1433. Chapter 143, the sixth member of the Hell Front

    Although I was fully prepared before I entered the login space, when he opened the mailbox, he was still a little scared.

    "The last time I received so many emails…Still in the battle of S1 Butterfly and her fight…"Jue Ge looked at the number of messages with five digits, and reluctantly read.

    After many updates, the social system of the thrilling park is naturally more and more abundant and perfect, and correspondingly, some related rules have also changed.

    In the current version, it is very free to send and receive mail between players, but the system-level "regulation" has become more stringent; today's system has a leap-forward improvement in the ability to distinguish "spam" from the beginning of the game, almost It has reached a similar level to the real person review.

    In addition to swear words, disgusting words without dirty words, spam composed of various garbled characters, and advertising mail, some more complicated methods are now…For example, Tibetan poetry, a combination of current events, mulberry, specific graphics made up of various symbols, etc., all can be screened and shielded.

    And once the player has sent the kind of blocked mail, in a long period of time can no longer send a letter to the other side, in addition, even if the system is determined to be malicious harassment of the mail, for a period of time, if a player sent to the other party's mail did not receive a reply, he will not be able to repeatedly send multiple messages to the

    In summary, the current anti-harassment mechanism of the game is still in place.

    ButEven so, Jue Ge still received tens of thousands of messages; it is not difficult to imagine that if there is no system to stop, it is likely that he is not five digits but seven digits waiting for him…

    “hmm…I am very unhappy, you are a bad guy '…'I dislike youCan you stop the heartbeat '…'絮 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇 殇

    I can't help but quickly browse through those emails, and most of the emails make him laugh and cry.

    Due to the existence of the system audit, these people can only try to find out the words that will not be blocked in order to deliver the mail. The result is…The things that were sent to the end were extremely "harmonious", and people who saw it would not be angry at all, and even felt a little cute.


    Hearing brother just watched for two minutes, a tone suddenly sounded, showing a friend to talk to him.

    He looked at the window, and sure enough…It is [絮怀殇].

    After thinking about it for two seconds, I chose "audio communication only (can be video, but I don't think it is necessary because he doesn't think it is necessary)", and after the communication was established, he spoke first: "Hello."

    "Hello there."It’s all right.

    "You are really slipping through this sudden wave of attacks today."Just after greeting, I feel that the brothers are in a tone of tone. "Are you going to play first?"

    "Smirk!"She naturally knows what she is saying, and she is also teased. "I think you are dealing with threatening mail now?"

    "Yeah, these intimidating efforts are between the kindergarten class and the small class, and it seems that it is a coquettish email. It is a nightmare."I don’t know how to spit.

    "You will endure a few days, and in any case, it will be reduced in a few days."In a hurry, "Where is it like me…I suffer from this kind of harassment every day; in addition to intimidating the mail, there are confession, arrogance, and the most outrageous is that some people have regretted the bad things I have done on weekdays…"

    "You are you, I am me."Feng did not know, "Do you not say that you usually go out often can not buy a line and do not line up?"

    After saying this, it’s obvious that it’s been stunned for two seconds, and then: “Hey…How do you know that I can usually go out without paying for a line? ”

    "Reassured, I am not a follower."I don’t know that the other party’s 80% is thinking, “I’m just making a reasonable guess.”

    The next second, the tricks of the shackles increased: "I went to the store for a cup of coffee, from the waiter to the foreman, saying that I am a lucky customer and don't have to give money…Isn't this my problem? I went to the playground to play. There are always people in front of the team who want to invite me to go with them. Isn't it my problem? I am also very troubled! ”

    "Turn off my ass!"Feng did not know, "Look for your parents to go!" Put on the mask and go out again! ”

    The two men inexplicably confronted a few words, and they were silent for a few seconds.

    Afterwards, I still sneaked back the topic: "Okay, say something right, I don't want to come to your community?"

    "No!"I don’t want to think about it.

    WhyAsked about it.

    "Our community is very low-key."I don’t know how to seal it.

    “Ha!Listen to the tone of your voice…She seems to want to laugh, but forcibly restrained. "Do you know that you are more famous than all the players in many studios?" Besides, the front line of your hell is the champion of S2. How can you keep a low profile? ”

    “So you want to increase the visibility of our community by more than two times now?”Feng did not ask.

    "I don't really care about those.""I only know that your club is strong and I feel good about the team atmosphere."

    And…?Feng Jie did not pick up.

    Feng Huai was asked a question: "What else?"

    "There is still a key reason why you didn't say it?"I don’t know how to seal it.

    “hmm…After hesitating for a moment, after some thoughts, she felt that this matter could not be overstated, so she said, "Okay…I think that you have a good chance to win the S3 championship. ”

    "Hey~ This is right."I didn’t feel fluently in the air. “If you want to hold your thighs, you can say it honestly. I’m honest at first, maybe I will consider it.”

    "So how are you thinking about it now?"It seems that I am a little impatient, and I followed it.

    Not working either.The unspeakable power is on the rise.

    “Why?”Having a word and a word, "Yes, yes, no, OK?"

    “Because our community is not only very low-key, but also very democratic.”I can't help but return. "I have no right to decide if you can join. I have to ask other members to answer you."

    "As long as they promise you, you promise?"It’s awkward.

    ‘Yes!I don’t know, "but…It must be that everyone in our community agrees, and a veto will not work. ”

    "Do you have five people in your community?"It’s awkward.

    "Yes, so every vote is very important."I feel that the brothers take it for granted. "You think of us as the UN Security Council. Every member has a 'one-vote veto'."

    "HO~ Although I have never heard of this kind of rules in our community, since you have said so, I hope that you can follow this in the future."

    Just then, from the communication channel, another person’s voice was heard.

    This person said that the tone of this sentence is similar to that of the singer, but the voice is much better than that of the brother.

    EhThe first reaction of Jue Ge is that he has got it wrong. "What is the situation? If it rains? ”

    "I feel that we are all here four at the beginning…"Then, the opposite voice came a little sigh.

    "All in…WhereI didn’t want to ask and asked.

    "In the meeting room of my sister…"Xiao sighed back.

    "After a while, you recognize a sister, right?"It’s almost instinctively squandering, "Do you say that you are going home fast enough?" Do you not take a nap when you return home after eating hot pot? Going online is better than me! ”

    The more he said, the higher the voice, because he realized that his and his conversations were all carried out on the sidelines of the four teammates on the front line of Hell. Although he did not say anything out of the way, it was secretly monitored and not The feeling of self-knowledge is always not very good.

    So,You know the general situation. ”After a few seconds, the voice of the sly voice came back. "If your ticket is okay, come over to my conference room and add me…ASG Head of Mission


    When they were invited to enter the conference room, if the rain, Xiaoling, Xiaoshen and Miss Anda have been waiting here for a long time.

    Something unexpected to him is that the goddess of floe has arranged his own conference room into an environment similar to the "exercise room". There is basically no entertainment facilities. In addition to the conference table, the whole room can comfortably sit down. There are no places.

    “hmm…This is the conference room for professional players…It is indeed a reference. ”I didn’t feel welcome after I came in. I walked to the side of the crowd and sat down.

    "Not all professional players will be so arranged."In a hurry, "At least the studio I was in before did not ask the players for activities in the rest area…"She paused and said again, "The layout at the moment is just my personal preference…Because sometimes you have to wait in the conference room for a meeting, feel free to idle, it is better to use those hours to exercise. ”

    Obviously, it is not only the talent of the game, but also a very hard-working player.

    In fact, she is probably the most hard-working one of the active players.

    From the earliest use of keyboard and mouse to the development of the game, to the future of holographic games gradually popularized, the professional game circle of female players have never stopped discrimination; With the changes of the times, people's ideas are gradually changing, but to this day, there are still many people holding "the game technology of female players is necessarily weaker than the male players" inherent impression, As long as the female players mentioned, the focus of their attention will be focused on the other side of the appearance, and then there are some hype or distorted lace news.

    Admittedly, from the "video game" This thing was created when the overall strength of the male player has been overwhelming, the game field began to become professional, especially so; for a long time, male players in professional events lost to the female players are extremely rare, and occasionally a well-known male athletes lose on such a, Basically to be spit groove to retire, and even after retirement will continue to spit groove …

    However, by the time they were not aware of their use of neural connection technology to play games, the number of female players and the overall strength had significant hints, which made the above situation a little changed.

    It’s a flag-like figure in this era.

    She is the first female professional player to win individual championships in international competitions regardless of gender. At least in the middle of the 21st century, this is still unprecedented.

    Perhaps in the eyes of outsiders, a girl like a singer can only live a very "easy" life with a face, but in fact, because of her appearance, she is letting her professional players go. It is even more bumpy.

    Undoubtedly, even if she doesn't want to, she will inevitably be treated differently on various occasions; therefore, at the beginning of her career, she is subject to all kinds of harassment. A variety of questions.

    She has suffered unfair treatment more than once because she refused some non-discrimination requests.

    The honours she has earned through hard work have been attributed to "respecting the appearance" and "depending on the relationship" by more than one person, and…There are many people who are willing to pay for those rumors.

    However, she still came over…At the end of the game, the game itself will not lie after all.

    She used ten times, or even dozens of times, of other people's efforts and efforts, and finally got the recognition of the players at the game level, finally let people remove their sights from her appearance, to recognize…She is a professional player and one of the top players.

    The hardships and bitterness of this road will only be understood by myself.

    Today, as a professional player, she no longer needs to prove her strength, but…She still has one regret, that is, she has not yet received the honor of “winning the group”; therefore, this time she joined the front line of hell, it is equivalent to sealing the treasures of them…

    Of course, her experiences and thoughts are unclear. In the end, I don’t know what to do.

    However,As a woman, if the rain feels more delicate and sharper than this, when she sees the news of the release, she has already thought of something…After that, after some intentional or unintentional temptation, although the ambiguity is still tight-lipped, but if the rain has understood, the fuse of the smashing and red cherry this time, it is her red Sakura VS hell in S2 Several decisions made in the front line of the game.

    After learning this, if Yu Yu’s heart gave birth to a few unspeakable emotions…

    In fact……The characters in your account, and these resources, are you after the cancellation? ”Unexpectedly, he did not comment too much on the “personal preferences”, and he quickly asked a question that he was more interested in.

    "Well, it belongs to me personally."Go back and forth, "but…During the period before the cancellation, the studio has also recycled all the resources that can be recycled by various means, which still hindered my normal game to a large extent…So the upper limit of the level is open to the present, and I have not been able to practice a few levels. ”

    "Oh~" The voice of the other party has not fallen. I feel that my brother has figured out some doubts that I had not figured out before in Linyi Town. I whispered in the mouth, "No wonder…"

    “hmm…In a word……Then, Feng Qiao also glanced at the friends present here. "Since everyone has no opinions, I invite the goddess of floe to join the group?"

    "How do you change the name of me first?"Take care of you.

    …hehWhen I heard this, I felt a bit of a twilight on my face.

    "If you dare to say the word that begins with 'four'…"Now that the rain has arrived, I have already heard that the garbage of the brother has not been exported, so I can already understand the extent of the slot. "When we say hello tomorrow morning, there may be uncontrollable incidents such as physical conflicts."

    “Ewww.”The seal that was seen through was a little uncomfortable to swallow the rubbish that had already reached the mouth, and then looked at it and said, "That way, you said what I call you."

    "You are older than me, so you can do it."Go back and talk.

    Questions abound.I don’t know what the color is, "In your brain, the powder…For example, in front of people like the guards, should I prepare individual names? ”

    "No, no matter how you call it, they are nothing more than a 'death penalty', 'must kill' and so on…"The smack of sorrow has also squirmed a groove.

    Ha haHearing a smile, "Okay…"He said, he called out the game menu and invited the community to invite him to "Welcome to the big family on the front line of Hell."He tweeted for half a second, adding, "Of course, I can't guarantee that you can take the S3 champion."

    “No.”Unexpectedly, I still haven’t responded to it. If the rain is in a very firm tone, “must get it…”She looked at her, "not that we're helping you, but everyone is going to take it…The winner of S3. ”

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