1089. Chapter 1089 at the end of the time domain (below)

    From the perspective of the five players in the Warring States, the "twelve seconds" did not exist.

    Therefore, their feelings…Basically it is watching a video that has been cut off in the middle.

    Although they did not blink, the scene in front of them has undergone a very abrupt change.

    Just nowOda’s reaction is also extremely fast. “Has time been suspended again…”

    "Ahhhh……It seems to be. ”Takeda took care of the wound at this time, supporting him from the ground and picking up, "but strangely…From the position and posture of the two sides before and after the stop, sigh…Seems to have moved? ”

    "If you look at the ground, you don't know…"Sasaki is still lying on the ground like a dead fish, but he seems to be clear about what happened there. "The place where the sighs stood before the stop…I left a pit that was about the size of the main fist of the time, but the sigh of the person was not in the pit. This has already explained everything? ”

    "You mean…"At the time, Uesugi was changed to a posture of sitting cross-legged, and he was trying to recover. "He is the same as the Lord of Time…Can you move freely in areas where time stops? ”

    "This is the only explanation, isn't it?"Sasaki said, "It’s not always the time Lord to take the initiative to move the other person out of the place during the stoppage, and then throw a punch in the open space?"

    In other words …The wise letter took over the words and analyzed, "The four abilities of the Lord of Time…There are already two sighs that have been cracked…"

    CutIn the next second, Oda snorted and snorted, holding the sabre at the waist and stepping up.

    Hello?You are again…"Takeda Tomoshi wants to stop each other.

    But the wise letter interrupted her immediately and quickly said: "Forget it…Let her go. With the character of love, it is naturally impossible to accept the fact that 'five people, including themselves, can't win, but they are picked up by another person alone'. ”

    Takeda’s words, silent for a few seconds, sighed: "Hey…No matter what. Anyway, she should have noticed it too long – the time of the Lord’s time can only be triggered once every minute; again…There is no sign of recovery on the defensive field; with the strength of love, as long as you enter the barrier, you can play a big role without skills. ”

    So,When Sasaki said these two words, a squid hit it and smashed from the ground. "Are we supposed to…Prepared early. ”

    Hello?Did your guy's injury level be similar to love? Then you are lying there, a ghost? ”When Takeda saw this scene, he immediately smashed up. She really wanted to go up and take a break from the old love-killing substitute.

    "Lying down can ease stress."Sasaki said in his gloomy tone, "My psychologist taught me."

    "you this……"Takeda is preparing to burst.

    The wise letter stopped her again: "Oh…Now is not the time to spit him; and…Sasaki is right, we should be ready. ”

    What preparationAsked by Uesugi on the side.

    The wise letter is slightly changed, Shen Sheng said: "Do you still ask, of course, prepare…"


    The words were divided into two. When the four people in the Warring States spoke, the battle of the Lord of Time did not stop for a moment.

    One minute – this is the "death time limit" declared by Xiaoshen.

    He is not a person who loves bluffs, so…He can say such words, and he must have certain certainty.

    And the Lord of time, but don’t think so…

    "The arrogant ants, you will pay for your ignorance!"At the end of the stop, the Lord of Time will sing high and follow the trend.

    Its body skills are undoubtedly worthy of the title of "God". Even though it is not the pillar of the gods who are known for their melee ability, it is still stronger than the non-divine unique data in the main universe.

    Give a concrete example…Even if the Lord of Time and the Samudur, Bill (Billy's younger brother), or Cao Qin are fighting to fight speed and strength, it also has the upper hand.

    So it doesn't feel like a player in a district can pose a threat to himself in melee.

    At the time, I saw that the two giant arms that were suspended on both sides of the body were swayed at high speed, turning into two groups of shadows, like a hurricane caged to Xiao sigh.

    "It seems that you don't understand…"Xiao sighs in an icy tone, and flashes like a ghost to the other side. "At this moment, I will appear here…"Halfway through this, the Lord of Time, like the hourglass-like body, has a black burn scar. The burnt place just shows the path of the little sigh movement, "…It’s not accidental…"

    “Why?”What is this black inflammation! ”The Lord of Time seems to be still not listening to the words of Xiao sigh, this moment, it is horrified that his self-healing ability has failed.

    "Before I came here, my ability to know you is clear."The words of Xiao sigh continued, and his attack did not stop. The sigh of the sigh blew the body of the Lord of Time again and again, and the huge size of the latter became an insurmountable burden. "My weapon It can crack your defense barrier and can restrain your self-healing power; my body, which has been with the power of the sand of time, has been adapting to the influence of this material for a long time. And my speed…Also above you. ”He paused, "Overall…I am your nemesis, a special assassin to deal with, in the words of some people – the man who stabbed God. ”

    When he said this, Oda Ai also rushed in from the gap of the barrier, and cut it against the master of time.

    "No way?"The panic of the Lord of Time has been revealed from the tone, and its actions have been confused by the disorder of the mind. For a time, it will be defeated and pardoned. "I am the supreme god, and I will be defeated in the area…" …"

    "So far, you guys dare to call me like this!"Oda love did not listen to their previous conversations. She only took the other party into it, and immediately violently danced a frantic knife.

    The body of the Lord of Time has been bruised and bruised by black inflammation. The wounds that can't heal themselves are like a ant nest on the dam. Now they are slammed by this violent multiple attack. This "dam" I was embarrassed for a moment…

    叱 bells –

    After a strange cracking sound, the main "hourglass body" fell apart, the transparent part of the outer layer collapsed and splashed, and the internal sand rushed out and smashed.

    This hourglass seems to be the "living" of the "time master". When the hourglass is destroyed, its head and hands are also turned into silver sand and scattered.

    It's all.The Lord of Time became the first four-column god to be "killed by the player" in the true sense.

    At this point, the devil is defeated, the spirit of the king, the court is reversed, and the Lord is destroyed.

    The four-column god, the name does not exist, it is also dead.

    Of course, this "twilight" is far from over.

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