1017. Chapter 1017: Demon squad (10)

    Or at 3 pm, on the parking lot outside the community shopping center.

    At this time, it was during the peak hours of shopping, there were quite a lot of cars on the parking lot, and there were many people entering and leaving the shopping center.

    Among this group of people, there is a "child" who is about one meter and seven meters, and looks like a fortune.

    "strange……What about people? ”Long Ge came to the joint location on time, but he looked around and did not see the figure of the seven kills. "Is it because he is too short…Was it leaked by me? ”

    As he chanted, he wandered around the parking lot and looked around.


    Hey, you floating shred! We are here! ”Someone screamed at the scorpion.

    "Yeah?"Long Ge heard this is the voice of his teammates, but he turned his head and looked, but did not see the person talking.

    "Here!"The voice repeated it eagerly.

    Long Ge discovered that the voice was transmitted from the bottom of a car.

    So, Dragon proudly came to the side of the car and looked inside: "I said…Are you both playing hide and seek? ”

    "In a sense…"Seven killing eyes and replied, "Yes…"

    The greedy wolf beside him also said: "Of course…If we are really playing hide and seek, with your current physique, you must be a ghost. ”

    "Although you are very sincere and squatting with me, I am not interested in coming down with you."Long Ge’s mouth twitched back, “So…Can you explain what is happening now? ”

    "Isn't the situation obvious?"The greedy wolf just wants to start the narrative, but he hears…

    [Square task progress update] The system prompts up.

    In the next second, the three people instinctively opened the game menu, looked at the taskbar and found [trying to meet with your teammates]. This task was crossed by the horizontal line, and a follow-up appeared below: [Entering Germany Castle of Gula].

    "Well, nothing…"Two seconds later, the greedy wolf read, "Although our captain hangs, but the front line of hell also consumes the super-sounding creature of the blood corpse god; and again…The difficulty of our quest for this spurt has also decreased with the decrease in the number of people, no loss…"

    "I don't know what you are talking about…"Long Ge looked at him. "Can you come out from under the car and start from the beginning?"

    In the next five minutes, the Wolf, the Seven Kills, and the Dragon Pride squatted beside the car, sneaking and communicating.

    The greedy wolf spoke about the experience of him and the broken army before, after that…The Seven Kills followed the explosion to the basketball court and met the greedy wolf who had escaped.

    All things considered,After talking about a big paragraph, the wolf concluded, "We can know…In this script, even the ability to summon and the equipment department will be affected. Those summoning creatures seem to have not been weakened, but their duration has been reduced by at least half;Our weapons, armor, items, etc. will also have a discounted effect…"

    “hmm…Summon creatures, I understand…"When Long Ge heard this, he thoughtfully answered, "If it is not the time limit of the blood corpse god is greatly shortened, you should have already hung up…"He paused. "However, the ability of the equipment department and the special effects of the goods will be weakened…How did you see it? ”

    "Before encountering the blood corpse god, I drank a large dose of survival value supplement. At that time, my blood was often full, so I didn't care. ”The greedy wolf explained almost without thinking, "But when I broke the [singular grenade], I felt a little wrong…The radius of action of the grenade is significantly smaller than usual. Just that…The situation at the time did not allow me to elaborate on this matter. ”He pointed his finger at the diagonal bag of his body. "When the battle was over, when I used special props to restore my power, I confirmed…Even the effects of the items are affected by the script settings. ”

    "Oh ?"So it isDragon proudly nodded, silenced for a moment, rearranged and digested the known information.

    at this time……

    "Hey, little devils, what are you doing next to my car?"A man’s voice rang, “Do you want to prank?”

    The three turned their heads and saw a man who was about 35 years old, dressed in a suit and holding a shopping bag.

    "Get out of the way, little bastard."When the suit man put the shopping bag in his hand into the back seat of the car, he was already using the dirty words to drive the three of the blade.

    "Sir, it seems to be a parking space for disabled people."The greedy wolf looked up at the other side and tried to say something.

    “So what?”The suit man stepped forward two steps, sipping them with disgusted eyes and flies-like gestures. "Less his mother give me nostalgia, I will stop here, what can you do?"

    His voice has not fallen, the dragon is proud…Stand up.

    Although the height of the suit man is also one meter and seven meters higher than the current dragon brother, the deterrent power of the dragon's face is enough to make up for the height difference of about 15 centimeters.

    FOR WHAT? Kid, I advise you not to ask for trouble! ”The suit man is still there, the fox is fake, and the nose is blinking to scare the three "children" in front of him.

    “Looking for trouble?”Dragon proudly repeated the four words in a meaningful tone, and then gave a sneer, "Hey…Sorry, I am a policeman. ”

    After fifteen minutes…

    A road leading to the Dark Creek Road.

    Volvo, who has not paid off the loan for more than a decade, is driving on this road.

    The wolf and the seven killers sat in the back seat of the car, arbitrarily blowing air conditioners, eating snacks that were placed on the shelves of the shopping mall not long ago.

    And the dragon proudly, sitting in the passenger seat, holding his chest with his hands, looked at the front with a serious look.

    "I warn you, my cousin is a lawyer…"The man in the driver's seat while driving, while still trying to use the language to control the situation, "If you get off now, I can do nothing, or else…"

    "Listen, you are this scum."Dragon proudly slaps his hand and interrupts the other party without returning. "I also warned you…The most annoying thing about our brothers is your dregs that corrupt the social atmosphere. If you don't shut up again, I will let you use the parking spaces for the disabled for the rest of your life. ”


    Four o'clock in the afternoon, somewhere in the community.

    “Ha! I can meet you! ”The little sigh, who was walking down the street with the four little boys, happened to meet Xiaoling and Ruoyu.

    The four children, all members of the "Monster Club", in addition to Sean and Horace, the other two are also children in their teens.

    "喔~喔~喔~" The two players haven’t answered yet, and Sean turned their heads and gave Xiaoshen three consecutive voices. “Man…Are you not mistaken? Do you want to play with girls? ”

    “Ewww.”Xiaoshen is an honest man. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it. So he replied, "Yeah, we often play together."

    "What?"The boys were shocked.

    "Well, it seems that there is a big misunderstanding here…"

    "Wang, I am sorry, I think you have to leave our club."

    "We don't deal with girls, nor do we play with children who deal with girls."

    "Don't you notice that the word 'NO_GIRLS' is written at the entrance to the tree house?"

    They said it in a word, and they stepped away from the little sigh.

    “Ha!Xiao sighed, still did not respond, after a few seconds, he said again, "Ha?"

    "Don't haha', even I know…Most boys are very unfriendly to girls before junior high school. ”At this time, Xiaoling had already walked to the side of Xiaoshen, shaking his head and chanting.

    "Is there such a thing?"Xiao sighed inexplicably.

    "You really don't know?"Xiaoling doubts.

    “hmm…Xiao sighs, "In fact…When I was young, my relationship with boys and girls was not very good…The only thing that mixes well with me is…"

    "You are inadvertently making friends, your childhood has been destroyed, and you will be sad."If the rain on the other side does not have to wait for him to finish the sentence, he has already given a conclusion that cannot be refuted.

    "Wang, it seems that you and the girls still have a lot to talk about, we will not accompany them."Shawn, who has retired a few meters away, said.

    "When you and the girls are clear about each other, maybe they can join our club."Horace took over.

    The few people said that they would bypass the three players and leave themselves.

    When they went far, Xiaoling asked: "Okay…But now I'm going to move on. This is nearly six hours, what are your results? ”

    YesXiao slam immediately replied, "I am looking for someone to translate Fan Haixin's diary…"When he said, he took out a piece of paper from the bag. "I also copied the part of the 'character', the one with the phonetic symbol."His look is quite proud. "Next, we only need to find a virgin, we can complete the ceremony in the title CG."Speaking of this, he seems to think of something, "Hey? By the way, are you counting now? ”He touched his chin and said, "It is reasonable to say that I met you before…But then it was not…Can be reduced to ten years old…"


    A gunshot sounded and white light began.

    Xiaoling pulls a gun, aiming, shooting…The whole process is done in one go. Within a second, the bullet of the pistol went through the little sigh of the temple, and a headshot.

    "Ah~ah~ got the mantra…"With a black-faced expression, Xiao Ling took away the paper from the body of his body. "It’s really pleasing to clear an idiot for the world."

    In this scenario, all the viewers who are watching the game are in a state of short circuit.

    Undoubtedly, this is the first incident of deliberate killing of teammates since the start of the S2 Championship.

    Although there have been cases of accidental injury or even accidental killing (mostly caused by indiscriminate skills), this deliberate situation…Not to mention the motives of the perpetrators…If you change to someone else, you can't do it if you want to do it.

    Technically speaking, Xiaoling should not be able to launch a deliberate attack on his teammates, but…At this moment she did it practically.

    So,According to the established facts, there are only two kinds of hypotheses that can be made: First, the person who shoots is not a small spirit, but someone else pretends; second, Xiaoling breaks through the field of [limitation] in some way, thus Realized this kill…


    At the same time, in the tree house of the Monster Club.

    "The damn little bastard, I will make you look good when I get this chip out…"The tramp Hill hammered the entrance to the tree house with an elbow, while still cursing the brother.

    Of course, he said that he did not dare to neglect anything in front of him because he had told him a dozen "delay triggers" before he left the old house on Dark Creek Road.

    What is a "delay trigger"? Jue's explanation is that you won't react when you hear it, but after a certain period of time, it will trigger the vocabulary of the chip effect.

    At first, Hill did not believe that there would be such a nonsense "high-tech", but Feng immediately said: "In fact, twenty minutes ago, I have already told you a delayed vocabulary, calculating time…It's almost the same effect. ”

    As a result, he just finished talking, and Hill was like an electric shock and painful fall…

    After getting up from the ground, Hill had to believe…

    Later, Feng did not give Hill some specific clues to find the place of Fan Haixin's diary, and told him: "If you do not return within four hours, the following delay words will torture you to shock. ."After all, he even said more than a dozen "dermatitis", and then again, "If you come back with a diary, I will immediately help you remove the chip."

    So…We have seen this scene now.

    "God damn it!" goddamnHill slammed the planks at the entrance to the tree house, as if the board was a closed face.

    When his arm began to numb, the lock of the entrance was finally broken.

    CutLittle boy's tree house…Still lock so tight…"Hill rubbed his arm and complained, and then the probe climbed into the tree house.

    His luck is very good. Right now, Van Helsing's diary is here.

    Because the book itself is huge and heavy, and the German children above can't directly understand it, they didn't carry it with them, or they were placed in the tree house.

    According to the description given by Gee, Hill quickly found the diary on a low table in the corner of the tree house.

    "What the hell is it?"Out of curiosity, Hill opened it and looked at it.

    Unfortunately…He is not even as good as a child. Even the words in the diary can't be seen in any country…There are only a few illustrations that can be understood.

    "very messy……"Hill quickly lost patience. He whispered and prepared to leave the tree house.

    However, just as his turn turned, a "狡猾" thought flashed through his mind, making his heart a test…

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