1065. Chapter 1015, early notice of the beginning of 1511

    That day, humans finally remembered…It was once the horror that was even more dominated.

    As a preview of the beginning of the month after two months of continuous full-time work, this kind of opening is really a sneer (satire). It can be said that it is finished (being) beautiful (dead).

    That's right, the days of updating words and frequencies are just around the corner.

    Keep the cloud open to see the moon! Wow ha ha ha ha……Oh no, it should be…Oh…

    So,Everyone’s anger is almost the same, let’s get down to business…

    First of all, there are still a few good news.

    The physical book of "Thriller Paradise" will be released on November 5th. The contents of the first volume will be from the beginning of the novel to the "Seven Unbelievable Campus". It will be accompanied by my photo and a sequence of words (spit). Friends can be ready to act.

    PS: In view of the fact that dealers are still quite a lot, everyone should also be pirated.

    Then, it's about comics and fan.

    There are already many people who know this, but there may be people who don’t know…Rest assured, I won't let people who don't know to ask the people who know them. I will repeat it here – the comic version of Thrillerland is now serialized on my public micro-signal. The source is from the official comic book. Provided, much better than the pirated files found online. Of course, the progress of the comics on my side will not exceed the magazine itself.

    In addition, the only extra story in the book so far, "The Halloween Adventures of Thriller Paradise" has also begun to be serialized on my public WeChat. Each chapter can be viewed by triggering keywords or history.

    Next, the last good news is…This month, I don’t have any interest in the monthly pass. You don’t have to leave a ticket for me. Who do you want to vote for?

    So,After talking about it, it’s time to tell the story.

    I just looked at the forecast last month and said that it is "the final of the S2 will begin at the end of October", huh, huh…It is simply nonsense.

    Last month, I was just a slag compared to the present.

    Just like after five seconds, I am stronger than I was five seconds ago. It is like I am going to beat the last few characters of this line, I am the same as the one that beats the first sentence.

    Human beings are creatures that grow with time. Only by constantly moving away from the weak self in the past can we constantly challenge the new extremes.

    In short, I can be sure at the moment that the S2 final will be written in early November…Mmm.It must be like this.

    Well, this preview reveals that this (a) is a lot of (sentences). After all, there are a lot of extremely important plot changes in the finals, and the spoilers are boring.

    I have to chase after me more powerful in the future, let's see you next month…Oh…

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