1042. Chapter 1042, Sword Stretching, Ghost Rain

    Capital punishment

    "Absolute death penalty!"

    "Death penalty +65535!"

    "What the hell is it?"

    “Don’t dare to spread the rumors that are entangled in you in the world of scripts?”

    "burn this scum!"

    "Insanely, you must die!"

    "We are already contracted by the official fan group who said that they are crazy!"

    "殇の亲卫队 participation! I am not worried about madness! ”

    Since the semi-finals were broadcast in separate time slots, all the viewers who focused on the peak S2 were watching the same game at the moment.

    And they saw the mood in this scene…Basically, they all responded to these bullets and comments.

    Of course, most people are just spitting. Everyone understands that Cao Gonggong’s conclusion must have been obtained after being fooled in a script.

    A misunderstanding in the game world, no one will take it seriously.

    However,In this case, the mad behavior is still unforgivable, and the fans of the goddess of the gods agree that it is better to let him die.


    After finishing the off-site, the line of sight returned to the script.

    After a rather embarrassing silence, Cao Qin once again said: "Yes, seal the Lord…I do have something to ask you…"He looked at him and asked him in an unrecognizable tone. "In the year of the Forbidden, you and the girl turned into white light."What is the way to use it? ”

    "Oh ?"that……"Unexpectedly, I have been experienced in answering such questions. "Cao Gonggong has already entered the Tao, can you really not see it?"

    He is plausible, as if he had said something, but it is equivalent to throwing the problem back.

    Cao Qin heard a smile and answered: "Oh…The seal is still the same as the old…OK, don't say it, I won't ask for it. ”

    Compared with the last time I saw him, Cao Qin’s heart has obviously changed.

    More than a decade ago, he still had a bit of arrogance, and his attitude towards the three martial arts knights can be seen…Although he is not addicted to killing, he is not tired of killing. He can be compassionate, but he can't be called compassion. He is bearish on fame and fortune, but he is still obsessed with respect.

    However, more than ten years have passed…

    Today, Cao Qin, the face and posture have returned to the age of forty, and it seems even younger than in the town of Cangling.

    And his words and deeds…There is always a fascination that is indifferent, free and easy, and half-point and age-incompatible.

    Those things in the rivers and lakes, things in martial arts, things between people…He listened and asked, but he did not care, not to cling.

    With Cao Qin’s current realm, he is more thinking about “how should you look at the world”…As for how the world views him, he can laugh at it.

    SVery good. ”Feng did not feel a reply, and asked the situation, "Say it…There is something unknown about Feng, and I want to ask the father-in-law…"He glanced at Shitan, "Speaking often…It is difficult to drink alcohol. On this big night, Cao Gonggong stood alone at Shitan to drink and look at the spring, but why? ”

    He did not ask why Cao Qin appeared in the funeral valley, because that kind of thing he knew by reasoning – nothing more than entering the valley with the group of court horses and horses. What the geek can't speculate is the problem in front of him…

    "Oh ?"WellCao Qin chuckled. "Before an hour, I stopped here and suddenly realized a new set of martial arts. I am improving now."

    “Ha!Xiao sighed this and asked curiously, "Can you improve your martial arts by standing and drinking?"

    "Hahaha!"Cao Qin heard this and laughed. "This little brother, then you said…How am I? Have you set up your posture at this stone pool and practice your fists and moves? ”

    “hmm…Xiao sin wanted to answer "yes", but he always felt that the other party's tone did not seem to be asking questions.

    Interesting…Let Cao Gonggong smile. ”Feng Jie quickly intervened. "My apprentice is the worst of all the hackers. When I saw him look good, I thought it was a smart boy. I didn't expect to find a nerd when I was under the income." look……This has been with me for decades…The realm of martial arts is still very shallow. ”

    "Oh?"Cao Qin nodded. "It is not easy to seal the Lord."

    The words of the two of them are one after another, and the tone is like two adults discussing small children, which is very annoying. Fortunately, Xiao sigh's temper is very good, or he is born with a very good heart, basically did not let this go to the heart.

    SayingAfter talking a few words, Feng did not feel that the time was ripe, and he led the topic to the plot. "If I didn't guess wrong, then Cao Gonggong came to this funeral valley…But for the emperor to take the 'life of the longevity'? ”

    "Heng!"The news of the master is really well-informed. ”Cao Qin’s response is equivalent to the default of the feeling of the brother.

    "Cao Gonggong, you are laughing…"I don’t know how to laugh, "…Isn't this an open secret? ”

    This question is also a temptation.

    "Smirk!"This is also true. ”Cao Qin answered, "The funeral heart valley 'King Wang' has the 'life of the longevity' thing, the rivers and lakes are rumored. And the news that the emperor was in danger…It is also unbearable. During this period, the director of Jin Yiwei, the deputy ambassador of the Metropolitan Government, and the three of them rushed to the place, the purpose of which was clear. ”

    “hmm…Two seconds later, I felt nodded and nodded, following the other’s words. “Those who are in the rivers and lakes know this and then they will only hear the wind…”

    Eh…People, there is such a problem. ”Cao Qin shook his head and sighed. "The legend of the king of the king has been circulating on the rivers and lakes for decades. There are many people who know, but there are very few people who believe in it. As for the people who dare to come here to find out…There are only a handful. ”He paused for a few seconds and drank a drink. "But now, when the emperor's secret is out, the court's soldiers and horses move, these people can't sit still…Suddenly, they all believed and came. ”He smiled. "But actually? HumRegarding the 'life of the longevity', the emperor himself only believed in three points. To put it bluntly, he also knows that he will die and think of a dead horse as a living horse doctor. ”

    "Cao Gonggong…"I didn’t feel it when I heard it, and laughed jokingly. "You are a big rebellious statement. You have to marry the Nine."

    “Ha!Cao Qin’s big sleeves, “I still care about that?”He looked up at the sky. "If it weren't for repaying the appreciation and grace of the Emperor, I had already left the house." Under the sky…Who can stop me? ”He is also a sip of spirits, "As for the ninth family…I am an eunuch. When I was a child, I was already a lonely man. After entering the palace, there is no future generation. If you want to go, let those who recognize me as a cognac and grandfather go, and most of them are some gangsters who are more pro-inflamed, and one less is one. ”

    So,After hearing it, I probably understood Cao Qin’s position and then asked, "What is Cao Gonggong’s opinion and plan for the situation in the valley?"

    "Planning? "Smirk!"What is my plan? ”Cao Qin asked, "If I have a plan, will I come here alone to drink and enjoy the spring?"

    "Yuanmeng and the martial arts people are coming to kill and kill…"At this time, Huanhua reminded him, "Isn't the father-in-law not afraid of the court's soldiers and horses being killed by them?"

    Cao Qin heard the words, looked at the flowers, and then revealed a meaningful smile: "Girl…You seem to think about a person simply. ”

    "Oh?"Suspected in the flowers, "Who?"

    Cao Qin’s answer was very unexpected: “Yuan Yu.”

    "Yuan Mengzhu?"Huanwen asked again, she also just knew the full name of the martial arts lord.

    CorrectCao Qin replied.

    to soundWhat do you like to know about Cao Gonggong? ”If you don't feel it, you can hear more information from the other party's words.

    "Yeah."I know more. ”Cao Qin replied.

    "Grandfather, then you let us know that you know?"Feng did not smile and took the lead.

    “hmm…Cao Qin said, "It’s too boring to say it."After the words, he walked down from the stone pool. "Let me come with me…I will take you to the show. ”


    At the same time, another part of the funeral valley.

    At this time, Yuan Mengzhu has led the martial arts fellows along the road for a long time.

    On this road, they have encountered more than a dozen "little ghosts" blocking. Although there are people like Yuan Zhen who are sitting in the town, the casualties of the people are still inevitable.

    After all, they are hundreds of people acting together, and the terrain of the funeral valley is very complicated, mountains, rocks, forests, gorges, water…No shortage, there is still a ray of light…The "little ghosts" in the valley want to make an ambush, it is easy.

    Moreover, the residents in these funeral valleys are basically "hard hands". Many people are the first-class figures on the rivers and lakes before entering the valley. After entering the valley, the martial arts are more advanced; the guys like Song Wuqi are in the valley. Basically, the number of miscellaneous soldiers can not be counted, but a person who is better than him is a big one.

    Repeatedly attacked by such a group of people…It is absolutely impossible to not die.

    "The lord…The number of deaths and injuries in each faction is increased…More than 100 people…This way, I am afraid…"The name of the person who spoke at the moment was Ji Neng, who was the descendant of Jitong, the landlord of the "Baifanglou", and the current landlord of the Bafanglou. The skill of the "Eight Supreme Heart" is a little worse than that of several former ancestors. But on martial arts, he can still be regarded as the leader of these high-level hands.

    Here, it is a good opportunity to explain the world view. I will briefly introduce it…

    After the "God of the Sword", the martial arts pattern of this world has undergone considerable changes. The original ranking of "one house, two floors, three parties, four doors" was completely subverted.

    Ye Fu was so badly injured after the incident that he never lost his mind. At least in the past few decades, Ye Fuzhong has never seen a master who can be compared with Ye Cheng, the master of the year, and the person who has reached the level of "Hua Ying Liu Jian" can't pick it up.

    As a result, Wanxialou and Bafanglou became the strongest twins in the martial arts.

    As for the "three factions and four doors", the basics can still be summed up with "declining in inheritance, passing down in the decline". Just like the scorpion who pointed out Yuan Hao in the past…Many people will teach not to learn, and some people will not learn to teach. The mode of arranging the word in the big school is deeply rooted, and there are some broken things in the intrigue of the same generation…This has led to the fact that the heads of the past generations are usually not the most talented people in the martial art or the martial arts. Of course, it’s not that the most talented person is suitable for the head…But the matter of inheriting martial arts is indeed paying attention to this. Unless a generation of geniuses can reinvigorate the sects…Otherwise, such a downward pass will inevitably be the rhythm of the martial arts generation.

    In short, this pattern has been maintained for more than 20 years…

    Until fifteen years ago, Yuan Zhen, who had practiced five years of life and Xuan Gong, made a name on the rivers and lakes. At this point, the situation in the martial arts began to change again…

    After another five years, Yuan Hao has become a Gita hero over all martial arts. In terms of character, he is impeccable; in the fight against evil, he is also one of his own strengths; the most important thing is…His martial arts at that time were invincible in the world (the "world" here is only limited to rivers and lakes, not including the court).

    Ever since, Yuan Hao has become a martial arts lord…

    The above is the general change in the world of this script in these decades.

    "The landlord…"Yuan Zhen listened to Ji Neng’s words and replied in a loud voice. “Are you fighting?”

    FebruaryWhere do you say this…"Ji Neng mouth denied it, but my heart was very anxious. Because their Bafanglou rushed to the front, proportionally, the number of dead and wounded disciples has been quite a lot, "just…Ji thought that this action seems to be a little wrong now…"

    "The mainstay of the season is very much, I think so."In the next second, several heads immediately gathered at the side of Ji Neng's side.

    Looks like…If the previous reasoning of the rain is really in the same language, these guys are in a situation when the situation changes…It is necessary to start the party with the same interests for their own interests.

    "Behind the ignorance, you should choose a few martial arts people among the heroes…Scattered to the front road as a scout to test the enemy. ”

    "Yes, this way, we are not even sneak attack."

    "Yeah, Yuan Mengzhu, the situation of this enemy is dark and my eyes…"

    "Okay, don't have to say more."How could Yuan Zhen not understand what they meant? He was not the third-rate figure 20 years ago. His heart city was much deeper than those around him. "Since everyone has this intention, then do it. Let's go."

    Yuan Zhen said, after thinking for a moment, he was ready to turn around and deliver a message.

    Unexpectedly, at this time…

    "Ha ha ha ha…A group of snake and rat generations, it’s ridiculous to drive back, and now it’s ridiculous! ”

    A sorghum voice suddenly sounded, and the martial arts heroes of these hundreds of people came to ridicule the internal force.

    His words, in addition to the literal meaning, also conveyed two messages: First, I, not to attack you, I am positive on the anus; second, Yuan Hao, even you and your side I can hear the dialogue of several people, my skill…You should measure the quantity yourself.

    Its voice falls, but see…

    The haze that shrouded the heads of the people was rushing toward the air, as if it had been sucked up by an invisible force.

    In an instant, the horizons of those people in the rivers and lakes have been widened several times. They soon discovered…Wherever he stands at the moment, it is a dangerous gorge surrounded by mountains on three sides.

    "Heng!"There are roads in heaven, you don’t go, hell has no way to vote. ”After the interest rate has passed, there is another second voice that uses internal force to say, "Since you have come to this 'broken soul gorge', leave it!"

    Along with this "death notice", there are a lot of people appearing between the three sides of the mountain road and the stone sarcophagus…There are also more than a hundred people in the rough visual inspection.

    These people stand in the shadows of the heights, and they are watching the crowds in the gorge, like a group of evil spirits who are eyeing the prey.

    "This time comes a lot…"When Yuan Yu saw it, he did not change his face. "…It’s coming well. ”

    Words here, his right hand…Moved.

    Then, a soft sword was taken from the belt around his waist and dropped from his hand.

    "I'd like to see……"With a cold gaze and a murderous tone, Yuan Zhen shouted to the "ghosts" at the heights. "Tonight, this 'death soul gorge' left behind people…Still a ghost…"

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