1010. Chapter 1010: Demon squad (3)

    drinkI didn’t feel a light drink, then I took a step, my legs were slightly curved, and I stood firm. Then I staggered my hands on my chest and said, “I’m going to eat my big sects!”

    "Nani!"The seven killings were immediately shocked. They also naturally investigated some intelligence on the front line of Hell before the game, but he never heard of the skill of Spencer's light.

    After two seconds, I only heard…


    The above sound is not caused by skill, but it is not known that I use my mouth to dub. He didn't give any light on his hand, just swaying and pretending to be there.

    "You…what are you doing……"The seven kills looked at the unconscious behavior, and the mouth twitched and read a sentence.

    "Heng!"I didn’t feel cold and screamed. "It’s obvious that I’m bluffing in Hu’s style.”

    "This way…"Seven kills not only the mouth is pumping, but the eyelids also began to jump involuntarily. "I will also be this level…"

    As he said, he stepped forward and punched his fists: "Hundreds of four."Wild bite! ”

    It’s very clear that the other person is not like himself…Just talk about it, the seven kills are really shot.

    As mentioned in the previous article, there are four types.A bite is a fighting skill with a physical energy consumption of only 100. The damage is not high, but…The positioning of this move is a B-level skill, just because…This is a "starter" that can connect several follow-up skills; once it is hit, the next hard period is likely to be taken away by a set of tricks.

    Therefore, if you understand this point, you will not be willing to welcome this attack.

    “Ha! too naive! I will let you catch this flaw! ”Unconsciously, while screaming at the opponent, he immediately opened the [Spiritual Awareness-Change] and suddenly moved to the side.

    But he never expected…


    In the next second, the body of the sensational brother spontaneously issued a series of bursts of joints, and his body suddenly became stagnant.

    "What?"Unexpectedly, I was shocked. "It's bad! This body can't bear the load of the spirit of the body…"

    He read this, the fist of the Seven Kills has already been killed: "Hey…Although I don’t know why, it seems that you have made a mistake…"

    Let me say, an old punch…Oh no!It was a small fist that hit the unconscious belly.

    The sensation of the footsteps was beaten by the fist, and the whole person floated more than ten centimeters; the double damage caused by his own skills and external forces made his body enter a near paralyzed state in a short time, completely Do not move.

    “It’s an ideal Lianshabag…”Seven kills and read, while they are ready to move, "I will be welcome!"


    When it was said that it was too late, the seven killings blew up, and the spin-up followed suit, and the drinking style: "[No shadows and heavy winds]!"

    This move is aimed at the floating target. The overall action is to suddenly sway and pull out. Start with a seven-and-a-half-degree cross-spin kick in the air, and connect with a super-high-speed shotgun that lasts for a few seconds. kick. If all hits, the target will be in the middle of twenty or thirty legs in four seconds, the damage is amazing.

    And the current seal is not…As the Seven Kills said, because of the accidental mistakes brought by a script setting, it became a state of sandbags, and there was no way to respond.

    "Not good…"At that moment, I couldn’t help thinking about it. "If you can’t do it, you will die here because of this mistake!"

    "Sorry, seal the brother…"When the first two feet of the skill hit, the Seven Kills have confidently made a declaration of victory. "It seems that I won…Gosh? Ah? Yeah–but his words could not be finished, because after he finished his third foot, the whole person flew over the head of the seal…So that the back of the twenty feet are all gone.

    "Is there something wrong!"After about five seconds, the seven killed, could not help but complain loudly.

    When he looked back, the seal had already slowed down and had swallowed a survival value supplement that was full of blood.

    “Ha!It seems that height has saved my life…"The seal smiled and erased a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, facing the opponent and reorganizing his posture.

    Damn it…I obviously became a child, and the proportion of height has not changed. It is reasonable to say that this will not happen…"When the seven kills turned around, they thought thoughtfully.

    His words are a bit of a "justification" for himself, because the scene in the air just made him a little embarrassed…It’s like you throw a skill out of a bloody enemy and confidently turn back…The result was not dead.

    "Crap, the height ratio has not changed, but your weight has become lighter…"Feng Buddhism said, "When I was young, I went to the ground at a height higher than my own ribs. I felt almost no feeling. If I was a teenager, I would feel a pain in my feet. If this is the case, adults may be injured. The reverse is the same…Even if the power of the skill and your physical fitness are scaled down, the actual deviation will be caused by some physical changes. ”

    Obviously, the above passage is also a kind of "excuse". I feel that I have explained the "mistakes" that I have just made in response to the other party's doubts.

    “hmm…So it isSeven killing nodded, "I don't want to be a brother, the analysis is really fast."

    "Over the award ~ over the award ~" Feng did not feel a slight nod.

    The two men looked at each other quietly and glanced at each other. They exchanged and touted each other and found a step together.

    ButSince the face project is finished, the politeness will stop here. In the next sentence, the seven kills will turn the corner. "Do you tell me this information really?"

    "No problem."I also changed my expression and tone and replied arbitrarily. "Speak and don't say…It didn't have much impact on my victory. ”

    After the voice fell behind, the two fell into a silent confrontation again, the second round of confrontation…At the touch of a hair.

    At this moment, another person joined the battle group.

    Interesting…The two have already been hit. ”At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

    With the sound coming together, there is also a "shadow"…

    The seal whispered and found that he had been shrouded in the tall figure of the speaker.

    "It's really you, seal your brother."Long Aozhen looked at the front of his eyes with a condescending look, and smiled and said, "Oh, huh…I may not recognize it without looking at the clothes. ”

    "But I can recognize you without looking at clothes…"The seal didn't even look at the "child" who had a height of one meter and seven feet and a face of a 30-year-old man. He spoke a heart from the heart.

    "Ahhhh……I am a little more familiar. ”Long Ge smiled and replied, "The sports school from childhood has been trained as a top-notch, but unfortunately failed to become a professional athlete…"

    I didn’t feel that I couldn’t listen to it at this moment. When the other party’s words were not finished, he drilled from the side of Long Ge’s side and ran away. He ran and screamed: “Cheating —— mourning Good day! The system is shameless! ”

    But seeing this smashing the road, the emperor is like a dog who is mourning, like a thirsty deer, not even a bicycle…

    After about two seconds, the seven kills and the dragon proudly reacted at the same time, and they could not help but shouted: "Hey-"

    They did not expect that they would lose their face with a thick face. When the two men came back, they immediately turned and rushed to catch up, while chasing and shouting a line that could not play a role in 99% of the occasions: "You stand for me!"

    "Stand you [哔-]!"Unexpectedly, at ten meters away (due to physical fitness, I didn’t let him pull too much distance after running for two seconds). He shouted loudly. "You, he [哔-] tell me that this is ten years old? just like you……You don’t have to show your documents when you buy cigarettes and buy wine to buy a playboy! ”

    "I am developing early, can you manage it!"Long Ge and Jiao Ge are very familiar. This level of Tucao has long been used to it, and he can hold it. "You can't run!"

    "Who cares about you? Do not run will die! ”I closed the door and said, "I warn you…You chase me again! ”

    "Heng!"ALARMLong Ge hasn’t answered yet, and the seven kills are sneer by the side. “Do you have a child fighting the police?”

    Help!Who knows, Feng Shu began to shout immediately afterwards, "Baitianhua, Lang Lang!" Actually, there is a pedophile and his minions who want to catch me back [哔——]! ”

    oh shitLong Ge and the Seven Kills were shocked at the time. They had never seen such a brazen man in battle.

    ButUnspeakable screaming did not cause too much attention from passers-by. First, the number of passers-by is not much. Second, in any case, at least in those NPCs, Long Ge is still a "child", at most a teenager; third, they are wearing "Halloween theme" The odd clothes are different, which makes the words of the brothers unconvincing.

    So, the three of them are so chasing you on the walking track of the community…I don't know when it is a head.


    At the same time, hundreds of miles from the player's location.

    Above the height of 10,000 meters, a commercial cargo plane with the BROWNING trademark on the fuselage is flying smoothly.

    In the cab, a pilot in a shirt complained to his co-pilot: "It's a frustrating errand…Aren’t we? buddy

    “Ha!The first officer seemed a bit inexplicable. "What happened?"

    "What happened?"The pilot answered in a sly tone. "We are using a WWII bomber to transform the junk, carrying a pile of wooden boxes containing dead people. Should I have a party to celebrate this?"

    "Do I?"The co-pilot shrugged. "Then you might as well think about…Did our 'passengers' complain? Airsick? Did they ask you to eat almonds? ”

    The pilot listened to this sentence and smiled: "Well…You are right, this work is really good, we should be happy for this. ”

    Like most of the cuts in the small-cost horror film, the two guys have limited lines and are very nutritious. It is simply doubtful whether the writers spilled coffee on their trousers when writing these dialogues. However, the main purpose of this bridge is to reach, that is to convey some information to the audience.


    Just as the two pilots talked, suddenly, a strange noise came from the rear cabin.

    After hearing the sound, the two turned their heads in sync, facing each other, and then they looked at the rear door.

    "I thought they were dead."The pilot read half-jokingly.

    "Yes, they are dead."The first officer responded.

    After a brief silence, the pilot took off his headphones and stood up: "I have to…I have to go check it out later. ”

    “hmm…The first officer gave a look of disappointment and chewed the gum back. "OK, then I will stay here and make a strange sound."

    So far, the two men are still in a state of being relatively relaxed and not taking the sound seriously.

    Of course, this is also the consistent style of horror film characters. They tend to show off those small, weird phenomena, but at the same time they will not let them go, they have to find out.

    And this logically contradictory behavior is the main reason why they lead the lunch…


    As the cabin door was opened, the pilot quickly stepped into it.

    The sides of the cabin were filled with large boxes covered by net pockets, and a rectangular box that was not fixed was placed in the middle. I don't know why, the lights in the cabin are red, which makes the pilot have to hold a flashlight to check.

    In short, he simply swept his hand with a flashlight and found nothing unusual. But just as he was going to go back, suddenly…


    A bat screamed and flashed toward him.

    When the pilot saw it, he instinctively screamed and sneaked to the side. After flashing the attack, he also said slyly: "Come on, come out, you are a beast, where are you?"

    He turned around and tried to search for the bat's trail. Unexpectedly, when he turned around, he caught his eye…It was a man in a black evening gown and a black cloak.

    This "person" was pale and sullen, with a clear outline, exposed fangs, and a combed back.

    This Dracula's classic style has appeared in many literature and film and television works, and it has basically penetrated the hearts of the people.

    In general, we all think…The count will rush to bite the pilot's neck and suck the blood out of his body.

    However, this Dracula in the world of "Demon Demon" is a very non-mainstream existence.


    Even the pilot did not think that he had a punch in the next second.

    Yes, this Dracula did not go to the bloodsucker, nor did he launch some cool ability…Like reading power or hypnosis…Go to deal with each other.

    He did…Just raised one hand and cleaned the other side with a punch…

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