1496. Chapter 1383 three-step phase

【……ThreeTwoOneFight! 】

    In the announcement of the system, the preparation time is over and the barrier disappears.

    The battle of the [Warring States] VS [Wastewood Alliance] officially began.

    "Pegasus Meteor Fist!"

    When the war opened, the first shot…Undoubtedly it is unrestrained.

    The advantages and disadvantages of this little man can be summed up in the same sentence – he never thinks too much.

    Regardless of the opponent's thoughts and tactics, he is always a meteor fist to greet the past.

    For a time, I saw the temptation to fight the temper, and the fists were smashed. Countless white and blue punches hit the two members of the [Warring States] like a meteor shower.

    "whispering sound……Not only is it old and wet, this guy is also very tricky…"In the face of the inevitable intensive attack, Imakawa condensed a light green protective cover in front of him to resist; he thought that such a move, the pursuit of speed and the scope of attack only, the power is not too Strong…After actually picking up the move, he was surprised to find that each of the punches had a very high destructive power, and its intensity far exceeded his imagination.

    However, Oda Ai, who stood on the side, did not make any special response to this attack. She just kept her posture and burned all the attacks on the body.

    Damn it…At this moment, Oda's eyes and attention are still concentrated on the old and wet, and in the heart, "I hide behind, maintain the state of the tiger, and let the teammates come up with an enemy." Fight with us…Once we are exposed, he seizes the opportunity to kill us instantly…It’s a terrible man. ”Thinking of this, her mind turned, "Which…Although the lineup of the other side is out of plan, I have already teamed up with Imakawa, and I can only use the original tactics…"

    "Imakawa!"In the next second, Oda Ai suddenly shouted his teammates, "Ready!"

    This is something that outsiders can't understand, but the teammates who have been trained together must understand it. The voice has not fallen, and Ichikawa has not hesitated to launch his own title for Oda.

    [name: three-step phase]

    [Special ability type: active]

    [consumption: physical value 500, spiritual value 50]

    [Effect: Create a "three-step phase" for yourself or your companion (one time each time you pass the script, the duration is thirty-nine seconds; when you launch the companion, the target needs to be within your own line of sight)

    [Remarks: The "three-step phase" cannot be physically or non-physically contacted with the friendly unit; the damage caused by the "three-step phase" is exactly the same as that caused by the ontology; the "three-step phase" cannot be The effect in any current time dimension is broken. 】

    This title technique can't intuitively feel how strong it is, because the part of the caption does not explain what the "three-step phase" is from beginning to end; in fact, it is more straightforward. Say it…The so-called "three-step phase" is "about three seconds ago."

    With the present weaving Ting example, from now on, Bakdal to the moment of her successful skill, about three seconds later, the "three-step phase" of the Weaver's love will appear; from the Spectator's point of view, the three-step phase is a translucent, ghostly weave of the field, with every move and three seconds slower than the weaving Ting at this moment.

    No matter what the Weaver does, her "three-step phase" will do the same thing with her after the delay, for example, she stands somewhere and moves forward, and her "three-step phase" will be the same in the same way after three seconds, in the same position, in the same manner, the same knife Or, for example, she puts a huge S-class skill on a target, and after three seconds, her "three-step phase" will be like a replay, with exactly the same skills in place …

    Seeing this, I think a lot of people have guessed it – yes, this title technique, which is related to "the power of time", was also generated after the "Twilight of the Gods".

    Undoubtedly, this move is very strong; especially when used in the top masters such as Oda, there will be the effect of "one plus one is greater than two".

    According to Sasaki's original idea, at least one of Hongjun or Yingying Wang can be encountered in the "Strong Warfare". At that time, Oda Ai with the "three-step phase" will be launched to launch a continuous attack.It is bound to kill the opponent with weaker body skills in seconds.

    However, the situation has changed. In the face of the combination of the old and the wet, this move may not be able to be a second person (in any case, the Warring States do not think this way), but relatively speaking…Still taking the "weaker" one, the chance of success is greater.

    Therefore, after the BUFF, Oda loves to move forward, and the knife is daring, the blade is pointing…It is the sky.


    The first sound of the sound has already stunned the Scorpio, and the trend has opened a prelude to a speedy attack.

    Hurry! Faster than flashing.

    The two people's body and shooting speed have reached the peak, the blade to the fist, suddenly provoked bursts of gold and iron.

    The knife shadow is endless, and even the shackles are a bit of pleasure, a bit arrogant.

    The fists are infinite, the wings are like wings, the left hand destroys the sky, and the right hand splits the ground.

    In less than ten seconds, the knife and the fist have collided hundreds of times, and the two sides have won the battle. No one can take the slightest advantage.

    However,Objectively speaking, Oda loves to lose; because the "three-step phase" has not played its due role.

    In the face of Oda's love and its "three-step phase" attack, Tianma has made the most correct choice in the first time – moving, and constantly moving in the same direction.

    This can be said to be a situation that Oda is most afraid of encountering, because such a tactic will completely eliminate the effect of the "three-step phase".

    Think about it a little bit…As long as the little horse does not return the route or direction that has passed between the past three seconds in the battle, then the opponent's "shadow before three seconds" is equal to a display.

    If Oda Ai is now on the opposite of Hongjun or Yingying Wang, she can naturally rely on the advantage of speed to expand the "8" shape or the more complicated interlaced encirclement strike around the other's body, then, "three The power of the step can be fully reflected.

    However, the speed of the sky is not slower than that of Oda. Once he sees through the shortcomings of the "three-step phase" and makes the above reaction, Oda loves nothing.

    CutIt’s a fool, but the intuition of fighting is surprisingly good…”Oda, who continued to attack with his opponent, thought in his heart, "In the face of the first move, I don’t want to make the simplest and most effective response; and…This kid is obviously stronger than S2…"After reading this, her eyes flashed a bit of obvious anger, "Speak up…It was also him at that time…Forcing and using the 'consumption skills', I played the same situation…And now I have played back with me…It’s really hot! Why is this kind of genius with you like this idiot? ”

    Oda loves to be more and more eager, like a genius who can crush most of his opponents by talent, and takes up a lot of resources in the studio; on the combination of skills and equipment, all are top-notch, even if they meet The four-column gods have the power of a positive battle…But she is not a win-win idiot who can only win one or two skills. This is not a "shame" word can be described.

    When she was angry, she made a mistake. After throwing away all the games and the overall situation, she fell into a state of swearing and swearing against the opponent.

    From this moment, there is no room for Oda's attack; the consumption of physical strength and spiritual power, the cooling time of skills, and the changes in other parts of the battlefield…All of this she doesn't care, she has only one thing in her eyes – hacking.

    If she can hold on to the previous calm, she should notice…At this moment, teammate Imakawa has actually rushed up and intends to use the position to stop the movement of the little horse; if Imakawa succeeds, then the little horse will be in the last ten seconds before the "three-step phase" disappears. It is in a very dangerous situation.

    Unfortunately, Oda Ai did not notice this, and her spirit was completely concentrated in the high-speed confrontation with the sky…

    That moment, the change of the tactics and the accelerated rhythm of the Oda, successfully forced a flaw in the little horse.

    In the meantime, Oda is extremely exciting!

    I haven't seen where the knife came from, and it's hard to know where to die.

    In the moment of warfare, the witness is unbeaten.

    Killing the first meeting, the battlefield adds blood, but this blood…It is from two people.

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