1015. Chapter 1015: Demon squad (8)

    The walls on both sides of the sewer have been severely shattered, and the continuous vibration indicates the arrival of a full collapse.

    At that moment, the first reaction of the broken army and the wolf was the same – must run up.

    "Let me do so!"That second, but when the news broke, the army screamed, and when the voice was not falling, he had taken out a black oblate object from the bag and looked up.


    After two beeps, the black object was just thrown up to the top of the sewer, and it turned into a black dot, creating a collapsed area of ​​three meters in diameter for two seconds.

    After the collapse, a circular gap leading to the ground appears.

    The broken army and the greedy wolf can't think too much, and at the same time step on the foot, before the gap has not collapsed and collapsed…Both jumped out of the sewer.

    However, waiting for them is…

    "Sure enough, it came out…"A low male voice was introduced into their ears in the first place.

    The two of the blade are not idle people. In an instant, they have already heard it…The "person" who speaks is the blood god.

    "scatter!"The next second, the greedy wolf shouted and swung in the air.

    The broken army heard the words and immediately cooperated with the teammates. The two men were on the soles of the feet in the air, borrowing each other and smashing out in the left and right directions.

    At the moment, their place is an indoor basketball court. Wherever the eyesight is, only the blood corpse god is a figure; under the premise that there is no enemy player ambush in the dark, the two naturally choose to disperse the station and return to the priority.

    "Considering that I don't have much time, and you guys are inedible…"The blood corpse god scratched his chin with his fingers, and read very casually, "…I will not play with you more. ”

    After the speech, he launched the [Fear Projection], and his force field instantly enveloped the entire basketball stadium.

    The frightening value of the broken army and the greedy wolf has soared to about 70% in an instant. The sharp heart rate changes also made their children's body feel obvious discomfort. Both of them acted as a stagnation.

    CutAlthough he was mentally prepared for this ability, there is still no way to do it after he has…"The broken army was pale and chilled and sweated.

    "The miscalculation…Completely fell into the trap designed by the other party. ”The greedy wolf is in the fear of the previous mistakes.

    Nowadays, the greedy wolf has already understood it afterwards…The blasting traps that they had previously encountered in the sewers were all bait. Since each trap is arranged differently and quite delicately, it makes people subconsciously think that the purpose of these things is to "kill", but in reality…No.

    When Xiao Ling arranges those traps, he wants to create the illusion of “attempting to kill” and let the enemy create a illusion that “the trap exposes the course of action of the tracked person”, thus enticing the enemy to pursue it.

    She can set this up…It shows that she has calculated the thinking mode of the wolf from the beginning. If Xiao Ling only left traces of escape along the way, but did not leave any threats and blockade, the cowardly wolf will be suspicious, and then stop chasing; on the contrary, if she leaves some delicate, seemingly on the course of action The deadly device, the greedy wolf will feel this is normal, and ignore the further layout…

    "Yes, you are falling into the trap."The blood corpse took over the words of the wolf, and said, "And it is too late."He pointed his finger at the collapsed hole in the middle of the floor. "The calculation of that little girl is far more profound than you think." She has already printed the map of the entire community in her mind, and even underground, she knows her exact location. ”He paused and spread his hands and said, "She deliberately led you to this section. First, because there are fewer roads in this sewer, and second, because the cement under the stadium is thick enough, comprehensively…You have a high chance of being buried alive. ”

    During the speech, the blood corpse god has flashed like a ghost to the broken army: "Even if you can't bury you, there is me…As the last insurance. ”


    The next second, accompanied by a muffled sound, broke a military baton with a handy hand, blocking the hand knife that the blood corpse god waved.

    Then, I heard the sound of a series of ribs bursting.

    After breaking the army, it is like a baseball that has been hit and flew out…When he was still flying in the air, the bones on his body had cracked more than a dozen.

    His fighting specialization is A. It is reasonable to say that he will not be so miserable by the blood corpse god, but the child's physique is indeed embarrassing, coupled with the influence of [Fear Projection], it is true that he can hold without being spiked. It is.

    drinkThe wolf saw the captain's life in a blink of an eye, and did not hesitate to lightly make a skill.

    [name: treatment surge]

    [skill card attributes: active skills, permanent mastery]

    [skill category: medical]

    [Effect: Respond to 40% of any character's blood volume (effective distance 0-40 meters, cast time 2 seconds, cooldown time 5 minutes, can not release to yourself)]

    [consumption: spiritual value 120]

    [Learning Conditions: Medical Specialization A]

    [Note: When the shamans use their healing power to save others, who will save the shaman again? 】

    In general, it takes two seconds to sing this skill, but the S-class medical specialization of the wolf does not need that two seconds, he can instantly release all the "spell" medical skills in the state of no singing. Therefore, when he snorted, a blue-green healing energy had already flashed on the body.

    Unfortunately…Although he released the skills in time, but because the skill effect is weakened with the body shrinking, the original treatment can return 40% of the blood, and now only gives the broken army a survival value of less than 20%.

    Moreover, after the blood volume is restored…The broken army immediately slammed into the wall under the stands and was injured by an impact.

    Under many unfavorable factors, the broken army still could not escape a death.

    "Heng!"The beast of the beast. ”The blood corpse god saw that one person turned into white light and disappeared, and then he turned to the greedy wolf.

    OhThe value of scare is still rising…The legs can't move…"At this moment, the greedy wolf was shaking all over the body; he was strong and calm, thinking in his mind, "power, speed…They are all too much with him. Even the broken army is spiked. I am sure I can’t beat it…How should we doHow should we do

    The blood corpse god will not be polite with him. Just like when killing the broken army, the blood corpse god rushed to the front of the greedy wolf, and a man with a 10-year-old child came to a solid knee.

    Then, Just as the greedy wolf has given up hope, the difference is steep…

    Between the electric and the Flint, only the white mans appeared, and the entire body shape of the blood corpse god was turned into a streamer, flying away and scattered.

    The instinct and the greedy wolf who had fallen to the ground had gone through a full ten seconds before returning to God. He smiled twice and said: "Oh…Interesting…I see……The skills of the summoning system will also be affected…"

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