1493. Chapter 1480 Swordsman (on)

    [Load completed]

    [巅峰争霸S3, the fourth round]

    [Site: Ruins of Haiyuan Ruins]

    After the transfer is completed, the system prompts to sound in the ears of the [Warring States] and [Wastewood Alliance] players.

    Then, a wasteland dotted with broken walls reflected the eyes of everyone.

    Look at the glance, the rest of the place…Only the castle that was broken into rubble, the dry moat, the broken houses with broken foundations, and the broken dead trees…

    This kind of scene can't help but make people's doubts – is this smashing the war or being attacked by monsters?

    [The game will start in 30 seconds]

    Soon, the "pioneer battle" of this game entered the preparation stage; when the system sounded, the "pioneers" of the two teams also turned into white light and entered the venue.

    The pioneer of the [Warring States] is [Sasaki Maki].

    And the pioneer of the "Wastewood Alliance" turned out to be…Waste wood uncle]?

    Sasaki was also shocked when he stood on the field and saw his opponent.

    As the think tank and main force of the [Warring States] team, Sasaki has a high priority in the formation of the team; today, it is he who himself put himself in the vanguard position.

    Reasons…It is because he concludes that the player who sent the first game of the opponent is not [seven kills] or [the sky is empty].

    This is a very reasonable speculation, everybody knows, seven Kills and pony Brother's individual combat ability is very strong, but their ability to cooperate with others is very urgent; Considering the match between the two sides is very close, very likely to fight five innings, so in three singles in the first game, these two in the outside view "only play singles" Guy, Why should you come out with one?

    Sasaki Mori is sure to take advantage of this and set the team's best place to deal with the two.

    But the actual situation is – [Wastewood Alliance] actually sent the waste wood in the first game.

    Regardless of the strength of the waste wood, no matter whether he is going to fight for the battle, the vice-combat or the generals, it is the best policy, but let him fight the pioneer…It is really beyond everyone's expectations.

    "It was put together…"After a few seconds, Sasaki quickly calmed down and then read in his heart, "'Smart will' Hongjun…It’s true that it’s not a name, I’m afraid that after 2V2…What other calculations will there be…"

    The preparation time is limited, not as much as he thinks, the system sounds [Fight! 】It has been announced that the game has begun and the isolation barrier has disappeared.

    However, at the moment of this war, both sides are unmoved.

    The hands of Fu Chai’s hands were held in the belt of his tattered bathrobe, and he stood upright; his whole body was like a loose scorpion, as if he was unprepared…However, his eyes under the sunglasses, but staring at the opponent, even the shackles are not stunned.

    On the other hand, Sasaki Miki is not so "relaxed", at least his hand has been held on the handle of the samurai sword, and the body has also set a single step forward, sideways against the enemy's battle posture.

    They stayed in this state for about a minute, and then, the firewood uncle suddenly said: "Is it found?"

    "Smirk!"Sasaki Maki smiled. "If you find it, you have already shot it, aren't you?"

    “hmm…The firewood Shuo snorted and spread his hands. "Hey, I didn't find it, it's not good."

    There is no doubt that they are discussing the same thing – flaws.

    There is a saying in the field of chess (also known as Japanese chess)…"The most perfect formation is the state that has not been passed before the start of the game. As long as you move one step, there will be flaws."

    At this moment, the game between Zambo and Sasaki is such a thing; although their postures are not the same, they are essentially “perfect states without any flaws”, so no one wants to move the first step. .

    "There is nothing wrong with it…"Sasaki commented for a few seconds and answered. "Is there any other way?"

    It’s said that the firewood’s eyebrows are picking up, and the corner of the mouth is also showing a smile: “Well, I am accompanying…”

    When the voice fell, the waste wood was unsettled, and the whole body was soaring and invisible.

    Sasaki Maki was also prepared for a long time, and he was able to stand up to the opponent's momentum.

    In this way, the battle between the two, from the physical, to the invisible domain.

    Above the battlefield, suddenly murderous and condensed, the two forces are entangled in the air, and they don’t let each other…Let the 100 meters of the square be shrouded in a strange atmosphere of chilling.

    So…Is your limit almost here? ”After a while, Duan Chai took the lead to open the door and break the silence.

    He can say this sentence, it means…In the silent confrontation that is not too long, he has won.

    "Listen to this tone…"When I returned this sentence, Sasaki’s forehead was sweating, "…You seem to have more strength…"

    "It’s more than spare…"Duan Chai is still making it easy, and picks up, "On this level…I didn't even use the 50% force. ”

    This is naturally not true, but the waste of the firewood is at least higher than the Sasaki Miki in terms of hard power, the latter has actually felt in this fight.

    "Heng!"Ok, I will come to teach you what the so-called five-power! ”In the next second, Sasaki Mori snorted and flashed in the direction.

    After trying out the gap between the energy level and the enemy, he has no reason to continue to consume the waste wood (the consumption is the loss); since the energy level can't win, then only the body can be beaten, the sword is broken. Enemy, relying on moves and tactics to win.

    But we just said that…In the case that there is no flaw in both of them, the party that first recruited is not profitable.

    With the static braking of the firewood uncle, its dynamic vision fully captures the movement trajectory of Sasaki and the trend of the sword. When the enemy is killed, the firewood uncle and the palm of the hand are a move, it is a move [unemployment bankruptcy] greeted, It’s the flaws that emerge from the opponent’s move.

    If this palm is implemented, Sasaki Maki will not be seriously injured, but Sasaki is not so easy to be recruited…A mind-minded player like him, as long as he can, will leave his back every step; now, under the premise that he knows that his first move is easily countered, how can he act without any countermeasures?

    It’s too late, it’s fast!

    Between the electric and the Flint, Sasaki Mori made a strong move to the side, [sick sword, bamboo raft], and curbed his sword-like advancement; when he was on the road, his whole man swung his sword and turned sharply to the side…He relied on this mobile-powered attack technique, which avoided the S-level hand of the firewood uncle and jumped to the side of the opponent.


    The warplane passed away and it was not waiting.

    Sasaki Miki saw that the wastewood was not finished, and the body was slightly offset between the palms. He immediately decided to sacrifice the killings and made a blow to the enemy.

    When I was awkward, a sword of the haze was condensed and swayed, and the whole world was in the time of Sasaki’s inspiration…Suddenly it became dark.


    Sword dance, sound like a wind chime.

    This moment, from the perspective of the onlookers, there are two lines of words in front of me…

    [After life, three hundred years, I have not missed a sick swordsman]

    The fourteen blood-red characters are like "cut" by the sword, and they are printed on the broadcast screen.

    After the two lines of words were completely revealed, there were another pieces of pink cherry blossoms that shimmered in the glimmer of light, and gently dragged those writings.

    When those handwriting faded, the sun shone back to the earth, dispelling the sudden darkness.

    After the picture was lit, Sasaki Mori had already taken the sword into the sheath and became a state of facing the enemy;Lying face down on the ground, under the body, a large pool of blood is spreading on the land…

    WinsSasaki Maki, who has not yet breathed, is already excited to make a fist with one hand and drink lightly; obviously, he is very excited to be able to win the game with a weak victory and defeat the firewood.

    But after two seconds, he was awkward, kneeling on one knee…

    "Aha……Aha……"After a few breaths of gasping, Sasaki said, swallowing his mouth, and secretly said, "This title is amazingly powerful…But it is too expensive…I still want to hide in the last few rounds and use it again…Oh, forget it, it’s better to expose weaknesses than to lose…"

    Just as he is already thinking about the next round of events…

    "Ah~ah~ I have a lot of blood."The lazy voice of the firewood uncle, once again sounded.

    This unhealthy, careless sentence, heard in Sasaki, is like a death knell, and scared him to be shocked.

    ‘How?’In the next second, Sasaki Mori quickly stumbled and stood up and suddenly turned back.

    But as he turned around, a big hand had caught his throat.

    "In all the swords that I have taught, you may be the strongest single-killer…"In addition to the efforts of the waste wood, the mouth is saying, "Unfortunately…I am not the type that kills once and will die. ”


    The voice fell, and the sound of a cervical spine ruptured.

    Sasaki's head was pulled down weakly and dropped to one side, and his eyes lost his eyes.

    Uncle Wang saw it, loosened his hands, let his "corpse" fall to the ground naturally, and fell down…

    "Call ~~~~~~"DoneWaste Chai patted his hands and looked like a "finished work".

    At this time, the scar on the chest of his chest was still there, and a large piece of red blood was still not dry, but the sword wound on his chest was gone.

    At this point, the audience also believe that the game is over; the waste wood uncle's ranking on the comprehensive strength list is higher than Sasaki, this result is not too unexpected.



    A sword screamed and stunned the already determined game.

    A sword light, and then open the battle of the unknown.

    Who can think of…Sasaki Mori’s "corpse" on the ground is actually moving!

    A person whose neck has been broken, not only did not die, but also lay on the ground to apply a cold sword, from the bottom up and smashed the knees of the left leg of the waste wood.

    Then, Sasaki Mori quickly stood up with a strange action like a "Zombie Mechanical Dance", squinting his head and re-emerging the battle.

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