1021. Chapter 1021 Blades and Magic City (4)

    "Hey~ here here~ Look here! Just five o'clock in the direction! ”

    Shortly after the rain and the small spirit flew over the castle, a slightly tender voice came with the wind and called them a few times.

    The two followed the sound and soon found a boy in a mini purple long suit on the balcony on the edge of a tower.

    At this moment, Feng Jie was picking up his feet and waving his hands to them while shouting loudly.

    When I saw it, if there was no dialogue between Yu and Xiaoling, I just exchanged a look and reached a consensus…The magic brooms were controlled together and flew towards the balcony.

    "The two are really waiting for me."After they landed, they couldn’t help but smile and read.

    "How do you know that we are here?"After Xiaoling landed, he asked, "Are you equipped with surveillance around this castle?"When she said this, she turned around and looked at the castle's outer wall inadvertently.

    "Your whereabouts…Nature is what Dracula told me. ”Feng Shuai replied, "As long as there are large, soul-bearing creatures entering the area around the castle, the count can perceive it."He said, raising his hand and pointing his finger, "By the way, the outer layer of the castle is enchanted…And there are two layers. Just now I asked the count to let you in…You can fly in, otherwise you will have hit the energy wall. ”

    "You already know about the situation of Xiaoshen."At this time, if the rain said another.

    "Of course I do."I don’t know what to say, "but…Really some surprises…Could he be the same as the broken army? ”

    "He was killed by me."Xiaoling answered.

    “Ha!I didn’t know what to say. "Which is this?"

    "You have asked him to go after the game is over."Until this time, Xiaoling was a bit uncomfortable talking about this matter. "In short, let's exchange information first."

    "Oh ?""All right.I didn’t know how to look at it, so I didn’t ask for it. I just turned around and said, “Let’s go and talk…”


    The words are divided into two, and then look at the players of the blade.

    After a long walk in the huge chapel, the three found a vertical cylindrical passage.

    The diameter of the passage is about three meters. The circular wall is embedded with many small platforms of different heights. Each platform is only about one meter square, which just makes an adult stand firm.

    Go up through this cylindrical passage and turn to the height of the chapel, where there is a staircase leading to the upper attic. Long Ge went in and explored a circle, and found that there was a strange monster with six hands and a humanoid shape, in addition to the unmanned armor that throws the roundabout, and some other fixed on the floor. The dinosaur skull spits fire.

    After cleaning up the monsters in the attic, they searched the area and found a piece of equipment. It is a pity that it is just a sword of ordinary quality. It is slightly better than the general-grade store in the exchange…But that's it.

    As a result, the three people all embraced the mentality of "there is nothing better than nothing", and they turned back. Fortunately, the distance of this return is not too far, and the route is all the way down, no physical effort.

    After returning to the cylindrical passage, they cleaned up a little demon and circumvented a ghostly monster resembling a burnt-smelling monster, and then entered the space directly below the chapel.

    It is an hourglass-shaped room with a symmetrical structure and a plurality of rectangular platforms. When the three of the blade enters it…A small BOSS has been waiting there for a long time.

    This little BOSS is a lion beast with a length of five meters and a height of about two meters. Regardless of blood volume, speed, or attack method…It’s a little bit stronger than the giant that took the stick. Of courseIt is also "a little bit".

    This monster's attack mode is still relatively monotonous, roughly three kinds: one, with the tail like a giant scorpion to stab or pump the player; the second, from the mouth to the player spit remote fire bomb; third, Directly rushed to grab the bite.

    For the members of the blade, this second small BOSS is even easier than the previous one, because…All of its attacks, Long Ge can be smashed, and it is not broken!

    Ever since, after a quick temptation, Long Ge took a shield and went forward. How can the lion beast attack?Anyway, Long Ge is not blood, it is a little loss of physical fitness.

    In this way, the seven kills and the greedy wolf are under the cover of Long Ge, using a low-cost means to output evenly, and the small BOSS is not slowed down.

    "I still have no rewards…"After the lion beast fell into a life, Long Ge went to his body and looked down.

    "It doesn't look like any hints…"Seven kills the words.

    And the greedy wolf…It’s silent, thoughtful…

    Five minutes later, the three completed a simple search and rest, and then went on the road. Because of the feeling of casual, willful, unhappy decision…Their journey is destined to be very long.

    In the next fifteen minutes, the three men passed through several rooms, but fortunately, they did not encounter too many roads…Fifteen minutes later, they finally saw another red door.

    After passing through the white corridor between the two red doors, the system prompts that were passed into their ears were: [Devil City Library].

    "[哔——]!"At the moment when the voice sounded, the greedy wolf patted the thigh and sweared, "I will say it! Just in my mouth…But I can't remember it! It turned out to be the Castle of Devils! ”

    ActuallyThis way, the greedy wolf has already faintly noticed the setting of the castle, but it was separated by a layer of window paper.

    This feeling……Presumably, many people have experienced it. That is, when thinking about a problem, it is clear that the answer is in the mind, but it is a little bit worse, and I can’t think of it…That feeling is really very uncomfortable.

    I didn’t feel this kind of discomfort. I felt extremely uncomfortable with this feeling, so he built a thinking hall and a memory loft for himself…Permanently solved the problem of information storage and access in the brain…

    "Devil City…It seems to be the name of an old game, right? ”Seeing the reaction of the greedy wolf, the Seven Kills also thought about it.

    “The game series that existed since the 1980s.”The greedy wolf slightly rationalized his thoughts and opened up the popular science. "There are many works and the level is uneven. Most of them are above a certain level, but the remaining part is the special god of God.He paused for a second, and again, "After the 1970s, the number of related works in Castlevania has become less and less, and gradually faded out of sight. after that……The neural connection technology is gradually becoming popular, and the stand-alone game shows a trend of overall decline, so our generation has never played this series. ”He looked at the seven kills and answered. "Most of the words after the 20th year when I heard the words 'Devil City' are similar reactions to you. I know this is an old game, but there is almost nothing except the name. concept."

    "You said so much…"Long Ge then interjected at the moment, "…It seems that you know quite a bit about this 'Devil City'? ”

    Unexpectedly, the greedy wolf replied: "No, I don't know very well."

    HeySeven killing eyes, "Then you just edited that paragraph?"

    How can that be?The wolf answered, "Although I am not 'very understanding', but always know more than you."He paused and explained, "A few years ago, I once scoured an antique-grade game console online, and the seller gave all his game CDs to me. So I played a few, one of which is Devil City. ”He looked at the space in front. "After coming to this castle, I always felt that the monsters and area names here have a variety of visual senses…But because of the long time, I didn't think about it for a while. ”He sighed, "Hey…Until now, I heard the 'Devil City Library', and finally realized it…"

    "Oh?"Seven kills, "Since you understand the settings, does that mean that our next exploration will become easier?"

    "That depends…"When the wolf spoke, he reached out and took out the "treasure map" painted on the kraft paper from the bag and started in front of his teammates, "…This is over. ”


    At the same time, the top of the Devil City – between the throne.

    "I will introduce you briefly…"Unexpectedly, he gestured to his two teammates and said to the monsters in the room and Hill. "These two are my companions – they are like rain and sadness."

    He didn't know what the system would translate into these two IDs, but he would say as usual.

    "And these are…"He felt his turn and looked at his teammates. "As I said to you on the road…They are Count Dracula, Frankenstein, Mr. Werewolf, the unknown mummies, Mr. Monk, and Mr. Hill. ”

    Regarding Hill's affairs, I have already told my teammates. put simplyIt was he who randomly caught a tramp in the street and then controlled it with the invention of Musashi Kogan. Then he made a game, letting Hill take Fan Haixin's diary for himself without knowing it.

    So,Everyone knows each other. ”I didn’t know what to say, “I’ll just say the subject…”He glanced at Dracula and said again, "I have reached a consensus with Mr. Earl earlier today. At present, both of us are working together for each other's goals. And our goal…There are two. ”He paused. "One of them is the three members who killed the blade…That is, the dragon proud, the seven kills, the greedy wolf three. ”He pointed to the crystal ball in the corner of the house. "Their moves in the city are completely under our surveillance. At this stage, we can let them take a moment to use the city as much as possible. Kill some of their lives and physical strength."

    At this point, he turned his head: "The second is to destroy the Amulet of the Holy…"Then he took the item out of his pocket and lifted it up, "that's what I have in my hand."He slammed the thing twice. "However, it is still indestructible, and this situation will continue until midnight today."

    "So what should we do now?"If the rain asks.

    "We still do the scoring."When I closed the conversation, I walked to the side of Ruoyu quietly. "First of all, I want you to keep the amulet for me."When the voice did not fall, he grabbed the little hand of the rain and stuffed the amulet into her hand.

    Seeing this scene, Dracula’s eyes are obviously different, but they still do not bear it.

    "Because of the nature of the amulet of the Holy Spirit, neither the count and his friends could have had a long-term contact with him, which is why he clearly had a talisman in the past, but he could only keep it in a room away from him."The seal said it, and pointed to the bag of the rain. "I have explained it to the count. Before midnight, our 'space pocket' is the best place to keep the amulet. He also knows… …If we encounter something unexpected, the amulet will be ectopic. ”

    When I said the last two sentences, I didn’t feel that they were blind to the rain and the little spirit, which obviously indicated what they were.

    The team tacit understanding and personal IQ are all there, and the two naturally immediately get to know the heart, and let them know that they are keeping their eyes on the count.

    "As for me…"Feng did not feel that the teammates responded with their eyes, and then went on, "…To leave for a while, go with Mr. Hill to get something. ”He looked at Hill with a smile and smile. "Actually, I wanted to pick it up this morning, but I really couldn't get away…After all, the layout here is more important, so I can only ask Mr. Hill to do it…And he…Interesting…I did not expect to do what I expected him to do. ”

    Hill was already more honest at this time. He listened to the irony of his brother. He didn’t even scream, just stood silently.

    "What do you want to take is Van Helsing's diary?"Xiaoling asked.

    In a recent conversation, Xiaoling had already said to her that she had a "ceremonial mantra" in her hand. She also guessed that Xiaoshen and Sean’s children had visited the strange German men. It is.

    "Yes."I don’t know how to return, "According to my knowledge reserves…"

    The following passages are very different in the NPCs, because they have mentioned a lot of information beyond the "fourth wall" and the system must intervene. Of course, the audience watching the live broadcast will not be affected.

“……The script we are going through is basically based on the story of the film "Demon Batting". ”He said, "As you can see, I have borrowed the strongest 'potential' in this script…Stand with the strong villains. I will not list more of the advantages brought by this move. Let me talk about the corresponding hidden dangers, that is…The positive characters in the movie, the children who claim to be 'devils and squad'…They rely on the blessing of the 'macho aura' and are likely to come bad for us. ”He tweeted for half a second, "in a nutshell…Killing them seems to be a good choice, and it won't be difficult for us; but I know…It is absolutely absolute! impossible. ”He explained, "For example, suppose I am in the DC universe and try to murder the main role in a DC universe…Then I will fail; even if I am carefully prepared, it may be prevented by some occasional events of minimal probability. This is because……In this universe, the life, death, and destiny of each major character are intertwined and may even affect the cause and effect of the entire universe. If we are to interfere with these causes and effects, we will cause the universe to be the highest will. 'The contradiction, in serious cases…It is not impossible to be killed by the meteorite. Even the system can't save us. ”

    Speaking of it in one breath, I felt my brother licking his lips and then picking up: "In summary, in order to achieve the goal, I have to go around a detour…Take the script in front of us as an example. It is better not to use too radical methods to stop the group of children. Just control the diary. ”

    He said so much, in fact, if the rain and the little spirit did not fully understand, they have not seen the movie, and they do not know much about the group of children. The audience watching the game is even less acquainted, but…I don’t understand, and the feeling of “unexplained and fierce” in everyone’s mind is similar…

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