1445. Chapter 1434 is the way to the future

    Opening the seal of the reincarnation well should have been a very troublesome thing.

    The secret space hidden under the king city requires at least seven ancestral monsters or elders of the monster kingdom to be present, and the seven "people" together "practice" before they can be opened.

    Fortunately, due to the current state of the kingdom, the high-level monsters are basically gathered together…Not to mention the seven elders, seventeen can get together.

    In addition, the situation is critical and time is tight, and there will be no objection to stop the squad jumping.

    Ever since, in just ten minutes, they have not come to the entrance of the reincarnation.

    "There is a respected brother who can respond to me here, and the rest of you will go outside to defend the city wall."Before leaving, I would like to explain it. "If the city has been compromised and people are dead before I come back, then my trip will be meaningless."

    "I feel a brother…Okay ah……"Xiao sang looked a little worried. "No one of the elders knows what the downhole is. I think you are a little bit hanging."

    "otherwise……I am going in with you? ”It’s a suggestion, “Two people’s words, what unexpected situation, and room for manoeuvre.”

    "No need."Feng Shuhui replied, "Even if you are looking for someone to walk in, in terms of character ability, Xiaoshen is more suitable than you. It is too wasteful to kill your monsters."

    "Then I…"Xiao sing just wanted to pick up.

    He also interrupted: "But I don't want you to follow, because once I fail, your 'power of time' and 'black inflammation' will become the only remaining means of fighting against the devil."

    HeyDon't suddenly say that let me brush the strongest BOSS in the universe…Just think about it, I feel a lot of pressure! ”Xiao sighs this spit from the heart.

    In fact, Xiaoshen is very strong, but he is always in the same line with those super-class players. This line…It is because he does not have the "will to fight"; because of his gentleness and kindness, he is somewhat resistant to the act of "killing"…Unlike those who can "enjoy the battle," Xiaoshen is a very passive type in this regard.

    Therefore, although his potential and hard power are fully qualified to rank among the top masters of the thrilling paradise, but because he is not subjective in pursuing the willingness to fight and become stronger, he is basically impossible to produce a "single-handed fighting spirit and try to It kills the idea.

    Interesting…I will say that. ”Don't feel to small sigh very understand, he also don't want to let the latter bear those unwilling to bear the things, so he always use that kind of relaxed attitude to say the worst possible, in to peer to establish a psychological defense, while oneself is to undertake the most rigorous challenge of preparation, "Rest assured that I will succeed in getting the strength back, before …"You have to cheer too. ”

    "Heng!"You don't have to say it, we will work hard. ”Hearing the words, the king was cold and snarled.

    "Understated, I took the baggage of the mountain to let us back, huh…It is indeed your usual practice. ”Billy laughed.

    Bill also made a timely ( ̄.̄) expression.

    Nice! I also fight! ”Xiaoshen is a very motivated look, and it really belongs to him.

    "Since you have said this…I also promise that it will last until you come back. ”I am convinced, "I believe, relying on the strength of all of us…Monster kingdom…The last line of defense of this main universe will never die today. ”

    “hmm…Everyone's momentum is good. ”At this time, only Yan Zun did not integrate into the hustle and bustle of the people. "Is it finished?" Hurry up and defend! AND YOU..Hurry! When you talk about it, maybe you have lost hundreds of people! ”


    After the cold water in the Zangna basin was poured out, everyone was scattered.

    Wang Sighzhi, Feng Huai, the Billy brothers and the founder of the king left the underground space and returned to the wall to start fighting.

    And I don’t know…After gazing at the huge wellhead that was blue and white like an abyss, he opened his arms and came to a chic "faith of faith" and jumped into the well…

    The feeling of falling is very strange, the feeling of wind across the cheek, the feeling of gravity dragging the body, the feeling of water or other substances covering the body…None at all.

    As if, all sense of time and space…They all disappeared in an instant.

    At the same time, there are countless whispers, flashback pictures, and pure "emotions" and "ideas"…Unstoppable into the sea of ​​feelings.

    This kind of feeling is like a lantern that was experienced before death, but it is not his own lantern…It is the stellar light of countless other people and even non-human creatures.

    Just a few seconds, this experience is enough to make people crazy.

    However,I feel that I feel like…Very cool.

    Perhaps it is because his soul is special, perhaps the system protects him from his mental breakdown, and perhaps…He was a madman.

    In this well, the seal does not feel like a fish, it is like using your own soul to do a smooth bungee.

    And as he gradually indulges in this pleasure and is about to get lost, this strange sense of body suddenly disappears.

    When he returned to God, he was already standing in a huge space, and it seemed to have infinite boundaries around him. All sides were similar to the spirits, and they emitted unclear substances with soft light.

    “hmm…InterestingThe consciousness of restoring consciousness looked up and looked up. His head looked like an inverted abyss. "Which world is in the well, which world is outside the well…"

    Just as he talked to himself, suddenly! A very penetrating male voice rang…

    "Where is it, where is it, and why?" People, just knowing where they are going in the future, is enough…"

    "Dare to ask…"I couldn’t help but look back and follow the trend, "…Who is coming? ”

    When the voice falls, the other person's figure is already present.

    But see a person, holding a long squat, slowly coming; its posture is quite straight and the hair is fluttering. Among the black hairs, the forehead two plaques are mixed with a few silver and white, under one body, it is a dark black armor.

    "Hurricane dip, ask the way cold, who is drinking together, who dares to be off? Yan Yan is not returned to the people! ”

    I don’t think that I can respond to my own…It is actually a poem.

    "Yan Guiren?"I didn’t even think that I would meet here and meet a person who should belong to the “霹雳” world.

    "I don’t know."Yan Guiren…I also know that I feel that I have been waiting for a long time."

    "Oh?"He smiled and said, "Do you know me? And know that I am coming? ”

    Yan Guiren did not answer his question, but he answered coldly: "There is something…"When he said that he would put a long squat on his shoulder, he set his posture in an instant, "…Finished and said. ”

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