There were even more than a dozen superhuman police officers from the angel group, maintaining order at the scene.

Luo Xiu got out of the car and saw a channel dedicated to players, so he walked over and showed the letter in his hand to the staff.

Nod, let go.

The staff also reminded: "The next step is to enter the shooting range, and the whole process will be filmed by the camera. You have to be mentally prepared."

Luo Xiu smiled, "It's still recorded and broadcast, so there's nothing to be nervous about. There is no dress rehearsal in my life, it's live broadcast every day."

Live broadcast barrage:


【Me too】

【We are all】

【Who is not? 】

[The live broadcast of the thriller game is really inhumane, the only time to have privacy is in the bathroom]

[When a social fear is pulled into the game, knowing that your performance will be seen by others every moment... Do you know how terrible this feeling is]

[This line... are you Luo Ziqiao? 】

When Luo Xiu walked into the passage, he saw that there were many TV station cameramen on both sides aiming their long guns and short cannons at him.

He glanced at it and walked forward without anyone else.

In the front, you can see that there are many superhuman players wearing fancy clothes, lining up to enter the superhuman union.

Luo Xiu waited for about 20 minutes before it was his turn to enter the building.

It is not yet time to draw lots to select tasks.

According to what it said on the letterhead, their first task today was to meet with Superman to test their abilities.

Superman will give them a rating that day.

Whether or not the test has been done before, it will be done again today.

Because for ordinary audiences, the test of the Superman Association is a very big thing to watch!

Usually at this step, the popularity of many superhumans begins to diverge significantly.

Because of the multiple tests, their abilities will be displayed to a large extent.

Entering the building, he was checked by a metal detector and confirmed that he was not carrying any foreign objects.

A security guard next to him said to him, "Go over there first and dictate your abilities to the recorder."

In the hall, there was a long table with five recorders sitting there.

All the superhuman players who entered the building lined up and sat in front of them one after another, talking.

Roche walked over and sat in front of the fifth recorder.

The recorder didn't even look up and asked like a police officer:



"Xia Guo's name? How to spell it?"


"What is the ability?"

"I don't know how to call those abilities in a standard way."

"You can just say it casually, as long as the tester can understand it."

Roche was silent for a while.

"Why do you have to explain your ability first, won't you test it later?"


The recorder finally raised his head and said impatiently: "There are so many people to be tested, all kinds of abilities, if you don't say it in advance and make corresponding preparations in advance, how will you test? Some people can take the time for the whole building. Air, some people can cause a big explosion, the tester must explain it first, and we (Nuo Nuo Hao) will be ready!"

Makes sense.

Luo Xiu didn't want to pick things up, he just didn't know what to say.

After all, he is not really superhuman, and his abilities... all come from equipment and skills.

What should I do if I don't describe a certain ability, and I use it again in a test or task?

Will there be trouble shop?

In order to prevent himself from using his unreported abilities when he encounters a problem, he intends to report everything that can be reported.

So, he asked first: "What if I didn't say all my abilities and caused some catastrophic consequences, such as an explosion... What would happen?"

The recorder said seriously: "If that's the case, you'll be arrested as a terrorist. I advise you not to think that way, because it's pointless to gain attention."

"Okay... Then I'll start talking, remember it." Luo Xiu nodded.

The recorder sneered: "It's like you have many abilities... Say it!".

Chapter 640 Lighter's Fire and Sun's Fire (Thanks for subscribing)

Luo Xiu thought for a moment and then began to say: "First of all, I have the ability to 'free space'."

The recorder was about to write, when he heard the name strange, he frowned: "What do you mean?"

Many superhumans like to name their abilities, and it's not particularly strange... Just listening to the name, he can't think of what kind of ability.

"It's just that I can open up a small space and take some weapons and supplies, big and small, with me at any time... This is an ability that makes your metal detectors look awkward."

Luo Xiu scratched his ears and speculated: "It should be the ability of the space department."

The recorder couldn't help but give him a high look.

Superhumans in the space system have always been very rare, and this is also a very rare and very advanced ability.

He lowered his head to record.

"The ability to open up space is right... How many things can you hold, and can you hold people?"

"As far as I know, no." Luo Xiu replied: "As for how much it can hold... I can't say, it's not a lot anyway."

The recorder shook his head: "In principle, we do not recommend that players use weapons in later tests, so I hope you can hand over the weapons to us for temporary management... Of course, you don't agree. Okay, anyway, we don't know what weapons are hidden in your space, as long as you don't take them out."

He glanced at Luo Xiu with a warning, "I have a word in advance, if you violate this rule in the later test of 993, you will be disqualified from the competition."

"Understood." Luo Xiu nodded: "I won't take it out."

Seeing what he said, the recorder did not force him to hand over his weapon.

After he wrote this article, he nodded, "Okay, you can pass after that..."

Luo Xiu: "It's not over yet."

"Huh?" The recorder was taken aback.

Luo Xiu continued: "Continue to remember, I still have the ability of the flame element, I call it 'burning body'..."

The recorder wrote silently.

When he looked at him again, his eyes were a little strange.

Even in a city like Tuoyue, there are not many people with dual abilities, let alone two unrelated but powerful abilities.

"Okay, now..."

"And -- 'Poseidon's Wrath'."

"What is this?!"

"A kind of water control ability, you can write it down... It can probably control the water source within a radius of ten meters around you, and wrap it in the human body, but the power is not very strong."

"It's already three kinds..." The recorder thought of what he said to him before, saying, 'It's like you have many kinds of abilities', and now he only feels a burning pain in his cheeks, "Is there any more? "

Luo Xiu paused for a while, and this pause was because he was thinking.

What other skills might show up in the test.

As long as it can be used, it must be reported, so as not to be disqualified for violating the rules.

That's a lot.

"And there's more! 'Evil Spirit Summons'!"

"……please explain it."

"That is, I can summon an evil spirit that looks like a nun, and her attack method is..."

From this moment on, the recorder has been a little disbelieving.


It's ridiculous!

How can a superhuman possess so many powerful abilities at the same time? !

Now here comes something so weird!

However, he did not dare to forget about his responsibility.

I kept my head down, held my breath, and wrote down word by word.

He also reminded: "Although in this link, lying will not cause you to be disqualified, but... have you seen the camera behind? Going back and editing these scenes and playing them out will make you lose a lot of audience relationship."

Luo Xiu knew what he was thinking, and smiled slightly, "Don't worry, they will love me to death."

After the recorder finished writing, he asked again: "Any more?"

"Yes! There are too many!" Luo Xiu had the pleasure of pranking people, and randomly picked out various names of powerful abilities:

"Also... the attack method of the evil spirits I summoned, should I also talk about it? There are 'Blood Sea Swallowing Spirit', 'Dead Demon Voice', 'Shape Transformation' and so on..."

The recorder's face became more and more ugly.

Roche still says:

"There's also... a spiritual attack, 'one word to decide', I can easily anger even the calmest person in the world through words, this should be considered a spiritual attack, right?"

"Also, 'God King Slay'! I can launch a mass of extremely dense energy in a disc shape, and basically anything can be cut open!"

Recorder, now bfai no longer believe.

In this world, there has never been a superhuman with so many abilities!

Why did you put this aside to make up game skills for me?

He suspected that this young Asian man with a sullen expression in front of him was probably trying to fix himself!

His face became more and more ugly.

"Anything else?" He suppressed his anger as much as he could.

Luo Xiu paused for a while, then started again: "And..."

"Also?!" The recorder slammed the table! Huo Ran got up, "Are you playing with me?!"

Luo Xiu pretended to be pitiful and ignorant, "I just took a sigh of relief, indeed, I haven't finished it yet... I still have the ability of the treatment department, and there is one that is difficult to classify, but it can make The strange ability to expel the dark forces and make all kinds of everyday items more useful... I call it the 'Holy Hand'..."

It is true that there are a lot of cameras shooting right now.

The two cameramen standing at the back couldn't help laughing a little.

They also felt that Roxiu was deliberately messing with the recorder.

How can there be so many wonderful abilities, but also enriched in one?

Come on!

But after doing this, the effect of the program can be directly filled!

The recorder slammed his pen: "I don't remember! You wait for me! With a bad attitude like yours, the Superman Association will not welcome you!"

With a half-smiling expression on his face, Luo Xiu asked lightly: "If the tester fails to report all his abilities before the test, and then causes unnecessary damage, the responsibility lies with the tester; The tester has reported the truth, but the recorder is unwilling to believe it, what consequences will be caused at that time... It's not the tester's responsibility, right?"

The recorder is also a bit over the top. He has worked in the Superhuman Association for many years, and his **** determines his identity. Even if he is just a superhuman with weak abilities, he is naturally respected by many long-established superheroes.

Now, a little-known person, dare to humiliate himself here?

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