1069. Chapter 1069, waiver

    November 15th, late, 9:40.

    Ma Junxi, the famous professional player "swallowing the sky", was successfully rescued by the police.

    Said to say "save out"…In fact, he was "released".

    Shortly after the arrest of Dongfeng, the three kidnappers received a "telephone command" to release the hostages. Although they were hesitant, they did.

    A few minutes later, the sneaks who left the residential building were quickly protected by police officers hiding in the dark.

    Late, at 10:15, after meeting with the family, the ghost went to the hospital for a simple check. Then, at his own will, he followed the Zen brother back to the unit to prepare for the game.

    On the other hand, the three “executives” who kidnapped the ghosts executed the “retreating plan” at ten o'clock. The result was…He was arrested as soon as he went out.

    In the absence of hostages, it is easy for the police to subdue them…Until the three policemen were arrested, they were aware that the last few instructions did not seem to be "planners".

    Unfortunately…They think it is too late.

    Under the instigation of the Nine Branches, the police listed the three executors as the main suspects, and the case ends here. Deputy Director Zheng and the other undercover are also jailed soon…Their hand scripts are not clean, so they will be threatened by the east wind; after this, the two will be dealt with together.

    And Dongfeng…When I fell into the hands of the Nine Branches, I didn’t even know what the fate of this goods would be.

    Anyway, the brother did not follow Bao Qing into the headquarters of the nine divisions. After confirming that the ghosts had been rescued, he let Xiaoshen (tonight, the handsome and handsome doctor drove his car to the friend and returned to the driver). I went back.

    Looking at the whole incident today, the only secret that has not yet been revealed is…"The identity of the mastermind, that is, the identity of the person who spends money to hire Dongfeng.

    Of course, who is this person…it is not important. After Dongfeng entered the Nine Branches, it will definitely give the identity of the employer. Even if he is really very professional, he will not die…With the ability of our ancient chiefs (the sciences, when the ancient dust was young, they mainly did three occupations, namely: doctors, hunters, and detectives), and they could find out the identity of the mastermind only by reasoning.

    "Having a huge asset", "having the ability to participate in huge illegal gambling", "can contact the criminal counselor of Dongfeng"…Those who meet these characteristics are not difficult to find. It’s clear that I’m not aware of this, so he didn’t add any extra knives to dig deep into the clues of the mastermind. He just saved the ghosts and went home with deep knowledge and fame.


    November 16, zero.

    The last semi-final of the peak of the S2, finally started after nearly two hours of delay.

    At the request of the sneaky and his family, the order did not announce any news about the kidnapping in the daytime.

    In the eyes of the audience…Everything is normal, just waiting for a wonderful win.

    However, no one thought that the final result of this game would be…


    WAIVERSWhen I saw it and my teammates saw this announcement in the conference room, I almost uttered such a sentence in a suspicious tone.

    Who can think of…The battle for the peak of the order of the gods will end with the absurdity of the gods.

    No wayThere is no reason for this…"After seeing the news, Huajian was puzzled.

    Perhaps…Is the kidnapping case today really related to them? ”Xiaoshen said to Xiangjue, "When they find that the ghosts are safe and sound, they will be guilty of guilty…Directly abstained? ”

    "No…Shi Long is not such a person. ”The seal was closed with a slap in the air.

    Shi Long is the real name of [Shiva] in reality. He used the name of an Indian god in the game, but in reality…He also has a rather resounding name.

    "Although I am not very familiar with him, I can see that…This guy's character and character are not bad. ”Hearing his eyes and looking at Xiao sigh, "Speak up…He is also a rich second generation. ”

    HeyWhy do you talk to me when you talk about the rich second generation…"Xiao sighs can not help but spit a slot.

    “Fine.Unexpectedly, he turned to look at the three beautiful women in the team. "He…It is also a rich second generation. ”

    The voice did not fall, the snacks on the hands of the three people flew out at the same time, and quickly felt a face.

    "OK~OK~" I felt my brother wiped my face and said again, "He is similar to Jin Fugui…It is also a rich second generation. ”

    After all, he looked at the reaction of his teammates…Take the example of the track, everyone seems to have no opinion.

    So, I did not know what to say: "As everyone knows, the second generation is also graded…For example, your family is roughly equivalent to the grade of the Crown Prince of the Arab States; and Jin Fugui’s family, counting real estate, has assets of over 100 million, but it is far worse than you. ”He paused, "As for Shi Long, their family…More than a dozen times more than the gold rich family. Therefore, it is also in the early 20s, relying on the support of the family to start a business…Jin Fugui can only start from a small game studio, and Shi Long is directly from a big company. ”

    Jue Ge said, took a drink from the table and said: "Speak a word…I think that in terms of operational capacity in the real world, Jin Fugui can catch up with Shilong for up to two years; obviously, the latter is more suitable for being a professional player, in terms of operations…Shilong is basically a shopkeeper. In the years after the founding of the gods, the daily size of the studio was taken care of by others. I think of youThis is also the reason why the gods are always pressed by the order; fundamentally, Shi Long is not a businessman. He often looks at the problem from the perspective of a player or a team captain, not a capitalist. Look at the operator's perspective. Although in some ways, such an approach has its advantages, in the long run…It is not conducive to the profitability and development of enterprises. ”

    "Okay, don't pull away."When I saw the buddy in the flower, I quickly brought the topic back. "I just said why you think he would not go to kidnap the kidnapping."

    Very simpleFeng did not feel convinced, "the motivation is not established."

    Gosh? According to the usual logic…He is the most motivated, isn't he? ”Xiao sighed.

    "No!At this moment, Xiao Ling interjected thoughtfully. "It looks like that, but the opposite is true…"

    “Correct.”Feng did not feel nodded. "People are paying attention to the 'results' of the game, but they ignore the meaning of the game…"

    Having said that, the flower room has a bright turn, and suddenly realizes: "Yes! Shiva’s fancy is not only the result of 'victory', but more importantly, the process of winning. ”

    "Also."Jue Ge took a snap and answered. "From the "Stunning Paradise" service, the ID has been used for the 'strongest' title, whether it is the official leaderboard, the player's spontaneous ranking, or In various media reports…He is the first person to be recognized as a game. masterThe strength of the order of 'drunken dreams' is not necessarily stronger than the 'four gods of the gods', but because of a sneaky god, the gods are also suppressed in their most proud 'war power'. ”He paused for two seconds and answered. "And to change this situation, there is only one way…It is to defeat the order of the ghosts in the game, to prove the strength of the gods. ”

    "understood……"The rain on the side is also closely following the thoughts of the buddy. At this time, Shen said, "For Shiva, this confrontation with the order…Perhaps more important than the final. He is the least hoped that the ghosts can't play…Because he needs to defeat a sneaky order, he can make a name for the gods. Conversely speaking…It doesn't make sense to win a team without a sneaky entry into the finals. ”

    Yes!The flower also took over, "If today's order is defeated by the ghosts, it will be defeated…People’s evaluation of ghosts will not be reduced, or even become higher…"

    So all hail to that.Shilong had no reason to do that. ”I didn’t know what to say at the moment. "In addition, we just discussed…"In order to advance to the finals and kidnap the main players of the opponent's motive, only the surface motives can be seen by anyone; the real motive…As I said to you before (this time I feel that my brother has told my teammates about the daytime), it should be related to peripheral gambling. ”He spread his hands, "and that…It is even more impossible to relate to Shi Long…Not to mention that people are not bad at home, and they are earning legal money…It is said that Shi Long’s character is also a type that will never go gambling. I haven’t played against him once or twice. His stable fighting style is similar to the blade’s [breaking army], which is the absolute rationality. Such people are very strong and proud in spirit; luck, or gambler psychology, in their view, are bad habits of the weak, conspiracy tricks and 'take a chance' and they are not very good at them…They are all people who like to use their strength to let the other person lose their conviction. ”

    "And that 'mastermind'…"Huanhua followed the words of Jiao Ge. "Is it a dirty gambler?"

    "Smirk!"I don’t know how to sneer. "The word 'gambler' can't be matched. The 'dirty' is not used properly, but you know what I mean."He shrugged. "In any case, Shi Long will never be related to today's kidnapping. He happened to be ignorant of what happened during the day…"Saying, Jing Ge looked up at the ceiling and showed the color of contemplation. "The gods suddenly abstained…There must be other reasons…"


    On the 16th, it was 3.20am.

    After being bombarded for hours by various news, emails, and telephone calls, the exhausted Schron finally returned home.

    About three months ago, Shilong and his fiancee held a wedding, but the two of them lived together a few years ago.

    Their home is a villa in the urban area of ​​S City (there are few villas in the urban area, but there are still some, of course, the price is very…Very expensive), the villa is not far from the headquarters of the gods, driving in ten minutes.

    Shi Long’s wife went to work in his company and gave him an assistant; the two went in and out together every day, very loving.

    But tonight, after Shi Long drove his wife back home, she let her go back to the room alone.

    And Shi Long himself…Then I came to the study, locked the door, and sat behind a desk…Fall into meditation.

    The wife did not come to bother him, she understood…At this time, she didn't have to ask anything, she didn't have to say anything.

    This is a moment when a man needs to be quiet.

    However, I am afraid he can't do it…

    Whistling –

    After a series of metal roller friction, the side of the bookcase behind Shilong moved halfway.

    A man came out from inside.

    When Shi Long heard the sound, his expression changed abruptly and suddenly turned his head. As a result, he saw…

    "I don't know?"Shi Long was shocked. "How are you at my house?"He paused for half a second and said again, "How did you get into the refuge?"

    "I want to talk to you, but I think you should be very busy tonight."Unconsciously, he walked out and smiled and walked to the sofa next to the desk to sit down. "And…Some things are more convenient to say in person, so I came directly. ”

    "I am not asking why you are coming…"Shi Long’s expression is still not very friendly. Of course, this is also human nature…Even if you are a good friend, if you sneak into your home without your knowledge, you will be furious, let alone they are not too deep friendship, "I asked you how come in!" ”

    "Oh……that……"I didn’t feel it, but I replied with a lazy look. “The anti-theft system of your home has not been upgraded since I bought this villa. Although it is more than enough to prevent ordinary thieves, it is almost like a window paper when you meet a master…"Said, he took a note from his arms, "give…This is my invasion route map. I just left the refuge room while waiting for you to be bored. The side has already marked the intrusion technique, and I also attached some guidance on this anti-theft system. You take the time to look at the people in the security company, let them help you upgrade the system, I promise…After getting it, except for Ethan.No one at Hunter’s level can enter. ”

    Shi Long looked at him with a sigh of relief, his mouth was speechless, and there were thousands of grass mud horses rushing in his heart…

    After standing for a few seconds, Shilong took the paper and glanced at it, then carefully folded it and placed it in the desk drawer…

    "Oh, by the way, the 'refuge room' is something I accidentally discovered."After I sent out the note, my hands rested on the back of my head, and I fell on the sofa and answered in a chattering tone. "I originally wanted to wait for you in the study, but sneaked into the process…I observed some strange things in the structure of the villa, so I looked for it…"

    "Broken brother…"Shi Long didn't feel like listening to him at this moment. He interrupted his brother and said, "I am…No mood to chat with you. You are a novelist or a hidden international thief…At this moment, I just want to ask you to leave my home. ”The way he said this was very serious. "I don't say anything if I don't understand it. I will say one – 'Please go out, otherwise I will call the police.'"

    ALARMI didn’t know what to say, and I didn’t mean to get up from the sofa. He showed a meaningful smile and said, “Oh…You and I know what you are experiencing…The police can't help you solve it…"

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