1500. Chapter 1487 begins normally

    Time is up, the war is starting.

    Two people who are similar, do not need too much speech.

    Eyes meet and the war is clear.

    A sword ran out, and the blade was mad.

    At that moment, Uesugi’s singer moved; he had a swordless sword, and he tried to break his opponent’s fire.

    The seven kills here are also full of arrogance; in the face of this raging killing style, the arms of the two show a water-like palm, and slowly push, the angle of the sniper is lifted upwards, from their own Above the forehead, I went out.

    "Off force…"

    "Soft boxing…"

    At the beginning of the meeting, both of them were secretly telling the means of their opponents.

    They think everything is right…

    Uesugi Seiji has mastered the "disengagement". At present, there are three people who will use this skill in this [Warring States] team. She is one of them.

    The seven kills are also really "soft boxing"…

    After the end of S2, because I feel that my "fighting boxing" has been trained to the bottleneck, if I don't open up new fields, then the strength and realm will stop. Therefore, the seven kills have learned to use the style of fighting with Ricky Gang and strengthened various kinds. The training of ground skills, along with the high-level application of energy…

    Today, he can be called the "achievement" in the field of fighting, and the whole person is a deadly weapon – like ever-changing water, as diamond-like to strong.

    "Heng!"Not bad, but…Can't win me! ”

    After a second, the two men agreed and said the same sentence in unison.


    The voice has not fallen, and the palm and the sword have once again matched each other, evoking a voice that makes people scalp and numb.

    Then, the figure of the two was solidified in the intertwined whirlpool, and another round of ultra-high-speed attack and defense was unfolded in the spark of energy collision.

    "This messy move is really difficult to adapt…"As the fight progressed, the seven killing hearts could not help but read, "If I have not studied her video beforehand, I am afraid that I can't even ten strokes…"

    He is very fortunate that he spent some time doing "homework" before the game; although there is only one day, the seven kills still try to pass the video of the seven higher-level games of the Warring States.

    Among them, Uesugi Ren is undoubtedly the one who left him a deep impression.

    because……Uesugi’s “fighting mode” is very strange in the eyes of the orthodox fighters.

    The weapon she used is “fixed length”, which is a very special weapon. The biggest feature is the unusual “length”. The whole weapon, the part of the handle is longer than the scabbard of the short knife. If you stand up, it is taller than her…

    In order to cooperate with such weapons, Uesugi will naturally have to abandon most of the conventional fighting routines and create a set of martial arts that are specially designed to match the fixed length.

    At first, she was also very uncomfortable with this change. She also had the idea of ​​"abandoning this kind of weapon that does not pick up the hand and exchanged individual weapons"…However, after a long period of tempering, the current Uesugi has been able to use this long-handed knife that ordinary people can't take as well as using their own hands and feet.

    The uniqueness of this "arms" and "warfare" also allowed her to take the lead in the contest with the masters.


    After a while, a touch of blood, slamming in the wind, and brought out a strange sound.

    For the two men in the attack, the figure is a stagnation.

    This moment…Even the audience with poor visual acuity can clearly see that the fixed-length sword is in the shoulders of the seven dead…Although the wound is not deep, there is no doubt that the trapezius of the latter has been torn.

    "The time point that was cut…Earlier than expected…"At this moment, the seven kills did not produce any tension, as if this situation has already been expected, but he still secretly sighed, "Hey…Perhaps this is the bottleneck of my 'orthodox faction'…In countless exercises, muscle memory has formed…This determines the inevitable reaction that I will make in some extreme state; if I change to a person who has no basis for fighting skills, I may quickly adapt to the opponent's action mode and counterattack. ”

    Thinking about it, his movements have not stopped. While thinking, his body has already turned forward, and he has come to a front flip…

    This ingenious action not only removes the spare force of the sniper, leaves the sword wing off his shoulder, but also drives his heel to make a roundabout, if the battle axe falls straight to the top of the opponent's head.

    CutThe foot of the seven kills has not completely fallen, and Uesugi knows…This embarrassment not only did not let her discuss anything cheap, but also brought a very serious problem, so I could not help but snorted.

    Since the fixed length has the advantage of a wide range of attacks and high power, it will certainly have corresponding shortcomings—that is, after hitting the target and stagnating, the speed of recruiting and re-launching is too slow.

    The Seven Kills saw this through the point of shouldering the price of a sword and successfully brought the battle into the rhythm of "close combat" that he is best at.


    When the wind pressure from the "foot axe" was wiped from the tip of the nose, a burning pressure came.

    Although Uesugi was stepping back, the strike was flashed, but the body has lost…It was very unfavorable for her to be caught in the dead corner of the fixed-length wielding.

    To be likened, the current Uesugi, it is like a straight arm holding a machine gun; and her opponent, although only took a knife, but has rushed to the distance parallel to her wrist.

    "Spider…"After the completion of the seven-killer after the axe, he did not care about the pain from the shoulder, and immediately stepped forward like a ghost, not giving the opportunity to adjust the body, "…Wind and wind! ”

    Raise and kill.

    Seven kills like a wolf, like a blast.

    Uesugi’s blade slammed back and slammed it.

    After fighting for a long time with a fixed length, Uesugi obviously knows how to deal with such a situation in which he has been attacked to the nearest country…At the moment when [Spider Wind and Wind Fist] hit, her feet slammed back and forth, and the arm slanted back and retracted the blade.Although it is impossible to reorganize the situation, it can withstand the damage of the attack.


    Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the seven kills have stopped the boxing style, change the strokes, and use the two fingers of the right hand to clamp the sword in front of the Uesugi.

    "Two-finger vacuum?"This trick, Uesugi saw the seven kills when watching the video, so no need to open the mouth, she shouted the name of the move in her heart; but, this time she wants to know more…"What does he want to do? This trick is not used at the time of melee. Is he going to break my weapon with this defensive flight props skill? ”

    That is of course impossible…Even if the legendary weapon is used, it will be folded continuously, let alone the [two-finger vacuum]?

    Seven kills will come out of this hand, not to break the fixed length, but to temporarily clamp the opponent's blade…Even a second is good.

    Because one second…It is enough for him to use his left hand to make [Li Bai Ba Shi · Big Snake] come.

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