1520. Chapter 1505 Seal · Sword · Decision (below)

    Advanced offensive and defensive, open a new chapter.

    The madness of the sword and the shadow of the spirit is full, the gas is through the white rainbow, and the sword is flowing between the swords.

    "Millions of Heavenly Swords are returned to the sect!"When the drink started, the Zhaowei had fallen.

    There is a saying…A sword is chaotic, and thousands of refining chests come.

    The sword is less extreme, and the sword is so powerful that it has changed.

    The seal did not know that this was a powerful move, and did not dare to support the big, immediately sacrificed the defensive effects of "not moving as a mountain", and cooperated with weapons to block.


    When he was awkward, the bell-like screams swayed, and the intense energy of the bursts bloomed on the earth, causing a raging sandstorm.

    In factIn the dust that was scattered, the seal did not feel that it was standing and unharmed. However, his expression suddenly became a little cold, "…In Linyi Town (Jian Shen, a smile), I seem to see you used this skill…"He stunned for half a second, and there was a hint of killing in his eyes. "If you remember correctly, if the rain is used by you, you can cut it."

    "Ahhhh…"After such a reminder, Jian Shao also had an impression, "It should be."

    “hmm…Feng did not feel nodded and said, "Since you admit it, then…For the various physical injuries that I have encountered in the future (when the rain is swayed by the seal), do you have to bear some responsibility? ”

    “Ha!Sword less can only respond like this, because he does not understand what the other party is saying.

    Of course, does he understand…It is secondary; if you can convince yourself in your own logic, you can do anything without any pressure.

    "You don't have to talk about it! Eat my stone and break the sky! ”In the next second, I felt that my brother was spinning in the sound of the voice, and with a long-handed hand in the left hand, he slammed a palm.

    His move is not a bluff, but a real "smashing the sky"…That Haoran’s power has not yet been shot, and the battlefield has already been blasted with lightning and collapsed.

    The sword is rarely seen, the first reaction in the brain is to dodge, but…He just wanted to provoke the power on his feet, and he found that the opponent's palm had a swirling energy, which produced a pulling force, which made his movements seriously sluggish.

    "Do you have this kind of operation?"There are no more than one hundred and eighty of the masters who have fought against the sword, but he has never seen that he can use the combat type skills…Use the same hand to launch a person with control skills.

    However, he saw it today…

    It is this kind of person who does not know.

    Today's geeks, the skills they use are all "understood" and "mastered"; from another angle…When using a skill, he does not run a set of "programs" set by the system, but runs a set of "programs" generated by himself.

    Although at the beginning, it was only a simple copy of the "skills" set by the system, but with his character, obviously it would not be safe because of this ability…

    After several months of development, I feel that I can “combine” some skills to greatly enhance their power and tactics.

    At the moment, he made this trick [Stone Breaking the Sky], because of the addition of a set of C-level skills [reverse the wind eye] code, so in the power stage…There is an extra effect that will drag the enemy.

    drinkAfter about a second of hesitation, the madman Jianying knows that he is not only unable to flash, but also missed the best time to take the opportunity. In desperation, he had to shout, scream, and surrender. One of his only defensive skills – [缈云甲].

    This is an A-level skill that uses energy to create energy armor. It doesn't have too fancy special effects and tactical significance, but…Useful.


    The palms are rushing to the ground, and the clouds are in the same position.

    After a brief contact, the sword slammed back…Although most of the moves have been eliminated, he still has blood spurting in his mouth.

    趁 间隙 趁 , , 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 趁 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手 双手

    And the sword is less here…In fact, he did not lose his body due to injury. He adjusted his breath when he retreated, and he was ready to meet his opponent.

    At this moment, I saw that the brother chased, the sword was not shocked, and the sword pointed together, condensed in the front, a red light from the sword.

    "Blood dyed rivers and lakes!"

    Drinking the sound, the extreme tricks are now.

    [Blood-dyed rivers and lakes] change 诡谲 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇 汇

    Although this move was defeated under the rain (the residual wind sword and the magic sword madness), but at that time, if the rain is in an unreproducible state, the fighting power is far beyond the normal state. It cannot be measured according to general standards.

    At this time, I didn’t feel any blessings. I didn’t have any advantage in front of this S-level skill.

    Of course, he resolutely rushed to the red light in front of him, as if he did not care about the tricks of the sword.


    The sword fell and the skin opened.

    However,It’s just that the skin is fleshy.

    "This…"The sword in the hand slashed in the moment of the brother, the madness of the sword is actually shocked.

    Of course, he should be surprised, because he is enough to make people's seconds into meat and blood, [blood-dyed rivers and lakes], actually in the middle of the target…It only caused a slight injury, and even the opponent's bones could not be cut off.

    "Smirk!"This blood can not dye the red rivers and lakes…"After the breath, the seal in the shoulder sword suddenly disappeared to the back of Jian Shao, and also provoked a sentence with a very relaxed tone.

    This also makes the crazy sword shadow convinced…This scene is not a blind eye. I didn’t feel that I really ate [blood-dyed rivers and lakes] and only suffered minor injuries, and I was displaced immediately after the move.

    As expected!The sword is less squirming. "I used some kind of 'other's skills' to resolve my moves…"

    His inference is completely correct.

    The use of the seal, it was during the S2 that he used the S-class investigative technique-"My skateboard shoes"-to have the effect of: "After the launch, you will be reduced by 90% of the next melee damage, and all the effects included in the attack will not be triggered; at the end of the attack, you will automatically shift to the back of the attacker, And get a double attack speed of four seconds (cooldown 30 minutes, after the start of five seconds, five seconds if not harmed, the same skills will go into cooling and generate consumption) "

    Although this skill requires a full physical value of 1200 points to launch, but the effect is also really against the sky, is a very suitable for the combat style of the current brother.

    When I came to the back of Jian Shao, I held the nunchaku that had been charged to 58% (the ice fire attribute at both ends was activated). By the double attack speed bonus of four seconds, raising the hand is a set of greetings. Go up.

    For a time, the stick shadow swallowed the sun and the moon.

    The ultra-high-speed double-features hit the back of the maddening sword like a blast, although the sword was also turned back in time, but in the first three seconds, he had already suffered a big loss…

    I have to say that this round of attack is extremely savvy and efficient; when he shot, Jian Shao just used up [blood-dyed rivers and lakes], so the body's strength and energy are in the forefront, and the stamina is not Continued state…In this state, after the sudden attack, even if his consciousness reacts quickly, the body will not keep up.

    Unexpectedly, to attack and weaken, let the seal not take up a lot of cheap; if it is said that [the stone breaks the sky and the mixed palm] is to rely on the power to eat the other party's blood, then this wave is based on the superiority of skills in the bullying People are…

    Eh…Although I know that it is very likely to beat him…But has the gap already reached this point…"The madness of the sword, which gradually bottomed out, and the follow-up offensive of the opponent, while reading in the heart, "This is…Is my limit anymore…"

    Speaking of this, the sword can't help but mourn.

    Dreams of sorrow, sorrow, Oda, and Li Ruoyu…Open the sneaky, Shiva, those who are different from their own "monsters", even in the field of swords, there are too many existences that make him feel daunting.

    Originally, I was almost the same as myself, and I have already gradually drifted away without knowing it;Even his back is missing.

    The cruel reality, the pride of the swordsman, especially the grief and resentment, especially the meaning of death.

    At the moment of the intersection of feelings, the sword has a small sense of sentiment, and it is sent to the sword, and the sword is out: "Nothing is sinful (mad)!"

    Sounds, swords, unprecedented swords, yang, Gang, tyrants, absolutely.

    "There is no trace (trace)!"

    The second sentence leads to the second sword method: Yin, Soft, Xuan, Yi.


    When this third type was shot, the seal that had been pressed against the sword was forced to withdraw from the distance. At the same time, the sword in the hands of Jian Shao…The blade has been rapidly transformed from a tangible object into an energy-like trait.

    "The road is invisible (shadow)!"

    Four sentences of mourning, a Lingwu, has been born by the sword in the hands of the sword.

    The name of this sword – [none], nothing, even the description of the system is a blank…Only those who have "nothing" in the sword can get it.

    Perhaps this is really a fate. In the last savage sword and the unrecognizable confrontation, it was the time when the line of life and death was called, the shouting of his own poetry and the acquisition of the psionic weapon; and this time… …However, after the emotional outburst, the madness of the sword has produced a poem, and it has acquired Lingwu, and has also reached a new realm.

    Again.After the sudden increase in the madness of the sword, there was no slack. After four moves, he only observed and experienced his current state, and immediately sighed and attacked again.

    He is very clear that the real strength of the seal is far more than what is currently being shown; otherwise, the "three-stage transformation" in the last round of the game is enough to change the situation again…Therefore, Jian Shao did not intend to give the opportunity to breathe, and immediately went on with the sword.

    "Come on, come on!"And I feel that this side of the brother is not to be outdone.

    From the perspective of data, I can't help but clearly see the entry of Jian Shao; for him, this is also a good opportunity…How to defeat the top players without using one-time consumables and the ability of the "Chuck Norris" series is a problem that must be solved in the next few rounds.

    Consider this point…The madness of the sword is just a hurdle, a obstacle that he must cross.


    At that moment, the sword came, the stick arrived, the voice of the cross, and cut through the sky.

    The battle is revived and the ranks rise.

    The shadows are staggered and full of dust.

    "No border" sword is less, like the incarnation of the sword; no me, no intention, no trace, no sword, no invisible, killing innocent, it is a nemesis of zero-day calculus.

    In the face of such an unpredictable opponent, the seal can not be pre-emptive, and can only rely on reaction and speed to confront.

    Therefore, even if the cost is quite large, I feel that the brother has continued to open up [Spiritual Skills-Positive], using his own nunchaku method, tit for tat, against the enemy…

    The two men will pick up the soldiers, and they will fight to one place…Heaven enters the earth, thousands of hits; light and shadow four vents, killing sounds; spirits can be offset, the match is equal.

    This matchup, not to mention the audience, even the masters who are watching the game, have been attracted to this god by the invigorating rush; they can’t even say a word, they can’t move for half a second. Sight.

    The two people on the field, the more the Vietnam War, the more…

    No sword, fast as lightning, fierce and thunder, odd-like supernatural, ever-changing.

    Double sticks, cold inflammation and ice, blazing fire, bipolar dumping, violent madness.

    The ultimate sword, to the military will be crazy.

    One is to prove the heart with the sword, and the enemy of the destiny; one is the mirror to stop the water, and the other is self-made.

    In this round of fighting, the dragons are fighting, the dark clouds, the heavens and the earth, and the eight disasters.

    The vast sands of the vast oceans are like the noise of this war, and suddenly the winds and sands suddenly rise and the clouds turn.

    FinallyAfter the war, the variables are reborn!

    "Although it is a pleasure, it seems that it should be over…"When the sword said this, he suddenly swayed and slammed the sword and suspended the offensive.

    "Yeah."On the other hand, Feng Shou also retreated to the opponent’s number of feet and stood up, bluntly replied, “If I fight again, I will kill myself…”

    Because [Spiritual Agglomeration – Pole] is "proportionally increasing its own strength and speed", and "the greater the increase, the burden of loss will also increase", so hit this time…The blood of the geek is less than the sword.

    It is conceivable that in the case of zero-day calculus, in order to keep up with the speed of "no border" sword, how much pressure does it feel.

    "Do it, I know…You still have at least one hand to 'decisive means'. ”After two seconds, the sword took over.

    "How do you know that I have?"I didn’t know what to ask.

    "Because you are not aware."The sword replied with a natural tone of course.

    "Mn."I felt a sigh, and there was a bitter smile on my face. "Yeah…You are right, because I am not aware of it! ”

    When he said the last word, he suddenly threw the nunchaku on his hand toward his opponent.

    Then he raised his hands again, letting his wrists cross in front of his eyes, and both extended his index finger and middle finger…While he was doing this action, there were two flashing black-and-white pokers between his swords.

    "Heng!"Come well. ”Looking at the nunchaku that hits the lightning in front of him, the sword is slightly raised in the corner of his mouth, and he reads in his heart, "Beyond you, or fulfilling you, all by this trick!"

    The mind is determined, the ultimate move has been made.

    At that moment, the sword of the sword in the hands of Jian Shao…Completely disappeared, and a cylindrical "field" appeared immediately around the body.

    Vientiane is all gone, and the singer is left alone.

    In this "no sword field", in addition to the madness of the sword itself, all other things will be dominated by the sword.

    The sword is smashed, and the momentum starts from the ground.

    The nunchaku of Jue Ge just flew into the "field" and was sent to the sky by an invisible force…Don't say that the injury sword is less, and you can't touch each other even if you touch it.

    However, I didn’t feel that I was in the field of the sword behind the nunchaku, and I was not pushed into the sky.

    Because he used the special effect 4 [seal destroyer] of the [Ike Zodia Prison Set], and ignored the "defensive special effects" in the sword less, so he passed the pass, but…""No sword field" is an offensive and defensive one, even if it passes the defense, greets the buddy…There is also the murder of the sword.

    "That is coming!"Seeing the enemy killing, the sword is less ruthless, and the operation is forced.

    "Heng!"Unconsciously, he wouldn't be polite, and he also made his own killer in the sword that forced him to gather around him…That is the combination of the evil spirits of the evil kings, the "Nandou Feilongquan" and the "card assassination". It is named as "[Evil King Dragon Killing]!"

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