1472. Chapter 1460 Pioneer War, turn around and run

    On March 20th, at zero, the registration of S3 is on time.

    Most of the teams have submitted their application for registration N days ago, and the team that signed up at the latest is also in the daytime on the 19th; the kind of wait until the 11th on the 19th is enough to make up the hidden points. The team that signed up does not exist.

    At 0:00, all participating players received a system prompt to inform them of the number of teams and matches in the first round.

    This time, the success of the "hidden points" threshold, and the number of teams participating in the competition was 26,705.

    Therefore, in the first round, there will be 26,704 teams in the showdown, of which 13,352 teams will be eliminated, and a team of rounds will be lucky to advance with the remaining 13,352 teams.

    The start time of the game is one day, that is, the zero point on the 21st; after the first round, rest one day, to the zero point on the 22nd, the official will announce the next round of matching, then the 23rd Start the second round.

    Each subsequent round is analogized to the same rules until the winner is decided.

    If you want to win the championship, you will be able to win the championship.It is necessary to win 15 games in a 30-day period; in contrast, if you lose any game before winning 15 games, you will be eliminated.

    From the perspective of the competition system, this kind of random match elimination tournament does not require any integral calculation work, nor can it predict the promotion route in advance. This is to save a lot of studio data team.

    Of course, their intelligence analysis work can't stop; even if the next round of opponents is a team composed of silent casual players, you can't care about it.In any case, the total score of the hidden team of the team is over 500, and weaker and weaker.


    On the evening of the 20th, the meeting room was full of enthusiasm.

    The front line of hell is ready to go.

    [Please note that the first round of the peak match S3 will start after ten minutes (game time)]

    At this moment, everyone received a double prompt for the voice plus dialog.

    Because the time ratio in sleep mode is 1:10, players in the game world receive this message when the real world time is already 11.59.

    One minute after the game time, another system message was refreshed: [Please ask the captain's player to submit the team's lineup in the next nine minutes. If the relevant information is not submitted within the specified time, the team will be submitted. The lineup will be randomly ordered by the system]

    “hmm…I didn’t feel it, I sighed and glanced at the teammates in the room and said, “So, I will hand it in according to the previous consultations.”

    He quickly got confirmation from his teammates, and then submitted the first round of the list of battles –

    Pioneer War: [Snow]

    Hard battle: [sighing] [sorrowful and smiling]

    Participate in the battle: [絮怀殇]

    Vice-combat: [Like the rain] [Stone flower room]

    General battle: [crazy]

    Because the front line of Hell faced a team consisting of unnamed casual players in the first round, the strength and characteristics of each member were unknown, so this war brother used a more stable regular lineup.

    According to the analysis of the closure, casual players usually only have two kinds of formations, the first is the "normal balance", that is, from weak to strong appearances, to ensure that each array has a stable battle force, and the other is "top-heavy", that is, in the first three games will be the third, second, the first strong lineup, to 3:0 Finish the game.

    From the tactical point of view, the "top-heavy" method is obviously more "stealing". If the opponent is a "regular balance", it is likely to be eaten by this "Tianji horse racing" type.

    However, this "stealing chicken" tactic is naturally accompanied by corresponding risks; if there is a mistake in any of the first three games, then the "top-heavy" team will basically be declared, because they are scheduled for the last two games. The person is the weakest, and certainly can't deal with the enemy's strong hand.

    In addition, there is a good chance that two "top-heavy" teams will meet, and as a result, they will become no different from the two "normal balance" pairs.

    The most extreme case…There may also be a third array of methods for the "heavy top-heavy" array, which is to put the strongest side of the game in the first game and eat the third strongest of the "top-heavy" team, then two Three games were smashed, and in the four or five games, they used their second and third strongest two sets to kill the weakest two.

    All in all, in the case that the strength of the two teams is close, the gap in the formation can indeed determine the outcome, and the game among them…Not only psychological warfare, but also wisdom and luck are important.

    It’s a cautious person, and he puts it in the key position of “joining the war”, just think about it…Even if there is such a possibility of one billionth, today they have encountered an unknown hidden team, the team is a first-line master, and discharged the "top-heavy" lineup, in the first and second games to the front line of hell defeated……That, there is not much relationship.

    Because, looking at the whole thrilling paradise, in the heads-up, there is a chance to win the people who are eager to win, and one hand will count them; those people, all of them know, but they are not in the opponent team today.

    Think about it like this…Even in the worst case, the winning face here is still more than 50%.

    In fact, for the opponents of the front line of Hell, when they saw the first round of matching lists, the "worst case" has already arrived.

    Where are there so many hidden strong hands in this world? People are a team with an average of about 75 points. Several friends have joined together to participate in a competition. The enthusiasm is still quite high. As a result, the opponents – the last champion, the mood…That feeling…Truly, I should have the sentence "There is no death before the teacher, and the hero is full of tears." If it were not because of the opportunity to fight with the goddess of florist, these eight achievements directly abstained.


    Ten minutes passed quickly. At 0:00, the system sounds that the game is about to start, please send it.

    Then there is a ten-second countdown. When the system finishes the countdown, the players disappear from the conference room.

    This can be said to be a major reform implemented in this competition.

    In the past, players have to transfer to any script space, they need to return to their elevators first, but this time, they can be collectively transmitted in the conference room.

    Unfortunately…This service is not supported in the usual time.

    [Load completed]

    [巅峰争霸S3, first round]

    [Site: Shalu Game Venue]

    Compared with the previous two competitions, this time the loading voice is much simpler. When the voice falls, Snow has stood on a "downfall".

    This is a square platform with a side length of more than 30 meters. It is made up of many square meters of square bricks. It looks like a chessboard from above. There are pillars in the four corners of the platform. The shape of the pillars is similar to that of the west. The Cavaliers rushed, but they were many times thicker than the real Cavaliers.

    Around the platform, it was basically a wasteland. Looking at only the rolling hills and some weeds, the sky was white clouds and the sun was shining.

    [You have entered the battle mode]

    A few seconds later, except for the two opponents in the first battle, everyone else heard this prompt.

    At this point, the players of the two teams were transferred to two transparent cuboid containers, which were suspended in the air on both sides of the field, just to see the confrontation on the platform from the angle of view.

    [Note that the battle space and the battlefield are not in the same phase layer. Players in the battlefield cannot communicate with any teammates in the battle space.]

    The meaning of this is that the person who is playing can't see, hear, or touch the transparent square, so everyone in the box doesn't have to try to give it through big bangs or something else. Teammates help.

    [The game will start in 30 seconds]

    Then, the system gives the next prompt.

    On the ring, Snow and his opponent [Reid King] are also gearing up and ready to play.

    This "30 second preparation time" is naturally useful; during this time, the two players participating in the battle will be separated by a transparent barrier. Whether it is the player itself or something else, passing through the barrier is definitely not enough, but…It's okay to release some "skills" ahead of time. Especially for players like Snow who are mainly based on instruments and summoning specializations, these 30 seconds are precious.

    Snow's brain is not slow, and he immediately understands the meaning of preparation time. When the system voice is finished, he takes out a pile of materials from his bag, using his [Sandbox Resident Hammer] and [WJQ-308 Army Shovel]. Dangdang local drums up.

    Although his summoning skills are also good, but the main attack is the instrument, the only passive skill he has equipped [artisan spirit], its special effect is to "improve the capabilities of the equipment specialization and speed up the production of such creations. ".

    Less than half a minute, Snow has made a pile of metal, parts, bonding adhesives and some strange materials.

    [Name: Construction – King of the Mountain Road]

    [skill card attributes: active skills, permanent mastery]

    [skill category: equipment]

    [Effect: Making a high-performance land-loading vehicle]

    [Consumption: 5 physical energy loss per 10 seconds in the manufacturing process, no less than 10 kilograms of metal, no less than five joint parts, other parts can be added as needed]

    [Learning Conditions: Equipment Specialization A]

    [Remarks: I have a friend who started a repair shop. Every time he finishes repairing a car, he will have a small box and he doesn't know how to put it back.

    One day, I told him that when the parts are much more accumulated, you can spell out a new one.

    So, he really started to store those parts, until one day, he finally collected enough parts, and then…Just arrested.

    Therefore, I often say that it is risky to engage in vehicle modification.

    – A low-key old driver. 】

    Although this skill is only quite satisfactory, it has a very large operation space and potential when it is actually used.

    Under the premise of satisfying the skill consumption, what Snow can do, a little smaller, can be skateboards, wheelbarrows, bicycles; larger ones can be cars, sports cars, trucks; larger ones, can be tanks, magnetic levitation Trains, mobile fortresses…

    There is no cooling time limit for this skill. Anyway, as long as he has the physical ability and the material, he can start making it at any time. He can make as many things as you want, and it can be done in the same thing several times.

    At the moment, Snow took twenty seconds to create a motorcycle with a superb style.


    At the end of the five hours of the war, the system voice began to count down, and at this time, Snow has stepped onto the motorcycle, facing the opposite direction of the opponent…The car was started.

    The opposite brother of the ID [Reid King] is also a face-lifting, thinking: "This guy…Is it ready to escape? ”

    TwoOneFight! 】

    With a "Fight", the barrier between the two disappeared, but two seconds before the barrier disappeared, Snow had already ran on the car…

    It can be said that he fully understands the meaning of the "30-second rule"; why does the system only set a barrier between two players, but does not restrict them to the area behind them? It's very simple, in order to give players who use "sneak ambush" or "remote sniper" as the fighting style, and those who want to use other roundabout tactics to open the distance.

    Of course, although the "battlefield" is large, it still has marginality, and the judgment of "negative game" is also. Without these two restrictions, the party with the ability to move the upper hand "runs endlessly towards the sunset", this game is not finished. It’s gone.

    "This…"Looking at the back of Snow, Reid Wang said in his heart, "I didn't expect it…"

    He just stood in the same place and waited indefinitely. It wasn't that he didn't want to pursue it. He couldn't catch up.

    King Reid is a very traditional fighter specializing in the game, and his combat power is good, but he has a short board…It is slow; you let him chase the individual may not chase, let alone chase the car.

    “hmm…Will he be judged as a negative game like this? ”Looking at the figure standing on the field, the little sigh in the battle space can't help but read.

    "To judge, it is also the one that decides to run away, not the one that stands by."Feng Jie did not pick up.

    “Correct.”Xiaoling also said, "It’s obviously a loss to catch up with the opponents who take the transportation on foot. Even if they can catch up, they will consume a lot of their physical energy. Therefore, it is a correct judgment and response when the other party is on standby. If it is counted as a negative game, then it is unfair."

    Just as they were talking, the King of Reid on the field was already sitting down and yelling: "Call…Then I am here waiting for you. Anyway, you are running first, you are always back; if you don’t do anything, you are first judged to be a negative game…"

    His idea is correct, but…Snow, who plans to build a missile silo, seems to have no need to come back…

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