1463. Chapter 1451 Blood War San Diego (5)

    This statement of Jue Ge is not fair to Liang Feifan at least, but it does not matter. The extraordinary brother is not a reasonable person. Even if he does not say this, he will call it directly. Nothing to say.

    After two seconds of confrontation, Liang Feifan…First move!

    Although his body method is not fast, but the strength of the sinking, the internal strength is deep, coupled with the cold and poisonous internal strength, can not be underestimated.

    Fortunately, I don’t feel that I am very good at speed. There is a martial art in the world. I can’t break it, no matter how powerful the attack is, I can’t beat it…It doesn't make sense.

    Table tennis –

    In the blink of an eye, Liang Feifan’s offensive has been emptied. At the same time, his ribs were beaten twice by the nunchaku, and the sound of ice-splitting was issued.

    "whispering sound……"The extraordinary brother immediately shouted, "I have told you, this is not…"

    Table tennis table tennis –

    His "use" word has not been exported yet, and his back has been smashed three times.

    I don’t know how to swear to him, it’s a word–play.

    Using this unskilled weapon to launch a normal attack, it will definitely not break the other side's defense in a short period of time. This matter is clear and clear. If you feel that you really want to kill this little BOSS, you can use the more powerful skills directly, or you can use [Movie Poker], but this time he originally wanted to practice the nunchaku, so it is useless. Those means to attack.

    Ping ping ping…

    In the process of beating the opponent, Fengbian gradually gained some experience on the usage of the nunchaku, which made his attack speed faster and faster, but even so, his attack frequency is still not used. The pipe wrench is high.

    “hmm…After playing for a while, I can't help but remember in my heart, "The integrated weapon of the pipe wrench can be swiped immediately after hitting it; but the nunchaku…Since the chain is connected to it, each time the target is hit, the half-bar that hits the opponent will have an irregular rebound and agitation due to the reaction. If I don't wait for this effect to fade, I will directly wave the second stick. Then the next attack will have a high probability of deviation and the power will be discounted…And if I wait, the interval between attacks will be lengthened, equal to the rate of attack. So all hail to that.What about this weapon…"

    In the real world, the use of nunchakus may not need to consider this kind of problem, but in the virtual world where the force of the thrilling paradise is far more than ordinary people, and it can be played back and forth for a second, this kind of weapon shape itself The "attack interval" is the difficulty that has to be overcome.

    EhBetween the thoughts, it was discovered that the ends of the nunchakus were faintly colored, with red light on one side and blue light on the other.

    He quickly reacted, this is the [Z-Pliers] that "the charge will be 50% after the two ends will be attached to the ice and fire properties" effect was launched.

    "WaitIt is also this moment, what I thought of suddenly, "There are attributes at both ends…In other words …

    A thought flashed through his mind, then, his body…Also followed.


    But see, after a slap in the nunchaku, I felt that my brother took the left hand and grabbed the skein that was being bounced out. Then he directly used his left hand to force his hand and his right hand to follow. This momentum loosened the grip that was originally gripped, and made the latter take advantage of it.

    Such a simple hand-over action not only solves the problem of attack interval, but also…This way of sticking out, because there is a force pulling action when you go out, it produces a similar "slingshot" effect, which can make the subsequent attack power stronger.

    "What?"Liang Feifan, who was being beaten, immediately felt the same. The original painless attack suddenly changed after this – not only strengthened the impact, but also brought attribute damage.

    So it isSealed the stick, and played back and forth in the hands twice, smiling, "Oh…What a fun weapon. ”

    Liang Feifan has been killed for a long time and has rich experience in combat. After several rounds and turns, he has felt that a long battle is not good for himself. At the moment, it seems that he has realized something, which makes the extraordinary brother more vigilant.

    "You can't keep your strength anymore. If you drag it down, you may lose it…"If you think about it in your heart, Liang Feifan will carry out ten successes, and will push the heavens and the earth to the limit, and the ice silkworm will suddenly come out.

    This hand in the palace straight forward, take the key, the palm of the hand is fierce; because the use of full force, and no extra movements, so the speed of the move is also faster than his previous performance.

    "not bad."I didn’t realize that the palm of the hand was so airtight that it came out of the cage, and sincerely boasted the other side, then…Then he used a single hand to make a move [Fal King Yan kills Purgatory Jiao].

    Since it is not easy to dodge, it is the trick.

    The fire attribute of the fist, the palm of the ice attribute, the property is cheap, as long as the energy level is not too much, you can easily resolve the opponent's offensive, if it also prevails in energy, it is even more handy. .

    Booming –

    When you are stunned, the collision sounds one after another, and the shadow of the fist is wrong.

    Under this positive confrontation, the gap between the strengths of the two sides quickly manifested itself, hitting half…Liang Feifan’s arm is already sore and weak, and the internal force that was lifted is also being worn out in the middle of the move.

    In desperation, the extraordinary brother had to smack a palm, the variant to withdraw, and turned to the shape, jumped out of the battle circle.

    I didn’t even catch up, because in this round of confrontation, in fact, he also ate a small loss…

    CutA good ice silkworm poison palm…"When I felt that I was recruiting, I looked at the word "poisoning" in my status bar, and my heart whispered. "Although the ice attribute was dissolved by me, the 'poison' force was still passed through the palm of the hand. Can't be immune…"

    On the other side, Liang Feifan’s heart is full of horror: “There is no reason! This kid can also win with a single boxing opponent and my palms, and it is also very easy to perform…His skill is clearly above me. BUT…Why didn't he directly fight with me and use the nunchaku to fight? Could it be…Is he intentionally teasing me? ”

    Didn't wait for him to think more, waited a little longer and then killed it.

    Just a few seconds ago, I felt that my brother did not move. It was to observe the actual effect of the "cold poison" of the other party. After confirming that this poison can only produce a slight deceleration effect, and the blood loss is not fast, it will decide if it is not…First solve the enemy, then detoxify yourself, so as to avoid repeated poisoning during the battle and waste the props.

    Ping pong ping pong…

    It was too late, and at that time, Liang Feifan had not breathed back in a breath, and another round of nunchakus had been hit.

    This time, the unrecognized style of play has changed. Although the action is not yet skillful, his swaying technique has been pumped back and forth from a simple one-handed hand to a two-handed rotation. Whether it is attacking rhythm, power, or Move change…Both have improved more than one grade before.

    OhIn the face of the more powerful ice and fire double attribute combo, Liang Feifan secretly screamed, he knows…This round of attacks, and then use the inner strength of the body is not good.

    Sure enough, after the actual move, even if the extraordinary brother puts up the posture and moves his arms and arms, it is equally preventable.

    And the seal does not feel this side, squatting in the body to win the extraordinary, playing is not happy; its position is like a ghost, left and right flash, elusive, and in the process of this continuous battle, his double The sticks are also getting smoother and faster.Obviously, compared with the special forces who were dealt with with one blow, this small BOSS that can withstand multiple attacks is a good stake for practicing sticks.

    "This way it won't work…Staying in the green hills, there is no firewood, you can’t give your life here…"In the retreat of the festival, Liang Feifan’s thoughts have escaped, just…He also understands that it is not so easy to run. "But this kid is faster than me, and it is impossible to escape directly…"Thinking of this, his gaze can't help but go to several nearby entrances and exits. "Oh…Why is there no one to support it until now? ”

    In fact, it is normal to have no support…

    90% of the building is fully automated. Even in this hall, there is no front desk or security guard. Even the cleaning is done by robots. There are many monitoring probes. The security guards in the monitoring room also saw the fight. But the security guards are also the same as the extraordinary brother…They didn’t feel that they couldn’t feel that this “outside martial arts” could take ten strokes from the extraordinary brothers.

    Therefore, at the beginning of the battle, no one thought about what support to call.

    However, the situation is naturally different now…The people in the monitoring room are not fools. Even if they are not high-level, after seeing the situation of the "fire fist to the ice palm", anyone can see that the extraordinary brother has fallen. Until then, they urgently reported the situation in the lobby on the first floor and requested support.

    SlowSlow! ”Finally, Liang Feifan, who was gradually feeling unsatisfied, made the last hand – begging for mercy.

    WhatUnconsciously, he was playing, and he would stop. He asked as he called, "I want to surrender?"

    ‘Yes! I surrender! ”Liang Feifan quickly took over, "You stop first!"

    "Heng!"I feel sneer and sneer. "Do you accept your surrender, is it good for me?"

    I……I can help you! ”Liang Feifan can react quickly in this regard. "You want to steal the company's information, I can tell you that the archives are…"


    His words have not been finished, and a gunshot sounds from behind him.

    At the same instant, Liang Feifan’s leg burst with a blood flower.

    At this time, the extraordinary brother is fully coping with the nunchaku that is not aware of it. There is no extra internal force and spirit to take care of the defense of the lower plate. Therefore, the gun is easily broken, and it is screaming and screaming.

    When he saw his brother, he did not continue to pursue it. Instead, he turned his eyes to the person who shot more than ten meters away.

    "Oh! Liang Feifan! ”At the same time, Liu Xing, holding a gun, also walked over while squatting.

    He received the news of the request for support. The result was just arrived at the scene, just to hear the words of the extraordinary brother attempting to rebel. How could he bear it, and immediately took the gun and gave it to the other party, so that he could To shut up.

    "You…Do you dare to hit me? ”Liang Feifan turned his head and saw that Liu Xing opened his own shot and immediately suffocated his blood.

    "Do you like it?"Liu Xingdao said, "If you don't hit you, you have already said the company secrets. If you don't look at the love on weekdays, I will explode you directly!"

    This is the truth, Liu Xing's method is like God, far above Liang Feifan. If he wants to put the latter to death, this gun must be hitting the back of his head instead of his legs.

    "Heng!"Liang Feifan knew that he was losing money, and his monitoring of the actions had been taken. It was really bad, and he could only argue that "you are crazy!" I just want to use the plan to slow down, how can I betray the company? ”

    "Well, now is not the time to say this."Liu Xing did not want to listen to him nonsense, interrupted, "get the intruder first."

    The voice did not fall, he was "啪啪啪" and opened three shots. The bullets flew to the head, heart and belly of the brother…Although it is a continuous shooting, but the three shots of the ballistic accuracy is terrible, this shot is comparable to the shooting specializes S-class players.

    In the face of such a fierce attack, Feng Shou is also arrogant, and has come up with a hacker-style squatting dodge, escaped the two bullets of the aiming head and the heart, and used the swinging hand to make out [Spiritual One Pointing, the cockroach is holding the bullet that fired into his abdomen.

    All of this happened in just two seconds. After finishing this coherent action, I felt like a show-off. I raised my hand and separated my fingers to let the other person look at the pinched bullet from his finger. Falling down.

    "Smirk!"This way…"Liu Xing understands that the intruder is telling him by action – "It is invalid for me to use a gun."

    "Alright!"In the next second, Liu Xing took the gun with his hand and picked up the internal strength. In the whole body, he opened a more powerful fighting field than Liang Feifan. "Since you look at your own strength, you may wish to teach me about 72. Road [empty boxing]!"

    After all, he is a step forward, his hands are out, and his fists are two ways.

    Compared with Liang Feifan’s one-on-one look and the way of relying on the cold and poisonous internal force, Liu Xing’s boxing method can be described as exquisite, and if his boxing power is unremarkable, he will be soft and tough, and will be virtual.It is already a real place for Dacheng.

    These means, even if you feel the brother, do not dare to care.

    I saw the nunchaku dance and let it swing along a trajectory like the line of "infinity", and retreat to avoid the sharp edge of the air.

    "whispering sound……Liu wakes up this kid…Since the practice of practicing the left and right mutuals, the boxing method has been upgraded to a higher level, and his emperor's sacred sacred sect has also reached the 12th level. The solidity of the internal force is on top of my heaven and earth Dafa…Really hateful…"Liang Feifan, who climbed back to the side, looked at the fight in front of him, but there was a bit of hope in his heart that Liu Xing was killed because the latter had already threatened his status.

    On the other hand, the seal is not between the flashbacks, and the thinking is unbroken…

    “hmm…Defence also needs to be practiced…If I have two pairs of nunchakus, it might be easier, but there is only one pair at the moment. How to make the offensive and defensive transitions, you have to ponder and ponder…"

    When he thought about it, Liu Xing was the more brave in the Vietnam War. After roughly figuring out (at least Liu Xing thinks so) the strength of the other party, Liu Xing Deng opened the "supercharged" ability of "Huangji Yushen" and improved the internal strength. Eight times, he took a half-step attack at an explosive speed and punched it.

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