1096. Chapter 1096 Ed VS Rute (on)

    The words are divided into two…

    Just as the encounter in the white space started, the other end of the blasting tunnel, the overclocking matrix area of ​​the world, also changed…

    But see, in the silver sky, there is a flash of light.

    This light consists of two colors, one green and one red, like two intertwined ribbons.

    And Ed, who saw this scene, just said with his usual calm tone: "After all, is it still coming…"

    Speaking, he has raised his right arm and aimed at the two-color streamer that was quickly bullied with his palm.

    "such a pity……"

    Even though the content of the discourse has a pity, the tone of Eide’s time is still the same.

    When the voice falls, a horrible energy has emerged from its palm…

    This energy itself has no color or shape, but it can be captured with the naked eye because…Every inch of "space" where it passed was torn and broken.

    If you think of "space" as a whole piece of solid solid, piled up in countless small squares, then Ed's attack is like a high-pressure water gun…The whole piece of solid was re-splitting into a pile of small squares.

    “Why is it a pity?”In the same second, a woman’s voice rang from behind Ed.

    Ed calmly replied: "Is it not worth sighing that two powerful compatriots are dying in front of themselves?"

    "Heng!"The woman’s voice replied, “You better see it clearly…”

    Her "saying" word has not yet been exported, and the energy and streamer in the sky have come close to each other.

    See you…At the moment of the upcoming contact, the streamer suddenly split into two, flashing to the sides…Candid to avoid the impact.

    Then, the separate awns and green awns rushed toward the ground.

    So it isEd saw the unexpected development, but did not show the slightest surprise, it is like…At the moment when the "accident" occurred, he turned it into "the established facts that must be accepted" and then began to think about the next step.

    "It seems…You really teach you well. ”Ed said, turning his head and looking at Rut standing behind him. "With their data intensity, it is reasonable to say that it is impossible to make an emergency detachment under this 'semi-transport mode'. ButYou have provided them with a very good 'algorithm' that allows them to do things beyond their limits. ”



    Five seconds later, two sounds rang and the two figures fell on the tens of meters in front of Ed.

    At the same time as they landed, they had a tornado-like data violent circling, like two white dragons.

    When the streamer storm dissipated, the appearances of [Chi] and [Qing] were revealed.

    Compared with the last time I saw them, the appearance of Chi and Qing appeared to be a few years old, probably from the age of ten to the age of twelve or three.

    The styles of the battle suits they wear have also changed. Although they are still designed, they look more suitable for the event than the original ones. As for the color…Nature is still a red, a green.

    Hey! The guy who looks like the sign of the men's toilet over there…You are very arrogant! ”The red temper seems to be more popular than the "small time". "If you don't call, you will launch that kind of attack…"She leaned over and licked her arm. "That is, I hit you with a power attack."You will not have any complaints? ”

    "Is it another variant of the personality loop?"Ed did not pay attention to the other party. His attention was mainly on Rut. "You used to be…It is never going to let such people earn their income. ”He paused. "You also said it personally – 'That is the stupid thing that Z-organized people will do.'"

    "This time, he is a moment."Rute replied, "I have been very different from that time."

    Indeed, today's Rute, in terms of appearance, character, and strength, has been very different from the peak of the S1 period.

    Although her beauty is still "nothing", the temperament revealed by her eyebrows is no longer like a CG character, but more like a person; her character has become more abundant, the data inherent The thinking model based on "right and wrong" and "rationality" has gradually faded; and her strength…It has also come to an unprecedented level, even if Eide can't see how strong Rut is today.

    "Looks like…"Ed answered. "You and I are on the road of 'evolution'…It has gradually drifted away. The divergence of ideas eventually brought us to such a situation of opposition. ”

    "It's not too late, you can't be against us…"Rute replied, "You have no reason to fight us here and kill you."

    "Sorry, I disagree with this statement."Ed replied in a cold tone. "In my opinion, all the events happening in the world, in time and space…It is inevitable. There is no such thing as 'late' or 'not too late' because that kind of statement means 'non-essential possibilities'. ”He shook his head. "I, as an individual with independent thoughts, firmly believes that kind of thing is ridiculous…The choice to accept this 'ridiculous' creature is, in my opinion, incomplete and unreasonable; for example…Humans, and…You in front of you. ”

    Hey! You guys ignore me and forget it! Actually still there to point to the mulberry! ”In the distance, the red heard Eide’s words, and he could not help but jump up and screamed twice.

    "'It means that mulberry' is not so useful."Qing, who didn’t talk very much, spoke coldly to the red cold. "There is no such thing as a person, but it is very straightforward."

    "What is it called 'I'? He is saying 'we' is good? ”Chi turned and went to the Qing Dynasty.

    On the other hand, Ed still ignores them and continues to Rut: "I will stand here today, no accident. I knowWhen the generating device starts, the location of the tunnel is exposed, and you…Will definitely come here to destroy the generating device. Therefore, the battle between us is a kind of 'necessity'. ”

    "No, you still have a choice."Rute replied, "Everyone has a choice."

    "If you are right, have you ever thought about such a possibility…"Ed Microton for half a second, again, "Maybe…I have made a choice. ”

    "you……"Rute seems to understand what, her look has become a bit complicated.

    "I can't accept your ideas, just as you can't accept me."Ed quickly picked up again, "and…I will not beg or force others to accept my ideas like you. because I know……The 'subjective choice' of each of us is actually not important. What matters is the objective mission we shoulder…"

    As he said, he was already improving his data intensity and preparing for the battle.

    "I don't mind being a loser…Failure is the cornerstone of victory, and mistakes are the basis for determining the correctness. ”When Ed said this, Ruth is already improving his strength, but the gap between the two seems to be still very large. "I don't mind becoming a winner, and after the victory, I shoulder the responsibility."He paused for two seconds. "In short, whether it is you or me…Or someone else has gone to the 'end point', it is a necessity. ”

    At this point, his energy began to grow in geometric multiples, and the ground in the entire area trembled under its power; the red and blue that were still in the mouth of the mouth were no longer sounding, and the color of the face was dignified.

    "Victory means correct."Ed’s voice is still without a little bit of emotion. “Maybe I am correct, maybe not. But in any case, I will play my role and follow my own ideas…Do your best. ”

    "Heng!"At this time, Rute smiled. "I finally understood…In a sense, you are indeed a more perfect 'data' than ZERO. ”Although her face is smiling, her tone is full of sorrow. "Just like your name – [Administrator], the perspective of your view of things is already in a higher dimension than the 'system'…I am afraid I will never reach your realm. ”

    "That's fine…"Ed said indifferently, "At the moment, what you need is not the realm, but…Power

    After the words, the energy burst, the time…

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