1439. Chapter 1428 to Black Night (4)

    "Is Linke and Eide's technology mastered?"I did not feel thoughtfully chanting this conclusion, and the other possibilities that the conclusion can be derived from the brain have also passed.

    After a few seconds, he asked again: "You just said…She will also 'improve' the redundant? ”

    "Yes."Billy responded, "In order to allow these guys to survive in the main universe for a long time, Twenty-three has made some modifications to their structure."

    There is a problem with this. First of all, this is not what the NPC will say; secondly, even if it can be said…Where did he learn about this kind of thing?

    How do you know?Suddenly, he raised questions.

    “It’s a derivative called Chi Iron that tells us.”Billy said, "I think you know him too. He is a Z organization."

    "Oh?"I don’t know how to brow a little. "Is the red iron still alive?"

    Hearing this news, I feel quite gratified. He is really worried that Chi Tie and Wing will be killed by Twenty-three at Tsukuba Island. If so, he will also bear certain responsibilities.

    Right now, I heard that the red iron is not dead, and the seal is also relieved; since the red iron is still alive, then the wing that shares the same body with him should be fine.

    "Alive, and gave us a lot of useful information."Billy replied, "If it weren't for him, maybe a few of us will not talk to you here now."

    “hmm…Feng did not feel nodded, and his thoughts returned to the information he had heard. "So…As you said, the improvement of Twenty-three is to 'allow the redundant soldiers to survive in the main universe for a long time'. Does this indicate that…The original redundant man is unable to survive here for a long time? ”

    ‘Yes!Billy replied, "There is a lot of stuff…To put it bluntly, it is a low-order redundant creature created by the higher-order 'redundant creatures' of the derivatives; compared with the 'complex' derivatives, the redundant nature of the data is very simple and ' Purely, so when they are active in the main universe, the 'highest will' can be easily positioned and directly obliterated. ”

    In other words …Twenty-three improvements make them less 'pure'? ”At this moment, I heard a key to it, and asked homeopathic.

    "Smirk!"Hearing the words, Yan Zun took the words and smiled. "It is not a difficult thing. In fact, she collected the data genes of the organisms that existed in the main universe, and randomly added them to the production line of the redundant soldiers. Every redundant soldier has a little bit of data attributes of the native universe's native creatures."

“……In this way, the system (the two words are said by the singer, falling into the ears of the NPCs will transform themselves into the meaning of the word with the highest will). It is more troublesome to search for the coordinates of these redundant soldiers. and……The amount and complexity of obliterating them will also increase dramatically. ”I immediately understood the meaning of the other party and answered, "Oh…It is indeed a good idea. ”

    “Is it time to admire others?”The king of the king used his "unhappy" look to see the brothers vomiting.

    Unexpectedly, there was no response. Billy quickly stopped the words in order to stop him from lifting the bar: "Actually…Those ordinary redundant soldiers are not the biggest trouble. After the 'improvement', the data purity is lost. They are actually weaker than the original. Even if the number of these guys is endless, we are not taking them. Method. BUT…In the Red Army, there is also a group of extremely tricky guys – the raids. ”

    The sweeper, the independent redundant disk array; Link and Aide used to code this creature [RAID] (Redundant_Arrays_of_Independent_Disks), they are in accordance with the "main force in the super-dimensional invasion to clean up the powerful players and NPC "This concept has been designed.

    The intelligence of the sweepers is the same as that of the redundant soldiers. They are not AI life bodies. They do not have the ability to think and learn. They only follow the command actions. However, compared with the redundant, the combatants have a qualitative leap. One has the equivalent of a third-level derivative, and…They are equipped with a "tactical control module."

    No wayUnconsciously, his expression changed slightly. "The amount of strength produced by the masses certainly cannot be changed in a simple way to change the basic structure."

    "However, Twenty-three has succeeded in improving it."Billy said, "Although we don't quite understand the principle, but according to the red iron…She used the data gene of 'Infinit' on her own stalker. ”

    "Slots are lying!"Unexpectedly, an excitement spoke out a swearing word, but it was not blocked. "That ……As far as you know, what is the total number of such raids? ”

    I'm not sureBilly replied, "But it shouldn't be too much, because they are basically single, the only time they appear, it's…"

    "It was the day when I attacked my pirate group…"This second, Black Beard naturally took over the words of Billy, and read with his hoarse voice, "Oh…I remember very clearly, seventeen…One is not much…A lot…"He is like a standard alcoholic, with some dispensable nonsense in his sentence, as if waiting for his own brain to keep up with the rhythm of the words, "Twilight…Seventeen guys, whom you call the raids, lead countless redundant soldiers…On the sea, surrounded by Queen Anna’s Revenge.

    "The hybrids didn't tell us a word, no negotiation, no mercy, no surrender…

    "Before the war, my crew knew that this was a kind of embarrassment they had never played.

    "Our opponents are not honors, not bounty, nothing…These bloodless and tear-free guys have only one goal until they can’t move at all…That is to kill us with nothing left. ”

    Speaking of this, Blackbeard lifted the bottle and poured a rum. Then he looked awesome and said very heavy words: "We…Wins

    He used "we" instead of "me"…As a notorious villain, a wicked pirate who basically does not care about anything other than his own life…I am afraid that only he knows what kind of experience he has made him firmly add the word "we".

    After all, the black beard still looked up and pulled his collar with his fingers and pulled it down to reveal his neck.

    There was a sly wound on his neck. It was impossible to judge by observation, and what kind of attack he had suffered would leave this terrible scar.

    "Unfortunately, I don't have the feeling of 'victory'."Two seconds later, Black Beard laughed and laughed at himself. "The loot I got was probably a fake leg and a nephew that sounds sexy…"He paused, "And what I lost…"He glanced around the empty deck and shook his head again, "…Too many

    As far as this is concerned, he seems to be unable to say anything. After drinking another drink, he looks into the distance with his turbid and chaotic eyes, and once again falls into silence.

    For a time, the atmosphere on the deck was dignified. When it was really necessary for someone to come out and be active, no one answered.

    After a long ringing, I still opened my mouth and said to Billy: "So…What is the situation of other forces? The Kingdom of the Dead, the Kingdom of Monsters, and the Church of the Devil…"

    I'm not sureBilly said, "Now two-thirds of the entire main universe is chaotic scorched earth. The outside is not a wandering, brainless monster, or a patrolman…We can't contact other people in power. In addition, there seems to be an accident in the world. The Z organization and the Origin people have not appeared again for a long time. It is estimated that they are also exhausted. ”He paused for a second and said again, "But, a while ago…O'inke has come here for a trip and sent us some news…"

    "Oh ?" Some of you have been chased and killed, but the second brother can actually be outside? ”Feng Jie did not pick up.

    “hmm…This is a very important piece of information that I will say next. ”Billy Road, "'Mirror'…It seems to be safe at the moment, even if there is no way to invade that space. And O'inke, he seems to have reached an agreement with Dorma (the god of eternal life), so he can use the mirror world to shuttle back and forth in various places to convey the message. Although his news cannot be confirmed and the timeliness is unknown, it is better than nothing…"

    "What intelligence did he tell you when he last came?"Hearing and asking again.

    He said,Billy just wanted to answer.



    Around the gray void, suddenly there was a strange sound.

    CutWas it discovered again…"The king of the dynasty looked up and looked around. "It was only recently that I changed to this place…"

    Just as he recited this sentence, a piece of data stream light has emerged in the gray void, and it is clear from the perspective of data. It is clear that there is a huge amount of redundant tearing space cracks. And got in.

    "Get out of Shimen!" I fled back to the chaotic scorched earth and went there to find a solution. ”In the next second, Yan Zun immediately said loudly.

    In fact, it doesn't matter if he doesn't say it, because this is obviously their only way out. When the noise sounds, Billy has let Bill push the stone door through telepathy.

    Fortunately, it takes time for the redundant soldiers to invade the space and to get close to the ship. These few tens of seconds are enough for everyone to escape.

    Soon, Shimen opened again, and the Billy brothers took the lead to run out. The respected brother and the old king followed closely. Xiao sighs, sighs and seals also went to Shimen.

    Hey, you floating shred! What are you still making? ”Before going to the door, I couldn't help but look back and found that Black Beard was still sitting on the back of the mast and drinking alcohol silently. "Can't you get up on your own?"When I talked, I felt that I was going to marry him.

    "Let's go…"However,The black beard waved at him and said in a calm tone, "The great black-bearded captain will not abandon the ship and escape."

    Feng did not know the meaning of this sentence, he also respected the meaning of the other party.

    “Fine.He felt that he had stopped, and he stared at the other side for a few seconds, Shen Shen, "Goodbye, Captain."


    Shimen, closed again.

    On the boat, there was only one black beard left.

    The look of the sea tyrant has never been as calm as it is now; in this calm, even…Still with a bit of stunned.

    When the tens of thousands of redundant soldiers were surrounded by the sky, the black beard just got up and started slowly, raising the crutches in his hands…It is easy to hit the stone door not far away into pieces.

    When the stone landed, the array drawn on the deck faded, announcing that the portal had completely failed.


    At this moment, the black beard slowly paced on the deck and sang a song with his hoarse voice…

    "We swig, we plunder, we do what we want~

    "Can we get all the money without a penny~"

    "We will pack you first, then take your girl away~

    "We are chaotic pirates!"

    As he walked across the deck, many of his former faces came to his eyes, as if…Those people are still on the boat, just beside him.

    Mr. Vogel seems to be sitting on the barrel and reprimanding the clumsy newcomer…

    Erdini stood at the helmsman's seat and stared at the apple…

    Garlic, Godfrey and Mardy are still playing their poker games under the mast…

    Nesru still arranged his own cake head with a mirror like a fool…

    And the two real fools of the Mark Brothers waxed the door of the captain's room under the slap of the scorpion…

    At this moment, Black Beard sang the sentence: "Let's come together!"

    However,No one came to him with this sentence "YO~HO~HO~"

    Because on board, he is left alone.

    "Re-voice '咿嘻嘻'!"Knowing this, the black beard still sang.

    "We are in the sea of ​​chaos!

    "We are brave and scare you, we are chaotic pirates!"

    When I sang this sentence, a redundant soldier boarded the ship and rushed to the black beard.

    When the black beard squatted with one arm, he grabbed the redundant neck and stopped the momentum of his forward rush. Then, with a force, he screwed the redundant head.

    "We left our hometown, left our mother, for plunder and carnival~

    "We will cut your ears, interrupt your toes, and let you drink our urine!"

    There were more and more redundant soldiers on board, and there were also raids, but when Black Beard was against the enemy, he did not stop singing.

    "If you sail to our waters, it is best to listen to this decree~

    "We will take your boat and throw you down the sea~

    "We will happily blow your face and cut your work to feed the crocodile!

    "Because we are chaotic pirates!"

    The number of redundant soldiers is still increasing, and it continues to emerge from the gray clouds, such as locusts covering the entire Queen Anna’s revenge, the black beard…It has gradually been obscured and swallowed up in the vast sea of ​​soldiers.

    But until the last moment, he still used his injured scorpion to sing the song that belongs to the pirate.

    Singing the sentence, "Nobody will come to drink YO~HO~HO~"

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