1450. Chapter 1439 goes through time and space and makes every effort

    The seal ran and ran on a road made up of spirits.

    Yes, in this seemingly unbounded space, there is actually a road, just…The genius of the genius, that is, using the data perspective, can not see the road.

    But at the moment, after getting the instructions of Yan Guiren and the gift of his [Jade], he knew where to go.

    "Puyuan that guy…sure……"In the running, I feel that my brother is still muttering, "This hand stalks the pillars and crosses the sea…I have deceived everyone…"

    The "Puyuan" in his mouth is exactly what Puyuan has helped in the script of "Super Dimensional Fight".

    At the beginning, Infinity told the abandonment of the Emperor–"Blood Yu was hidden in the ordinary magical body by Puyuan, and the demon will be stationed in the ancient city. His ability and intelligence are very mediocre, so it is impossible to find the collapse of jade. In your own body. Puyuan is an extremely intelligent person who hides the most important treasures in the enemy camp. I really appreciate his approach, so when I found the collapse of jade, I quietly transferred it again…In turn, it was placed in the opposite side of the opponent's line. ”

    In this case, the Tiandi letter was abandoned, because Infinity did not lie.

    Then, I learned that the fallen emperor of the "Blood Jade" went to find the stranger who was out of bounds, and pulled out the collapsed jade from his body, and then left the super-dimensional space controlled by Infinity.

    At first glance, things have come to an end, but in fact, the abandonment of the Emperor and Infinity do not know, and did not find out in time…That "cracked jade" is fake.

    Puyuan Xisuke is a superb person, and among the people who are in the same position with him, there are also wise men of this level; they are a group of people, what kind of intrigues can’t be played?

    The truth is…Long before the "Unparalleled Wudou", Puyuan created a piece of fake jade that was enough to be chaotic, and like the real goods…Carefully hid it in an unexpected place.

    This object, originally for the dewford will be outside of another series of tricks and buried the foreshadowing, and this plan is a very critical link, is to let the finito (that is, the false far Lu Zhi) "found" that piece of jade, and found that it is genuine.

    As a result, Infinity really counts…Although Puyuan’s presuppositions were not unfolded, after a long period of misunderstanding, the person who was finally pitted (God) became abandoning the Emperor…

    Of course, what happened after the abandonment of the Emperor’s possession of the fake collapsed jade returned to his own dimension, has nothing to do with this article.

    The point is that the real [Blood Jade] was handed over to Yan Guiren after the "Super Dimensional Fight".

    This "Yan Guiren" comes from a parallel universe in the world. After the "Kingyun Mountain Battle" in that universe, the dying Yan Guiren was saved by "Destiny" and brought back to the thrilling paradise, becoming a special NPC; its mission was to serve as "destiny" "The figurative executors in the multiverse, moving through various worlds, carry out some actions that "destiny" is inconvenient to implement.

    There are two main tasks for him this time: First, confirm the power acquired from the doctor's side of Manhattan, and simply test its ability level; second, hand over the collapsed jade, and hide the hidden reef in the well. Mystery.

    At this stage, he completed the task quite neatly…I didn’t hurt my brother, and I didn’t have to worry about my brother’s time.

    "Oh ?" 这是After running for nearly ten minutes at a very fast speed, I finally saw a gap like a "door" in front of my eyes.

    Previously, Yan Guiren had told him that "the reincarnation" is not as powerful as the NPCs of the main universe thought…In fact, it is just a "tunnel"; this tunnel is the "back door" used by "destiny" to connect various time and space. Yangui people enter here through many multiverses.

    Of course, not everyone can walk freely through this “tunnel” that is well-connected. Apart from the special NPC of Yan Guiren, other people who come here will definitely “get lost”.

    For example, if he does not know, he will come to the underground and use the "data perspective" to see that it is a piece of white, and it is the same with the naked eye. No boundary can be seen. If no one guides, he will be in this "endless" world. Lost in the middle.

    Therefore, he only needs to use [Blood Jade]…The effect of the collapse of jade is "to develop the inner desire of the person according to the development of his own mind, and then realize the realization, but the condition is that the holder must have the strength to realize this desire."

    Right now, it is precisely because I don’t want to know "Where to go", so when he holds [Blood Jade], he can "see the road."

    "Yeah?"When I came to the "door", I couldn't help but find that there was a spiritual sign next to the door with a line of words – [Please note that in a normal-sized living room, Chuck There are 1242 Chuck_Norris that can be used to kill your objects, including the room itself. 】

    HeyWhat does that mean?After I saw the sentence, I stopped immediately.

    In the general sense, the warning sign does not have any intimidating effect on the buddy, but this piece is not a sign of the warning sign, but it stops him.

    The reason for that is quite simple.The name of Chuck Norris appeared on it.

    No wayDidUnexpected thoughts flashed, and a series of messages appeared in his mind.

    At the beginning of the 21st century, an article entitled "The 100 Most Known Facts About Chuck Norris" appeared on the Internet, and as a result, a "legend" was born.

    Like the legends of "Bloody Mary", "Don't look in the mirror at midnight", "Stealing thief and killing butcher", the "faith" of countless people has turned into a kind of actual energy, letting some of them come from imaginary thing……In a dimension that we don't know, or can't reach…It became a reality.

    "There has never been any weapons of mass destruction, and some are just Chuck Norris…"Soon, I thought of one of the hundred facts and combined it with the purpose of jumping off the well of the reincarnation. "Well…So to say……Behind this door is…"

    Just as he thought about it, suddenly, the text on the signboard in front of him changed and became—[If you can see Chuck Norris, Chuck Norris can also see it. you. If you can't see Chuck Norris, you are not far from dead…]

    Hello?I didn’t understand the meaning of the sentence almost instantly. He had no choice but to rush into the door while making a complaint. After all, he didn’t want to be given a second by someone he hadn’t seen yet. .

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