1401. Chapter 1391 begins to reason very quickly

    Unsurprisingly, the knocker was Sergeant Dust; he just sneaked a few door panels and pushed the door in.

    "Hey~ you really drink it."As soon as he entered the house, the sergeant’s gaze fell on the bottle of wine that was not in front of him, and he spoke aloud.

    At this point, the expression on the face of the sheriff has become very relaxed, and behind this "relaxation" is an undisguised attitude that "the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water."

    It’s not a good thing for Piper to accept John’s advantage, and no matter how much he is afraid of Herbert’s power on the island…After the telephone number of the Minister of the Interior, these factors no longer exist.

    The left word used the action to convey a message to the sheriff – the point of John Herbert's power, resting on the island, may be the king's level; but in front of the truly powerful people, he is also a little home The owner of the cannery who ordered the money.

    "Mr. Sheriff, you are coming right."When I saw Dowst, I also smiled with enthusiasm. "How about the 'flower bud' worth hundreds of thousands of pounds?"

    “Ha!Dodger heard the words and laughed. Obviously, he used the words of the brother as a joke. "Well, this kind of wine has exceeded my total pension. I can see God after drinking."

    During the conversation, the sheriff had turned to the wine cabinet and took a glass out, then he walked to the sofa next to him.

    Looks like…He is really planning to drink.

    On the other hand, Zuo Yan and Sam also followed the sheriff to the room; the two of them walked in one after the other, not too slow, from the look of the two, it is also a matter of heart…

    When they entered the house, John had restored the calmness that he should have, so these people did not know the storm about the red wine.

    So,How is the progress now? ”When the three of them were sitting at regular intervals, they couldn’t help but look up at the left and raised the question.

    It stands to reason that this matter should be asked by Dust, after all, he is the person in charge of the scene.

    But I didn’t feel it, but I asked the left word directly…Or, ask Vidok.

    Because I feel very clear, except for myself, the person who is closest to the "truth" (cat), only Vidok; even John and Sam as parties, the understanding of the whole event may not be comparable Brother and Vidok are two bystanders.

    “hmm…The left words first sank for two seconds, then immediately followed, "No doubt, this is a simple small case."

    It’s just the opening remarks that have made it difficult for the seal to determine one thing – at the moment, the person (cat) who is talking to himself is not a left-handed but a Vidok.

    The left word is a person with a bleak character. Only in some sudden and critical situations will he become decisive and even aggressive. In normal times…He is often a kind of warm-hearted attitude, and he is very modest in dealing with people; he can't say the simple words of "simple small cases".

    And Vidok is different, this cat is extremely conceited, his mantra is "I am Vidok", he often uses these five words to answer some of the questions raised by the left.

    Why are you here? What did you do? How do you know that he is the murderer? How do you reason about this motivation?

    The problem with this is that the left words are often presented to Vidok, although not every time, but there are still many times…Vidok responded with "I am Vidok."

    It's like asking Batman – "How do you catch the prisoner?"

    At this time, Batman does not need to talk to you about the process of reasoning and action, just need to return you: "Because_I'm_batman!"That's it.

    The situation of Vidok…The same is true; detectives like him are directly proportional to their arrogance and ability, and he does have arrogant capital.

    Right now, he is using the dialogue of the mind, through the mouth of the left, telling what he wants to say.

    It is impossible for others to think of…The left words are actually retelling the words of a cat who does not know where to hide, but as the creator of these two characters, it is clear to them.

    “Ha!The voice of the left voice just fell, and Doster, who had already drunk half a glass of red wine, gave a sign-style laughter and interjected. "It seems that our detectives are going to start the reasoning show. I have only seen this in the movie. I didn’t expect to experience it once in a lifetime."

    "Yeah."I am also looking forward to it. ”In the next second, Sam also followed a sentence and used a three-pointed, seven-point look.

    In fact, at this point, he did not have the need to open his mouth, but unfortunately…Sam is not a clever and skilled criminal, and he is inevitably a guilty conscience; therefore, he used this pretense to make a relaxed tone and said such a sentence to cover up his nervousness and anxiety.

    In this regard, it is not a better way to stop the emergency, but it is really a rhythm of the pig teammates.

    The meaning behind Sam’s move is that it is the detective of the level of Jue and Vidok. Even the left-handed and even the Sergeant Dust, you can see one or two; as for John…From the very beginning, he decided that this matter is related to Sam. No matter what Sam does, he can take a seat.

    All in all, Sam’s speech has no other meaning than to make himself more suspicious in front of everyone…

    So,After a brief but embarrassing silence, the left words reopened and said to Vidok. "In order to better let everyone in the room understand the passage of the case, I will follow the chronological order…Let me talk about the cause and effect of the whole case. ”

    Speaking of this, he paused and adjusted his breathing.

    Don't know, this is actually Zoyan waiting for the next paragraph of the Vidocq, because the soul of communication also takes time, while listening to the voice in the mind, the side of the statement, but also a very difficult skill, even if the left word is now very skilled, but also difficult to avoid their voice and the voices in the mind overlapping formation of interference situation.

    "To explain today's case, first of all, we have to mention the legacy of the Herbert family many years ago."Two seconds later, the left words continued.

    Unexpectedly, he just spoke, and John interrupted him: "Mr. Zuo…Is this something too far away? ”

    The left words have not returned, Sam sneered and screamed: "Hey…Why? Are you afraid that something ulterior has been revealed? ”

    Gentlemen:They stopped interrupting them decisively. "Pay attention to your image. You are a gentleman, not a shrew…"He said, he looked at John. "Mr. Herbert, if you can't make a more appropriate and fuller reason than 'too far away', then please let the left-speaking classmates finish the words… ”He finished the sentence, half a second, added, "Otherwise I will feed you to eat."

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