1039. Chapter 1039, entering the rivers and lakes

    Judging from the situation five minutes after the start of the game, the opening of this script should be divided into two paragraphs.

    The first paragraph is the storyline of the title CG and the narration. This part of the team is watched together; the second paragraph is different.

    The four people on the front line of Hell were transferred to the place where the forces of the rivers and lakes were located. Under the protection of the system, they saw the drama of the "Wulin Conference".

    On the other side of the red cherry, it was sent to the funeral heart valley and saw it directly…"Yama".

    The king is a chilling title, because people often associate death with this title.

    Perhaps there are people in this world who are not afraid of death, but for most people, death is terrible.

    Therefore, the king is also terrible.

    However, the king of the burial heart is not terrible at all.

    Not only is it not terrible, it is also very charming.

    Because, the king is a woman, a beautiful woman.

    Her beauty is suffocating, making people stunned and dreaming.

    and alsoFor many years, the appearance and posture of the king have always been the same as the 18-year-old girl, no change.

    Years seem to be unable to leave any trace on her body.

    Therefore, no one knows how many years the king of the king is…Some people say that they are forty years old, and some people say that they are fifty years old. Some people say that there is more than one "King of the King". This is now the daughter of the king.

    Of course, the last speculation is obviously impossible. Every month, Yu Wang will meet with the "ghosts" in the valley at least once. If she has been pregnant, she will not be able to pass.

    Therefore, there is a saying of "the technique of longevity"…

    "Yeah?"Although the four players of Red Sakura suddenly appeared in front of them, but the look of the king did not change much, and the tone of his speech was very calm. "Today, it is a rare thing…"At this time, she was resting her forehead with one hand, lying on a large jade couch on her side; under a light gauze coat, the exquisite carcass and the looming white skin were fascinating, "…Someone can break into my 'burial heart valley' silently and come to my mountain village. ”

    Speaking of this, Yu Wang sat up cross-legged and glanced at the four players: "And…It’s still four girls. ”

    "this……"【Blood Rose] Holding a fist and holding hands, I thought for a few seconds before deciding what to use, "…Seniors, today I am wrong, I am offended, I have not consulted my predecessors. ”

    Blood Rose is the vice captain of Red Sakura. It is also a think tank of the team. Most of the negotiations with NPC are carried out by her.

    Since she is responsible for this work, she must have understood the basic principles. for example……At any time, especially when you first enter the script, you can be polite for NPCs that don't directly attack or are not obvious, so you can get the task, get the information, or directly gain benefits.

    Ha haThe king smiled and stood up. "You broke into someone else's home, and then let others report to the door?"

    Smell this, the response is the fastest, she hurriedly stepped forward and made a rumor: "I am waiting for the number of rituals, I hope the formers will forgive me, in the next…"

    "Slow."Unexpectedly, the king suddenly interrupted the words of the goddess and slowly walked towards the latter.

    In an instant, the atmosphere became tense…

    Although the other party did not say it clearly, but all the members of the Red Sakura understand…Judging from the two words "My Burial Heart Valley" and "My Mountain Villa", it is very likely that this beautiful woman is the "King of the King" mentioned in the introduction. Plus……In the face of the sudden emergence of four strangers with weapons, she still maintains this calm attitude…This inference is that it is inseparable.

    Hey, hehe…

    The king walked barefoot and walked across the wooden floor, making a gentle pedaling.

    Her feet are also beautiful, and the delicate curves and smooth and firm skin almost make people forget that this should be a rough part of the human body.

    The king went so far in front of him, and stood still quietly. Two seconds later, she slowly raised her right hand, gently out of the soft, holding her chin with her index finger and thumb, and slightly smeared her face. Lift up.

    At that moment, the two beautiful faces were close at hand and four eyes were opposite.

    Time. For example, still.

    It seems that even time wants to stay at this moment.

    The tight atmosphere suddenly changed, and it became awkward…

    Ninety percent of the audience watching the game (both men and women) swallowed when they saw the scene, and they didn’t know why…

    "Next,"The king looked at him with a charming look, "…Jane Doe

    Below voteIt’s awkward. ”The goddess of floe still responded calmly to the other side, but she was already voicing in her heart. "What is the situation…Another Ji Yun (Hou Gongcheng)? ”

    After listening to the king, he smiled: then he turned and walked to where he was standing, and walked and said: "Well…I don't care about what you are coming in. ”


    HeyThis will work…"

    "It’s a world of looking faces…"

    "Long live!"

    Wow! The lily of the king's lily is awakened! ”

    "Decision, I just want to take a screenshot of the scene."


    Not only did the audience naturally accept this setting, even the members of the Red Sakura…

    "Good job, captain."The blood rose turned his head and whispered a whisper.

    "I don't want to be the captain…Even NPC can't resist your charm…"The hyacinth on the side also received one sentence.

    [Tiehai 棠] also answered: "Looks like…The script BOSS has basically stood on our side. ”

    "Call ~~~~~~"I am a long-awaited sigh of relief, shaking my head and saying, "I really don't know if I should be happy for this kind of thing…"


    The words are divided into two, and then look at the Hell Frontline team.

    After a little preparation in the desert, they quickly caught up with the group of "Wulin Heroes" in front, and then entered the valley together.

    Although they feel that they don't bother to act with these guys, there is no reason to use them without free gunpowder.

    "Smirk!"Not unexpected…"Less than two minutes into the valley, I stopped and stopped, and turned to my teammates and said, "Poisoned…"

    The reason why I said "unexpectedly" is because I have already speculated on the defense mode of this place. His conclusion is that poison gas is a good way.

    Upon his reminder, if the rain, Xiaoshen and Huahua immediately opened the game menu to see, it was found that the word "poisoning" appeared in the status bar.

    "Is this fog caused?"If the first reaction of the rain is fast and accurate.

    "Must be it."I feel that my brother is back.

    "Since it is caused by fog…"Indirectly, "I don't think it's meaningful to use drugs to detoxify you. It will be done soon after the solution is over."

    "Yeah."You have to figure out the principle of poisoning…"Xiao sighs and then touches his chin and says, "According to my speculation…This kind of fog that can 'glow' is produced by the chemical changes of certain plants in the valley and the surrounding environment. According to the laws of nature, the natural antidote that can relieve this toxicity can certainly be found in the valley… …"

    "Yes, it's over there."The next second, I couldn't help but lazily pointed to a bush that was not far from everyone.

    “Ha!Xiao sang was stunned at the time.

    To tell the truth, Xiaoshen is also a rare force. If it is not because he is a medical doctor, he will not be able to express any opinions on this aspect of his knowledge. ButHe just finished the theory, and he felt that the foreigner actually gave the answer directly. This is somewhat ridiculous.

    "Your theory is undoubtedly correct, but…Bypassing professional knowledge, from the perspective of purely logical reasoning…This matter can also be inferred. ”I didn’t know much about Xiaoshen. When I looked at the expression, I knew what the other person thought, so he immediately explained, “From the CG, I know that there are people living in the valley. They breathe the valley every day. Air, then it is bound to take antidote all year round. And the antidote is something…Whether it is water source, plants or animals…In short, its source must be in this valley. ”He spread his hands and smiled. "In this year, it is impossible to fly airborne materials. It is all desert around the funeral valley. If it is a drug to go to the valley, how much trouble?"

    "Yeah."Besides, you can’t let the people in the valley leave? ”Xiao sighs.

    Huanhua also said with a thoughtful thought: "Even if the king allowed it, there are too many variables in the case of taking the antidote outside the valley. If the person who goes to take the medicine does not go back for various reasons, isn’t the person in the valley all waiting to die? ”

    So all hail to that.CureOr the raw materials needed to make the antidote can only be found in this funeral valley. ”At the same time, when he said this, he gestured to his teammates and told them to follow them.

    The four soon went to the grove that the former buddy pointed out, and found some roots and plants that had been picked after several trees.

    “Even with some trees, I noticed that there are traces of large pieces of soil being turned over here.”Feng did not know, "I didn't want to understand what was going on at first, but I realized it after reading the status bar…This is obviously done by the court's people, the purpose is to understand the fog; because they have a large number, they have dug a lot. ”

    EhXiao sighs and suddenly thinks of something. "Weird, the people of the court…Did you find yourself poisoned when you got here? ”

    This is indeed a question worthy of scrutiny…Because so far, those people who are in front of the players have not found out that they are poisoned, which means that the fog in the valley is not significant at least in the middle.

    Game players can visually see their abnormal state through the status bar, but…How did the people of the court detect it?

    "You are slow!"

    Just as Xiao Sin raised his question, the voice of Yuan Meng was heard from a hundred meters away from the front.

    "This mist is poisonous!"

    A few seconds later, Yuan Mengzhuo spoke of a rather bad fact, which caused a crowd of commotion.

    "Don't panic! Protecting the heart with internal force can delay the toxicity. ”

    After all, Yuan’s name is the martial arts lord. He is very hot. He also quickly told a set of theories similar to Xiaoshen and Jue Ge, and then let the people who are familiar with the medical skills go around to find out if they can detoxify as soon as possible. s things.

    And at this moment.The four front lines of Hell have already solved the poison, and each has left some antidote into the bag.

    "I probably understand…"After a few minutes of thinking, he said, "The internal force is a relatively deep person. It should be able to detect itself more quickly and more acutely than the average person."He paused. "So, the Yuanmeng master first discovered this."His eyes changed slightly and he said, "Well…As a result, some additional information can be learned…"

    If the rain is followed by the thoughts, when she hears this, she will pick up: "There are at least one internal force in the imperial court who is not a person under the martial arts lord, and a proficient doctor can quickly identify the solution. The person of medicine."

    "Yes," said Kea. "Of course, the two you said may be the same person."

    Some of them talked about the sky leisurely, just don't tell the NPC where the antidote is…

    Fortunately…Those martial arts heroes also have some guys who have made great achievements in Chinese herbal medicine and medicine. They spent ten minutes and found this rhizome-like rhizome elsewhere.

    To make a long story short, after nearly 30 minutes, the hundreds of people finally swallowed the medicine, and the interest rate adjustment was completed, ready to return to the road.

    Unexpectedly, at this time, it changed again.


    The sound of breaking the wind came from the air.

    This voice is very common, and anyone who is present has heard the sound of this hidden weapon.

    But when the things that set off the wind approached, people felt a strong, gloomy killing.

    The sound of many scabbards is squeaking with the sound of the wind, one after another…

    However, there has never been a golden iron and iron.

    This means:Those hidden weapons, just not one, were blocked.

    Accordingly.After the count, some people are dead and some are still alive.

    The dead man fell to the ground, and the living man exclaimed and shouted.

    And the person who throws the hidden weapon uses internal force to bring the words into people's ears: "Going forward, there are more than just those who died."

    At the same time, Yuan Mengzhu had walked to the nearest body of his body and took a look at the hidden weapon on the wound. At that moment, his expression changed abruptly: "This is…Leading the moon flying star dart! ”He recited a sentence, then he picked up the internal force and answered with a loud voice, "Hey! Who is my opinion…It turned out to be 'Xingyue God Dart Song Wuqi' ah…"

    His tone clearly brought a bit of disdain: "Five years ago, you colluded with the bandits to kill their righteous brothers, *** women, murder the whole family…This beast…The martial arts fellows have not forgotten it! ”Yuan Meng’s Lord’s righteousness is stunned, and his tongue is spring and thunder. “Now you dare to act as a dog in front of all the heroes, really do not know how to live!”

    The voice falls, and the palm of the hand is lifted.

    Through the inner force of the rumors, Yuan Meng’s lord has already determined the hiding place of Song Wuqi. Therefore, after saying this…He transported seven successes and slammed the air over the air.

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