1055. Chapter 1055 Swordsmanship (below)

    Quiet scene, repressed atmosphere.

    The smoke is gone…

    In the pit on the ground, a figure was slowly stood up.

    In the light and shadow of the hustle and bustle, the figure seems to have merged with the surrounding environment.

    She is quiet and cold.

    Her body reveals a deep and indifferent depth of bone marrow, but with a compelling murderous.

    At this time, if the appearance of the rain is different from that before the fall. In addition to the white bone mask on her face, her neck…There was also a hole in the size of a table tennis ball that was worn at both ends. In addition, her eyes have turned into a black and white state, and the length of the hair has also extended to the waist.

    [name: cheeks of broken face]

    [Type: Armor]

    [Quality: Perfect]

    [defensive power: medium]

    [Attribute: None]

    [Special effects: 70% reduction in the duration of negative control effects]

    [Equipment: Fighting Specialization A, Bind]

    [Remarks: The mask contains some of the power of the collapsed jade, which allows the wearer to temporarily enter the "virtual" state. But the force can only be released once, and when it is consumed, the quality and special effects of the mask will be permanently reduced. 】

    This equipment, if the rain started very early, but she has not "showing head equipment and clothing" in the script, and has never used the ability to "blur", so from the appearance point of view, it is not seen She has this equipment on her body.

    The reason why she has not used this before is obvious. After using it, the effect of the item will be weakened. It is likely to fall from a "perfect" level equipment to "normal" or even "destroyed" level. went.

    However,As Ruoyu said, if it is used here, it is used in the body of the cockroach…That's worth it.

    "The time for the soul is coming soon."Under the mask, if the sound of the rain becomes grotesque and heavy, it seems that two people with high and low voices are harmonizing.

    As soon as she stood up, she turned her head and looked at it, saying this.

    I also understand that the subtext of the other party's words is that if you still want to win, it is best to start before the end of the soul.

    "Not only did not die…Is the wound on the body all healed?"After watching the rain for a few seconds, I whispered, "Cut…It’s really hard…”

    The voice has not fallen, and there is a style of enthusiasm.

    "Tianba…Seal God! ”

    Drinking, squatting in a moment, immediately deceived into the front of the rain; his body is light and faint, the knife is slashed like a swirl, and the knife that smashes out like a chain saw tears out a curved shape. The chopping wave.

    SwordFalse marks. ”

    At the time of the welcoming, if the body of the rain did not move, she just raised her left hand and took out a violent sword light with the original water sword.

    [Magic Sword] In the sword method, there is actually no such trick."Writing marks", this formula is if the rain is improvised. Although the details of the moves are far less sultry than the swordsmanship of the wind, the sword is the wild character of the magic sword, which complements the latter.


    With a few loud noises, the vindictiveness of the knife and the sword once again rubbed and collided in the air.

    But this time…The balance of power has been broken.

    " actually…Prevented? ”After the move, the heart was full of horror, because the other party used only one hand at the moment, and the [Tianba Fengshen] used by her is a move that can be motivated by the power of both hands.

    Under this premise, even if it is a tie, it will undoubtedly fall into the wind…

    SorryI seem to underestimate the power of illusion. ”This moment, if the rain is faintly received, "Looks like…No matter what your soul is still, it doesn't make sense. ”

    There is no response, but there is no more response.Scythe], in a rushing position, the slanting squat was launched.


    Pong –

    Her knife actually cut the ribs of the rain, but did not create a wound…

    "In this state, the strength of the skin surface will become like steel, but the softness and tension are consistent with ordinary skin."If the rain didn't even look down at the other's knife, I just looked at the face. "I originally thought that even with such defensive capabilities, it would hurt if you were hit directly, but…I realized that when I was with you just now…Because of the great improvement in basal surgery, your strength and speed no longer pose a threat to me. So I decided that even if you cut it directly, it would be fine. ”

    Unjustifiably!It’s starting to be anxious, because when the rain is affected by the knife, the opening time of the soul is…It is just right.

    CherryMonth off! ”In the next second, she made a killing trick that once made the brave invincible.

    This trick……It is not the soul, but the skill of the self; rather than using the techniques of the soul, she will obviously be more skilled with her own skills.


    This knife brought out a strange sound that the bones were torn apart…The blade successfully tore the "steel skin" of the rain, leaving a horizontal gap in its abdomen.


    “Super speed regeneration is also one of the basic capabilities after blurring.”When the rain whispered this sentence, her wounds had healed at a speed visible to the naked eye…

    "In addition, I can now release the virtual flash with my hands and even my mouth, and I don't need any preparation time."After half a second, if the rain is clear again, "just…Such a showdown, ending with an energy shock, seems a little regrettable. ”

    "Heng!"At this point, the squatting retreat a few feet, revealing a helpless, bitter smile. "Can the head and internal organs not regenerate?"

    "Yes, with a stronger attack than the one just…"Bet me, you will win. ”If the rain returns.

    So,Is that the case? ”I asked a question that was inexplicable to others.

    However, if the rain understands.

    "Well, that's it."She replied.

    After the words, the two exchanged their eyes.

    Then, he took a deep breath twice and spread the double knives to the sides of the body, posing a wing-like posture.

    If the rain is a double sword, standing sideways, slightly forward a half step forward.

    Breathing, like an invisible signal.

    Once, twice…By the third exhalation, they moved.

    Double knife, turned into a [falling flower fly].

    Double swords, cast [residual wind sword].


    This battle has hit the present, the knife and the sword…For the first time, it was the same crisp and clear sound of a phase.

    Two seconds later, the two figures were wrong and landed…Stand against each other.

    At this moment, all the light disappeared, all the sounds were silent, and all the movements were paused.

    The murder of the sword and the sword no longer exists, and the murderousness of the heavens has ceased to exist.

    After the breath, one person fell.

    In the same second, the dawning sun opened the fog in the sky and sprinkled on the shoulders of the winner…

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