1047. Chapter 1047, Hong Yanbai, the first student of Luo Yan

    When the rest of the three people in the front line of the prison came to the Broken Soul Gorge, they couldn’t just finish a paragraph of more than a thousand words.

    And the expression of Yuan Meng and Wulin Qunhao at the moment…They have perfectly expressed the extreme shock in their hearts and the severe pain in a certain part of the body.

    However, he felt that he did not care about this. He raised his hand and gestured to his teammates. He said, "Yes, I haven’t introduced it yet…These three are the hackers of my sword-breaking tea. ”He pointed to the rain, "This is my wife, the other two are my disciples, do you want to listen to their names?"

    I don't need itYuan Yan’s eyes widened and he shouted, “It’s really gone!”

    The expression of Yuan Meng at the moment seems to say, "Please don't say it, brother gave you a slap."

    On the side of the eight-party building, the main season is also a predecessor on the arrow: "Fighting the Lord, the prestige of your knights…I think I will have a chance to listen again next time…At the moment, we have more important things to do here…"

    "True."Yuan Zhen quickly followed the children. "The terrain here is unfavorable. It is not appropriate to stay for a long time…"He took the martial arts leader's trappings, loudly (now no need to use internal force to pass the tone, because the surrounding people add up to less than 50, and the ear force are good, so directly by the voice said on the line) said, "Presumably all the road heroes also have the same pranayama (not to mention the time we are not idle), We should get on the road as soon as possible …After the incident, come back and bury the body of the same door. ”

    "Yes Yes Yes! Yuan Meng’s words are extremely! ”

    "Exactly, it is not too late!"

    "Yeah, everyone is going to hurry up!"

    The surviving martial arts people also responded quickly. In order to prevent them from coming back to the three-part storytelling, they can say that they spare no effort.

    Ever since, this team of more than 50 people has returned to the road…


    on the other hand

    In front of the funeral mountain village.

    Under the gloom of the clouds, between the mountains and rivers, a team of people rushed to the entrance of the villa.

    At this time, in the village outside the villa, there is no one left…

    Obviously, the ambush battle of the Broken Soul Gorge was an action taken by the residents of the Funeral Valley, but unfortunately…As a result, only one person survived.

    Of course, even if this group of people are all alive, they will not stop these courts and horses…Because the king has already made orders, he has to "please" this team to come in.

    This is why…The martial arts group leaders led by Yuan Zhen did not find the body of a soldier or soldier along the way.

    In fact, they not only found the body, but also found no trace of fighting…Even horseshoes, ruts, footprints, etc. were not found.

    CA: There's no question.The soldiers and horses of the imperial court turned to a different road from the martial arts people shortly after entering the valley, and the people in the valley were very thoughtful to eliminate the footprints for them.

    "You adults, please stay."

    When the horseman in front of the team walked to the front of the villa, an old man stopped in front of them.

    It was an old woman who looked like she was in her sixties. She was thin and wrinkled, dressed in a simple farmhouse costume, and her clothes were patched.

    Upon seeing it, the three leading horse-riders made a strong man wearing a battle armor and immediately said: "Auntie, who are you in this villa?"

    This man named Lu Yuan is a general of the Metropolitan Government (this institution was abolished very early in the official history). Lu Yuan’s appearance is very rough and his temperament is similar. He opened his mouth and it was a "great mother". He also knew that this adult was very informal and very close to the people.

    CorrectThe old man replied, "I am waiting for you to drive the old man."Although she is old, she speaks very fast, and her voice is full of enthusiasm. "The animals in the funeral mountain village are not allowed to move…"She looked at the horses of the pedestrians and the horses pulling the cart and answered. "Please also let the horses leave the car and walk with the old man."

    "Yeah?"It was said that the second rider’s face had a disappointing color.

    This person's name is Bao Qi, and the official residence is Jinyiwei Town. Although there are "odd" in the name, his appearance is ordinary (the secret agent loves to recruit such a person); in addition, the bureaucratic faction on his body is also the most among the first three.

    "You, woman, how do you say anything?"Bao Qi said, "You know that the carriage is sitting…"

    "哎~" At this time, the third rider sang a hand and interrupted Bao Qi’s words. "Bao brother, it is said that the Romans do as the Romans…You let me go and tell the 'the lord', and then do it again~"

    This tone is more like a mother, and her face is slightly fat. It is naturally a father-in-law of the East Factory. His name is Mao Jincai. When he listens to his name, he knows that he is not rich in a small family, so he was sent to the palace when he was very young…

    "Yeah, Bao brother…"On the other side, Lu Yuan also answered. "Why should we go to an old man? Let's listen to the meaning of 'His Highness' and say it."

    "Heng!"No matter what. ”Bao Qi saw that Mao Gonggong had turned the horse head and went backwards. He also snorted and stopped speaking.

    In a short time, Mao Gonggong came back and was "walking" back.

    "Two, the Highness has a purpose, let's go together."Mao Gonggong smiled and said to the two right away.

    Wen Yan, Lu Yuan and Bao Qi are all looking back and found that several big men in the carriage have also come down from the car.

    So, they also quickly dismounted and prepared to lead the troops into the village.


    "And slow."The old man raised his hand again and stopped their way.

    What now?Bao Qi can be a little impatient this time.

    "Yu Wang has orders, enter the village…Up to ten people. ”The old man replied in a word.

    "What?"Bao Qi sighed, "Bold people! you……"

    Just as he was going to take "Guanwei" to take a look at this old woman who didn't know how to be good, the other person's voice sounded behind him: "Oh, what do you want, General Bao, why are you so angry?" Ten people are ten people. ”

    Upon hearing this voice, Bao Qi immediately stunned, not only stunned, but he turned and stunned. Not only is he jealous, but most of the people in the team are jealous…

    Obviously, this one who spoke is a royal child – Jin Wang Zhu Zhiyu.

    Some people may think that the name of this product is very strange, yes…It’s very strange, but for the prince Huang Sun of the Ming Dynasty, the name is always a matter of involuntary…

    According to the ancestral stipulations of the ancestors, Wang Ye’s family had to be ranked by word, taking the Jin Wang family as an example…A total of twenty words: Jimei 锺 表 , , , , , , , , , , , , 知 济 济 济 济 济 济 济 济 济 济 济 济

    The same is the ancestral stipulations (Zhu Yuanzhang is inexplicable in this respect), the descendants of their old Zhu family, the third word in the name must be the head of the five elements, and must be arranged in accordance with the Jinmu water fire.

    But the words are limited, and the children and grandchildren are endless…Therefore, by the end of the Ming Dynasty, we were fortunate to have seen the emperor named Zhu Yuzhen.

    That's it……It’s really good. Some of the miserable princes and grandsons have to make their own names in the later stages. If you see the word in the dictionary that is unclear, with the heads of the five elements, that is the time when the Ming Dynasty was made.

    No problemAfter the Tucao is finished, let's return to the story.

    "His Royal Highness…"Two seconds later, Bao Qi snorted, "…You are the body of Wanjin, only ten people are in this dangerous place, in case there is a flash…"

    "When you do it, get up, talk up first."Zhu Zhisheng answered in a very easy-going tone. "All provinces…What am I worth?"When he said this, his face was filled with a bitter smile, and he seemed to have some self-deprecating words to talk about, but he wanted to stop. After the pause, he only answered. "Moreover, ten people will be enough…In addition to me and Chang Daren, there are just eight of your top experts to protect…What are you worried about? ”

    The long-standing person named by Zhu Zhisheng is Chang Wei.

    Ok, I know what you are thinking at the moment, please give up that thought immediately.

    Yes, this adult is called Chang Wei, but he is not the Chang Wei who claims to be martial, but a doctor who is in his 60s and must be white.

    As for the other "eight masters", there are naturally three seats of Lu Yuan, Bao Qi and Mao Jincai, but…They can only be regarded as the weakest of the four kings…Oh no, it’s the weakest three in the top eight.

    The remaining five masters, you have to say separately…

    The first one is the commander of the Jinyiwei. This person is a man of quite a city, and is also a "smart person" identified by Cao Qin. On the way, he rode to the last side of the team, and he wore an ordinary robes of the robes; at first glance…No one would think that he is one of the biggest people in the official position here.

    As for martial arts…Shangguan, who was in his early 50s, had already trained himself to the realm of King Kong as early as ten years ago. It is a pity that the number of martial arts is too rigid, and it is impossible to understand the "interest-free work", or else his cultivation can be further improved.

    Then, it is the second master.

    This person is called Yu Ji, but he is the deputy of the Dadu Government. The impression given on weekdays is just a civilian officer on paper, but in fact…His internal strength is enough to get the top three in the hands of Ouchi, which is no less inferior than that of Du.

    Incidentally, before Cao Qin left the team, Yu Ji and Cao Qin were sitting together in a carriage, while the other two carriages were used for Zhu Zhisheng and Chang Wei respectively.

    Then, you can talk about the third, fourth, and fifth people in one breath.

    Jiang Xu, Cao Guo, Yu Fei; that is, three people riding alongside three carriages.

    As mentioned in the previous article…They are responsible for several dignitaries in the escort convoy. All three are the first-class masters selected from the "Top 12 Guards" for this action, and they are all hereditary royal sergeants. They can not hesitate to die for Zhu Zhiyu at a crucial moment.

    The above is the eight masters that Zhu Zhixuan said. Counting him and Chang Yu doctor, just ten people. Except for Cao Gonggong who left the team SOLO, the rest of the team is all embarrassed. Of course"It is relatively speaking. Strictly speaking, this whole team of soldiers and horses is a trainer, and it is still a regular army. It is really necessary to fight. The combat power is definitely not lost to the martial arts forces of those hundreds of people.

    "This…"Bao Qi thought for a moment, "Since your Highness, you have said this…"

    "Well, Bao Qi, you will lead the way with the woman."The intervention of Shangguanyu directly ended this debate.

    Got the instructions of the boss, Boqi did not say anything much: "Subordinate to obey."He snorted and turned back to the old rumor, "That…You are bothering the elderly and you are leading the way…"

    "Please come to the ten advanced."The old man let go of the road and raised his hand to make a "please" gesture.

    Then, Zhu Zhixuan, Chang Wei, Shangguan Yu, Yu Ji, Lu Yuan, Bao Qi, Mao Jincai, Jiang Xu, Cao Guo, Yu Fei, the ten people have stepped into the threshold of the funeral mountain villa.

    "Other people, please wait outside the village."After the ten people came in, the old man said a word to the outside pawns, and then they both raised their hands.

    In the next second, the thick Zhuangmen of the mountain village was motivated by an invisible force…It was closed.

    Seeing this scene, there are already six people in the eight masters who have changed their minds. Only Shangguan and Yuji remain calm, and this scene is not unexpected.

    After closing the door, the old man turned and walked, and walked to the front of the people, and said: "You…Please come with me. ”

    After all, she did not go back to Zhuang. The ten people followed, and there was no more words.

    Soon, they followed the old woman through an elegant courtyard and came to a big house.

    The style of the house is weird. On the side of the courtyard, there is a porch; the door on the gallery does not have a handle, and it looks like a large wooden fence with a piece of white paper in the gap. .

    Naturally, we can easily distinguish that this is a sliding door, but the ten people who first entered the heart of the mountain are the first to see such a threshold.

    "Master, people have already brought it."The old man stood in front of the porch and bowed his head.

    "You go on."In the door, there was a response immediately.

    Only this response responded to the ten people outside the door. Because the voices in the door are like a yellow scorpion, it is a girl's soft and charming voice.

    "Yes.When the old man returned a sentence, he slowly stepped back and quietly went away.

    After the count, the sliding door on the gallery was separated from the sides by no one.

    Behind the door, there is a large couch.

    On the couch, covered with a pink gauze.

    In that, faint can see a side of the figure.

    Although Yu Wang has not really appeared in front of these people, it is only her seductive body curves and voices…It has already caused a few men outside the door to be suspicious and restless.

    "Smirk!"After a chuckle, Zhu Zhiyu first came forward.

    The so-called unseen person is fearless. For the young prince, what kind of graceful shadow can you contact with the word "dangerous"?

“……This girl. ”Zhu Zhixuan made a rumor, "Is it…Are you the king? ”

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