows a strong sense of oppression. It is like the corner of a glacier on the sea. Below it is infinite and dangerous darkness. The bottom of the entire poster starts from the right. Nidhogg in the lower corner is completely black to the left. Nidhogg lifts a ferocious dragon claw covered with skulls. Under the claws, the charred shadow of the World Tree can be faintly seen, indicating that the poisonous dragon has bitten the World Tree. tree, and the world will be destroyed.

Above are the main gods and giants fighting in the Twilight of the Gods, and below is the terrifying poisonous dragon Nidhogg who destroyed the world. The human beings in the middle look particularly small. They stand tenaciously in the Twilight of Destruction, but they have already fallen into the final trap. In a desperate situation, the scarlet guide flag looks like a precarious candlelight in the strong wind. It will be completely extinguished in a moment, showing a tragic feeling of despair.

To be honest, this brigade poster is indeed shocking, but it is not like a best passenger victory poster, but more like a commemorative poster for the destruction of the brigade. The new tourist guides who were new to the hotel this year and had not seen many posters couldn't help but murmur in their hearts. However, when they looked at the seniors around them, they saw that the veterans were still staring at the posters excitedly, as if they were expecting something...

Aren’t all the posters already out? Will there be any changes? With this kind of doubt, the newlyweds looked at the poster again, but in the next second their pupils trembled and they were shocked and speechless. The poster that had been fully displayed behind the Hongqiao stage suddenly flipped up and down! Amid the excited exclamations of the audience, the gods and giants that were originally located at the top of the poster fell to the bottom of the poster, leaving only pieces of mutilated limbs and flesh. Corpses were scattered everywhere, broken artifacts were scattered, and the thick black and red clouds turned into black and red blood. , thick enough to be almost black.

The poisonous dragon Nidhogg, which was originally located in the lower right corner, has moved to the upper right corner of the screen. Its ever-high head hangs down from the upper right corner, as if it is dead. The dragon wings loaded with bones hang down like a dark mountain peak. And among the blood and bones, half of the flesh was rolled over and half of it was just bones. The blood-stained snow-white cat stepped on the broken dragon horns, its blue eyes were like the sky, and its long snow-white tail hung down. Under the tip of the long tail is a fierce black wolf covered in wounds. It is like a loyal dog guarding under the dragon's horns, with scarlet eyes looking around. The golden snake emerged from the eye socket of the dragon head skeleton, hissing and spitting out messages. The puffin sat on the top of the giant snake's head, preening its feathers...

The animal-like travelers are entrenched on the dragon's corpse, showing even more wild and cruel charm compared to humans. And the shadow lines under their feet extend downward, like reflections on dark water, reflecting the outline of people in the darkness - the tour guide holding a tour guide flag is sitting casually on the dragon head skeleton, the corners of his cloak hanging down like a cat's tail, the tourists They gathered around him, this was their victory. In the dark lower left corner of the poster, there are three lines of words imprinted with golden runes——

[Preliminary competition: Nordic competition]

[Best Brigade Limited Commemorative Poster]

[The best team in the competition - Iceland: Explorers! (Tour guide: Explorer, passengers: Miao Fangfei, Shao Yuan, Di Feiyu, Yao Jinghe, Yin Guangyuan, Danl, Walker, Lisa, Maria, Heydrich)]

Only then did the chorus performance brought by the Best Brigade finally come to an end, and the poster of the Best Brigade was also fixed on the side of victory! When the accompaniment ended and the best team left the stage, the virtual hall fell into silence for a few seconds, and then the enthusiastic cheers suddenly exploded like thunder. A poster actually had two different forms of flipping up and down! This is the best brigade poster in the competition!

The three posters have now been completely displayed, and three enlarged dark gold frames once again appeared on the dome of the hotel. But this time the frame is no longer pitch black. In the frame on the left, the best guide explorer turns around with a lantern and smiles. In the frame on the right, the best traveler Wei Xun Lengsu draws his bow to fend off the enemy. In the center is the largest horizontal print. The best team in the frame stepped on the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood to welcome the victory. The three posters appeared on the dome at the same time and the scene exploded. The extremely excited audience even gave warm applause to the relatively boring award ceremony that followed.

Especially when the tour guide Explorer, who had won seven gold medals, came on stage to receive the award for the seventh time, the audience cheered non-stop, which made Wei Xun feel a little dizzy and his heartbeat was so fast.

By the time the awards ceremony was over, the carnival celebration had finally come to an end. The audiences who were still satisfied were reluctant to leave. The hotel just launched various activities in the virtual lobby for the audience to release their remaining enthusiasm. Especially the three posters of the competition have finally started to be sold. If not for the posters, they can be directly purchased on the APP. After placing an order to purchase, the stalls set up in the virtual lobby will be overwhelmed by the audience.

In addition to buying posters, the audience was also enthusiastic about the ‘Golden Palace’ photo project provided by the hotel. The hotel's rules-based structure will be dismantled the next day, and the virtual lobby will be restored to its original state. Before that, countless spectators took photos in front of the Golden Palace. Many people looked at the windows of the Golden Palace with anticipation, expecting that there would be tour guides and tourists invited to the banquet in the Golden Palace standing by the windows.

However, by the time the carnival celebration ended, the invitees had already gone back to their respective brigades/alliances. After the Western celebration, there is usually a banquet for communication, but this carnival celebration is Eastern style. The power of the hotel rules is withdrawn, everyone's costumes are invalid, and the party ends directly after the end.

Wei Xun sang the chorus at the end. After the hotel took away his costume, he turned into a big white cat. He jumped on An Xuefeng and started meowing. After the return trip, he continued to act like a cat, patrolling the territory with full energy and making the journey home. I was satisfied after having my hair rubbed against me in every corner of the station.

In the early morning, An Xuefeng came back from a meeting with Xuanxue's Wan Anpong. When he opened the bedroom door, he saw a big white cat lying on his back on his gray quilt, sleeping soundly. The whole cat was bent in an arc. Like a fluffy moon. Wei Xun was rarely in a deep sleep. Even An Xuefeng couldn't help pinching its ears, pinching its paw pads, and sucking on its belly without any sign of waking up.

He gained so much from this carnival celebration. He peeked into the hotel rules, felt the resonance of the hotel, and performed the three titles. Any one of them can be digested for a long time, let alone all added up. An Xuefeng could feel that although he was asleep, his spirit was very active. It was as if he was familiar with the growing power and experienced the resonance of rules in his sleep, while completely shielding himself from external disturbances and transforming into an animal state without being affected by pollution.

Mastering power while sleeping is extremely efficient, but it must be done in a safe place. Obviously, Big Cat Wei Xun believes that the safest place is An Xuefeng's bed. This made An Xuefeng couldn't help but cheer and laugh. Without going out again, An Xuefeng leaned against the bed and put on his headphones to continue working, integrating information.

Xi Mingren led a team for the first time after leaving the Gate of the Sun. The captain was Xuanxue Wan'anpo, the top traveler of Qingyishui in the team. There were many Xuanxue and Fengdu members taking the Gannan Grand Ring Road. This news was very important.

However, the message just sent from the astrologers in the West End cannot be ignored.

It is basically certain that the infected person was sliced ​​by the pest master and 'disappeared' after the carnival celebration.

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