1516. Chapter 1502 Interpretation

    When the countdown is over, the barrier disappears.

    The moths of the track are…It will come.

    He naturally knows that there is no chance of winning the game with the two men in front of him, so he did not hesitate to use the trick at the beginning.

    "The six heavens of the heavens, do the glaze…Must be frosted! ”

    When the traces read the "liberation language", the weapon in his hand – a pure white giant folding fan, uttered amazing energy.

    At that moment, a chill of coldness spread rapidly from his center, and the area between the squares was covered.

    Upon seeing it, Hongjun also changed his look. He stroked his bow and said: "This is nothing…Sickle? ”

    The voice falls, and a light vector used for the test has already been shot, and it flies precisely to the black and white ash hiding behind the side of the track.

    did not expect……His arrow, just less than five meters away, disappeared in the air; watching the light-satellite look, it was suddenly dispelled by some other energy.

    "Oh ?" Can even do this kind of thing? ”Hongjun is indeed a bit of a surprise, because according to the information he has, whether in energy intensity or in the use of energy skills…The track has not yet reached the level of “can create a body wall or field”.

    HeyDon't worry…"Just as Hong Hong thought about it, the firewood uncle who was next to him suddenly reached out and grabbed his shoulder. He talked and jumped up toward him.

    "Yeah?"Two seconds later, the Hongjun, who was already in the air, was aware of the horror and discovery.When you are off the ground, the part below your feet is covered with a layer of frost.

    "Now the track is not the opponent you can take away…"Don't look at the appearance of a slinger in the past year. At this moment, his reaction speed is faster than that of Hongjun. "Like the situation just…For the second time, I may not be able to save you. ”

    "Ahhhh……SorryHongjun also showed a dignified color at this moment. "There will be no next time…"

    When he said that he had already picked up the psionic power and gathered it on the foot, he hit the foot with his foot and shattered the layer of frost.

    At the same time, the two people who stayed on the ground [Ice Emperor]…The next step has also been launched.

    Between these few seconds, the track made a piece of "ice board" that was three centimeters thick and two meters long and two meters wide.

    And black and white gray, I do not know when I have summoned a beautiful woman dressed in a sixteenth-century European red dress, pale face, seven bloody oozing…You can guess by looking at the appearance that this summoner is not good at "battle" but has some kind of "special ability."

    “Hongjun Hongjun Hongjun!”Suddenly, the black and white ash read the name of Hongjun three times with a very fast speech rate.

    When the last word "鹄" was exported, it was far from the horizon…It was actually passively moved to the front of the ice plate made by the track.

    kindThis time, Hongjun is not "shocked", and it is no exaggeration to describe it with "scare and death."When he had just had a word in his mouth, a chill of bones swept through his body with fear. When he calmed down and looked down, the ice plate that served as a "mirror" had been broken down, reorganized, and sealed his body to the ice.

    MediumIn the next second, the sound of the traces came, and the "fan front" of the giant fan in his hand…Also like a lightning-shaped strange blade, slanting down the neck of Hongjun.

    This round of continuous implementation, surprisingly abrupt, really makes Hongjun unprepared.

    First of all, the track department opened its own "high cost" soul [integration], and at the expense of the main weapon (a legendary fan-shaped weapon) in his hand, he called out his own psionic weapon. Resolving the form – [Musting the frost] (The stronger the weapon is sacrificed, the stronger the effect will be.)

    In this state, the magical pressure (energy) of the track will suddenly increase to an intensity that is difficult for the masters of the level of "Drunken Dreams". In combination with the Frost Special effect of the "French", he can freely control The surrounding cold air freezes any nearby targets and even freezes the air in a very short period of time.

    In addition, the "Stand" called "Blood Mary" called by the black and white ash is also a trick.

    [Name: Summoning – Bloody Mary (stupid)]

    [skill card attributes: active skills, permanent mastery]

    [skill category: summon]

    [Effect: Summon a bloody Mary (the call of the substitute can be called up or disbanded at any time, no cooling time, duration is based on "lasting force", non-complex substitutes can not be summoned)]

    [Replacement ability value: Destructive force E, speed E, range C, sustainability A, precision D, growth D]

    [Replacement ability: When bloody Mary is figurative, the user can simply send the character's name to the mirror three times in any mirror, and the character can be instantly transmitted to the mirror (the summoned party and the summoning party must be in the same position) The universe, and both sides have seen each other "with their own eyes" within twelve hours; if a character of the same name appears, priority is given to the first-name target that is first seen within twelve hours)

    [Consumption: Concentration can be called out]

    [Learning conditions: open summoning and spiritual specialization; being shot or damaged by the "arrow" / implanted in the "DISC" / had been to the "Devil's Palm" zone / equipped with "Sacred Body"

    [Remarks: This female count has an incredible enchanting, intelligent mind, and arrogant and cold temperament; for a long time, she is regarded as one of the most beautiful women in Hungary.

    At a very young age, the Countess showed a tendency to violence and sadism; when she grew up, she enjoyed the beautiful maids and young girls in the civilian family; in middle age, the Countess finally began to delve into it. Black magic and witchcraft try to keep your youth forever with the blood of a virgin.

    Cruelty killings continue to take place in her castle, like a purgatory on earth.

    Her atrocities lasted for decades and directly caused hundreds of deaths. Even the identity of the nobility could not continue to protect her…

    She was sentenced to a life-long step in her own castle. When the masonry sealed all the doors and windows of her house, her castle became a huge, dark tomb.

    But until the end, she did not admit her crimes, and she did not express any regrets about what she did. 】

    In terms of the ability value of the avatar, the "six-squares" of "Bloody Mary" cannot be found on the table, but it has a special effect called the law of causality…It is also this special effect that has pushed Hong Hao to the point of death.

    CutEven the distant firewood uncle, in that second, can only sneak a sigh, thinking…"Hongjun is afraid that this is not saved. ”


    Hongjun himself, but still has not given up…Even if he is absolutely dead, he will also die for a living.


    At the moment of the electric light and flint, only a burst of ice cracked, when the attack of the track department fell…Sweeping, it was just a fragmented ice.

    "Where to run!"Although the track was a blow, he did not lose his goal. He knew exactly what Hongjun did and fled to…So he immediately sighed and rushed to pursue.

    "I didn't plan to run…"When Hongjun returned to this, his figure had flashed to the side of black and white.

    At this moment, he did not take the light bow in his hand, but a short flat light blade; as for what he had to do, it was clear at a glance…Anyway, I have used the trick of self-mutilation, and I just used my life to fight it…

    "God damn it!"After the traces saw the movement of Hongjun, the heart immediately spoke badly because he was roughly sure…The teammates are going to hang up.

    Opened the "small-handed scorpion" of Hongjun, the body has all been handed over to the "line" of the spirit to pull control, like a puppet forced to move…This not only made him a great improvement in speed and strength, but also allowed him to make some actions that were impossible to make with normal power.

    Only with the help of this skill, Hongjun broke away from the ice bondage and escaped the sneak peek of the track.

    Of course, this means of "playing yourself as a puppet" is a price to pay…

    Because the body is completely handed over to the control of the spirit, the body will continue to be in a state of full-body disengagement; under this premise, Hongjun’s actions that violate the laws of human motion and are fast and strong will easily break his bones. Tearing the tendon, and even destroying blood vessels and nerves…

    In other words, every time he moves quickly and powerfully…It is equivalent to a self-harm.

    However, Hong Wei believes that this is worthwhile.

    Right now, he must stay in this state in order to move around the stalks that have been opened, otherwise…With his original body skills, within five seconds, he will be dragged by the cold in the air and gradually frozen.

    Since there is no choice, Hongjun will take this skill to death, and must pull a back before death…

    Maybe the black and white ash can escape and circumvent it in the hands of the normal scorpion, but in the face of the current scorpion, there is really no room for resistance…The only thing she could rely on was blood volume and defensive power, but that didn't make her stand up for two seconds.

    Two seconds later, the rushed to the track was on the waist of Hongjun, but it was too late…When Hongjun was kicked out, the black and white ash had fallen.

    Damn it…Seeing the traces did not save the teammates, biting his teeth and snoring, stepping on the foot, struggling to chase again.

    "Don't struggle, it is definitely our victory."There is a [disorderly scorpio] in the body, even if you are kicked by a man, you can also change your body and even direction in midair. As he accelerates his escape, he uses a victory in the grip of the track. I know that you have a lot of strength and confidence at the moment, but the reality is…Even if I hang up, with your current strength, the chance to win the game in the heads-up is also very embarrassing…"

    "Do not know how to do this kind of thing!"The trace is in agreement with the other side, but it will definitely not be defeated.

    "You can know if you don't try this kind of thing…"Hong Hao said, as if he had thought of something, smiled and said, "Oh…Trace brother, loading crazy and stupid can not solve the problem…If you want to learn my 'old enemy', I still advise you…It’s not really crazy to seal it, he is…"

    “What?”The track department had not heard him finish the words, and he interrupted loudly. "Is it the enemy?"His voice was an octave higher, "I am! Obviously, am I okay? I and him, but the internal test will tie the beam! Did you know him when you were with him? Is the enemy round getting you? ”

    “Ha!In this case, Hongxi can not listen to it. "What?" What is this statement? Is the depth of hatred measured by the length of time? Besides, you and he are not the same type of players at all? Why are you enemies? ”

    Nonsense Should the enemy be the same type? ”The track is also dissatisfied, "Sakuragi Flower Road and Rukawa Maple, Eight Gods and Grasshoppers, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, Sun Wukong and Vegeta…Which pair is the same type? ”


    While the two sides are chasing and arguing, in the conference room of [Hell Frontline]…

    "The two idiots…Just fight…What did you pull me in?…"I couldn't help but hold my hand with one hand, looking at the screen with a dead fish eye, and screaming weakly.

    "I am also very curious…"At this time, if the rain took his words, he asked, "They both…Which one do you think is your enemy? ”

    “Ha!He felt a laugh, turned his head and looked at the rain, and asked, "Do you see my expression?"

    "Yea, I saw."Sorry, I can only hit you once if I can't see it once. ”If the rain is now a bit of a blue-green trend, the subtext of her words is roughly that your expression is as strong as ever.

    "Ah–" Feng Shou felt a sigh of relief from the scorpion, squinting, pointing his finger at the screen. "Do you see the expression of both of them?"

    "Does the expression of two men jealous for another man…What can that explain? ”If the rain is also imaginary.

    In this case, the other people in the conference room laughed at the time.

    "I mean…"I felt that I was too lazy to bird them…If they want to find a hostile enemy, they will get together. ”


    At the same time, [order] in the conference room.

    “Ha! Hahahaha…"Originally sitting there watching the game's sneaky, this time inexplicably crossed his hands on his chest, his legs on the table, looking at the big screen…There was a barbell-like laugh.

    "Hey, what nerves?"The leaf paper sitting next to him saw this scene, and he patted his head with a slap. "What virtue?" Do you want to go to the public relations and train for a month of basic etiquette? ”

    After being smashed by the leader's sister, the ghost was immediately honest. He snorted and re-scheduled his posture and whispered: "Hey…I am a little uncomfortable…"He looked up and looked at the live video. "The enemies who are not aware of it are clearly me!"

    "What enemy?" There is also a limit to the second disease. ”Unexpectedly, Ye Zhijie immediately put on a disgusting face and used the teaching director to train the children's tone to scream at the ghost. "Look at the two guys…Tens of years old, Zhangkou closed mouth is the enemy, fighting also like to report the name of the move (one is the studio owner, one did not sign the studio, it can be seen that their newspaper name is not required, but they are willing), needless to say… …I don’t have a girlfriend, do you want to be like them in a few years? ”

    Don't say sneaky, hear this, the drunken dreams and barcodes at the conference table…It is also collectively dumb and reveals a sad expression…

    Especially Zen brother, he took a sip of cigarettes and slammed half a bottle of wine.

    andEven if you have to set yourself a 'lifetime opponent' to urge yourself to progress, why not choose it? ”But the lesson of leaf paper is not over. "Is that a good person?" What do you compete with him? Lower limit You are dead. ”

    “hmm…The sneaky head is almost low on the table, "Sister…You are right, I am wrong…I must draw a line with him in the future…"

    After a second, the other five people in the house were also inexplicably and unanimously saying: "We also draw a line with him…"


    But now I'm going to move on.

    At this time, on the battlefield, the disputes and chase of the track and the Hongjun have not yet ended, and the firewood uncle has already killed.

    Since the situation has changed, the one-on-two track has only to take the lead.

    At the time of the squatting, the traces were eagerly urging the spirits to rise, and raised the [Sui Mishuangkui], with a move [Ice Dragon Swift, Outer Space] swept to Hongjun…

    The consumption of this skill is relatively large; the effect is naturally unambiguous…Between the glare, the direction pointed by the fan is turned into a large area of ​​ice, and the body of Hongjun is frozen on the ice.

    After hesitating for a second, the bloody scorpion still chooses to fight, trying to use the [disorderly Scorpio] to force himself to get out, but…This time, he failed to overcome the damage caused by "forced pulling"; when the track was killed, Hongjun was hung by his own skills.

    And the track department, obviously also foresee the possibility of this situation…Therefore, at the sight of Hongjun’s death, he was half-severed, and he stopped in a step and killed a rifle.

    This move has come suddenly, and it has come quickly and powerfully…However, I have said it more than once. At this critical moment, the reaction of Fei Chai’s uncle is extremely fast; in the face of the counterattack of the track, I saw him rushing and rolling, and the knife fell. The whimsical flip-flops on his own feet entangled the blades that the enemy swept back.

    "Really strong…"Even if it is on the opponent's stand, the track department has to sigh the strength of the firewood uncle; regardless of body skills, energy, strain…Uncle Wood is a level higher than him…The "opportunity" of Hongjun is not a bluff.

    However,Now I am…There is no way…"At the time of thinking, the two sides have turned back and fled by the backlash of the two sides.

    He retired, and the chasing of the firewood was chased; chasing was not because of inaction, but because the firewood uncle knew that it was not possible to "gasp" and "wait" with the current track.

    Because of the ability of "ice", it is really superior…Once the wastewood is stopped, the effect of the "ice seal" will follow, so the battle must be carried out in this "keep moving" state; this state is definitely a huge test for physical fitness. In the long-term battle, the track that is not affected by the low temperature will gradually accumulate advantages.

    In summary, in fact, what is urgent now is not the track, but the waste Chai; as a person with a keen sense of combat and tactical thinking, he judged in an instant…""Speedy quick decision" is the final victory of the team, and even the "Wastewood Alliance".

    “hmm…Can't wait any longer, today's track department is already a top-notch player, can't expect him to reveal his own flaws and let me put a 'carton to kill' what…Drag on again, and when he adapts to my speed, there is no chance. ”Between the offensive and defensive saws, the firewood uncle is fascinated. "Just put the 'that' here."Otherwise, this round may not really go…"

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