1486. ​​Chapter 1473 surrender

    With the launch of [annihilation], the stone plate of the "day dance hourglass" of the "day dance hourglass" also broke down.

    Although there is still a "day" stone plate, but because the effect of [日冕] (adding a protective cover for teammates) is useless in a single challenge, so [annihilation] is the last choice of Shiva…


    At that moment, I saw a black and purple awning from the broken stone plate, and directed straight to the sneaky body.

    To be honest……The "annihilation" of the attack speed (that is, the speed of the light beam) is very mediocre, even if the average casual players have a chance to see the moment of the beam to make evasive action, compared to the "preparation time" slightly longer (two seconds or so), but "attack speed" extremely fast "destruction eye", the hit rate is obviously higher.

    For this reason, Shiva rarely uses [annihilation]…

    At the time when Shiva and Feng Shu didn't know how to "study", he couldn't find the right time to use it. In the present and the sneaky wins and losses, his priority is still the soul.

    After all, even Shiva himself has no confidence in this move, no matter how powerful the [annihilation] is, no one can beat it…There is no meaning at all.

    Therefore, he left this move to the end of the last, with a mentality of "use it before surrender" and used it out.

    Shiva thought that the ghosts would only end sideways and avoid the light beam, and the victory and defeat would be over.

    unexpectedly……This kid is standing in the same place, without any intention of dodging.

    No wayAs the so-called authorities are fascinated, Shiva, who is on the battlefield, does not realize that the ghosts have always adhered to the principle of not moving positions and not flashing. "Does he not know the effect of [annihilation]? This is impossible…I have already shown it in the game, and he can see through the data…"

    At this moment, the attacker of Shiva is astonished because he cannot understand the behavior of the opponent.

    And the sneaky side, I really did not think too much, he is going to try – [the right hand of veto], can not stand [annihilation].

    But see, a white light stream covered the entire right arm of the sneaky, and the right palm of the hand swung the wave, and then greeted the black-violet beam.

    When you were in the palm of your hand, the two extreme forces eventually collided in one place.

    It is as white as black and black as night.

    The two poles meet, and the void is broken.

    The effect of [the right hand of veto] is to "deny any ability to destroy."

    And [annihilation] can "destroy all matter and non-materials."

    From the literal description, this is undoubtedly two contradictory and capable of causality; which one is stronger…I only know if I tried it.

    Today, the sneaky man tried it himself, and the result he tried was…

    CutIs it that your moves are better?"When the vibration and light shadows of the energy are dissipated, the ghost figure still stands still, but his mouth is unpleasantly shouting. "The tricks of the six-time official’s life are still not available. Do 'absolute defense'…Mmm.It seems that I have to be more careful in the future. ”

    As he said this, a black annihilation energy was entangled in his right arm…Like a flame, jumping and raging, and constantly breaking down and destroying his limbs; but…There is another white light stream that repairs his arm at almost the same, or even faster, speed…

    From Shiva's point of view, the sneaky arm is like a special model produced when the game is out of BUG. It is suddenly complete, faltering, but subtly maintains its shape.

    "Call ~~~~~~"After a few seconds, Shiva suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and put away the scum of the fog, "Okay…"During the speech, he has converged his war and anger, "…I really served you. ”

    "Don't fight, right?"Ghosts pick up.

    "Ah, it's enough."Shiva replied.

    At this point, the slacking Shiva quickly returned to a calm and peaceful state, and he quickly realized the ridiculous principles that the sneaky spirits insisted on in the battle.

    "I was thinking about…In a minute, even if I didn't kill you, you killed me, so I said, 'After a minute, you still stand and lose.' ”Shiva paused, and then said, "I didn't expect that your kid was arrogant…Dare to 'stand in the same place to bear all my attacks'…"

    When he said this, the audience who had not noticed the matter also discovered this point and their shock was self-evident.

    "Of course, I didn't even think of it…You are actually strong enough to 'take all my attacks and still survive'. ”Shiva said, smiled, "Oh…It’s a terrible guy. ”

    "I didn't say it before I started playing."The ghost squinted, and the corner of his mouth evoked a slightly smug smile. "I will let you do everything in your power to make every effort, and then defeat me without regret."

    "Mn."Shiva nodded. "It’s not bad…The rant that can be achieved is not a mad word, but a fact…"He tweeted for half a second. "Since you have even done that kind of thing, I will count it if I say it…I surrendered this game. ”

    The system is acceptable for "surrender", as long as the player is "true surrender" rather than attempting to deceive the opponent with this.

    Therefore, after Shiva finished this sentence, the "Participation in the Battle" was declared over, and the two players were also returned to the battle space.

    At this point, the total score between [order] and [the gods] has become two to one, and the order is temporarily leading.

    Although in theory, [the gods] still have the possibility of winning, but in fact…That possibility is very low.


    Five minutes later, the "order" and the "deputy wars" of the "God" entered the preparatory stage.

    [Order] The two people who are out are [Dream Zen] and [Leaf Paper], that is to say…If there is a "General War" afterwards, the Order Team is on the side of the "Meng Xing Shen Xuan".

    And [the gods] here, as expected, sent [Da Brahma] and [Jumbo]; they should have been responsible for the "end of the game" for a while, but now, even if they win this, the score is also Only return to two to two.

    Of course, they have not completely given up hope…In the game, no one can say clearly before the end of the game; although [Mohroga] is a relatively weak one among the gods, but the man who can be among the seven gods is weaker and weaker. Where to go, in case he was defeated by the generals in the general battle, [Shen Shen Xuan Xuan], [the gods] did not advance to three to two?

    Therefore, this vice-combat, the Great Brahma and the Brahma still have to fight for victory.

    Winning can be exchanged for the continuation of hope; defeat means that [the gods] will swim in this S3 game.

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