1091. Chapter 1091 Double Rabbit (middle)

    CutAnother difficult guy…"Oda loved to see Barney after the move without injury, and then snorted, shaking his wrist and then a knife.

    This time, Barney went straight to the sideways and flashed over. In the air, he also said loudly: "Hey~ calm down~ man~"

    "Love, be careful!"At this time, due to Oda's love attack, the wise letter has been freed from the suppression of the rabbit starling, she took the knife assists in the first time, and said, "The real strength of this rabbit is unfathomable…Don't be fooled by his appearance. ”

    "Ah~ I know."Oda Aitou did not return to the ground, "I can see his reaction and movements clearly…"At the same time as she spoke, the offensive was also unsettled. "In all the NPCs I have seen, there are also few physical skills that can reach this level…"


    on the other hand

    A few seconds ago, when the members of the Warring States launched a raid, Xiaoshen was naturally attacked.

    Takeda Takeshi, Uesugi Ren and Sasaki Mori killed him in three directions.

    However, Xiaoshen was standing still in the calm, and the lines did not move.

    Because he knows…The "other rabbit" has already shot for him.

    But see, after the rabbit sent the brother to send the first move, into the battle group, the second words do not say first in the direction of Takeda Chi in the direction of drinking a trick: "short hair god boxing upright – daybreak live!"

    The voice did not fall, the brother's hands were already sent forward, and a fight of anger came out of the air, and went straight to Takeda.

    In the previous battle of the Lord of the Battle Time, Takeda Chi is the most seriously injured member of the Warring States team. Although she can still fight at this time, it is impossible to crack this move forward. Therefore, at this moment… …She can only choose to give back and dodge.

    Therefore, the first of the three people was forced to retreat with a remote attack.

    Immediately afterwards, the rabbit was spinning in a non-stop manner, and its body shape dragged out the layers of phantom, and it flashed to the other side of Xiaoshen, facing the Shangshan Ren and Sasaki Maki who had been killed by the horns.

    "Ha–" is a long drink, the rabbit has a double foot and a step, the horse is standing, the arms are on display, and the painting is round; the movements are like flowing water, and they are not defeated.

    "Short-haired god fists secretly – the skybreaking posture!"

    Everyone knows that it is common sense for a two-dimensional character to report a move name when fighting…Hair is no exception.

    He said this, it’s really effective…

    Uesugi Ren and Sasaki Mori also rushed to stop and stopped the momentum.

    Of course, they are not stunned by the name of the move. They just judged that the other person put a skill similar to “as a skill” based on his own combat experience; and…Judging from the visual temperament, the intensity of this move is very amazing…This situation is something that cannot be touched.

    "What the rabbit is coming to…"The cold sweat of Uesugi Ren has come down, "…So strong. ”

    "Yeah."This pressure is about to break through the sky. ”Sasaki's expression is like a state of constipation for a week. After a little discretion, he suddenly picks up a sentence. "No…I have to make a move! ”

    "Tricks?"Uesugi was stunned and looked at his teammates. "What trick?"

    Her doubts are justifiable, because Sasaki's "trick" is neither a skill nor an item, nor a title. His trick is something that can't be shown to teammates in data form before the game.

    I believe that someone has already guessed it, that is – [the soul].

    "Look at it, rabbit…"In the next second, Sasaki Maki squinted and sighed, "Twofold!"

    After the speech, his figure was suddenly blurred, split into two, and turned into two afterimages.

    And the afterimage was instantified in an instant, and it became…Two identical Sasaki.

    "Oh ?" This is interesting…"When I saw the rabbit, I immediately changed my mind. "I have seen a lot of abilities, but they all have one basic thing in common, that is…No matter how many avatars are separated, there is only one real body. ”He paused, "But, this lord…Actually, two real bodies were separated, which is really extraordinary. ”

    After listening to NPC's comments, Uesugi was surprised to see his teammates: "Do you actually hide this killer in the dark…"

    "Not a killer."Two Sasaki Maki replied in unison, "I just found out by chance…After you separate yourself, the pressure will be halved. ”

    to soundIt’s like figuring out the pathogenesis of multiple personality schizophrenia…”Xiao sighed after the medical doctor heard this, immediately spit a very precise slot.

    (Two) Sasaki Maki did not pick him up, they just looked at the rabbit brother in front of Xiao Yan, and said in unison: "Rabbit, you are really powerful, but it is here…"

    The voice did not fall, and the two figures went to the sides of the hair brother along a completely symmetrical trajectory, and at the same time they rushed to shoot.

    "Live to kill.Sixteen nights moonlight! ”

    This…It is the strongest killing skill of Sasaki.

    Although the skill itself has not yet reached the level of S, but…With the "double body" to make it out, its power is far more than twice the original.

    To be likened…His attack is equivalent to two first-class fighting players to make a continuous connection, and the "two people" consciousness is still the same. From this point of view, it is almost the same as the gesture of the rain.

    OhJust at the moment of the other party’s shot, Xiaoshen’s thoughts flashed in his mind. “There is no such thing as a defensive means of escaping in the eyes of the Lord of Time, and this attack by Sasaki in front of him…Eighty percent of the 'turning dragon breathing method' is unstoppable; no matter how you look…The hair brother only used the 'nothing to reincarnate' to hide this way. ButHe is standing here now to protect me. It is very likely to give up dodging because of my existence, so that…"

    Mind here, Xiaoshen's body has instinctively moved, and consciously issued a clear voice. His intentions are also very obvious. This is to remind the hair brother who is in front of himself – I have left the place, and you can use it to avoid reincarnation.

    However, what Xiao Xiao didn’t think was…Hair brother did not mean to avoid.

    This moment, the face of this short-haired god fist boxer is a calm expression.

    Just when Sasaki Mori on both sides came to the front, the legs of the rabbit's brother suddenly left the ground, and his body became a state of hanging cross-legged.

    "This fine warrior…"When the brother spoke, he smiled and raised his hands on both sides of the body. "I am sorry…It is extremely unwise to attack me from both sides at the same time. ”

    When I heard this, both Sasaki’s faces showed a stunned color, and an emotion called fear made his pressure double again…

    "At least let you die without pain…"At the time of his speech, the killing has already appeared, "short hair has a love break!"


    After two scorns, the two boxing styles containing soft fists were blown out from the left and right hands of the brothers, and penetrated the double body of Sasaki.

    The latter's two physiques are stagnation, and the survival value falls to zero; and his arrow is on the string…Nature has also been strangled in the recruitment stage.

    Damn it…The rabbit is still carrying the skills of a 'dead' effect…"Sasaki's bones are not cold, and Takeda, who is behind the sigh, has come back and witnessed her teammates killed in her heart. "Hell frontline can find such a strong NPC to help, this is a foul!"

    Depressed and depressed, Takeda Chi still attacked the scalp. Because she knows that the current situation has not allowed them to wait and hesitate any more…

    Before the start of the game, the five players of the Warring States team were already in a state of being defeated by the Lord of Time. They took advantage of the number of people to launch a siege against Xiaoshen. This battle, this is the pursuit of quick fix…It is the best result after five-on-one speed recovery on the spot.

    However, the two rabbits' agitation caused the battle to change abruptly; the five-to-one situation became a situation of "a player who is almost full and two strong NPCs, and a team of five players who are almost bloody." .

    Right now, the Warring States lost one person first, and the situation is worse. If they stop the offensive, then there is really no chance.

    "Damn rabbit, don't look too young!"A few seconds later, Takeda screamed and slammed the samurai sword in his hand toward the ground.


    A strange, crisp sound rang, announcing that Wu Tianzhi had risked the death and the overdraft spirit released the special ability of her title [Rahshouhou]…

    [Name: Rakshasa Tianzhu]

    [Special ability type: active]

    [Consumption: Spiritual value 500]

    [Effect: Convert a 10-meter-diameter, cylindrical area into a "戢天柱域" (30 seconds duration, 24 hours cooling time, a perfect level or more when launched) The sword-bound weapon bound by the operator is temporarily enclosed in the subspace.)

    [Note: All players, NPCs, and monsters in the Tiantian column will not be able to use skills, items, and other special abilities. Units in the Tianzhu column cannot be killed and cannot make any attacks. All physical or non-physical injuries, special effects from outside the Tianzhu column…Both will fail after entering the column. Living organisms inside and outside the Tianzhu column can freely enter and exit the area, but entering or leaving the column will immediately lose 95% of their maximum survival. 】

    At first glance, this skill seems to be a waste of time on both sides of the battle…Under the premise of knowing the effect, the people inside will definitely not take the initiative, and the outside people will not take the initiative. It is futile to launch an attack from the outside. It is futile to seal the enemy and the enemy together…

    how to think……This trick is not worth the "spiritual value of 500" such a huge consumption.

    However, the skill of this kind of thing is strong or not…The key is to see how the player uses it. As long as some specific conditions are reached, this trick will become a magical skill.

    for example……

    Eh…I’m just talking about myself…”Uesugi Ren sighed, although her words seemed to be blaming her teammates, but her movements were not delayed. "Then I can only…"She held the handle with both hands and raised the samurai sword.Has been condensed on the knife, "to accompany the end…"

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