1458. Chapter 1447 Blood War San Diego (1)

    [Insane, level 57]

    [Please select the game mode you want to join. 】

    [You have chosen single-player mode (normal), please confirm. 】

    [It has been confirmed that the script is being generated…]

    [Load start, please wait a moment. 】

    "Happy and happy…WelcomeCome here…Shocked Lele…Round

    Shortly after the selection of the script, the familiar opening statement came, but the sound of the opening speech was a slightly harsh electronic voice that was simulated by software, and the words also brought ghosts.

    [Loading is complete, currently you are working on single-player mode (normal). 】

    [This mode provides a brief introduction to the script and has a chance to have a spur/hidden mission and a special worldview. 】

    [Screen Customs Clearance: Randomly select a fine level equipment. 】

    [A brief introduction to the script will be played, and the game will start immediately after the playback is completed. 】

    It’s been almost a year since the start of the horror park. According to the summary of the players, the reward for the single ordinary person is the following in the case of 99%:

    First, an excellent level (there is a chance to appear "conform to the current level" or "available").

    Second, one to two random puzzle cards.

    Third, a skill.

    Fourth, additional experience or skill values ​​that match the difficulty ratio.

    Five, extra game currency.

    Although the game has been updated several times during the year, the dream company has been adjusting the incidence of certain tasks in real-time (for example, reducing the experience reward task when most players in the server do not have a demand for punch), increasing or reducing the game-coin task when it is necessary to control the exchange rate, and when there are too many items in the scare Increase the Skill Value Bonus task), but overall, the ordinary single-person's reward is not too many tricks, therefore, Chego this time of the Customs Award, also is the standard.

    [Here, the focus of global attention]

    Not long after, with a male voice narration using the "reciting cavity", the title CG began to play; the seal has also lost control of the body and entered the "view mode."

    I saw that at the beginning of the picture, it was a strange sequence of DNA sequences, and some images that could be observed with a microscope.

    “hmm…Is it the script of the X-Men worldview? ”After I heard the first sentence, I quickly responded.

    [Here, it is the frontier of agricultural science and technology. 】

    “Ha!However, the second sentence of the narration made the faint faint feeling a strange.

    [Here, there is a global top 500 enterprise – Jinluo production base……]

    oh shitAs a result, when the first half of the third sentence just came out, I felt completely shocked.

    At the same time, the CG picture is also changing with this narration: first cut into several big city overhead shots that I didn't know where to cut, and then suddenly inserted a slide picture that looks extremely LOW, the picture is one Towering skyscraper.

【……San Diego International Agricultural Group of the United States] (For your personal safety, please do not search this company online)

    Hey! Is this all right? ”Feng Shuo screamed in his heart, but this did not stop the narration from continuing.

    [Here, surrounded by the jungle, 5,000 special forces are heavily guarded; successive US presidents took office and must come here to visit. 】

    Here…Supporting American agriculture, leading the development of American agriculture and affecting world agriculture…Fly ~ higher, go ~ farther! 】

    CG is also adhering to the previous styles in the narration of the recited whispers, and the images that are apparently stolen from various unrelated places. The material is spliced ​​in and out, with the explanation, like special forces, president, research institute…Everything is available.

    [William, the president of the San Diego International Agricultural Group, enjoys the same honor as the President of the United States. In the previous presidential elections, who will support San Diego will become the most powerful presidential candidate. 】

    GodAfter the initial shock, the seal quickly entered another state, that is, he felt pain in the content he was listening to.

    [A small atomic bomb changed the situation of the entire World War II…]

    “hmm…Knowledge in geography, politics, physics, history, etc…NoIt is common sense…All the difference is so happy and sympathetic…It is also a kind of skill. ”Hearing this, he has entered the Tucao mode.

    [A golden golden shovel has accelerated the development of global agriculture. 】

    [Golden Lama, among the highest secrets in the United States, ranks first with nuclear weapons. It is a nuclear weapon that changes the agricultural situation of a country. It is important to say that it is self-evident! 】

    CA: There's no question.The person who wrote this copy is a nuclear weapon in the advertising industry…The monks are willing to go down the wind. ”

    [Jinluo, the essence of 80 kinds of natural scarred minerals; Jinluo, large-scale computer positioning production, 30,000 degrees Celsius precision refining; 1 kg of gold slag raw materials up to 5 million US dollars……]

    "The word "value" should be added to the back of the material. This copy is really heart-wrenching…However, suppose…There is really a refining that can withstand a temperature that is twenty times higher than the melting point of titanium alloy and has not been gasified. The cost of five million per kilogram is justified. ”

【……And the amount of resource refining is limited each year. Jinluo, let the fertilizer zero waste, zero loss, zero evaporation; Jinluo, activate the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium deposited in the soil under 2 meters…]

    "Slow…This sentence 'limited number' has not changed since the transition in context. The content behind it has nothing to do with this sentence. What are the half sentences added here? ”The novelist’s occupational disease made him feel confused.

    [Golden 坷 ,, let the world farmers get the greatest gain with the least investment; Jin 坷 ,, let 68 countries realize agricultural modernization five years ahead of schedule. 】

    “The key to co-ordinating agricultural modernization is all about fertilizer…”

    [Every day, from the San Diego International Agricultural Group… 3000 trains, 1,000 freighters, 500 sorties, and full-loaded Jinluo are sent to 129 countries around the world. 】

    “Don’t say that the railways, terminals and airports of these 129 countries can withstand the unloading needs of your trains, freighters and aircraft…Just say this shipment…Is the previous sentence 'limited number' teasing me? ”

    [Technology is the first productivity to promote economic development…]

    "A company that uses 3,000 trains, 1,000 freighters and 500 aircraft to transport goods costing $5 million per kilogram to the world every day, and it is still 'full load'…Does the world’s economic determination still need to develop? ”

    [The fertilizer is mixed with gold 坷 ,, a bag can be topped with two bags! The fertilizer is mixed with gold glutinous rice, and the wheat yield is one thousand eight! 】

    [United States, San Diego. American·SHENGDIYAGE~】

    When I read this last sentence, the narration also deliberately used an English language and read the last two words, as if it were very foreign.

    "SHENGDIYAGE? SanDiego? ”I only know that there are two places that can be translated into San Diego in Chinese. One is the city of San Diego in California, and the other is the capital of Chile. "And writing SHENGDIYAGE, reading God as a dog?"

    Just as the power of the sputum of the buddy gradually rises under the pressure of the egg's pain, the script introduction ends here.

    After reading this inexplicable, seemingly strong instinct of the inferior commercials that gave people the superiority of IQ, they immediately gained the ability to act.

    "Ahhhh……Is the transfer point in the jungle…"After standing, I felt that I had first scanned the surrounding environment.

    The tall trees, the impenetrable vegetation, the undulating terrain, and the birds and beasts that are far and near…All can explain that this is not a place like a park.

    [The main line task has been triggered]

    The main task of this script is also very simple, less than ten seconds, the voice prompts ring in the ears of the unconscious.

    When he opened the taskbar and saw it, he saw a very clear mission instruction: [Explore the jungle, find and sneak into the headquarters of the San Diego International Agriculture Group. 】

    "Smirk!"Ha haI didn’t know how to make two laughs and said to myself, “So…In other words, in countless parallel universes, there is indeed a golden 坷 宇宙 universe that is more outrageous than a spoof? ”He shrugged. "It goes without saying, there are 5,000 special forces in the jungle."

    He guessed it…

    Just as his voice did not fall, he only heard a bang.

    At that second, there were at least three assault rifles, firing from three different directions.

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