650. Chapter 650 Wilderness for Drugs (4)

    "Yes, I am ready."I didn’t feel a serious return.

    "Okay, listen…The first tip for you is…"Muirs answered, "…'You have the right to remain silent.' ”

    The voice does not fall, the system prompts to sound: [The main line task has been triggered]

    At the same time, the content of the main line task is also brushed out in the taskbar, and…There are two…

    [Survival for 72 hours on the island of Carnabis. 】

    [Complete at least the challenges given by the six program groups. 】

    "Do you need to repeat it again? Stephen. ”Muirs said again.

    "No, I heard it very clearly."I didn’t know how to return.

    "Great."Muirs said, "So…I should go too. ”During the conversation, he has closed his backpack and re-backed it. "Good luck, Steven."After finishing this sentence, he turned and ran out along the beach.

    "Goodbye, Bell."Unconsciously looked at the other's back and shouted loudly.

    Muirs didn't look back, just raised his arm and waved it, and he was telling him.

    He ran very fast and seemed completely unaffected by the sand. Less than a minute, he turned a corner along the edge of the island and disappeared into the vision of the brother.

    This guy……Really human?…"In the next second, I noticed that my brother’s line of sight slowly moved down, and finally settled on an oval smudge on the surface of the beach. It was the place where Mullers had previously put a backpack. “He just put the bag very lightly. On the beach, the result is such a pit…"When he was thinking, he crouched down and reached out and touched the sand at the bottom of the sag. "Well…It is more compact than I thought. ”

    Saying, Jing Ge raised his head again and looked at the footprints of the other side on the beach: "There is less estimation…His weight will not be less than thirty kilograms…"As he said, he stood up and smashed the sand left on his body. "He saved the sun in the sun, and rescued me in an environment of more than forty degrees. Then I did not change my heart and did not jump on the back of the dozens of kilograms. Big backpack, the footsteps flew briskly out…"He suddenly smiled, "Oh…This physical quality is at least also above the level 30 gamers. ”

    Thinking and thinking, the unconscious action did not stop. When I was here, he took a step and ran to the jungle on the beach.

    This forest is very dense, and when you look at it, you can see the grass and the stone. The sun shone through the canopy, and there were countless spots in the dim forest.

    "Call ~~~~~~"Still cool under the shade of the trees. ”After sealing to the edge of the jungle, he sat down against a tree.

    Instead of rushing into the jungle, he took off his shoes and socks and carefully shook the sand inside. He understands…The next journey is long, so that the feet are as comfortable as possible, and how much can slow down the fatigue caused by the trek.

    "The role of 'tips' is still not visible, and what does 'challenge' mean?Did not say in the script brief. ”Jue Ge muttered while wearing shoes, "but the main line of 'challenge' must be extremely difficult…Because the task of 'survival for seventy-two hours' is too simple. Even if I don't do anything, I will sit here for three days, and I won't necessarily die…"

    He speculated that it was correct. In this program, if the contestant simply wants to live until the end of the time limit, then it is not difficult…In theory, players only need to stay in a relatively safe place, use their shoes to pick up their own urine, and they can persist for three days.

    Of course, this is the most stupid and negative practice…No one has done this so far. After all, this is a show. The island has static and dynamic miniature cameras in the shooting record (the suspected privacy lens will naturally be cut or coded later), and the big players who are caught in the show are all face-to-face. Characters, why are they not going to finish the game like this?

    "WaitDreamUnexpectedly, wearing shoes and socks and just getting up, I found a very bad thing. "I have sunk for more than ten minutes in the sun, and I have lost 1,500 physical fitness values?"I feel incredulously watching the game menu.

    He always takes a look at his own values ​​before he takes action. Now it seems…This is indeed a good habit.

    Cutin this case……"Jue Ge quickly recovered calm and read, "The specific figures of physical fitness have no meaning…Not only physical fitness, but even my 'physical strength' is based on Steven.The actual situation of carbon is calculated, so the buckle is deducted according to the percentage…"

    Think of it this way, it makes sense. If an ordinary person is buried in the hot sand and baked for ten minutes in the pungent sunlight, it is normal to lose one-third of the physical strength…

    Moreover, ……What is the 'state' of this hunter…"The seal did not immediately pick up.

    Obviously, in addition to the expected loss of fitness, there are other pits in this script. For example, at this time, there is an inexplicable DEBUFF in the status bar of Jue Ge, named [withdrawal reaction].

    There are no comments on these four words. Compared with the status of [poisoning], "bleeding", and [fracture], this is worth pondering…

    “hmm…If this refers to the withdrawal response to drugs, then I am very likely…"I still think about the symptoms of drug addiction, and the nose is so flowing from his nose…

    Fortunately, he has stood up now, and the head is slightly leaning forward, otherwise the big thing falls directly on the underwear.

    oh shitWhen he saw it, he instinctively bent forward and bowed his heart. He was shocked. "Hey…It’s just like it’s unaware…”

    In fact, [Dessation Response] This DEBUFF has been in existence since the beginning of the script, and its effects are quite rich, such as soreness, fever, sweating, dilated pupils, etc…It’s just that the hot environment just covers up some of the symptoms, so that I don’t feel it in time.

    So it isAfter a few seconds, I couldn’t help but look at it. "So it’s the wilderness to seek 'poison', not to ask for 'life'…"He wiped his nose and wiped his hand on the trunk next to him. "If you want to relieve the addiction, you have to find the marijuana hiding point. If you want to find the marijuana hiding point, you have to enter the island…Then you have to pay for your strength and think and make decisions in a state of mental distress…This is harder than simply surviving…"In his spare time, he has already taken up the military shovel and marched toward the forest. "If you try your best, you still have nothing to gain…At that time, people were driven by drug addiction, but everything was done…"

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