1476. Chapter 1464 participates in the battle, and…Another matchup

    After winning the first two games, the people on the front line of the hell have basically no pressure. If there is no accident, they will be promoted from the first round with a score of three to zero after the "Participation" is finished.

    On the other side, everyone in the Super Monsters is very nervous…

    The reason for their nervousness is not that they worry about the next game, but they are worried…Until they lose, they will not play.

    Today, the reason why the Super Monsters did not directly abstain, is that a large part of the reason is because they are fans of the team.

    Although it is still not the savage level of the "following the guards", but the seven said that the "iron powder" qualification is still there; can have the opportunity to compete in the S3 this size of the game I played with the idol…They are not willing to miss it.

    Indeed, from the content of the first two games, the difference in strength makes the seven of the Super Monsters feel desperate, but that kind of thing was originally expected…They have already prepared for being swept three times.

    However, if they are lost without even seeing the shadows, they will be very difficult to accept.

    To be fair, the Super Monsters deliberately used the way of guessing before the game to determine their lineup, so that…No matter who is the opponent when they appear on the court, no one else complains, anyway, they are looking at luck.

    However, at the moment, the first two games have already been finished…

    In the first game, after King Reid came to power, it was Snow who saw the opposite side of the battle. The enthusiasm for the battle was extinguished at the time. Under the same conditions, if you exchange it with him, don’t say that the other person is riding a motorcycle to escape…It is to take the rocket to heaven, and Reid will also go after the physical effort; but Snow’s words…Still forget it.

    Then, in the second game, Jayton and Bemenstein came to power and found that the front line of Hell still did not send the goddess of flood, but came to the couple combination; that was really…"Ask how many can you have, just like two single dogs…In any case, they still fought hard and were quickly killed.

    In the blink of an eye, the match point is submitted. According to the lineup submitted before the game, the Super Monsters will play the "Participation Battle", which is a player who specializes in investigation and specialization – [Baltan].

    Everyone knows that this should basically be the last contest of tonight, so for the Super Monsters, this is the last chance for them to see the goddess.


    "My name is Lin…Forget it, the name doesn't matter.

    "I am just a supporting role, a dragon."

    "My mind and appearance are very ordinary, I am destined to be born ordinary, die is also ordinary, this is my life.

    "However, because of a guessing, my world has become brilliant!

    "And I have a one-on-one duel in the S3's arena, relying on this memory…I can live a life with ease. ”

    The above is the inner reading of Baltan's brother who was sent to the ring and saw the opposite of the barrier.

    Since the preparation time is only 30 seconds, the system will almost start counting down when his psychological activities are over.

    On the other side, facing the fan's infamous eyes, she seems very calm, after all, being looked at with such eyes can be said to be her daily routine…

    As one of the strongest fighters in the game, I don’t have to retreat at the beginning of the game…She just stood still and waited quietly for the barrier to disappear.


    Just when the system counts down to "three", suddenly, the rain in the battle space, staring at the battlefield, said three words: "End."

    When she said this, she didn’t even understand it…Why if the rain will use a so confident tone, before the official start, it will predict that the opponent will be killed instantly.

    But after three seconds, when the isolation barrier is accompanied by the moment when the system "Fight" disappears, things…It is true that if the rain says it happened.

    At that moment, on the ring, the position of the hustle and bustle suddenly changed.

    Her body, fast, spiritual, light, urgent…

    When people's eyes are still in the place where she was standing and looking at her afterimage, she has already arrived at another place, standing silently.

    The wind is blowing.

    The shackles of the shackles fluttered in the wind, and the hair was also swayed with the wind.

    Her pair of white jade hands quickly removed from the handle.

    This…It's not something that is amazing! What makes people wonder is not when her hand left the knife, but when her hand held the knife.

    Is it when the system counts down? Is it when the barrier disappears? Still in the process of her movement?

    At least one of the Super Monsters can see the dynamic vision of one person.

    Of course, this answer is actually secondary.

    What is really terrible is that since she is now releasing the knife’s hand, it shows that she just…I have already had a knife.



    After one second, two abnormal sounds came out.

    Gosh? MeStill standing in the same place, Baltan, who suddenly did not know what happened, suddenly felt that the scene in his sight turned and moved, and finally stopped at a "horizontal" perspective, in the eyes – half of the floor tiles and half of the sky.

    Then, his afterglow saw a headless body dressed in exactly the same way as himself, from standing…Slowly fall down.

    When I came back to the video, Baltan realized that the legendary "the knife that is so fast that I can't feel myself being cut" exists, and I have experienced it myself in the game…


    At the same moment, in the space of the battle, the seal immediately turned to the rainy road: "Interesting…How do you know that this will happen? ”

    "Nature is to see it."If the rain wave is not shocking.

    "Hey~ are you who have mastered that…"Can you see the future's ability after a few seconds? ”I feel like a brother.

    If the rain shakes his head: "I don't have that ability. I just saw the tricks and made judgments."

    "Oh?"He said, "What skills did she open before the barrier disappeared?" Why didn't I see it? There is no change in all aspects of data energy. ”

    "Not skills, technology."If the rain picks up, "At that time…She seems to be just standing, but in fact, has entered a special 'disengagement' state; unlike the general relaxation of the body, this is a superb technique that requires a lot of training to hone…After proficiency, the next action performed in the 'disengagement' state can be given an amazing explosive power.

    "Like the waiting situation, it is a good opportunity to use this trick; considering that the opponent still has no signs of moving when there are three seconds left, and is standing within the limits of the ring…I can conclude that once the barrier disappears, he will be killed by a knife. ”

    Hearing this, including the seal, the other people on the front line of the hell also deeply realized the power of the two women in the team; really, this means of "data perspective" can not be prepared Even if you feel on the brother, there will be danger.

    Hmmm……I still have something unclear. ”At this time, she was thoughtfully speaking; she was sent back to the battle space when she was halfway through the rain. Although she did not hear the question of the brother, she also roughly guessed it. Before and after.

    HeyYour party also came to ask me? ”If the rain stunned, he put up a pair of "closed mouths" to spit the channel.

    "The authorities are fascinated."Looking at the rainy look, I smiled and answered. "I just want to ask…How do you know that my knife must have been 'instant killing' in the past? If the other side also has S-class fighting specialization and is good at speed, is there still a chance to avoid the key? ”

    “hmm…If the rain thinks, "This…I also can't tell, I just saw him standing there, I know he can't hide. ”

    "Oh, I know the reason for this."I don’t know how to seal it.

    "I don't know if you know it?"If the rain is also strange.

    "The authorities are fascinated."If you don’t feel it, you will learn to take a sigh of relief and smile at the rain. "But this is a bit complicated to explain. I will return to the conference room and I will tell you again."

    This thing, I feel that I know it. As early as S2 (related in Chapter 653), he noticed…If the rain has a similar ability to "the magic eye of death"; this is not a soul, not a skill…It is her own talent, just like the "truth of truth" of the geek, which is also usable in the real world.

    Nowadays, if this ability of rain is obviously stronger than before, she can even see something that the geeks can't see, such as the ability to use the technique of “disengagement”. The rain can be seen.



    After five minutes of completing the instant killing, the system prompts only arrive.

    [Final score: three to zero]

    [Winner: Hell Frontline]

    [Start transmission after thirty seconds]

    In this way, the thrilling paradise, the peak of the S3 competition in the first round of the game, the front line of hell can be said to be without surprise or risk.

    The score swept, zero casualties; two more games besides the first game…The battle of the backbone was finished in three minutes, and the battle was even more instant, setting a record for the fastest kill in the first round.

    Such an impressive record, it is reasonable to say that in less than two hours, there should be N-channel media to write a press release, plus a title such as "Defic champions to promote the promotion" to seize the headlines.

    Of course, that kind of thing did not happen…

    Because, compared to this disparate defending champion to slap casual players, the first round has a more interesting and extremely exciting game, which has not been finished yet.

    Even the people on the front line of the hell are very concerned about the results of that game.

    Seeing this, maybe someone has guessed who the two sides of the match are…

    That's right, it's [order] and [the gods].

    In the first round of this S3, the two teams matched each other.

    Needless to say, this is a terrible fight.

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